How to cook venison shurpa at home. A simple recipe from a pensioner

Nowadays, more and more people are resorting to experiments when choosing a dish from the “pamper your loved ones with something delicious” series. And this is not surprising, since retail chains offer customers a wide selection of products for every taste. There are families who organize national cuisine days based on their taste preferences. And this approach to the menu is becoming a trend.

Unfortunately, the development of technology does not always have a beneficial effect on the world around us, or rather on our living environment. More and more people have begun to pay more attention to their health than was previously the case. Leading a healthy lifestyle has generally become a cult of modern society. And an integral part of this is healthy eating.

By the way, if you celebrated something the day before and allowed yourself a little extra, then a plate of venison shurpa will easily improve your health, no worse than pickle...

Why is shurpa made from deer meat?

Today I want to share with you a very simple dish, which is the main one in the diet of the indigenous peoples of the Far North. As is known, the main sphere of life of the peoples of the North is livestock farming. And reindeer is the main component of this activity in addition to hunting and fishing. And the main dish among these peoples is considered to be venison shurpa.

All pastures and reindeer habitat are areas of the Far North remote from civilization, as a result of which reindeer meat can safely be considered a healthy diet. And the easiest way to prepare it is considered to be shurpa. To prepare venison shurpa, we need simple and affordable ingredients. And so let's get started...

Cornflowers honor traditions

The traditions of hunting cuisine in Nalibokskaya Pushcha are preserved by the hereditary forester and game warden Vasily Shakun, who created an agricultural estate in the village of Belokorets. His father served as a driver for Count Tyshkevich. The name Vasily is often repeated in the family, so the farmstead was named “Nalibokskie Vasilki”. I must say that shanks are prepared in different ways in the village. Mostly they are stewed and baked, but with shalbabon and pantsaki only in “Nalibokskie Vasilki”.

His wife Maria Pavlovna feeds the guests. Shalbabon in local villages is called beans, while pantsak is pearl barley. The secret of the dish is simple: the shank (preferably smoked) is stewed for several hours with these products in a Russian oven. It turns out something unusual, fragrant. Beans with pearl barley can be cooked separately, and then seasoned with milk. In addition, tourists love shurpa made from roe deer and other game. Vasily Vladimirovich does not hide the recipe: first you need to cook the meat for a long time, at least several hours, so that the game falls off the bone and becomes soft, and then add traditional products: potatoes, carrots, onions. Guests are also treated to game sausage and other hunting delicacies. Products are bought from neighbors, from a game processing company. The owner is a longtime hunter who knows well how appetizing food can be when cooked in a cauldron over a fire.

Hereditary game manager Vasily Shakun.

Not far from the village of Belokorets, in the Vyaloye tract, noble hunts were once held. Benedict Tyshkevich even had a “hunters’ palace”. How the treats were prepared for his guests was passed on from mouth to mouth. The historical dish for excursionists—and “Nalibokskie Vasilki” cooperates with travel companies—is accompanied by a meaningful story from the owner:

— There is something to interest and surprise tourists. In those days they hunted mainly old wild boar with large tusks, wolves and wood grouse. Count Benedikt Tyshkevich was both an avid traveler and a talented artist, so there is a version that the manor house was not so much a “hunters’ palace” as a photo studio. His 86 unique photographs with scenes of rural life from his travels in 1993 were discovered in the possession of an antique dealer from the Parisian quarter of Saint-Ouen. Every autumn the count came to these lands with his friends to hunt. Our places are rich in animals. The son of Benedikt Tyshkevich was also in love with this corner of Nalibokskaya Pushcha and often visited the Vyaloe tract. He built a new stone house on the site of the burnt wooden “hunters’ palace,” the remains of which have survived to this day. Grandson Benedict Jan Tyshkevich created the first menagerie on the territory of Belarus, with an area of ​​400 hectares, near the Vyaloe tract. Moose, deer (including spotted ones), and then bears were thrown into it. In fact, Benedict Jan Tyszkiewicz remained the owner of these places until 1939, but left Vyaloe forever in 1915. The fact is that during the First World War, the menagerie suffered greatly from poachers, and the Russian army dug defensive trenches along its northern border. For this reason, in August 1915, the count killed the last elk and left these places. After the war, the Polish authorities tried to restore the menagerie - in addition to deer, they began to breed beavers and pheasants. Today we have bison, and we have introduced tarpan-shaped horses.

It was especially possible to “break the fast” at Christmas: two or three busloads of vacationers were greeted a day. After a tour of historical sites and hunting stories in the former Pune, converted into a dining hall, tourists reinforced their emotions with refreshments. Well, can you really relax like that in a distant country?

How to cook deer meat

You need to buy a piece of freshly frozen deer meat 1.0 - 1.5 kg and defrost it naturally at room temperature. I think this method is the most correct. Venison is sinewy; therefore, when purchasing, it is advisable to choose the back part of the carcass (ham). I lived in it the least. Defrost for about an hour and a half. It will be easier to remove the wires.

After removing the veins, cut the venison into small pieces (the size of goulash). Reindeer meat is quite bloody in texture. To remove blood as much as possible, rinse it thoroughly in cold running water. It is advisable to cook until the meat has minimal coloration in the water. By and large, the preparation of deer meat is ready.

Venison cooked with berries and red wine: recipe

Not everyone can afford to cook venison. If you are lucky, then the following recipe will definitely come in handy. For him stock up:

  • Fresh thyme
  • Juniper – 3 pcs.
  • Spices
  • Meat – 400 g
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Garlic – 1 tooth.
  • Red wine – 1/2 tbsp.
  • Blueberries – 100 g

With berries
Cooking process:

  • Grind the juniper and thyme with a pestle and mortar.
  • Add salt and pepper. Add some olive oil.
  • Dry the venison and rub the prepared mixture into the meat.
  • Fry the deer meat for 6 minutes.
  • Reduce heat.
  • Fry the onion with the meat, add chopped garlic. Fry for a few more minutes.
  • Add blueberries and continue cooking for another 3 minutes.
  • Remove the pan, add butter. Simmer until done.

The process of preparing deer meat

Place the venison in the prepared pan and fill it with water to three-quarters of the volume. Cover with a lid, place on the stove (electric in my case) at maximum heat and wait... As soon as it boils, open the lid, remove the resulting foam, and add salt to taste. Next, cook over low heat (minimum boiling is enough), periodically removing the foam.

Deer meat needs to be cooked for an average of 2-2.5 hours. This is the only way to achieve the “melt in your mouth” effect. And if you are not lazy and skim off the foam until it disappears, you will end up with a tasty and clear broth. While the meat is cooking, we prepare the remaining ingredients since their list is as minimal as possible in principle.

Venison with orange flavor: recipe

Stock up:

  • Meat – 400 g
  • Tomatoes – 250 g
  • Mushrooms – 150 g
  • Salom – 35 g
  • Dry red wine – 300 ml
  • Greenery
  • Thyme – 2 g
  • Orange zest – 14 g
  • Chili pepper – 1\2 pcs.
  • Onion – 10 g

Cooking process:

  • Cut the meat into pieces and place in a container.
  • Pour wine over the venison, add zest, bay leaves, and spices.
  • Mash the tomatoes, cut the mushrooms.
  • Fry the mushrooms in lard and oil, adding spices.
  • Fry the venison also in lard, add wine to it again. Remove the orange zest in advance.
  • When the liquid has evaporated, add all the ingredients.
  • Pour water into the container with the meat, cover with a lid, and simmer for 60 minutes.
  • Sprinkle the dish with herbs.

Flavorful filling

For the volume of the pan I chose, we select one medium-sized onion and a small carrot. Cut the carrots into cubes about a centimeter, and just chop the onion into smaller pieces. The fact is that the classic version of venison shurpa does not involve the addition of potatoes. But in my family, due to taste preferences, it was included. It didn't make it any worse.

In connection with this circumstance, we simply called this dish “Homemade Venison Shurpa.” And they didn’t bother with this issue anymore. Next we need bay leaf, allspice (literally 2-3 peas) and ground black pepper to taste. Half an hour before the end of cooking the venison, add the cooked onions, carrots and potatoes to the pan. And that's all for now.

Cooking features

  • Most residents of our country can only purchase venison frozen. This meat should thaw in natural conditions, without being subjected to sudden temperature changes. Trying to speed up the process of defrosting venison using a microwave will lead to a deterioration in its organoleptic qualities.
  • The meat of females and young animals is more tender and tastier than the meat of adult male deer; it cooks faster and smells more pleasant. This is worth considering when purchasing a product.
  • Before cooking, venison must be washed, removed from films, and trimmed off fat. This must be done, otherwise you are unlikely to be satisfied with the taste and smell of the finished dish.
  • Deer meat has a specific smell. In order to reduce it, before cooking the meat is soaked in water acidified with vinegar for at least 8-10 hours or marinated in wine.

Shurpa made from deer meat is low-fat and nutritious. Gourmets claim that the next day after cooking it becomes even tastier, so it is better to cook it in a large saucepan so that there is enough soup for 2-3 times.

Venison shurpa - final

The last ingredients are allspice, bay leaf and ground black pepper half an hour after discarding the onions, carrots and potatoes. Turn off the stove and let the shurpa brew for 15-20 minutes to release the aroma of the last components to the venison and broth. And now “Homemade Venison Shurpa” is ready and opening the lid of the pan fills the kitchen with the aroma of healthy food.

It should be noted that venison shurpa is not only an environmentally friendly dish, but also a dietary one. Therefore, for those who are watching their weight, this method of preparing reindeer meat will be a useful addition to their diet. The only thing I think is better to exclude potatoes in this case. Since it is known to not help in weight loss.

How do you like the recipe? Try it - the result will not disappoint you. Write comments. Always ready for dialogue.

Sincerely, Andrey, a pensioner.

Lamb can be replaced with lower-calorie beef or poultry

In our country, many consumers are not accustomed to the taste of lamb, and this meat is in short supply and is not available for sale everywhere. Therefore, in central Russia, shurpa soup is often prepared from beef, making it less fatty and less high in calories, and more adapted to the taste preferences of Russians.

However, the beef shurpa recipe does not lose the flavor-containing qualities of the classic version, remaining just as thick, satisfying and nutritious. Classic lamb shurpa is a high-calorie dish. This type of meat contains 209 kC. If you want to try an equally tasty, but dietary option, you should use poultry, goat and beef in the recipe.

Shurpa is served in deep plates, with a good piece of meat and sour cream.

The menu is based on authentic Yakut products: rare fish, juicy venison and tender foal. The table is served with reindeer tartare, traditional Indigirka salad with muksun, deer liver pate, whitefish soup and fried foal with mashed potatoes and spinach. For dessert they can offer meringue roll with raspberries and pine nuts, lingonberries with homemade condensed milk or ice cream with spruce honey.

Venison in a slow cooker: recipe

You will have to stock up on the following list of products:

  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Water – 750 ml
  • Venison fillet – 500 g
  • Apple cider vinegar – 1 tbsp.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.

In a slow cooker
Cooking process:

  • Marinate the meat. Pour vinegar over the venison and add spices. Leave the meat cool until the morning.
  • Remove the meat and drain off the excess marinade. Rinse the venison with water and cut into pieces.
  • Peel the carrots and grate. Cut the onion. Place vegetables and meat in the slow cooker in layers.
  • Turn on the “Stew” function on the multicooker for about 1 hour 30 minutes.
  • Serve meat with boiled potatoes.

Lamb shurpa with chickpeas

If you add unusual ingredients to shurpa, such as fat tail fat, and change a little spice, the taste of the oriental dish will change for the better. Soup prepared according to this recipe cooks a little faster, since the meat will not be boiled, but fried. Fragrant, rich and appetizing shurpa will delight you with its taste in just 2 hours. It is best to use the lamb thigh portion for cooking.


  • Lamb – 800 g.
  • Fat tail fat – 45 g.
  • Potatoes – 300 g.
  • Carrots – 200 g.
  • Onions – 500 g.
  • Tomatoes – 240 g.
  • Bell pepper – 260 g.
  • Greens - to taste.
  • Chickpeas – 200 g.
  • Vegetable oil – 140 ml.
  • Ground coriander – 1 g.
  • Zira – 1 g.

Cooking method:

  1. We carefully sort out the peas, rinse them under cold water and fill them with warm water, leaving them for one night. Since the peas will increase several times, you will need about 1 liter. water.
  2. We wash the meat, freeing it from veins. Cut into large portions.
  3. Peel the onion and cut it into half rings.
  4. We wash the sweet pepper and cut out its stem and seeds. Cut the vegetable into thin slices.
  5. Wash and peel the carrots, then cut them into small cubes.
  6. Scald clean tomatoes with boiling water so that the skin can be easily removed. Cut the vegetables into cubes.
  7. When all the products are prepared, pour vegetable oil into a cauldron or any pan with a thick bottom and heat it up. We send the meat to fry until it gets a golden crust.
  8. Then add the onion to the lamb and fry it over high heat until it becomes transparent. Then add the carrots and keep for another 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  9. After time, add bell peppers and tomatoes. Fry all the ingredients for about 3 minutes, and then reduce the heat to medium and simmer for 10-12 minutes.
  10. During this time, rinse the chickpeas through a colander. Next, pour 2 liters into the cauldron. water and add peas. At the same stage, chop the tail fat, add it to the shurpa and wait for the mass to boil. As soon as this happens, reduce the heat to the lowest possible level. Simmer with the lid ajar for 1.5 hours, not allowing the broth to boil.
  11. During this time, peel the potatoes and cut them into standard medium cubes. After the time has passed, add the vegetable to the soup, followed by cumin and coriander. Simmer until the potatoes are cooked.
  12. 5 minutes before the end of cooking the soup, add bay leaves.
  13. Turn off the heat and let the soup simmer for about 10 minutes.

Delicious lamb shurpa with chickpeas is ready! When serving, decorate with greens. Bon appetit!

What does venison taste like?

The taste of this product is quite unique. Some compare it to beef, as both varieties have a fairly tough texture and minimal amount of fat. Important! If the venison is not pre-prepared in the form of marinating, the product will become even tougher after heat treatment. Do not forget that deer is a wild animal. This means that its meat has a specific taste of forest game. This taste is not unpleasant. If you have never eaten a similar product before, most likely, its taste will seem unusual to you due to the slight sweetish aftertaste. It can be removed by properly marinating and cooking the pieces. For example, they can be soaked in salted water and left in a basin overnight. During this time, the water must be replaced several times. In this case, the dish will become piquant. The most delicious is considered to be the tenderloin of a young deer that is less than 12 months old. Fawns up to six months old are also popular. Typically, animals are slaughtered in the fall, since it is during these months that animals gain the most fat. To prepare steaks, kebabs or other dishes from whole pieces of venison, you need to choose shoulder, breast or sirloin parts. You can also make soup from them.

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