Question 2 Temperature and storage time of egg mass

Hello everyone, Olga is with you as always, perhaps you will need information on storing food and various things and I will tell you about what dishes to prepare from eggs and how to store them correctly. Maybe some details may differ, as was the case with you. Attention, always read the instructions of the things you buy for cleaning the house or the chemicals that help to store them. I answer the simplest questions. Write your questions/wishes and secrets in the comments, and together we will improve and supplement the quality of the material provided.

Hello! Today I continue the topic I started in the article “Which eggs taste better? From quail to ostrich." And today we will talk about what dishes can be prepared from eggs, how to store them and how to recognize, excuse me, “rotten meat”...

The perfect fried egg has a crispy edge, fried (but soft) white and a runny pinkish yolk. It is best to fry fried eggs in a small frying pan with a thick bottom. Place it on high heat, pour in 2 tsp. melted butter, bacon grease or refined vegetable oil.

When the oil is hot (but not yet boiling), carefully crack two large, very fresh eggs. After 30 seconds, reduce the heat to medium and fry for about another minute, periodically tilting the pan in different directions and pouring hot fat over the eggs. Transfer to a warm plate and serve immediately. If you fry fried eggs in butter, keep them on medium heat longer to prevent the butter from burning.

Omelette in the Russian sense is prepared with milk, cream or even sour cream. Usually the proportions are as follows: the amount of milk and eggs should be the same. Let's say you're making an omelet with two eggs. Break one of the eggs exactly in the middle and measure the milk with half of the shell (two full halves for each egg). A quarter of the milk can be replaced with water - then the omelet will be lighter. Whisk the eggs and milk in a small bowl.

Place the frying pan over medium heat and let it warm up (this will take about a minute), add ½ tsp. butter and vegetable oil, turn the pan so that the oil is distributed over the entire surface. Increase the heat to high and when the butter starts to foam, pour in the eggs.

Do you use expired food for cooking at home?

Yes, the main thing is to process it if it is meat or expired kefir for pancakes.


No, it is very dangerous and not useful.


If the products have fungus or mold, then we throw them away; if they are a couple of days past their expiration date, we use them for food, even without heat or other treatment.


Voted: 1694

Tilt the pan in different directions, allowing the mixture to spread in an even layer. Put it on the fire, and at the count of “six”, remove it, tilt it at an angle of 45°, pick up the seized edge of the omelet with a spatula and move it to the middle - the liquid part from the center will drain into its place. Do the same with the opposite edge. Repeat this operation a couple more times until the entire surface is set (this will take about 40 seconds). Serve immediately. If you want to make an omelet with herbs and/or cheese, then chop these products and mix them with the eggs in a bowl, rather than pouring them into the pan on top of the eggs. Any additives that require frying must be prepared separately in advance and added in the same way.

Prepare a French omelet

We don't call this wonderful dish an omelet, but scrambled eggs. By the way, if a Frenchman adds milk to a recipe, he will still call it omelette. It cooks so quickly that it is better to make it individually for everyone, rather than try to fry a big omelette for everyone. First of all, warm up your plates and prepare everything you need in advance. For an omelet for one, you need to lightly beat two eggs with a fork - just to combine the white and yolk. Fry it using the technology described above. When the omelette is almost done (there is some liquid left in the center), tilt the pan, let half of the omelette slide off (be careful not to run away!) and fold it in half. Serve immediately.

— Red spots in the yolk are not chicken embryos at all (in principle, they cannot be in eggs from poultry farms). They appear when the mother hen's blood vessels burst and blood gets into the yolk. Their presence indicates the freshness of the egg and does not in any way affect its taste or safety. - The yolk shell becomes greenish when cooked for too long or if hot eggs are not cooled in a timely manner. However, the color caused by the presence of iron and sulfur in the yolk again does not affect the taste and quality. — The shell of an egg is brown or white depending on the breed of chicken that laid it. Hens with red feathers and earlobes lay brown eggs; and white hens with white lobes are correspondingly white. — The cloudy white color of the protein indicates the presence of carbon dioxide in it, which means the freshness of the egg. In old eggs, this element evaporates from the egg through the pores of the shell. - A pinkish or greenish color of the white indicates the presence of some bacteria - it is likely that the egg is spoiled (even if there is no smell), and it is better to throw it away. - The color of the yolk - pale yellow or bright orange - depends on the chicken diet and does not affect the taste.

To check the freshness of eggs, they once came up with a special device called an ovoscope, which was often found in stores in Soviet times. Now you won’t find it during the day with a fire - so we are left with the old grandfather’s method: put a raw egg in a glass of water. If it immediately sinks to the bottom, it means it’s fresh. If you think somewhere in the middle, it means that it’s not just demolished, but you can eat it. But if it floats on the surface, throw it away without any doubt.

Method for frying pistachios in shell

First you need to sort through the purchased nuts. It is better to throw away dried and moldy ones. They are unusable. Many people wonder how to fry pistachios in the shell. To do this you need:

  1. Choose the right frying pan - it is better that it has a thick bottom.
  2. Pour the kernels in one layer into the pan and fry, stirring constantly, for about 25-30 minutes.
  3. The first sign of readiness is that the pistachios will begin to crackle.
  4. Place the nuts on a plate and let cool.

Now it’s clear how to fry pistachios in the shell in a frying pan. This method is suitable for those who like to feast on pistachios, peeling them from the shell with their own hands.

It is worth considering another popular way to dry pistachios. It involves using an oven. The advantage of this option is the ability to process a large number of pistachios at one time. Necessary:

  1. Place nuts in an even layer on a baking sheet.
  2. The oven should be preheated to 200 degrees.
  3. Place the baking sheet with nuts in the oven.
  4. In this case, you need to consider how long to fry the pistachios so that they do not burn. 15 minutes will be enough.
  5. At least 2 times during this time, you should take out the baking sheet and mix the pistachios well for even frying.

How to open nuts correctly

Everyone knows how to open a pistachio with a large gap. This is done quite simply by pushing the shells apart, they crack and the nut ends up in your hands. Sometimes you come across pistachios that have not opened completely for some reason.

Moreover, for the shellless roasting method, it wouldn’t hurt to find out how to open closed pistachios without damaging either the nuts or your hands. Even in a closed pistachio there is always a small gap. You need to insert half a shell from a nut that was opened before, edgewise into it. Turn the shell across the crack. A closed nut will open in any case after such manipulation.

For lovers of a richer taste of nuts, it is recommended that before roasting, when the pistachios are still raw, pour them with a strong salt solution for 30 minutes. Be sure to dry them afterwards. You can fry in any convenient way.

Fans of sweet notes can sprinkle with powdered sugar. This type of pistachio would be appropriate if served as an accompaniment to coffee or dessert wine.

Roasted pistachios can be consumed as a separate delicacy. Their use in cooking is also quite common. The nuts are used in desserts, salads and snacks all over the world.

Everyone knows how to open a pistachio with a large gap. This is done quite simply by pushing the shells apart, they crack and the nut ends up in your hands. Sometimes you come across pistachios that have not opened completely for some reason.

Question 2 Temperature and storage time of egg mass

No more than 30 minutes from 2-4 C

Storing and preparing eggs and egg products

Eggs in bakeries are mainly used from chicken. Duck and goose eggs are allowed to be used only in the manufacture of small-piece baked goods (buns, muffins, crackers, cookies). Store eggs at temperatures from 0 to 4°C. Eggs should not be stored together with strong-smelling items.

Eggshells are in most cases contaminated and contaminated with bacteria, mainly of the intestinal group.

Eggs are processed before they are put into production in accordance with the “Sanitary Rules for Bakery Industry Enterprises”; if necessary, the egg mass is filtered through a sieve with a mesh size of no more than 3 mm.

Sanitary treatment of eggs consists of pre-soaking particularly contaminated eggs, washing in a 2% solution of baking soda or 0.5% soda ash, disinfection for 5 minutes with a 2% solution of bleach or 0.5% solution of chloramine with followed by rinsing with clean running cold water.

It is allowed to use other disinfectants approved by the Ministry of Health in accordance with the instructions for its use to disinfect eggs.

Eggs, previously ovoscoped, placed in a mesh box or perforated bucket, are immersed sequentially in the compartments for 5...10 minutes, after which they are washed with clean running water for 3...5 minutes and then served for breaking. To prevent spoiled eggs from getting into the entire egg mass, break 3...5 eggs into separate containers and, after checking for quality, pour them into a common container.

Liquid chilled egg products are stored in clean, well-ventilated rooms at a temperature not exceeding 5°C for no more than 24 hours, including at the manufacturing plant for no more than 6 hours.

Frozen melange is supplied to enterprises in tinplate jars.

Frozen egg products are stored: at a temperature not exceeding minus 18°C ​​for no more than 15 months; at a temperature not higher than minus 12°C for no more than 10 months; at a temperature not higher than minus 6°C for no more than 6 months.

Before thawing, jars with frozen melange are thoroughly washed with brushes in a bathtub with warm water, and then placed in another bathtub with hot water for 2...3 hours to thaw (water temperature no higher than 45°C). Depending on the conditions of the enterprise, it is possible to defrost the melange at room temperature for a longer time.

Thawed egg products are used within 3...4 hours. It is also possible to use melange for 24 hours, provided it is stored at a temperature of (3 ± 1) °C. Repeated freezing of melange is strictly prohibited.

Liquid chilled egg products are stored in clean, well-ventilated rooms at a temperature not exceeding 5°C for no more than 24 hours, including at the manufacturing plant for no more than 6 hours.

Before use, melange is filtered through a sieve with a mesh size of no more than 3 mm. For better filtering, it is mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio.

The shelf life of egg mass, white and yolk at temperatures from -2 to +6 ° C and relative air humidity (75 + 5)% is 36 hours. Before use, filter the white and yolk through a sieve with a mesh size of no more than 3 mm.

Before use, egg powder is mixed with water at a temperature of no more than (22 ± 2) “C in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4 and filtered through a sieve with a mesh size of 1.0 mm. Egg powder is stored at a temperature not exceeding 20°C and relative air humidity not exceeding 75%

no more than 6 months, at a temperature not higher than 2°C - no more than 2 years.

Question 3 Purpose of storage rooms and warehouses

Warehouse facilities include refrigerated chambers for storing perishable foods (meat, fish), a dry food pantry, a vegetable pantry, a pantry for equipment and containers, and a loading room. The latter is designed to receive raw materials entering the enterprise. The loading area is provided with equipment, well-maintained access roads and sheds. Unloading is carried out using conveyors and other loading and unloading equipment. Unloading can be done through special hatches, and when warehouses are located above the unloading area, by lifting them with special elevators. When designing warehouse premises, separate unloading of vegetables should be provided directly into the pantry, bypassing the loading room. Pantries are designed for short-term storage of food products that do not require refrigeration. Dry food pantries are designed to store food whose moisture content does not exceed 20%. Sugar, flour, and cereals are stored here. Sufficient ventilation is provided in the pantries to ensure the maintenance of the necessary storage conditions (relative humidity not higher than 60-75%), and a separate pantry for vegetables is provided. Refrigerated chambers are mandatory premises for the separate storage of perishable products. Procurement enterprises provide refrigerated chambers for storing meat and fish semi-finished products and separately for vegetable semi-finished products. In enterprises that use raw materials, separately cooled chambers are designed for meat and fish. In addition, enterprises for semi-finished products and raw materials provide refrigerated chambers for dairy products, fats and gastronomy, as well as a separate chamber for fruits, berries, drinks and vegetables. In small enterprises, it is allowed to combine the storage of perishable products in one refrigerated chamber. Cooled chambers must have a plan size of at least 2.1×2.4 m and a height of at least 2.4 m. The minimum area of ​​cooled chambers is 5 m2. Refrigerated rooms include a waste storage chamber, which must have a 4 m2 airlock. In refrigerated chambers, the air temperature must be maintained constant around the clock throughout the year. The table shows the calculated air temperature and air exchange rate in warehouse premises. When storing meat and fish or meat, fish and vegetable semi-finished products in the same chamber at the same time, the temperature is 0°; for storing all products (one chamber in the enterprise) ±4°.

Ticket 10

How to roast pistachios at home

Pistachios are a tasty product that differs from other nuts in having the lowest calorie content and a high vitamin content. They have a tonic effect and help relieve chronic fatigue and depression. Pistachios have another name - “funny nut” - because of the effect they produce and the shell that bursts, reminiscent of a smile. The most delicious is the Iranian product, which is added to buns, ice cream, and cocktails. You can purchase nuts at any store, buy ready-made ones right away, or fry pistachios yourself.

Shelf life of eggs in the refrigerator and at room temperature

Another thing is that during long-term storage, eggs gradually dry out, since there are microscopic pores in the shell. Microorganisms penetrate through them, which also shortens the “lifespan” of the product. That is why it is recommended to lubricate the eggs with fat, oil, petroleum jelly, or simply wrap them in paper.

What is the shelf life of eggs in the refrigerator? Is there a difference between the rules for storing chicken and quail eggs? How long do boiled eggs last? What about the broken ones? What about at room temperature? Let's figure it out. Almost all refrigerators have special compartments for eggs. They are located on the door of the refrigerator; they keep in containers only those specimens that will be eaten in the near future.

According to sanitary standards, even in the refrigerator it can be stored for no more than an hour! And at room temperature - no more than half an hour. How long do eggs last in the refrigerator? To answer this question, you need to determine what eggs you purchased at the store and how fresh they are. They are consumed both raw and cooked.

The length of storage is also affected by proper preparation. Before you start the cooking process, the egg should warm up a little (if it was taken out of the refrigerator). Then you need to boil water and cook the product for 10–15 minutes. This is the optimal time for hard-boiled cooking.

The products are produced hot and chilled. Hot products are completely ready for consumption, cooled products are ready to eat after heating.

  • proteins - 5.51 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0.49 g;
  • fat - 4.65 g;
  • potassium - 55 mg;
  • sodium - 122 mg.
  • water - 73 g;
  • saturated fatty acids - 3 g;
  • ash - 1 g;
  • disaccharides - 0.7 g;
  • cholesterol - 575 mg.

Chicken eggs are also divided into dietary and table. The former must be eaten within a week after production, the latter are allowed to be sold within 25 days. Fresh eggs are stored longer in a brown shell, as it is thicker than white.

When choosing chicken eggs, you should pay special attention to the production dates. The packaging date of the product is indicated on the container itself. And the date of laying (sorting) is indicated on the egg itself.

Chicken eggs are a healthy product that contains a large amount of nutrients. For a healthy person, the need for them ranges from 0.5 to 2 pcs. in a day. Chicken eggs contain B vitamins, as well as A, D, E, H and choline.


Raw pistachios have a mild, creamy flavor when roasted. Nuts can be cooked in the shell, or after peeling, fry in the oven, microwave or in a frying pan. Additionally, they are seasoned with various spices, salt and even sweet powder.

To fry peeled pistachios, they should be removed from the shell and washed well. Place the nuts in boiling water and boil for 4-6 minutes, then the consistency will be tender, with a certain buttery taste. Then remove them using a colander (sieve), allow the liquid to drain, and place the product in a paper towel folded several times. Make sure the pistachios are completely dry before frying. You will also need to sort through the nuts, remove the moldy ones and remove the dried ones.

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How to store an omelet

As for an omelet made with milk, it must be eaten or thrown away within two days. Provided that it was stored in the refrigerator on the top shelf.

As for an omelet made with milk, it must be eaten or thrown away within two days.

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Eggs3 pcs.1202 pcs.80
or melange1201208080
Milk or water45453030
Weight of omelette mixture165110
Table margarine Weight of finished omelette10 —10 1605 —5 105
Table margarine or butter5555

How to open nuts correctly

When the nuts ripen, the shells open on their own, but they can also be completely clogged. To open a closed pistachio without cracking, use tongs designed specifically for chopping nuts. If such a device is not available, you can use a garlic press or regular pliers.

Opening a pistachio with a small gap will not be difficult. The shell from the previous peeled nut will help here. It is threaded into the crack and scrolled to the side. The hard shell opens and the pistachio pops out.

Frying methods

First of all, you need to sort out the purchased products and throw away the spoiled nuts. They are not suitable for consumption. Pistachios can be cracked or roasted directly in the shell.

Unshelled nuts are prepared as follows:

  • It is better if the frying pan has a thick bottom;
  • Place the kernels in a bowl and fry for at least half an hour over low heat, stirring constantly;
  • the first sign that the nuts are ready is their crackling;
  • Place the roasted pistachios on a plate and wait until they cool.

This is how the nuts are fried in a frying pan. This method is suitable for people who like to clean and enjoy the product at the same time.

Attention! There is no need to add vegetable oil when frying pistachios, since the nuts themselves are fatty. Otherwise, it will be impossible to consume them due to the large amount of fat.

In the oven

You can dry pistachios in the oven. The advantage of this frying method is its ability to quickly process a large number of nuts at once.

For this you will need:

  • Place fresh pistachios in an even layer on a clean baking sheet;
  • preheat the oven to 180-200°C;
  • put the nuts, and, most importantly, do not overcook them here so as not to burn, 15 minutes is enough for this;
  • after 5 minutes of frying, you need to remove the pistachios and sprinkle with salt or other seasoning for taste;
  • To ensure that the product is evenly fried, during this time you should remove the baking sheet 2-3 times and mix thoroughly.

For those who like nuts too salty, you need to sprinkle more salt and add less spices. Some people generally prefer pistachios without seasoning. However, with them the product acquires an extraordinary taste. Place the prepared delicacy in a cup, cover with a paper napkin and let cool.

In the microwave

Today, more and more people are using the microwave to roast nuts. To prepare them you will need:

  • remove the shell;
  • Place clean pistachios in boiled water and boil for several minutes;
  • place on a paper towel and wait until completely dry;
  • then put it in the microwave for about 5 minutes.

Attention! It is recommended to eat pistachios cooled and in small quantities. But you should try them warm for salt, because hot ones absorb spices more intensely. You can’t eat nuts at night, they take a long time to digest and your stomach won’t be able to rest. It is also forbidden to take it on an empty stomach, of course, unless prescribed by a specialist.

Shelf life of eggs: how to buy a healthy product?

Eggs are a product that no housewife can do without.

Juicy omelettes, pies, muffins, cakes, dessert creams - all these delicacies are prepared using chicken or quail eggs, the freshness of which plays a decisive role in the quality of the finished dish.

And since the most popular product on the grocery market is perishable, you need to know its expiration date and carefully monitor the storage conditions of the “secret ingredient” of any baked goods.

When purchasing a tray in a store, you must take into account that the manufacturer most often indicates the date of packaging of the product on the labeling. How much time passed between the appearance of the product and its delivery to the shelf remains unknown.

What is the shelf life of eggs?

Despite the impressive shelf life, experts do not recommend consuming soft-boiled chicken eggs or as an omelet after nine days from the date of production. Quails are safer thanks to lysozyme, a substance that inhibits the growth of bacteria.

Freshly collected eggs must be stored in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 10 degrees.

Outside the refrigerator they will remain fresh for 2-3 weeks, in the refrigerator at a temperature of 1-2 degrees they will last 3-4 months.

If you preserve them in a lime mortar, which you can prepare yourself, they will last about a year, but the taste will change slightly.

Regular vegetable oil and oats will help extend the shelf life without changing the taste. You need to put oats on the bottom of the box, put eggs, greased with oil or fat, with the sharp end down and also cover with oats on top. The box must be placed in a dry, dark room.

Boiled eggs lose their protective film when exposed to hot water, which shortens their service life to three days at room temperature, and a week in the refrigerator.

How long can raw eggs be stored?

  1. Firstly, in order to increase the shelf life recommended by GOST, they must be stored in a container - it will not let in excess moisture, light and will protect from the odors of other products.
  2. Secondly, eggs need to be kept in a cool and dry place.
  3. Thirdly, place them with the sharp end down.
  4. Fourth, immediately use cracked and chipped ones.
  5. Fifth, turn on the refrigeration fan.

If all conditions are met, raw chicken eggs will remain fresh for up to five weeks, and quail eggs can last two months.

If it is necessary to separate the white from the yolk, then they are stored separately differently. Protein can only be stored in the refrigerator, in a glass container and used within 4 days.

The yolk dries out very quickly outside the shell, so it will lose its freshness after just a few hours, but if you place it in a glass of cold water, it will be good for another 1-2 days.

For incubation

For hatching, eggs are stored horizontally at a temperature not exceeding 12 degrees, in a room with a humidity of about 80%.

Tags: omelet, term, storage

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How to choose a quality product

To avoid getting caught by products spoiled by mold, you need to follow certain rules when purchasing:

  1. A good quality pistachio shell should be smooth, have an even structure and a pale yellow color. If marinades are used during frying, the color turns orange. A dark tone indicates a spoiled product or strong thermal treatment. This suggests that there will be no benefit.
  2. A high-quality kernel has a green tint. The more saturated it is, the tastier the product.
  3. The thin film, which is slightly visible through the crack, should have a brown color, in no case red. Some manufacturers coat low-quality products with dyes to give them a marketable appearance. In this case, there is no need to rush to unnatural tones.
  4. Often, when pistachios ripen, they crack on their own, which makes them easier to get out. However, it is preferable to buy whole samples, because Many merchants treat the kernels with chemicals during the initial stages of ripening, as a result of which a fiction of “ripeness” arises.
  5. In a high-quality product, the inside protrudes slightly from the burst crack. When it is deep, a “crack of ripeness” is created using a mechanical or chemical method. In both cases, the beneficial and taste properties of pistachios come into question.
  6. You should not purchase a product located near meat, fish, or sausage counters - the nut instantly absorbs third-party aromas.
  7. Pistachios should be in a transparent packaging bag so that the quality is clearly visible. The presence of debris or other foreign objects should be stressful.
  8. When purchasing, you can ask the seller to open the package and smell the product; if there is rot or mold, you should discard the nuts.
  9. If the package shows many kernels separated from the shell, such samples should also not be purchased. This indicates poor transportation and failure to meet deadlines for harvesting and saving nuts.

When a salt coating of varying thickness is noticeable on the surface of the pistachios, the kernels are clearly no longer fresh; they were harvested more than 1 year ago, even if a fresh date is indicated on the packaging.

How does vacuum packaging for sausage affect shelf life?

Features of vacuum packaging

Others, on the contrary, choose this option, since vacuum packaging allows the sausage to be preserved for a long time. Today, vacuum packaging is used not only for sausages, but also for fish, meat, and even vegetables.

In this case, no preservatives are used; the products are simply placed in an airless environment. In it, almost all harmful microorganisms that lead to damage to the contents of the package do not have the opportunity to multiply and soon die. This method of storing food products has a lot of positive aspects, including:

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You can significantly extend the shelf life of sausages and other food products.

The organoleptic qualities of the food remain unchanged - the sausage is still tasty and aromatic.

During transportation and storage, as well as on the store shelf, the product does not become dirty or gather dust.

If the package is equipped with a zip fastener, after opening it is possible not to overload the contents, but leave them in the same container.

Vacuum packaging is a great convenience for consumers.

There are practically no negative aspects to this packaging option. It can only be noted that if the bag contains sliced ​​sausage, the pieces may begin to stick together, as the product releases moisture. This does not in any way affect the quality.

What determines the expiration date?

Vacuum packaging is an excellent option to significantly increase the shelf life of sausage, as well as protect it from negative external influences. The shelf life of such a sausage is three or even five times longer than that of a similar product, but in regular containers. This parameter may be different even for one product. It is influenced by many factors:

How fresh the product fits in the bag.

The number of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in the sausage during packaging.

Temperature during the procedure.

How quickly was the packaging carried out?

Sanitary and hygienic conditions - the better they are, the longer the sausage will be stored.

Therefore, when cutting food, it is necessary to use only clean knives, cutting boards and packaging devices. Storage conditions are also important - what will be the temperature in the room, will the packaged goods be exposed to sunlight, etc. Only high-quality vacuum bags should be used.

Purchasing sausage in vacuum packaging allows consumers to save money, primarily by extending the shelf life. This indicator must be indicated on the label. Therefore, you should review it carefully before purchasing. In addition, it is recommended to visually inspect the packaged sausage. This will help you buy a good quality product.

How to use

It is known that pistachios exhibit beneficial effects on the body only when eaten raw. Salty ones, so loved by most men, because... They are an excellent snack for beer, but will not bring the desired benefit.

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Their calorie content does not exceed 600 kcal, compared to other types of nuts, so they are often used in dietary nutrition.

You can prepare various dishes. There is an interesting recipe with the addition of pistachios, for example, sauce. To do this, take a red ripe tomato and cut it into small slices. Then add a finely chopped onion with chopped nuts. Mix well and add red pepper and let it brew.

How to salt pistachios

Nuts are widely used in various national cuisines. They have a soft green tint and go well with vegetables and meat, and are also added to cakes, muffins and other desserts. But most often pistachios are used as a snack for beer, wine and other drinks. It will not be difficult to open pistachios at home and add salt to your taste.

Description of pickling pistachios:

  1. It is necessary to prepare a saturated saline solution. You will need an enamel bowl, pour water into it and add simple table salt (iodized is allowed). Stir thoroughly until the crystals are completely dissolved. Place pistachios in the prepared saline solution and keep them in the liquid at room temperature for about 2 hours, no less. This time will be enough to soak them.
  2. Then, after salting in a saucepan, you need to take out the nuts and dry them. Place them on a simple towel or paper and wait until the water drains. The dried product can be fried in a frying pan or in the oven, placing them on a baking sheet. Many people eat raw pistachios and roast them only to increase the flavor.
  3. The most interesting are the nuts cooked over a fire. For example, when relaxing in nature, you can take pre-salted pistachios with you. They will be a wonderful treat for adults and children. In a special cauldron or grill pan, they will become even tastier and more aromatic, as they will be saturated with smoke. And combining them with cheese or other products, the food is ideal on vacation.

The finished product is used as a snack for intoxicating drinks, wine and even cognac. Also interesting are nuts added to meat products; you can often find them in vegetable salads, for example, in a restaurant. Roasted pistachios are usually served with salt, but there are many recipes for sweet desserts where they are present and delight with their aroma.

You can prepare various dishes. There is an interesting recipe with the addition of pistachios, for example, sauce. To do this, take a red ripe tomato and cut it into small slices. Then add a finely chopped onion with chopped nuts. Mix well and add red pepper and let it brew.

If you have any questions, write a comment:

A special container made of absorbent material is suitable, which absorbs excess moisture and protects from light and odors of other products.

It is recommended to sprinkle with finely chopped parsley, dill, cilantro or green onions (1.3 g net per serving).

Factory and non-factory origin. Industrially produced food is marked on the shell with the date of origin. You definitely need to pay attention to this indicator. The shelf life of a product produced at a poultry farm is no longer than 30 days. Homemade eggs have a longer shelf life - up to 3 months.

There should be no droppings, cracks, or other defects; this negatively affects the suitability. Only small spots or stripes obtained during transportation are acceptable. Before eating, be sure to wash under running water and check the smell - it should not be unpleasant or foreign.

Do you use expired food for cooking at home?

Yes, the main thing is to process it if it is meat or expired kefir for pancakes.


No, it is very dangerous and not useful.


If the products have fungus or mold, then we throw them away; if they are a couple of days past their expiration date, we use them for food, even without heat or other treatment.


Voted: 1694

Chicken eggs are also divided into dietary and table. The former must be eaten within a week after production, the latter are allowed to be sold within 25 days. Fresh eggs are stored longer in a brown shell, as it is thicker than white.

When choosing chicken eggs, you should pay special attention to the production dates. The packaging date of the product is indicated on the container itself. And the date of laying (sorting) is indicated on the egg itself.

Chicken eggs are a healthy product that contains a large amount of nutrients. For a healthy person, the need for them ranges from 0.5 to 2 pcs. in a day. Chicken eggs contain B vitamins, as well as A, D, E, H and choline.


You can buy pistachios in a regular supermarket, or stock up on the product using an online store. It is recommended to first clean the workpiece from shells and husks, rinse thoroughly, and soak for 30 minutes to remove bitterness.

At this time, you can boil water in a saucepan, in which you need to boil the finished kernels so that the consistency becomes tender, with a characteristic oily taste. Place the pistachios on parchment paper folded in several layers, or use a towel to dry the nuts to remove excess liquid.


Take a frying pan with a thick bottom, a cast iron variety is suitable, which is heated on the stove and lightly greased with oil. Pistachios are laid out in a thin layer and stirred with a wooden spatula so that the ingredient does not burn. It only takes 5 minutes to prepare a delicious snack. It is recommended to take one nut and break it: if it is golden inside and smells delicious, you can remove it; if it is greenish, you need to hold it a little longer.

Option two does not require preliminary preparation: without peeling the pistachios, place them in a frying pan and stir thoroughly. When they begin to crackle and the apartment is filled with the aroma of roasted nuts, they can be removed.

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It is recommended to leave the product on a napkin or parchment for a few minutes to remove excess fat, otherwise such a snack will be too high in calories and will harm your figure.

Oven-dried pistachios are stored for about a year, when fresh varieties quickly deteriorate and develop a bitter taste.

Do not dry pistachios in the microwave for more than 5 minutes. +3 + 10 /- 7, 44 read

If it so happens that you bought pistachios in the supermarket and they turned out to be wet, do not leave them to “dry” in the microwave for ten minutes in a sealed container. Tried. Advice on how to dry them correctly is accepted with pleasure :)))

If it so happens that you bought pistachios in the supermarket and they turned out to be wet, do not leave them to “dry” in the microwave for ten minutes in a sealed container. Tried. Advice on how to dry them correctly is accepted with pleasure :)))

Features of storing pistachios in shells

To be beneficial, pistachios must be fresh and fully ripened. You can store nuts in the shell or without it. In ripe fruits it is slightly open, as if cut, and the color of the kernels is emerald. The shell serves to protect nuts from environmental influences and prolong their shelf life.

You can store pistachios:

  • In a kitchen cabinet or pantry. They will remain suitable for consumption for six months.
  • In the refrigerator, at a temperature of two to six degrees. Pistachios will not lose their beneficial qualities for nine months.
  • In the freezer. In such a place, the nuts will be well preserved for at least one year.

In order for pistachios to remain fresh and of high quality for the entire specified time, you should not forget about several rules:

  • nuts should be poured into a glass container or a thick plastic bag;
  • pistachios must be kept away from sunlight and heat sources (radiators, heaters);
  • if in the summer the thermometer in the room rises above 25 degrees, it is better to transfer the fruits from the kitchen cabinets to the refrigerator;
  • Moisture affects the preservation of nuts. Due to its excess, mold and mildew appear on pistachios. Therefore, if the kitchen or pantry is too humid, the nuts should also be placed in the refrigerator;
  • Periodically, pistachios must be inspected and those fruits that have begun to deteriorate must be removed. Signs of staleness include dots on the shell, the appearance of dark spots and mold;
  • It is not advisable to mix newly purchased nuts with those that have been stored in a container for some time. Most likely, these pistachios have different shelf life. Less fresh nuts can spoil a new batch of fruits;
  • pistachios do not tolerate the proximity of other types of nuts. Therefore, they cannot be stored together in the same container.

Natural omelette, restaurant portion

Easter coloring does not affect the storage of the product if natural dyes were used. They are suitable for consumption for no longer than a week. If the decor is made using thermal film, the storage time is reduced by 1–2 days. The coating prevents the product from breathing. In addition, if applied incorrectly, moisture remains under the thermal film. Over time, it emits an unpleasant musty odor.

Shelf life of eggs boiled at a temperature of 4±2ºС (in accordance with SanPiN no more than 24 hours.

Most often they try to sell such a defect at a small discount. But it’s better not to take risks and buy products that are a little more expensive, but of better quality.

Even during the purchase, experienced housewives are able to correctly determine when the eggs are laid. Fresh ones have a matte surface, while older ones have a glossy surface. In the tray they must be from the same batch, which means the same color.

Eggs are among the most common foods on Earth. The benefits and harms of boiled eggs are still the subject of debate among doctors and nutritionists. Some consider them an indispensable product in the diet for people of all ages, while others advise avoiding them altogether: because of bad cholesterol.

Raw eggs without damage to the shell at an ambient temperature of no more than +5 °C are stored for 90 days. If the temperature reaches +15°C, the shelf life of the product is reduced to 30 days.

Another way to check freshness is to put it in water. If it floats to the surface, it means that air has accumulated under the shell and the egg is clearly stale.

The main thing is that eggs with shells in any form are not frozen. They will simply burst and spoil. Treatment at a critically low temperature causes the contents of the shell to expand, increasing in volume.

Before storing fresh eggs, experts advise checking whether they are spoiled, because store and factory stamps, unfortunately, cannot always be trusted.

It is not advisable to wash the product before storage: this will destroy the protective film on the shell. This significantly reduces shelf life.

The shelf life of eggs in the refrigerator also depends on their type. You can distinguish dietary, table and small ones. According to standards, the former are stored for a maximum of a week at a temperature of three to twenty degrees. Canteens - up to twenty days under the same conditions and up to 120 days at temperatures from zero to two degrees.

For convenience, use a plastic tray or the packaging in which the eggs were sold. This way they will be protected from mechanical damage. The ideal option is a cardboard container. It maintains humidity and isolates the product from foreign odors. By placing the eggs point down, you will prevent the yolk from spoiling quickly.

Men appreciate the benefits of the availability of eggs: after all, omelet and scrambled eggs are the simplest dishes loved by representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Boiled eggs are very convenient to eat in the morning, and the benefit of such a breakfast lies in obtaining the most accessible protein necessary for building and increasing muscle mass without harm to health.

Storage conditions and shelf life of particularly perishable and perishable products at a temperature of (4 ± 2) °C are determined in accordance with SanPiN The maximum period of implementation is 3 hours from the moment of completion of the technological process.

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