How long does crab salad last without mayonnaise? Optimal shelf life for salads

Cold storage

The Russian version of Olivier, which is often called winter salad, differs significantly from the recipe invented by the Frenchman Lucien Olivier. Initially it contained crayfish tails, caviar, hazel grouse meat, and capers.

Olivier has long ceased to be a delicacy accessible to the wealthiest segments of the population. The modern recipe is very democratic. It includes:

  • boiled sausage or boiled meat (beef);
  • eggs;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • onions (onions and greens);
  • canned peas;
  • pickles.

Of the listed ingredients, when chopped, boiled eggs and sausage lose their freshness the fastest. Therefore, when talking about the shelf life of Olivier, you need to take them into account first.

Ready salad and semi-finished products for it should be stored at temperatures up to +6°C, and preferably 0-+2°C. Olivier in the refrigerator should be placed in the coldest place in the chamber: on the top shelf next to the back wall or in the freshness zone, if provided in the appliance.

Important! Any salad is stored better if you mix already chilled ingredients. Cool cooked vegetables and eggs in cold water immediately after cooking; remove cucumbers and sausage from the refrigerator before slicing.

Video: Olivier salad recipe

Real OLIVIER Salad according to the recipe of LUCIEN OLIVIER / recipe from the chef / Ilya Lazerson

Watch this video on YouTube

Dressed with mayonnaise

The most popular sauce around the world, which is added to many salads, contains preservatives. But they retain the properties of the product only when it is in the package.

Mayonnaise in the finished dish is a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms. Olivier, to which this popular sauce is added, can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours. After this time, the dressing deteriorates and the dish can cause an intestinal infection.

The optimal storage temperature is 0-+2 °C.

A large pot of salad will take longer to cool than two small ones. If you immediately divide the finished olivier into portions, it will be convenient to take it out of the refrigerator to add to the salad bowl.

Undressed salad

If the crushed products are not flavored with anything, then the shelf life of Olivier without mayonnaise increases to 18 hours.

The mixture of ingredients is stored well if eggs, sausage, canned peas and pickled cucumbers are not mixed in it: these are the ones that spoil first. It is more convenient to put the chopped products in plastic or glass containers, and mix them and dress the salad immediately before serving.

You should not use aluminum cookware: the products oxidize the metal. It is better to take a glass, plastic or enamel container with a lid.

Attention! The temperature in the refrigerator compartment during preparation for a large feast is usually higher than usual. This is caused by the fact that the door is constantly opened and dishes at room temperature are placed on the shelves. Under such conditions, the shelf life of perishable products is reduced.

Tips for storing fish

Before the invention of refrigerators, freshly caught fish was stored for 3 days in a cold room, which had to be well ventilated. It was previously cleaned and all entrails, gills and fins were removed.

Then they wiped it dry with a cotton towel and sprinkled various spices on all sides. Ground black pepper was most often used. And then carefully sprinkled with coarse salt.

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The cleaned fish was wrapped in a cotton towel soaked in a vinegar solution. It is recommended to use a glass of vinegar per 2 tablespoons of sugar. Here it is necessary to ensure that the towel does not dry out and periodically moisten it with the prepared solution. In this state, the caught fish remains fresh for up to two days.

You can prolong the freshness of fish by marinating it. You need to make a marinade from salt and lemon. To do this, squeeze the juice from several lemons and mix it thoroughly with the required amount of coarse salt. Then place the fish in the prepared dish and cover with cling film.

In this form it can be stored for two days. This method will not only extend the shelf life of fish, but will also make dishes made from it even tastier and juicier.

If you follow the recommendations listed in this article for storing fresh fish in the refrigerator, you don’t have to worry about your health. You will always enjoy this healthy and delicious product.

Olivier from the store

12 hours are allotted for the sale of ready-made salads with mayonnaise. Then the seller must write off the unsold balances.

These rules for purchasing ready-made Olivier will help you purchase a product that is safe for health:

  • Do not purchase ready-made dishes, including Olivier, in advance.
  • Pay attention to the information about the date and time of preparation of Olivier, which must be indicated on the container.
  • Buy food only from well-established retail outlets with a large flow of customers.
  • Do not buy salads if they are not in the refrigerator and served with one spoon.

Attention! You can't buy discounted salads. At the end of the working day, unscrupulous sellers often offer a discount on dishes that have already passed their sell-by date.

Having bought a ready-made salad, you need to eat it as soon as possible.

Olivier on the table

At room temperature (18-22°C), a salad flavored with mayonnaise very quickly becomes inedible. After 3 hours, the remains should be thrown away. Therefore, do not season the Olivier salad in advance; place all dishes on the table in small quantities, adding from the refrigerator as needed.

A salad that has been sitting on the table all evening cannot be put in the refrigerator and eaten the next day!

A shelf life of 12 hours means that the dish was kept at a low temperature all this time.

How to freeze Olivier

You cannot freeze the prepared salad: when defrosted, the mayonnaise will become watery and ruin the dish.

To save time before the New Year holidays, you can prepare and cut some ingredients: vegetables, sausage, eggs. It is better to put crushed products not in a large lump, but scatter them in a thin layer: this way they will defrost faster.

Store them in the freezer in separate containers for no more than 7 days. To prepare Olivier, semi-finished products are defrosted in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours.

After thawing, the products will slightly change their taste and consistency, but this is almost unnoticeable in the salad.

Only freshly cut ingredients can be frozen. You can’t put something in the freezer that has already been in the refrigerator for a day.

Where and how else you can: storage methods

In fact, there are not many ways to store butter. They are usually divided into two ways:

  1. in the refrigerator (can be divided into storage in the freezer and in a regular refrigerator);
  2. at room temperature (i.e. not in the refrigerator).

Each of these methods has a lot of nuances that should not be forgotten so as not to spoil the dairy product.

Top articles: How to keep salad fresh

Refrigerator or freezer

In most cases, it is recommended to freeze butter in the freezer

The product must be stored in parchment paper or foil covered with a plastic bag on top. If the temperature in the freezer compartment is −12 degrees, this means that the oil will “live” there for no longer than 9 months. If the temperature tends to −18 degrees, then the shelf life of the oil increases to a year.

As for storage in a regular refrigerator (i.e., without freezing), the same packaging rules apply as for the freezer.

Be sure to store butter in foil, a special butter dish, or a plastic container. The ambient temperature should be 0…+6 degrees. If all rules are followed, the oil will retain all its properties for 3-4 weeks.

At room temperature without refrigeration

Storage without refrigeration devices is relevant for those who like to frequently travel outdoors or spend time traveling. Even in the summer heat, it is possible to store butter without compromising its quality. The average shelf life if all techniques are followed is 21 days.

Here are a few tricks to help you keep your butter delicious and fresh, even without refrigeration.


  1. Cut the butter bar into portions and wrap each piece in foil or parchment paper.
  2. Place all portions in a saucepan and fill with cold salted water (for each liter of water there should be 20 g of table salt).
  3. Close the pan with a lid and place some heavy press on top.

It is better to store salted butter in a cool, dark place. The old salt solution must be drained and refilled with fresh one regularly.

About storing oil in saline solution in the video:

Soaking in vinegar

  1. Soak a piece of gauze or any other clean white cloth with vinegar.
  2. Wrap the butter in this cloth and place it in a food container with a tight lid.
  3. Put 2-3 cubes of refined sugar there.

Melted butter

  1. Cut the butter stick into small portions, place them in an aluminum pan (you can use a steel container with a thick bottom) and place on low heat.
  2. Be sure to remove any foam that appears and continue melting the butter until it becomes literally transparent.
  3. Cool the finished mass and pour it into a clean, slightly warmed jar (leave the milk protein sediment at the bottom of the pan - this will not be needed) and close the jar with a lid.

This composition can be stored at room temperature away from sunlight for a long time.

Proper storage of butter will not only help preserve its taste, but will also protect you and your family from severe food poisoning. If you suddenly have the slightest suspicion that the product has gone bad, then immediately throw it in the trash and don’t take any risks.

It is best, of course, to store the product in the freezer or refrigerator and use life hacks that allow you to store oil outside the refrigeration device as rarely as possible.

In the video about preparing and storing ghee:

Signs of spoiled Olivier

Even if the salad has expired, it can still be edible a day after preparation if it was stored at a temperature no higher than +2°C. Before eating such a dish, you must first smell it, examine it and taste it.

The salad is spoiled if:

  • there is an unpleasant smell of eggs. This component is the first to deteriorate;
  • cucumbers are sour;
  • the surface is “weathered”;
  • the sausage is slimy or has changed color;
  • The consistency of the mayonnaise has changed. This sauce, when spoiled, separates and becomes watery.

Sour lettuce can cause food poisoning, so the offending dish should not be eaten.

When creating a menu for a celebration, you need to take into account the number of guests and the variety of dishes in order to prepare as much as will be eaten. Leftovers from the holiday table cannot be left for the next day. The exception is undressed salads that have not been removed from the refrigerator.

Video: the most delicious Olivier recipe

The most delicious Olivier recipe

Watch this video on YouTube

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How to tell if the oil has gone bad

It is worth focusing on the shelf life of butter if the storage conditions are observed. There are no guarantees that they were not violated during transportation, in a warehouse, on store shelves, or in a market.

How to identify a spoiled product:

  1. Inspect the packaging. Set aside packages with damaged foil and parchment. In places where there were ruptures, the piece was in contact with air. Microbes are concentrated there and spoilage processes are started.
  2. Inspect the piece. Uneven pigmentation, dark plaque, gray spots, changes in structure and consistency are a bad sign.
  3. Smell. Spoiled butter has a sour, musty odor. You can smell mold in the distance.
  4. Try it. A sour taste with hints of bitterness signals spoilage and expiration.






If, despite the normal taste, the oil still raises doubts, there is no need to use it fresh for sandwiches or cream. Like cottage cheese or milk, cheese, you can use it to make baked goods, casseroles, and other heat-treated foods.

There is no average shelf life. Perishable fats are sensitive to storage conditions. At high temperatures they disappear within a few hours. What threatens a person with poisoning, problems with the gastrointestinal tract. If you don’t have a refrigerator, we recommend purchasing butter by weight in small pieces for one-day use. They do not take it with them on trips, hikes, or picnics.

The second point is the container. To maintain shelf life, it is necessary to exclude contact with oxygen.

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When using reusable containers, it is important not to use scented dishwashing detergents. If whey accumulates at the bottom or a musty smell appears, change the dishes

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