Almonds continue to be one of the main spices. Indeed, it is valuable as a nut (although almonds
Sweet lean porridge with dried fruits (with raisins), which is served at funerals, is called kutia. Kutyu
With the onset of summer, the first, tender and juicy zucchini appear on the shelves of shops and supermarkets.
Draniki without eggs - a delicious selection of three recipes. We will prepare potato pancakes from zucchini,
More and more often, warnings are heard from different sides about the quality of our diet... Fake
Reviews (2) 8 Prepared by: Anton Soroka 11/18/2016 Cooking time: 3 hours 40 minutes
Which part to use for shish kebab? Turkey is great for making shish kebab, it is juicier,
Do you like pancakes? What about the figure? This article is for those who adhere to a healthy diet.
Publication in the group: Dishes made from meat and offal Beef lung, like other offal, is included in
Chum salmon soup will turn out much tastier than pink salmon or salmon. With its taste