Parsley root: benefits and harm. Use of parsley root in medicine. Proper storage of parsley root

Parsley is a plant that can be found in almost every garden. Both the leaves of this plant and its root have beneficial properties. The article will examine in more detail the properties that parsley root has. Its benefits and harm will become known to you after reading it. When used correctly, great results can be achieved.

From the history

Where was parsley root first used, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed in the article? Greece can be considered the birthplace of this plant. The Greeks considered it healing and divine. They were the first to appreciate the beneficial properties of parsley. This plant grew on a rocky area. Initially, they noticed that parsley was growing every year, although no one was planting it or caring for it. It was then that the Greeks decided to check what kind of plant it was. We started using parsley leaves and roots. The benefits and harms of this plant were studied back in those days. It turned out that parsley has many healing properties. It began to be actively used in medicine. Also, parsley root was previously used by shamans to carry out their rituals.

At the same time, the plant began to be called “petroselinon”, which translated means “a plant that grows on a stone.” And later the Slavs began to use parsley everywhere, and gave it the simple name that we are used to hearing today.


Parsley is a perennial plant that has many varieties and varieties. It is also distinguished by the variety of its beneficial properties. The height of some varieties of parsley can reach about a meter, and the largest part is 5 centimeters in diameter. The plant grows vertically, like carrots. The root itself is fleshy and very similar in shape to a carrot fruit. When cut, it has a white or yellowish-white tint.

Parsley root contains a lot of manganese. It is thanks to this mineral that its taste is so specific.

How to properly store dried parsley

Properly prepared at home, parsley does not lose its beneficial qualities, aroma, and does not harm health. When storing it, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Dried herbs are easy to chop. You can use a mortar or hand mill. It is not advisable to use a coffee grinder.
  2. Glass containers with airtight lids are considered the best for storage. But seasonings can also be kept in cardboard boxes, closed plastic bags, fabric or paper bags.
  3. Regardless of the choice of container, you must attach a label with the name of the seasoning.
  4. Moisture and small aphids are the main enemies of dry seasonings.

Proper dried greens do not mold, do not lose their taste, aroma, or beneficial properties. Its shelf life is about a year - until the next season for preparing herbs.

Parsley root: benefits and harm

This root vegetable has a lot of benefits. If a person uses it daily, then good results can be achieved.

Parsley root has the following properties:

  • Improves appetite.
  • Improves vision.
  • Cleanses the walls of blood vessels and the liver.
  • Removes salt from the body.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Copes with gum inflammation.

Despite the fact that parsley has quite a lot of beneficial properties, the vegetable also has a number of contraindications. It is contraindicated for use by women bearing children, especially in the second trimester.

The juice of the plant is contraindicated for people with cystitis and nephritis. Parsley root should also be used with caution in case of diseases of the genitourinary system and in the presence of kidney stones. In this case, you need to consult an experienced doctor.

Parsley may also be contraindicated if you have an individual intolerance to essential oils or other components included in its composition.

The plant should not be used in the following cases:

  • When using lithium preparations.
  • With oxaluria.
  • For epilepsy.
  • If there are calcium metabolism disorders in the body.

Growing and caring for root parsley

Spicy herbs are universal in choosing a place for growing; they are sown in open ground, greenhouses, and at home. The crop produces a bountiful harvest on loose soils fertilized with humus. It is advisable to prepare the planting site in the fall. The work includes digging, removing weeds, applying organic and mineral fertilizers. The bed should be well lit, protected from drafts, and have a pH level of 6-7.

Advice. Plant greens in place of potatoes, tomatoes, onions, and cabbage. Avoid areas where umbrella crops grow.

Seed preparation

Parsley seeds take 15-25 days to germinate. Soaking helps speed up the process. The most accessible option is to use water. Planting material is filled with liquid for 2 days. The water is changed twice a day. During this time, the seeds will swell and lose some of their essential oil. Adding a few drops of Epin or Zircon to the water will help stimulate natural processes. To disinfect the material and prevent diseases, the seeds are kept for half an hour in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Advice. Experienced gardeners have an express method for getting rid of essential oil. They place a gauze bag of seeds in vodka for 20-30 minutes.

Landing technology

The cold-resistant culture germinates at a temperature of 3-5°. Its planting begins in April. In the garden, grooves are made 1.5-2 cm deep. The distance between them is 15-20 cm. Before sowing, the grooves are watered. Due to low germination, the seeds are planted quite densely. It is advisable to mulch the surface of the bed to retain moisture. When growing, they use not only seed, but also seedling planting methods. In this case, there is no need to wait for seedlings.


Beginning farmers are interested in how to grow large and juicy root crops? Plant care includes simple procedures:

  • watering;
  • weeding;
  • loosening;
  • fertilizing

Advice. The main problem when growing rooted greens is dense planting. Thin out the seedlings 2 times, the first time immediately after emergence, the second time after two weeks. The distance between neighboring plants should be 5-7 cm. During the dry period, watering is 20 liters per square meter. m. After precipitation and irrigation, the soil is loosened. The first feeding is carried out when 3-4 leaves appear.

The addition of urea is recommended. The second time, complex mineral fertilizer is used. In August, cutting of greenery stops.

Parsley root: medicinal properties

The root of this plant contains the following vitamins:

  • B. This vitamin is involved in the formation of hemoglobin.
  • RR.
  • TO.
  • C. Parsley contains three times more vitamin C than lemon. To protect yourself from diseases and strengthen your immune system, you need to eat a bunch of greens every day.
  • Trace elements treat heart disease. It is worth noting that parsley contains more calcium than dairy products.

What else is parsley root good for? The medicinal properties of this fruit are limitless. Scientists have proven that parsley root is especially useful for people with gynecological diseases and disorders of the genitourinary system.

Other properties

In what other cases can parsley roots be used? The beneficial properties of this plant are not known to everyone. Parsley root contains large quantities of chlorophyll, which takes an active part in oxidative processes. There is also folic acid, which is simply necessary for the human body.

What are the benefits of parsley root? Its benefits include the fact that it can improve digestion. Moreover, the desired effect can be achieved almost immediately after using the “medicine”. Even when parsley is in the oral cavity, it begins to have a beneficial effect on many human organs.

How can you use parsley roots? The beneficial properties of this fruit will help overcome many diseases that medicine is powerless to overcome. In order to overcome measles and scarlet fever, you need to drink tea based on this plant. If you regularly consume parsley root, you can restore your blood sugar levels. Due to the apigenin contained in the composition, you can get rid of allergic reactions.

If you have heart problems, then you absolutely need to eat parsley root, as this miracle plant can prevent the development of heart disease.

It can also be used for injuries and wounds. Parsley root is most effective in combating ulcers and inflammation of the mouth. It can also help you get rid of bad breath.

Contraindications and precautions for use

Using the plant as a garnish in meals or infusions is generally not considered risky for healthy people. But despite the medicinal properties of parsley root, there are also contraindications for its use. The usual therapeutic dosage is 2 grams of crushed root at a time. Such receptions can be three times a day, for a total of 6 grams of herbal preparation per day.

Precautions when taking:

  1. Avoid excessive consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding. There should be no danger in using parsley root as a spice or garnish in food. Tea or tinctures made from root vegetables are not recommended.
  2. The root contains high levels of oxalates, which can be dangerous for people suffering from kidney disease and gout.
  3. Excessive use may make the skin more sensitive to the sun and lead to rashes.


Wild parsley is similar to three common poisonous plants: water hemlock, little hemlock, and poison swamp. Poisoning from these plants can cause nausea, vomiting, paralysis, dilated pupils, weakness and death. In large quantities, myristicin can have a hallucinogenic effect.

Even when consumed in small quantities, parsley root provides health benefits because it is high in beneficial nutrients, essential oils, and antioxidants. According to numerous positive reviews, it is called a superfood. And when consumed in moderation, it is considered a natural remedy for treating a wide range of symptoms and diseases.

Storing parsley root

To extract as many beneficial substances as possible, you need to know how to choose the right parsley root. It is also very important to know how to store it. The tastiest and healthiest fruits are medium-sized ones. Also, the fruit must have a white or pale beige tint, and the presence of any damage or bulges on its surface is not allowed. Parsley leaves should be dark green in color.

If you eat greens, you need to eat them within a few days. For a little longer, about two weeks, you can use parsley root. How to store it? It's best in the refrigerator, in the vegetable compartment, next to the carrots. Even better - wrap it in special paper or a bag with holes. But if you have prepared a salad from parsley, you can store it for no more than an hour. Since the vegetable will begin to release nitrates, which are harmful to the body.

You can also store parsley root in the cellar, for no more than six months, at a temperature of 0 to +20 degrees Celsius. But if you choose this storage method, then the vegetable must be placed in a box with sand so that it does not deteriorate and lose its beneficial properties.

Good tradition - harvesting in natural conditions

It’s good, if possible, not to resort to using kitchen appliances, but to dry the parsley in the fresh air. The result exceeds all expectations. Greens retain not only a wonderful aroma, but a bright green color.

On air

It is better to spread the paper in a well-ventilated place, protected from direct sunlight. The first measure will prevent the parsley from becoming moldy during the drying process, and the second will prevent it from turning yellow and retain its beneficial substances and aroma. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a bale of hay.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Wash freshly picked bunches well to remove soil lumps and other debris.
  2. remove yellow damaged leaves
  3. chop the grass together with the stems
  4. spread thinly on paper
  5. stir the greens periodically for 3-4 days
  6. collect in any hermetically sealed container.

On a note! Ready parsley does not require special storage conditions. The main thing is to avoid dampness or foreign odors.

Drying in bunches

This method is interesting because as a result the housewife receives raw materials without rough stems - only leaves.

A simple task is to collect and tie 7-15 branches of parsley into neat, loose bunches and hang them by their tails outside in the shade of trees or in a ventilated room.

After about a week (and if the weather reaches 30°C, then much earlier), the bunches are removed from the rope and threshed - the leaves are separated from the stem. Parsley drying is complete. The grass is put into a jar and stored until the next harvest.

In the oven

How to dry parsley in conditions of a catastrophic lack of free time or bad weather? You'll have to turn to kitchen appliances.


  1. line a baking sheet with parchment
  2. put parsley into bunches
  3. remove stems without leaves
  4. Coarsely chop remaining tops
  5. spread the raw materials thinly on a baking sheet
  6. preheat the oven to no more than 40°C
  7. dry the herbs, stirring the leaves often

Increased fragility indicates the readiness of the raw material. This means it’s time to take out the dried parsley and put it in bottles and bags.

Important! A closed oven door can cause the greens to steam! A higher processing temperature will lead to burning, unsightly changes in color and odor. It's not worth the risk.

By the way, the aroma of parsley dried in air and in the oven (microwave) is different. In the second case, the smell will almost always contain spicy notes. And all the same, homemade spice cannot be compared with a store-bought product.

In an electric dryer

A device specially designed for this purpose – a vegetable and fruit dryer – will help you stock up on parsley for future use.

The principle of preparing raw materials for laying out on grates is similar. The parsley needs to be washed, random weeds removed, shaken to remove excess water, or better yet, spread out on a towel for a couple of hours.

On a note! Do you harvest herbs and greens on an industrial scale? Pay attention to the centrifuge. The process of removing excess water will become much easier!

Next, you need to carefully study the instructions for the electric dryer model. There, the manufacturer points out the operating features of the equipment, in particular, the time required for drying greens. Typically, the indicators vary between 2-4 hours at a temperature of 25° - 45°C, or even higher.

In the microwave

Why buy special equipment when you can use a microwave? Drying time directly depends on the amount of raw materials. It is quite possible that you will have to undergo one procedure in 2 stages.

The steps are as follows:

  1. preparing greens, as usual, involves washing and removing weeds and damaged branches
  2. the plate is covered with a paper napkin
  3. Towel-dried parsley is placed loosely on top
  4. the plate with raw materials is covered with a second napkin
  5. The power is set to 450 W, time to 3 minutes.

Dried parsley is manually chopped in any convenient way and placed in glass jars.

Important! While the microwave is operating, the plate becomes very hot; you need to remove it with an oven mitt!

The benefits and harms of parsley root for men

What else is parsley root known for? The benefits and harms for men have been described a long time ago. Our great-grandfathers also actively used it. This plant is able to cope with male problems. Parsley is effective for any urological pathology. By consuming this plant daily, you can increase your potency and revive your sexual desire. But before sexual intercourse, you should not eat the root in large quantities, as this can lead to hallucinations, and you will definitely not have a pleasant night. Parsley can safely be classified as an aphrodisiac. It is also an indispensable medicine for prostatitis. The plant is also effective for problematic and painful urination.

If you have problems associated with the genitourinary system, then you need to regularly eat 100 grams of parsley, and then your virility will return to normal. Parsley can increase male sexuality, which is very important for any member of the stronger sex. The fact is that the bioactive substances contained in it increase testosterone levels, ensure blood flow to the pelvic area, and prevent cell oxidation.

Men often suffer from hangovers, so parsley can overcome these problems as well.

There were no contraindications specifically for men.

Parsley root in medicine

Where else is parsley root used? The medicinal use of this plant was practiced hundreds of years ago. Parsley root can be used both internally and externally. In general, the plant has many properties, which is why it is widely used in medicine. It is good for digestion, helps with gynecological diseases, and relieves pain.

Parsley is widely used in folk medicine. The juice of the plant is useful in the following cases:

  • For painful menstruation.
  • For swelling.
  • For cystitis.
  • For inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • For colic.

Parsley also has laxative properties, so it can also be used for constipation. Many women value parsley because it helps them lose extra pounds. There are many diets with the main ingredient - parsley.


Parsley is also used in this area. How is parsley root useful in cosmetology? Many women suffer from freckles, but thanks to this plant you can get rid of such a defect. To prepare the mask you will need parsley root and lemon juice. The root of the plant can whiten the skin and get rid of age spots. From it you can prepare decoctions that can be used to cover the affected areas of the skin and areas where fungus has formed.

Parsley can also be beneficial for hair. To do this, you need to prepare a mask from the root of the plant and regularly apply it to the skin. Parsley helps prevent hair loss, improve color and appearance. You can also prepare decoctions for hair. But it is worth noting that such a product can cause allergies. To do this, you need to conduct a test by moistening your earlobe.

Chemical composition and nutritional value (BJU) of the plant

In order not to further unreasonably list the benefits of the plant root, here is its chemical composition, which will definitely convince all doubters:

Per 100 grams of root:

  • Calorie content – ​​51 Kcal.
  • 1.6 grams protein, 0.8 grams fat, 10 grams carbohydrates, 3 grams dietary fiber, 84 grams water, 0.6 grams ash.
  • Vitamins: group B, vitamin A, C, E, PP, niacin and carotene.
  • Macroelements: 340 mg Potassium, 58 mg Calcium, 20 mg Magnesium, 8 mg Sodium, 70 mg Phosphorus.
  • Microelements: 0.7 mg Iron.
  • Essential oils.

Parsley root for the winter

In order to have vitamins in the house all year round, you need to take care of this in advance and prepare the vegetable for the winter. To prepare parsley root, it must be extracted from the ground in late autumn. The collected fruits must be shaken off the ground, washed well and left to dry. Then the parsley root needs to be cut into several long strips and put in the oven to dry. It can also be placed near the battery, at a temperature of no more than 35 degrees.

Storing dried parsley is very easy. It can be put in a box or jar and taken, for example, to the balcony. The only condition is that the room be cool and dry.

You can also plant your own parsley. To do this, you need to plant the root of the plant and wait for it to sprout. Parsley will feel good on the windowsill.

It is worth noting that the benefits of the plant can be preserved in frozen form, but not more than one year.

How to dry parsley at home

Drying allows you to preserve vitamins and microelements in greens and does not require much time. In addition to the leaves, you can also dry parsley rhizomes; this is an excellent addition to soup.

For drying, tender leaves are selected, rough stems are removed. Greens with any degree of yellowness are also removed. After sorting, the parsley is washed in a bowl of water, then placed under running water. Finally, blot with a cotton towel.

The washed grass is either crushed or divided into leaves, and the rhizomes are cut into slices.

The easiest way to dry parsley is in an electric dryer. You just need to lay out the ingredients on the trays of the device, set the temperature to about 60 degrees and let it dry completely.

If you don’t have such a device, you can use an oven. Spread the parsley thinly on a baking sheet, place in a preheated oven at 60 degrees and dry until done with the door ajar.

An air fryer will also work - many models have a “drying” function, and you just need to lay out the parsley on a mesh, set the fan speed to medium or low (depending on the model) and wait.

If you are not in a hurry, you can simply lay out the greens and rhizomes on a tray and put them in the open air. But make sure that they are not exposed to sunlight, otherwise the parsley will turn yellow and lose most of its beneficial properties. During the drying process, it is necessary to stir the contents of the trays several times.

Parsley root in cooking

How can you use parsley root in cooking, the benefits of which are so great? The root itself has a sweetish taste and a pleasant aroma of essential oils. It is especially often used in expensive restaurants when preparing gourmet dishes.

The root of the plant can be prepared in different ways: baked in the oven, steamed, fried in oil and even boiled. Some people eat the vegetable raw. Parsley is used to prepare soups, salads and main courses.

Parsley root is without a doubt a unique product that can be used in different areas. But most of all its benefits have been appreciated in medicine.


Root parsley belongs to the Apiaceae family and is a biennial plant. The height of a garden crop can reach one meter. The plant has a thickened root, the shape of which is similar to a spindle. The stem is straight and can branch. The foliage is bright green in color with a smooth surface. The shape of the leaves is dissected and collected in a rosette. Root parsley begins to bloom in the middle of the summer season. During this period, small yellowish-green flowers appear on the plant.

Root parsley differs from leaf parsley in its leaves. The root foliage has a harsher taste, so it is recommended to use it to create hot dishes. Due to exposure to high temperature, the leaves acquire the necessary tenderness.

  • "Sugar". This variety is considered the most ancient. It was released in 1950. The ripening period is 95 days after germination. Root vegetables grow up to 75 grams. This variety is characterized by its universal characteristics, has tasty roots and foliage.
  • "Alba". This variety is considered late ripening. It is grown on plots by many gardeners. Parsley ripens 170 days after germination. The fruits reach a weight of 230 grams. Up to 5 kg of crop ripens on one square meter.
  • "Harvest." This is a mid-season variety of root parsley. The fruits ripen 130 days after germination. The plant looks like a lush and spreading bush with fragrant leaves. The fruits are cone-shaped and weigh up to 120 grams depending on the variety. The roots are eaten raw or preserved. Productivity indicators reach 3.5 kg per square meter.
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