How long and how to cook pork until cooked: in a bag, in a pan, or as a whole piece

Product preparation

It is important to choose the right meat. Any part is great for cooking: ham, shoulder, tenderloin, etc. If you are going to prepare slices or salad, use the pulp. Meat on the bone is more suitable for broth. It is best to buy chilled pork.

If you have frozen meat, be sure to defrost it before cooking. Otherwise, the taste of the finished dish may deteriorate.

Preparation includes the following steps:

  1. Rinse pork thoroughly with cold running water.
  2. Remove excess fat, film, veins.
  3. Cut the pork into pieces of the required size. To obtain tasty and juicy pulp, cook it whole. To speed up cooking time, cut the meat into small pieces.

What meat to choose for cooking

For cooking broth, pork on the bone is more suitable, then the broth will be richer. Any low-fat sirloin cuts are perfect for salads.

Keep in mind that pork is fattier and higher in calories than beef: the calorie content of boiled pork is 349 kcal/100 grams. The most “dietary” cut is considered to be pork tenderloin - 142 kcal/100 grams.

Cooking secrets

  • Salt the pork before finishing cooking. Otherwise, the meat may be tough and dry.
  • To prepare a rich, nutritious broth, choose fatty ham. To get an almost transparent broth, cook the tenderloin - this is the leanest part.
  • Do not add bulk spices to the broth. Because of them, the liquid will become cloudy and less appetizing.
  • To prepare aromatic, savory meat for salad or pea soup, cook smoked pork.
  • Since heavy metals and salts are deposited in the bones, drain the first water after boiling.

How long to cook?

The length of time it takes to cook pork is affected by the size of the pieces and the type of meat. Tenderloin from a young pig cooks faster than from an old one.

Approximate cooking time for pork depending on its type and preparation method Type of pork and cooking method Time

A whole piece weighing 0.5–1 kg of a middle-aged pig1.5–2 hours
Young meat40–45 minutes
Small pieces45–60 minutes
With bone1–1,5
Smoked meat3 hours
In a slow cooker2 hours

You can check the pork for doneness using a knife or fork. Cooked soft meat is easily pierced. There should be no bloody fluid oozing from the puncture site.

If you boil the pulp before baking, for example in pots in the oven, the cooking time should not exceed 20 minutes.

How to determine readiness

You can determine the readiness of boiled pork by piercing it with a knife: if the meat is cooked, then the knife will go into the meat almost effortlessly.

How to choose pork

High-quality chilled meat has an even pink or red-pink color.
There are no dark or greenish spots, clots of mucus, blood or signs of weathering on it. The pork is elastic to the touch. If you press lightly on the piece, the indentation will quickly smooth out. The smell is neutral, natural meat. There is no sense of mustiness or foreign impurities in it.

Chilled pork. Photo: AndreySt/Depositphotos

High-quality frozen pork has a whole package without damage. There is practically no ice. If there is a lot of it, the meat has most likely been thawed and frozen again several times.


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