So different, but so tasty pilaf with dried fruits

Needless to say, Eastern people know a lot about pilaf. They are simply inimitable ! But we also learned how to cook tasty and healthy dish Moreover, as many housewives in the world as there are so many recipes. More precisely, its nuances. You and I can’t have a lot of fat, we’re not allowed to eat fried foods. How can it be, I’ve been wanting pilaf for a long time. And not just pilaf, but one without onions and carrots. That is, without frying.

We offer you a recipe for super tasty and light pilaf in every way. Fruity ! Its whole essence boils down to one thing - to correctly maintain all proportions , time and properly process each product that is involved in the preparation.

As a rule, pilaf is cooked in a cauldron. Its bottom and walls are thick, and pilaf in it is ideal. But if you don’t have a pot, it doesn’t matter. Can be cooked in a thick, high-sided frying pan. The process is almost the same. The only difference is the height of the vessel.

There is an even more ideal option - a slow cooker! Not only is everything easy and simple in this case. The pilaf turns out to be real , very tasty , cooked and aromatic . The kids will definitely love it. Your efforts will be appreciated by all your grown-ups at home.

In short, let’s prepare all the ingredients and start cooking. And right now you will learn exactly how to properly prepare delicious pilaf.

Peach pilaf with pomegranate juice

This recipe is a step-by-step guide to preparing delicious pilaf with peaches. This fruity culinary masterpiece can be prepared in the summer for the whole family. It turns out light, pleasing with a pleasant aroma and taste. It's a little more difficult to prepare than classic fruit rice, but it's worth the effort.



This fruit side dish turns out surprisingly tender. Children can give it with tea, and adults will like it in combination with a light dessert wine.

With meat broth

  • Rice 1 cup;
  • lamb 200 gr;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 40 grams of dried apricots;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 7 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • spices.
  1. The rice is soaked for 2 hours.
  2. At this time, the meat is cut into small pieces to cook it and prepare the broth.
  3. Place pieces of lamb into a heated frying pan and add 2 cups of water and oil. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the contents for 30 minutes.
  4. At the same time, chop the vegetables and dried apricots. When the meat is ready, add rice, vegetables and spices. Leave the pan for another 30 minutes, remembering to stir occasionally.

Pilaf with dried apricots is ready!

Calorie content: 200 kcal per 100 grams, 20 g carbohydrates, 10 g fat, 7 g protein.

Fruit pilaf with pumpkin and apples

The recipe is quite simple and the ingredients are not at all pretentious or exotic, but the dish turns out to be very tasty and appetizing in appearance, which is confirmed by the photo. It's not at all difficult to prepare. Besides the fact that the basic addition to rice in the form of pumpkin and apples is very useful, it gives a wonderful flavor to the dish.



Important: it is preferable to take green apples with a dense structure; choose odorless vegetable oil so that it does not interfere with the taste and aroma of the dish. This recipe will be useful for those who fast, and it is also suitable for vegetarians. The dish turns out to be dietary, but at the same time quite tasty. In the photo you can see that the fruit masterpiece looks very appetizing.

Light salad of rice, chicken and fruit

Red orange – 1 piece

Garlic – 2 cloves

Rice - 1/2 Cup

Salt - - To taste

Water - 1.5 glasses

Chicken breast – 600 grams

1. Wash the chicken breast, then boil it. Now that the brisket is cooked, let it cool a little and separate the meat from the bones. Serves approximately four, divide the meat into five. Cut it into small pieces.

2. Peel the blood orange and cut it into slices. Blood orange contains a large amount of vitamin C, and an.

Fruit pilaf has an unusual and unforgettable taste

Those who are well acquainted with oriental cuisine know recipes for dishes not only in classical preparation, but also considered a real delicacy in cooking, one of them is fruit pilaf. Pilaf with fruits is prepared according to different recipes, they are similar, but there are still differences and now this will be described in detail. Fruit pilaf with rice mainly differs in taste from the fruits chosen for cooking. They can be easily purchased at any supermarket and here are some of the recipes that housewives can take note of.

Pilaf with pomegranate - a delicate, exotic dish

Pilaf with pomegranates amazes even experienced gourmets with its exotic taste: extraordinary taste, tenderness, juiciness - all this is combined in this dish. To prepare you will need:

Diced onions and carrots are sautéed together with barberries and pomegranates until soft. The meat is chopped coarsely and fried in a cauldron until golden brown and then carrots, onions and barberries are added, salted, peppered and continued to be fried until the vegetables acquire a golden color. Warm broth is poured into the cauldron and the cereal is added. The pilaf should be cooked over medium heat until the liquid completely disappears, then it is removed from the stove and allowed to brew for 15-20 minutes.

Pilaf with quince - an interesting combination of products

Pilaf with quince is a very interesting combination in cooking. Those who have tried pilaf with quince and meat at least once will never be able to forget the sophistication and taste of the dish. What do you need to prepare this unique exotic dish?

Rice with fruits in Malian style

2 medium ripe papayas

3 carambola fruits

quarter of fresh coconut

3 cups long grain rice

Scatter one glass of rice on the work surface, cover with a towel and lightly beat with a rolling pin or hammer. Mix with the remaining rice, rinse thoroughly and place in a sieve.

Boil 6 cups of water in a saucepan, add rice and cook over high heat for 5 minutes. Reduce heat to low and cook with lid tightly closed for another 25 minutes. Rice should be good.

Fruit pilaf with grape juice

In this case, the rice will be cooked with apples and juice added. It turns out a little piquant, with a pleasant taste and aroma.



The finished dish should cool slightly, after which it should be decorated with dried fruits, as in the photo, or mint leaves, laid out in a mound or in a certain shape, using a mold. For fruit pilaf in the summer, fresh fruits, for example, pear, can be used. As you understand, they must have a structure so that they do not fall apart during the cooking process. If desired, you can add peeled nuts and honey to the finished dish.

As you can see, this is an excellent dish for periods of fasting, and it is also loved by those who adhere to a vegetarian diet.

Recommended recipes: Probably everyone knows that the recipe for pilaf has been known since ancient times. It was served at major holidays among many peoples, and was often considered a remedy for exhaustion of the body. And in the East, where it came from to Russia, it was prepared, as a rule, by men. This article is not about traditional pilaf, but about dessert pilaf, which is prepared with fruit. So let's see how to cook

Fruity with dried fruits and spices

We will cook this pilaf in the oven, so take a baking dish and put 200 g of basmati rice in it, fill it with water (1 to 2) and add a pinch of saffron. 100 g prunes, the same amount of dried apricots and ½ cup. Chop light raisins and place on rice. Sprinkle with 10 peeled pistachios, add butter cut into small pieces (50 g is enough), be sure to cover with a lid and bake for 30 minutes. Then pour in 100 g of cream mixed with vanilla and another 5 minutes. simmer in the oven.

In a pumpkin "Hapama"

Rice in a pumpkin looks incredibly tasty and beautiful on frito.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 1 pumpkin
  • Rice - 400 gr.
  • Butter – 110 g,
  • Raisins, prunes, dried apricots 100 g each.
  • Walnuts – 200 gr.
  • Cinnamon – 2 tsp
  • Sugar and honey to taste.

Cooking time: 1 hour, 30 minutes.
Cooking time: 1 hour. 20 minutes.

Number of servings:5


  1. The rice is pre-washed and boiled in boiling water with added salt until half cooked.
  2. In the meantime, wash the dried fruits, soak them in water for 15 minutes, after which they are crushed.
  3. The pumpkin is washed and the top is cut off to form a lid. Remove the inner pulp. Pour sugar inside and rub it well with your hands along the walls.
  4. Separately, heat the butter and lightly fry dried fruits in it, add spices, nuts, and honey. All contents are steamed over low heat for 5 minutes.
  5. Mix the rice and mixture from the pan. The resulting filling is placed in the pumpkin, covered with an improvised lid and sent to the oven for 60 minutes.

The rice is ready! You can treat your loved ones.

Number of calories:

  • Proteins – 15.2,
  • fats – 33.2,
  • carbohydrates – 131.8
  • Kcal – 846.2

Description of preparation:

Not only is this recipe for making pilaf with fruit distinguished by its unusual taste, it is also prepared very quickly, and this, you see, is a big plus, since you often just don’t want to stand in the kitchen for hours

And if you have children in your family, then even more so you should love this simple recipe for pilaf with fruit - healthy, dietary, and if instead of pepper and ginger you season it with honey, it will also be sweet. So be sure to try: 1. Rinse the ones you have chosen fruits and rice Let the fruits dry slightly, and let the rice remain in the water for a while. 2. After this, wash the carrots, peel them, and cut them into small strips, or grind them in a blender. 3. Fry the carrots in butter or vegetable oil until golden brown with a little salt. 4. Place our fried carrots along with the remaining oil in a thick-walled pan or cauldron. 5. Place rice and fruit on top of the carrots. Fill with any juice and water (if you have enough juice, you can add two glasses of juice and not add water). 6. Place on the stove for half an hour, closing the lid, and cook over very low heat. 7. Once half an hour has passed, add the selected spices and keep covered for another five minutes until ready. Ready! You can invite your little gourmets to the table. I am sure that even the most picky people will like this simple recipe for pilaf with fruit, the main thing is that they are not afraid to experiment with juices (I like adding cherry juice the most) and fruits (I take apples and cherries). And in winter we simply replace fruits with dried fruits. Purpose: For lunch / Inexpensive / Healthy lunch Main ingredient: Cereals / Rice Dish: Hot dishes / Pilaf Diet: Diet food / Vegetarian food

Traditional recipe

Fruit pilaf will become a favorite for children and adults not only due to its taste, but also to its beneficial dietary properties. It is quite simple to prepare, and you can eat it both hot and cold.

What you need


  • liter of water;
  • 2 cups rice;
  • 70 grams each of figs, dried apricots and prunes;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • 1 carrot;
  • salt;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • half a teaspoon of turmeric.



  • To prepare fruit pilaf, heat a cauldron over a fire and pour vegetable oil into it.
  • Grate the carrots, place them in a cauldron, and then add raisins to them.
  • Cut the dried fruits into halves, lay them in a layer on top of the raisins, then add the figs cut into pieces, sprinkle the dried fruits with turmeric.
  • While the dried fruits are roasting, make the rice. Rinse it until the water is clear.
  • Place the washed rice on top of the dried fruits and add hot water. The water should cover the rice layer by 1 - 2 centimeters.
  • Simmer the rice until the water has completely evaporated, then turn off the heat and simmer the fruit pilaf for 15 minutes under the lid.

Sweet pilaf with carrots

Let the children think of this dish as just sweet porridge. But in fact, we will spend time preparing a delicious and aromatic fruit dish.

Wash the rice thoroughly in running water and then let it dry. If necessary, soak prunes, raisins and dried apricots in warm water and leave for about half an hour, and then rinse thoroughly. If the dried fruits are soft enough, then simply rinse them and dry them too.

Now we clean and wash the carrots, cut them into thin strips and fry them in vegetable oil in a cast-iron or thick-bottomed frying pan. It would be ideal to use a cauldron to prepare pilaf, but you can take, for example, a duck casserole (goose pan). So, as soon as the carrots start to fry, add dried fruits to it and continue to fry until the carrots turn golden. To prevent sweet dried fruits and carrots from burning, they should be fried over moderate heat.

Now pour rice on top of the carrot-fruit fry in an even layer and pour boiling water over everything so that the water rises a centimeter and a half above the rice. Don't mix anything! Just cover the dish with a lid, reduce the heat to low and leave the pilaf to simmer until the rice is ready. Having taken a sample and realizing that the rice is already ready, remove the pilaf from the heat, add sugar and salt and mix. Let it sit for another ten minutes and you can start eating. By the way, this pilaf is also good cold.

Step-by-step recipe with photos and videos

In my opinion, fruit pilaf is the most delicious! Cereals combined with juicy fruits, spicy cinnamon and honey create an amazing combination. I would recommend serving this porridge for breakfast - it is nutritious and healthy, and, by the way, very filling - the charge of energy will last for a long time.

Fruit pilaf with rice involves the use of a wide variety of fruits, dried fruits and other sweets. I chose the invincible trinity of banana, apple and pear. We can see these friends on store shelves all year long. Of course, experiments and new components are welcome in the recipe. You can replace these fruits with your favorite ones according to your taste. Just don’t overdo it, after all, this is pilaf, not a fruit salad. I also use raisins, cinnamon and honey - essential components of fruit pilaf. And butter - without it, porridge is not porridge at all. All ingredients are ready, let's get started!

Wash the rice thoroughly and place it in a pan with water. We sort out the raisins, wash them, preferably steam them with boiling water for a couple of minutes and also put them in a saucepan.

Cook the cereal until cooked (check for teeth) and liquid is absorbed (about 10 minutes). If the rice is ready and the water has not yet been absorbed, drain the porridge in a colander to drain off excess liquid and return it to the pan.

Peel the banana and cut into small pieces.

We cut the pear the same way, I do not remove the peel.

I peel the apple only from the core and cut it like other fruits.

I add some salt to the finished cereal with raisins, make a small well in the center of the pilaf and put butter and honey there.

I put pieces of fruit on top and add cinnamon. I level the fruit layer over the rice.

Close the pan with a lid and put it in a warm place - for example, in a slightly preheated oven, so that the pilaf is ready for 45 minutes. You can also wrap the pan in a warm blanket or towel and place it near the radiator.

Fruit pilaf is ready! We serve it to the table for breakfast and help ourselves. Bon appetit!

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