How to properly boil an egg in a bag. Cook eggs in a bag for how many minutes. How and how many minutes to cook quail eggs

Eggs in a bag


stove, pan, clock.


How to choose the right one

  • free-range country hens Their diet is rich in chlorophyll and pasture protein.
  • When choosing them in a store, pay attention to the labeling: “D” means dietary, the freshest. From the 8th day it goes into category “C” - table food - and remains so until the 25th day - the end of the shelf life. So be sure to read the packaging date and find out the true age of this offer.
  • By weight they are divided into 5 categories: heavier than 75 g - “B” (highest), “O” (selected) in the range from 75 g to 65 g, 65-55 g - 1st category, 55-45 - 2- I, lighter than 45 g – 3rd category.
  • Large size does not indicate quality, rather the opposite, because small specimens are laid by young chickens whose bodies are still full of strength and health.
  • The color of the shell does not affect the quality, but cleanliness is an important argument, because chicken droppings are a source of salmonella.

Did you know?

Despite the undoubted benefits of eggs, they contain one excess component - cholesterol. One yolk contains a person’s daily need for this substance. This leads to the recommendation of nutritionists to eat no more than 1 piece. per day with good physical activity and no contraindications.

Step-by-step preparation

Benefits of eggs

A chicken egg is a valuable food product. It contains complete, easily digestible protein with a full set of amino acids, vitamins A, B6, B12, D, E, folic acid, choline, biotin, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and many other useful vitamins and microelements. Its composition is not homogeneous: the overwhelming amount of protein is in the white, and vitamins and other beneficial substances are concentrated in the yolk.

During heat treatment, the protein coagulates and is almost completely (95%-97%) absorbed by the human body; in its raw form, half goes to waste. The yolk is a completely different story: high temperatures destroy most of the vitamins, so it is more useful in its raw form.

Video recipe

If you still have questions, watch this video and feel free to start cooking.

The perfect egg “in a bag”: Blumenthal’s formula

“The best way to boil an egg is not to boil it at all.” So says Heston Blumenthal, a man whose name is so strongly associated with the so-called “molecular gastronomy” that, no matter what nonsense he expresses, everything is in vain. But in this case, Blumenthal expressed himself quite accurately; the whole difficulty is to adequately translate the English word boil, which means both “boil” and “cook.”

That is, the Englishman’s idea is completely simple: you should not cook eggs in boiling water.

And this is not a whim of the chef, but the result of precise knowledge, for the sake of which all this fuss with “molecular gastronomy” is being started (and not just for advertising purposes). A normal person rebels against breaking food down into molecules: it’s more like a chemistry laboratory than cooking. To which Blumenthal responds: breaking down ingredients into molecules is useful because it allows you to understand how products behave under one or another processing.

In this case, it is useful to know that chicken white and chicken yolk reach readiness at different temperatures. The protein begins to set at a lower temperature. And if you keep an egg in boiling water, by the time the yolk turns from raw to edible, the white will become rubbery.

If we agree with the chef’s definition that the ideal egg “in a bag” is one in which the yolk is runny and the white is tender, but not snotty (i.e., simply put, raw), then Blumenthal’s formula, which he shared with The newspaper Guardian, acquires both meaning and a certain interest.

The white and yolk are cooked at different temperatures

The Englishman experimented with eggs for a long time. For example, I tried to cook them in a water bath. After 45 minutes, the white turned into a gel in consistency, and the yolk into a paste. That is, the white and yolk actually changed textures, which, according to Blumenthal, is very tasty on a hot pancake or flatbread.

It is unlikely that there will be many hunters in the world to repeat this experiment. Certainly not me.

But I was not too lazy to test the “Blumenthal formula” for the ideal egg “in the bag” at home.

I want to admit right away that I managed to achieve an excellent result only on the third attempt. The reason for this is not any special difficulties hidden in the formula, but the elementary inattention shown by me in the first two attempts.

For example, for the first time, I started boiling an egg in a saucepan without a lid. The result was unsatisfactory. True, this gave me the opportunity to photograph an egg that was immersed in water to the very top - not a millimeter below: otherwise I would have to look for the exact cooking time myself.

Another time I used a saucepan with a very thick bottom. Even if you follow the instructions, you end up with a slightly overcooked egg.

So, to summarize the experience: if you want to use the “Blumenthal formula”, use an ordinary saucepan, preferably with a transparent lid, so as not to miss the moment when bubbles begin to form in the water, and strictly follow all the instructions.

Here are Blumenthal's three steps to boiling an egg.

1.Place the egg in a saucepan; the water should reach exactly to the top edge of the egg - neither higher nor lower. Cover with a transparent lid and place on maximum heat.

2. Bring water to a boil.

3.As soon as the water starts to bubble, remove the pan from the heat and set the timer for 6 minutes. Do not remove the cover. If you keep the timing right, you will be rewarded with a perfectly boiled egg “in the bag.”

Tested: the formula works!

The perfect egg “in a bag”: Blumenthal’s formula

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BreakfastRecipesEggsEnglandHeston BluementalHeston Blumenthal

Egg etiquette and compatibility with other products

  • Eggs boiled in a bag and soft-boiled have a difference in protein density.
    For those that are soft-boiled, it is very tender, almost liquid near the yolk. Both types are served in special glass stands and eaten with a small spoon. The egg should be positioned with the sharp end up, so it is easier to break it.
  • The shell fragments are removed from the top and placed on a plate. Using a spoon to get to the yolk beautifully when cooking “in a bag” will not work, so the white cap must be carefully cut off with a knife.
  • Our dish is best served with herbs and non-starchy vegetables. This combination not only helps the body efficiently absorb all the beneficial components, but also helps cleanse it of toxins. It is best to avoid combinations with other protein-containing products, as this promotes the production of uric acid, which leads to joint diseases. In the presence of fat, proteins are digested more slowly.
  • You should not wash down our healthy breakfast with sweet tea, this makes it difficult to absorb proteins and can cause fermentation in the stomach. For the same reason, it is recommended to eat sweet fruits 2-3 hours after proteins.
  • The protein begins to coagulate at a temperature of 65°, so it is important for the accuracy of the recipe to maintain the heating intensity at maximum before boiling.
  • Pour cold water over the eggs to make the shell easier to peel. The sharper the temperature contrast, the better the result.
  • To prevent the protein from leaking out when the shell cracks during cooking, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of salt to the water. It accelerates the coagulation of the protein, due to which the crack is sealed almost at the moment of formation. But keep in mind that salt water takes longer to boil than fresh water.

Other cooking options

You can use a multicooker to cook eggs into pouches: set the timer for how many minutes you need and steam them in a special container. Since the time countdown in the “Steam Boiler” mode starts after the water boils, we set the time for 5-6 minutes. The “smart machine” will signal the end of the process, so you can safely go about your business without fear of missing important moments.

is a boiled egg in which the yolk is partially runny in the center and firmer around the edges, and the white is completely hard and set after boiling.

Knowing now what an egg in a bag is, let’s consider how long it takes to boil a raw egg so that it turns out exactly like this inside.

Egg “in a bag” and soft-boiled – what’s the difference?

There are approximately three types of preparation of the product in this way. These are hard-boiled eggs, soft-boiled and “in a bag”. In the first case, we are talking about a fully cooked product. Both the white and the yolk are solid. Soft-boiled eggs are better known. With this method of cooking, the white thickens only slightly, while the yolk remains runny. What do you mean eggs “in a bag”? This is when the white is completely (or almost) cooked, but the yolk is still runny, or at least viscous and creamy. That is, in this dish there appears a combination of solid and liquid consistency. It turns out to be a kind of “bag” of protein, in which there is a yolk that has not had time to cook. But this is not always the case. To be successful, you need to know how long to boil the eggs “in the bag.” It is also necessary to take into account other secrets and rules. Now we will understand all this.

How many minutes does it take to boil eggs in a bag?

Like soft-boiled eggs, eggs in a bag are not as easy to boil as it seems at first glance, because if you keep it in boiling water, the yolk in it will harden completely and it will become hard-boiled, but if, on the contrary, you don’t hold it for long, then the egg will turn out to be soft-boiled completely. liquid yolk and perhaps partially liquid white. That is why you should carefully adhere to the egg boiling time:

  • How many minutes does it take to boil an egg in a bag in a saucepan on the stove?
    Cooking a chicken egg should last 5 minutes after the water boils in the pan.
  • How long does it take to cook an egg in a bag in a slow cooker?
    In a multicooker, a chicken egg must be boiled for 7-8 minutes in the “Steam” mode to ultimately get an egg boiled into a bag.

To properly boil eggs in a bag, you need to know not only how many minutes to cook them, but also how to do it correctly so that the eggs end up tasty, have the right consistency, do not crack during cooking and are easy to clean after it.

In a slow cooker

In a multicooker, you can cook the product in the same way as in a saucepan, or use the double boiler function.

Method one:

  1. Wash the eggs, place them in a multicooker bowl, and cover with water.
  2. Close the lid, set the “steam” mode, set the timer for 8-10 minutes depending on the size of the eggs.
  3. At the signal, take out the product and fill it with cold water.

Method two:

  1. Pour 2 cups of water into the multicooker bowl.
  2. Rinse the eggs, make a small puncture at the blunt or sharp end (this is necessary to prevent the shell from bursting).
  3. Place them in a steaming basket or in a special insert with the hole facing down.
  4. Close the lid, set the “steam” mode, set the timer for 15 minutes.
  5. Take out the finished product and wait until it cools down. There is no need to transfer to cold water, as the shell easily comes away from the white.

In a slow cooker, cook eggs in a bag in the “steam” mode.

How to boil an egg in a pouch in a saucepan on the stove?

Boiling eggs in a bag is not much different from classic boiling eggs in a saucepan, the main thing is to observe the exact cooking time in minutes, as well as follow all stages of cooking in the correct sequence.

  • Total cooking time: 10 minutes, preparation time for cooking: 5 minutes (time for boiling water in the pan), cooking time: 5 minutes.
  • Calorie content: 157 calories (per 100 grams of product).
  • Cuisine: European. Type of dish: side dish. Number of servings: 1.

To prepare eggs in a bag you will need the following set of ingredients:

  • Chicken eggs – 2 pieces,
  • Water – 1 liter,
  • Salt – 1 tablespoon.

The process of boiling eggs in a bag is quite simple, the main thing is to do everything in a certain sequence:

  • Wash each egg under running water.
  • Place the washed eggs in a saucepan and fill them with cold water so that they are completely covered.
  • Add a tablespoon of salt to the pan (so that the shells on the eggs do not crack during cooking).
  • Place the pan over medium heat and bring the water with the eggs to a boil, then immediately reduce the heat so that the water does not boil too much (does not boil, which can cause the eggs to crack during cooking) and set for exactly 5 minutes.
  • After boiling the eggs, turn off the stove and transfer the eggs into a container with cold water so that they cool a little and then are easier to peel (keep the boiled eggs in cold water for 5-7 minutes).

This is the most popular method for boiling an egg in a bag, but you can also use this: put a pan of water on the stove, add a tablespoon of salt and bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat and use a tablespoon to put the eggs into boiling water ( The eggs must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that they have time to warm up to room temperature, and they can also be “warmed” in advance for several minutes in warm water so that they do not burst in boiling water). Boil the eggs for 1 minute, then leave the pan from the stove and wait until the eggs reach the desired state within 7 minutes, after which we transfer them to a container with cold water.

Note: like soft-boiled eggs, eggs in a bag are usually eaten hot, placing the egg in a special stand with the sharp nose facing up, peeling the shell at the very top and then eating with a teaspoon.

How many calories are in a poached egg?

The calorie content of eggs boiled in a bag is 157 kcal (per 100 grams of product)
Calorie content of 1 egg boiled in a bag (with an average weight of 55 g) = 86 kcal
And hard-boiled. Between them is the “in a bag” method, which got its name due to its consistency: a liquid yolk is contained in a tightly coagulated white.

Egg in a bag, cut in half

Interesting things about eggs in a bag

  • Boiled eggs should be served hot without peeling the shell. It is convenient to eat eggs boiled in a bag with a teaspoon, removing the shell from the sharp end. They go great with salad and cheese - it makes a wonderful dietary breakfast.
  • The calorie content of 1 egg per bag is about 86 kcal. Eggs are a nutritious and easily digestible product, but due to the high cholesterol content in the yolk, it is worth limiting your egg intake (3-5 eggs per week) or eating only egg whites.
  • Eggs boiled in a pouch have a fairly dense white and a runny yolk . You can boil eggs in a bag without the shell, releasing them into very salty water (salt prevents the eggs from spreading). This is how the traditional French dish of poached eggs is prepared.
  • It is recommended to place the eggs in cold water to prevent them from bursting. You can put eggs in boiling water, but to avoid damage to the shell: do not use cold (only from the refrigerator) eggs, they must first be warmed in warm water; immerse the eggs in boiling water carefully - using a tablespoon; or pierce the egg shell from the blunt end - this will allow the air present there to escape during cooking.

How to properly boil eggs in a bag

Before cooking, be sure to wash the eggs and then warm them in warm water so that they do not burst when dropped into boiling water. There are two ways to make the dish:

  • Place the eggs in a saucepan, add cold water and start heating. Cook for 3-4 minutes after boiling. Place in cold water for a couple of minutes to cool.
  • Boil water in a saucepan. Gently lower the eggs with a spoon and cook for 3 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the eggs in the container for 2 minutes, then remove them and cool under cold water.

There are also a few subtleties to consider:

  • It is better to use a small cooking container, placing the eggs in one row closer to each other. This reduces the chance that the shell will crack.
  • Salt should be added to the water, which has a similar effect on the eggs.
  • Cooking should be done over medium heat.

Methods for boiling eggs in a bag

There are two ways to cook this ingredient in a bag. We will tell you about them now.

Method No. 1 – Putting in cold liquid


  • Chicken eggs;
  • Water;
  • Salt.


  1. Wash the egg product thoroughly;
  2. Place them in a bowl with cool liquid;
  3. Place the dish on the gas burner for 4-5 minutes (according to the dimensions of the ingredient), after the liquid begins to bubble.

The liquid should slightly cover the egg product during cooking. Serve the finished dish with fresh toast.

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Method No. 2 – Putting in a bubbling liquid


  • Chicken eggs;
  • Water;
  • Salt.


  1. Carefully place the eggs into the bubbling, salty liquid;
  2. After waiting for the liquid to boil, cook for 3-4 minutes.

Cool the prepared food immediately. Serve it with mayonnaise sauce with herbs and garlic.

How to boil eggs in a bag without shells

Eggs with firm whites and runny yolks, cooked without the shell, are known as poached eggs. They are quite easy to prepare:

  1. Start heating water in a saucepan;
  2. When boiling, add two tablespoons of vinegar and salt to taste;
  3. Stir the boiling water to form a funnel;
  4. Crack the egg into the funnel;
  5. Reduce heat and cook the egg for about 5 minutes, helping the white wrap around the yolk;
  6. Remove the finished egg with a slotted spoon and serve with bread.

How to cook an egg in a bag video

For a better understanding of the cooking process, the recipe is presented in the following video

There is no such person who has not boiled eggs at least once in his life. And probably many have encountered a situation where an egg cracked and half spilled into the water, was undercooked or overcooked. Oddly enough, such a simple action as boiling eggs has quite a few nuances. So let's break this process down and learn a few little secrets so that we can prepare an egg of the consistency we need without any problems or delays.

Cooking time for chicken eggs:

in a bag – 3 minutes; soft-boiled – 6 minutes; hard-boiled – 12 minutes;

Quail eggs:

into the bag – 30-40 seconds; soft-boiled – 1.5 minutes; hard-boiled – about 3 minutes

Ostrich eggs:

in a bag – 20 minutes; soft-boiled – 45 minutes; hard-boiled – 90 minutes.

Depending on the type and size of the egg, cooking takes from one and a half to 90 minutes. Calorie content of eggs

chicken egg - from 60 to 80 Kcal calculation: calorie content of one chicken egg (without shell) is 157 Kcal per 100g quail egg - 20 Kcal calorie calculation: average weight of a quail egg is about 12g, calorie content is about 168 Kcal per 100g Calorie calculation of ostrich eggs: weight An ostrich egg ranges from 1.2 kg to 2.2 kg, and its calorie content is 160 Kcal per 100g.

How to boil chicken eggs

The most recommended cooking method is to bring the eggs to a boil, then turn off the heat, close the lid and let them cook in the residual heat. This method works well, but takes longer because the water stops boiling. Therefore, most people prefer the 2nd method - continuous cooking. As soon as the water boils, you should set the timer and cook the eggs for exactly the number of minutes needed to achieve the desired yolk consistency. But there are many other ways to boil eggs: in a pressure cooker, microwave or even in the oven.

Cooking methodHow to do itHow long does it take to prepare
MicrowaveYou need to use a bowl large enough to immerse the eggs in water. Using a pin or thumbtack, you need to pierce the bottom of the egg, otherwise it will burst. 3-4 minutes, then leave in water for another 2-3 minutes.
OvenPlace the eggs one at a time in baking dishes, add water and cook at 180 degrees.30 min. plus then immerse in ice water for 10 minutes.
MulticookerThe eggs should be placed in a bowl, filled with water and cooked on the boiling mode.about 10 min.

It is more difficult to boil eggs in a bag or soft-boiled, since it is not always possible to accurately calculate the time during which the product will reach the initial degree of readiness. All of the above recommendations only apply to hard boiling. Therefore, practical experience and the choice of a suitable and convenient cooking method are important.

On residual heat

The most reliable way to boil eggs, taking into account their desired consistency, looks like this:

  1. It is necessary to fill the pan about a quarter full with cold water, place the eggs in it in one layer and place them on the bottom. Then you should add more water so that they are covered by at least 3-5 cm. The more eggs are placed in the pan, the more water should be above them.
  2. You need to heat the pan over high heat and bring the water to a vigorous boil. Adding 1 tsp. vinegar can help prevent egg whites from leaking if the egg cracks during cooking. There is also an opinion that adding 0.5 tsp. adding salt to the water helps prevent the shells from cracking and also makes them easier to clean.
  3. You need to turn off the heat, leave the pan on the hot burner, cover with a lid and leave to stand for 10-12 minutes. If the burner does not retain residual heat, you can simply turn the heat down to minimum and cook for 2 minutes, and then turn off the stove.
  4. Depending on the yolk consistency required, it will take 10-12 minutes to cook the eggs. However, this also depends on the shape and material of the pan, the size of the eggs and the amount of water, so the actual time may vary by 1-2 minutes.

This method is good because it makes it almost impossible to overcook eggs. If this happens, the yolk takes on an unpleasant blue-green hue.

On a gas stove

You can boil eggs in a bag, hard-boiled or soft-boiled in boiling water in a saucepan placed on the stove with constant heat:

  1. It is necessary to place the eggs on the bottom of the pan in exactly one layer. They should be positioned freely.
  2. Next, you need to fill the pan with cold water so that its level covers the eggs by 3 cm.
  3. Over high heat, bring the water to a vigorous boil, then immediately turn it down, heating to almost minimum, cover the container with a lid and start counting the time (from 4 to 12 minutes, depending on the desired degree of readiness).
  4. During this time, you need to fill a large bowl with ice and water.
  5. When the eggs have reached the desired level of doneness, use tongs to remove them from the hot water and carefully plunge them into the prepared ice water to cool, about 10 minutes.

  6. Then you should carefully tap the eggs on a hard surface and remove the shells, rinse the eggs under cold water to remove any stuck pieces of the shell, and dry.

The time required for cooking in this case is as follows:

  • 4-6 min. – soft-boiled;
  • 7-10 minutes – in a bag;
  • 10-12 min. - hard-boiled.

In a steamer

This method allows you to prepare easily shelled eggs:

  1. You need to pour some water into a pan and heat it over high heat, place a steamer bowl on it and wait for the water to boil.
  2. Then place the eggs in the bowl, cover the pan and cook for 15 minutes. Wherein

The steam penetrates the shell a little, making it easier to further clean the eggs.

In a bag

Boiling eggs in a bag is not difficult. To achieve the desired texture, you need to immerse the eggs in water until it boils.

How to boil eggs in a bag - instructions for this and other cooking methods.

The timer must be set for 7-8 minutes, and the eggs should be cooked over low heat, with water at a low boil. While cooking is in progress, you need to prepare water with ice to quickly immerse the finished eggs in it. Refrigerate them until slightly warm, about 2 minutes.


Nothing beats a perfectly boiled egg with a runny center.

The basic rules look like this:

  1. Since we are talking about eating raw yolks, you need to look for eggs that are as fresh as possible.
  2. Regardless of the desired consistency of the finished dish, eggs should be added before the water boils, and after that the heat should be reduced to the lowest possible setting. Cooking should be done under the lid.
  3. The most important step is setting the timer! If you want to get soft-boiled eggs, you need to set it for 5-6 minutes. Even a few seconds can have a major impact. While waiting for the timer signal, prepare a container of ice water.
  4. Once the timer has expired, you need to transfer the eggs to ice water. This helps stop the cooking process from retaining heat. It is advisable to leave the eggs to cool for 1-2 minutes.



Boiling a hard-boiled egg is much easier than boiling it soft-boiled or in a bag.

Basic cooking rules are limited to the following:

  1. Do not start cooking with hot water. It's best to fill the pan with enough cool tap water to cover the eggs. Using hot or boiled water will increase the likelihood of accidentally cracking the shell of a cold egg that has just been taken out of the refrigerator.
  2. As soon as the water boils, you need to turn down the heat and cook the eggs for no longer than 12 minutes. Stopping cooking in a timely manner avoids the greenish color that appears around the yolk.
  3. Hard boiled eggs also need ice water. After approximately 10 minutes. You should place the eggs in ice water to stop the cooking process. Once they are cool enough, you can peel the shells and eat the product.

Cooking time for chicken eggs and degree of readiness

Cooking time 3 minutes

The egg is boiled into a pouch: the white has hardened only along the outer edge, the rest is liquid, like the yolk.

Cooking time 5 minutes

Egg in a bag: the white is almost cooked, but a little runny, like the yolk.

Cooking time 7 minutes

A soft-boiled egg: The white is fully cooked, but the yolk is runny.

10 minutes cooking

Hard-boiled egg: the white is cooked completely, the yolk is set, but remains soft in the middle.

The egg is cooked for 14 minutes

Hard-boiled: The white and yolk are completely cooked. The optimal option for preparing eggs for long-term storage and for use in salads.

20 minutes cooking

An overcooked egg: the white and yolk are completely cooked, but begin to lose their taste and gradually become rubbery.

Categories and labeling of chicken eggs

When buying eggs in a store, we come across the markings on the packaging, let's figure out what it means. 1. Letter marking indicates the implementation period. There are two of them: “D” - means Dietary egg, such eggs must be used within 7 days, “C” - Table egg, they can be used within 25 days. 2. The digital designation indicates the size of the egg, or rather its mass. Eggs of the Third category (3) - from 35 to 44.9 g. Eggs of the Second category (2) - from 45 to 54.9 g. Eggs of the First category (1) - from 55 to 64.9 g. Selected eggs (O) - from 65 to 74.9 g. Highest category eggs - 75 g or more. Eggs of different categories have different prices, the higher the category, the higher the price. If you choose eggs for a salad or just for breakfast, then it is better to pay more attention to their freshness, and if you plan to cook something according to an unfamiliar recipe indicating the number of eggs, then do not take eggs below the first category; usually eggs of the first category are used in cooking or Selected.

Egg color

One of the most frequently asked questions is about egg color. So the color of the shell has nothing to do with the taste and beneficial properties of the egg. It depends solely on the breed of chickens. Although there is an opinion that the brown shell is more durable. In this case, the color of the yolk is of great importance - the brighter it is, the more nutrients it contains. Of course, when buying eggs, always pay attention to their freshness. Fresh eggs taste better, but keep in mind that they are harder to clean. An egg is a unique product that contains a huge amount of vitamins, microelements and amino acids. In war and post-war times, egg yolk was an indispensable source of nutrition for young children, and they tried to introduce it into the diet as early as possible. Now eggs are considered one of the products necessary in the diet of people who want to lose weight, as they are rich in all kinds of beneficial substances necessary for the body, are well absorbed and satisfies hunger well. Today in our kitchens we most often use chicken eggs, less often quail eggs (most often for children's dishes). But of course the list is not limited to this. Any bird eggs (for example, ostrich, duck, turkey) and more are suitable for human consumption. Egg is one of the most common products in our kitchen. We use them almost every day: we cook them, fry them, add them to salads, sandwiches, baked goods and sauces. I propose to dwell in detail on one of these actions - namely, COOKING eggs.

How to boil eggs recipe

Place the eggs in a narrow but deep metal container, such as a small saucepan. Select the size depending on the number of eggs you are going to boil.

To boil 5 eggs, I took a 1-liter ladle.

Next, pour enough water into the bowl with the eggs so that it completely covers them, plus there is 2-3 cm on them.

Add salt to the water, 1 tablespoon per 1 liter. Salt water has a higher density and therefore, when you boil the eggs, they will not crack, and if this does happen, the protein from them will not leak into the water.

Place the container with water and eggs on the stove. I have a gas one, so I light the burner and set the fire to medium power, so that the flame completely heats the entire bottom of the vessel without going beyond it.

If you have an electric stove, then set the power to quickly bring the water to a boil, and then you will need to turn it down so that the boiling water does not splash out of the pan.

Now the most important thing begins, you need to bring the water to a boil and note the time for further cooking. The result depends on how long you cook, whether the egg will be soft-boiled, in a bag or hard-boiled.

It is necessary to note the time from the moment the water boils, and not when the first small air bubbles begin to appear and float up.

Let me make a small digression. I remember when my sister and I were children, my mother often boiled eggs for breakfast. It was assumed that these would be scrambled eggs.

But according to the law of meanness, I almost always got some kind of undercooked egg. And that means I’m sitting at the table, not really waking up yet, my mood is gloomy, I don’t feel like going to school, I take an egg in my hand, start to peel it, and the undercooked white comes out of it.

All hands are covered in this disgusting slurry, my mood is completely ruined, I don’t want to eat anything anymore. So later, when I started boiling my own eggs, I clearly timed the time to prevent such an incident.

How long to boil eggs hard-boiled, soft-boiled, in a bag

Boil eggs in boiling waterHow long to boil eggs

Readiness degreeCooking time
Soft-boiled2-3 minutes
In a bag4-5 minutes
Hard-boiled6-10 minutes

Why is the time indicated not exactly, but with tolerance? It depends on what size eggs you are boiling.

Chicken eggs by category

  • C3 (third category) - from 35 to 44.9 g;
  • C2 (second) - from 45 to 54.9 g;
  • C1 (first) - from 55 to 64.9 g;
  • CO (selected) - from 65 to 74.9 g;
  • SV (highest) - from 75 gr. and higher.

The letter “C” means that the egg is table grade, that is, 7 days have already passed since the chicken laid it. And if there is a letter “D” in front of the number indicating the size of the egg, then this egg is dietary, that is, very fresh and from the moment of its “creation” 0 to 7 days have passed.

I bought eggs from my neighbor in the settlement, Mikhail. When I called him and asked if he had them in stock, he replied that he definitely had 8 of them, and he would now send his daughter to look at the chicken coop for a couple more.

So I got super fresh eggs, and two of them, one might say, were shaken out of the chicken literally before my arrival. Their:) size and freshness fit the D1 category.

How to boil eggs

The easiest and most common way to boil eggs is in a pan of water. We will need a saucepan, water and eggs. You can often hear about the need to add salt to water when boiling eggs. Salt is added to the water so that if the shell cracks and the eggs leak, the white will coagulate faster and plug the crack. If you cook eggs correctly, you won't need salt. But direct cracking will help prevent two things: The first is to pierce the egg from the blunt side with a needle - this way, the pressure that builds up while heating the egg will be released, The second is not to put cold eggs in hot water to avoid a sharp temperature change , be sure to first remove the eggs from the refrigerator or keep them in warm water for a while. The main difference in approaches to boiling eggs is whether to put them in cold or hot water. But in any case, before cooking, the eggs should be washed, preferably under running warm water and, preferably, with a brush or washcloth. This way, you get rid of dirt particles that may have remained on the shell. When cooking with cold water, it is necessary to note the cooking time after boiling, which puts us in a not very convenient situation when it is necessary to monitor the pan for almost the entire cooking period. A simpler and more accurate method is to put it in boiling water, since first we simply turn the heat on to maximum so that the water boils, and after that we put the eggs and set the timer. However, eggs should not be boiled in very boiling water, but in barely boiling water, i.e. over low heat (vary depending on the size of the pan, burner and number of eggs), with the lid open. The eggs should be completely covered with water plus about a centimeter. This will help the eggs cook more evenly and not bump against each other, which will reduce the likelihood of cracking.

Cooking eggs

An egg, it would seem, is such an ordinary product, but there are many options for preparing it. There are also many ways to boil an egg. The most popular ones are soft-boiled, in a bag, and hard-boiled. The degree of readiness of the egg depends, of course, on the cooking time.

How to boil the perfect egg?

  • Soft-boiled.

The most delicate runny yolk and strong cooked white – yummy!

To soft-boil an egg perfectly, you need to do this. Place a small saucepan 3/4 filled with water on the stove and bring to a rapid boil. Add a pinch of sea salt. Using a slotted spoon, plunge the egg into the boiling water and immediately remove it, then lower the egg to cook for 4, 5 or 7 and a half minutes. An ideal soft-boiled egg takes 5 minutes to cook in this way, a completely liquid egg takes 4 minutes, and a half-firm egg takes 7 minutes 30 seconds.

  • In a bag.

For some reason, it so happens that eggs in a bag are not as popular as other versions of boiled eggs. However, if you are an amateur, why not treat yourself?

Place the eggs in cold water, turn on the gas and cook them for four minutes.

Another option is to place the eggs in boiling water for just a minute, and then turn off the gas and leave them in the same container for seven minutes - this way the eggs in the bag will turn out tender and tasty!

  • Poached egg (without shell).

A poached egg can be added to an avocado sandwich for a wonderful and healthy start to the day. But boiling a poached egg is not that difficult.

Fill a wide saucepan halfway, bring to a light boil over medium heat, add salt (a pinch of salt is enough).

Break the egg into a mug and tip it into the pan in one motion. Do the same with the remaining eggs. Depending on the size and temperature of the eggs (for example, just selected from the refrigerator), you need to cook them for 2 to 4 minutes. An egg boiled for 2 minutes will be very runny. To check if it is ready, select it on a plate and press lightly with a spoon, follow your intuition. If the egg is too soft, return to the water for another minute.

Place the poached eggs on a plate lined with a paper towel, then serve on toast. Sprinkle with coarse salt and pepper.

  • Hard-boiled.

This is probably the most popular version of boiled eggs. Such eggs are present everywhere: in salads, soups, hot dishes. However, many people overcook eggs and then the yolk acquires a rather unpleasant greenish or bluish tint, and the egg itself is not particularly pleasing in taste.

To hard boil an egg really hard you need to: put it in cold water, bring the water to a boil, cook in boiling water for one minute, then reduce the gas and cook for another seven minutes.

Another way to hard boil eggs is this. Place an egg in a slotted spoon into boiling salted water for a second, then lower the egg and cook for 10 minutes.

How long to boil eggs

Depending on the consistency of the egg that we want to obtain, the boiling time for eggs ranges from 3 to 15 minutes. From a runny egg with the egg white slightly thickened on the outside to a fully cooked white and yolk. It is not recommended to boil eggs for more than 15 minutes, as eggs lose their taste and beneficial qualities. The white and yolk gradually become rubbery. A chemical reaction also occurs in them, and the yolk begins to turn blue. In this photo, the closest egg had been boiled for 20 minutes, its yolk began to turn a little blue around the edge. Also, stale eggs and eggs that were not cooled in cold water after cooking acquire an additional bluish color after boiling.

To determine the degree of cooking of an egg, three basic concepts are used: - in a bag: the white is half cooked, and in it, like in a bag, there is a liquid yolk and half of the white;
- soft-boiled: the white is completely cooked, and the yolk is runny; - hard-boiled: when both the white and the yolk are completely cooked. The choice of cooking option depends on your taste preferences; any method is suitable for serving an excellent breakfast. Soft-boiled eggs, like hard-boiled eggs, are also great for adding to a salad. Soft-boiled eggs are considered the most useful, since the boiled white is easier to digest, and the boiled yolk loses its beneficial properties. But if you need to take eggs with you on the road, then use hard-boiled eggs, since they do not spoil the longest. We will consider medium-sized eggs, which corresponds to the C1 marking.

Cooking time

How long does it take to boil eggs “in a bag” if you put them in cold water? Most cooks believe that in this case the exact time spent in boiling water is not very easy to determine, because it greatly depends on the heating rate. In any case, depending on how large the eggs you are using, you will need to keep them in boiling water for at least 4-5 minutes. And they should be laid in such a way that they are slightly covered with liquid. If you prefer boiling water, then it is easier to determine the time the eggs stay there. You need to keep them there from 4.5 to 5.5 minutes - also depending on the size. But here you should rely on the hostess’s instincts. How long does it take to boil eggs “in a bag”? Sometimes the time can be increased to six or seven minutes. However, if you boil the eggs for too long, you will not get the desired dish. They will come out hard-boiled. Some skilled chefs cook these eggs after boiling for just one minute. But the product is not immediately removed. Just turn off the gas and keep the eggs in hot water for about 7 minutes.

How to properly boil eggs

Now we move from theory directly to practice. I suggest you familiarize yourself with a step-by-step example of boiling chicken eggs in hot water. 1. Take a pan of a suitable size. For 1-3 eggs, a pan 16cm in diameter is suitable. The cooking time for eggs will also be affected by the ratio of water to eggs. If you are cooking a large quantity at the same time in a small saucepan, you should add 30-60 seconds to the cooking time, as the boiling time for the water will increase slightly. 2. Pour water into the pan, about 2/3 and put it on maximum heat to bring to a boil. 3. While the water is boiling, take out the eggs and wash them thoroughly under running warm water.

4. After this, use a needle to pierce holes in the eggs on the blunt side of the egg.

Do not pierce the eggs deeply. The fact is that there is an air pocket in the eggs on the blunt side. If you only pierce it, then the pressure will be released with the help of the air that is in this pocket, and if you get to the egg itself, then with the help of the contents, which will lead to cracking. If you are in a hurry, you can pour not cold, but warm or even hot water into the pan, so it will boil faster. 5. When the water boils, reduce the heat to medium or less so that the water only gurgles a little.

6. Carefully but quickly lower the eggs one at a time into the water. It is convenient to use a slotted spoon or a tablespoon for this.

7. And set the timer for the required number of minutes. Don't forget that it is very important to take into account all the nuances here: the size of the eggs, the desired consistency, the size of the pan, the amount of water and the number of eggs. Example: when boiling one or three eggs, all other things being equal, the time for boiling the egg to a certain consistency will differ by 30-60 seconds. One egg will cook faster because the water will lose less temperature when immersing cold eggs and exchanging temperature with the water.

It is also very important how quickly after immersing the eggs the water boils again. If you boil eggs hard, this will not matter much, but if you want eggs of a certain consistency - soft-boiled, then you need to: a. After the water boils, immerse the eggs in it (the water will stop boiling); b. Bring the water to a boil over high heat again (this will take very little time, literally 30-60 seconds); c. Then reduce the heat so that the water is just bubbling slightly, and feel free to do other things until the timer beeps. 8. As soon as the timer beeps, you need to transfer the eggs into cold water. This action will help us remove the shells from the eggs much easier.

You can remove them using a colander or drain the hot water and place the pan with the eggs under cold running water and leave for a while. If you need cold eggs, let them sit longer; if they are warm, then only for a couple of minutes. 9. Now the eggs are boiled and you can peel them. If we peel completely (we usually do this with hard-boiled eggs), then beat the eggs over the entire surface. If we eat with a spoon, then put the eggs with the blunt side up in a special form or glass of a suitable diameter, beat the top - about 1.5 cm from the top and peel off the shell.

How to cook a poached egg

Poached is a traditional French dish, which is an egg boiled without the shell. This egg has a special texture, tender with a creamy yolk. One of the most delicious and at the same time difficult ways to boil eggs. You may not be able to boil a beautiful egg the first time, but, nevertheless, everything is not so difficult, a little practice and everything will turn out great.

In order to cook a poached egg, we need: a saucepan with water, table vinegar and a wooden spoon. 1. Take an egg and wash it thoroughly in warm water. Many people neglect this stage in preparing eggs, because in any case the egg will undergo good heat treatment. However, this stage is very important, because when an egg is broken, all the dirt remaining on the shell ends up in our dish. Even after heat treatment it is not very pleasant or good.

2. Pour 4-5 cm of water into the pan, bring to a boil and add vinegar at the rate of approximately 1 tbsp per 1 liter of water. It is best to use rice vinegar, or apple cider vinegar. You can use balsamic vinegar, it will give the egg a special flavor, but the egg will also change its color.

3. Carefully release the egg into a small saucer or bowl.

4. Now turn down the heat under the pan so that the water does not boil, but just starts to boil, and very carefully but quickly release the egg into the water.

5. For the first few seconds, gently push the white toward the yolk with a wooden spoon, and the yolk into the middle of the white.

6. Then we note the time: for an egg of category C1 it is approximately 2.5 minutes, for a large egg the time can increase to 4 minutes. 7. Now, using a slotted spoon, remove the egg and place it in a bowl of cold water to wash off the remaining vinegar and stop the cooking process.

8. The last step is to place it on a napkin to allow excess water to drain and now you can serve.

Poached egg in the microwave

An analogue of a poached egg can be an egg boiled in a glass of water in a microwave oven. This is a very simple way to prepare this wonderful dish. 1. Wash the egg thoroughly. 2. Pour cold water into a transparent glass with a volume of 200-250 ml, about half - 2/3. Of course, to prepare an egg, it doesn’t matter what color the glass is, but since microwave ovens differ in their power, and eggs, as we have already found out, come in different sizes, a transparent glass will allow you to control the cooking process and choose the right time for the desired egg consistency . 3. Carefully, so as not to damage the yolk, break the egg and release it into the water.

4. Place the glass with the egg in the microwave. The exact time and power must be selected individually. 5. Remove the egg from the water and place it on a napkin to remove excess water. You can serve. In the photographs, eggs of category C1, the first one was cooked for 1 minute 20 seconds at a power of 850 W - the yolk is completely liquid, the white is almost all dense, there is a little liquid left in the water, the second one was cooked for 1 minute 40 seconds at the same power - the egg is almost hard-boiled.

Poached egg in a bag

1. As in other methods, the egg must first be washed in warm water. 2. Place a small saucepan of water on the fire and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat a little; the water should not boil too much. 3. While the water is boiling, take a cup or bowl and line it with cling film. 4. Carefully break the egg and pour it into a bowl. You can add salt, cheese or vegetables and herbs to taste.

5. We connect the edges of the film at the top and clamp it well; if necessary, you can tie it with something, but usually the film itself holds quite well.

6. When the water boils, lower the bag with the egg into the pan and cook for 3-7 minutes, depending on the desired consistency.

7. Now take out the bag and take out the egg.

8. If necessary, you can help yourself with a spoon.

8. This egg was cooked for 4 minutes - the result was a soft-boiled egg, a fully cooked white and a tender white. This is one of the most convenient ways to get a poached egg, since there is no need to monitor the egg and use additional dishes - only a pan, which, in fact, also remains clean, because the egg does not come into direct contact.

An additional advantage is that during the cooking process you can easily check the degree of readiness of the egg simply by lifting the bag by the ends and checking the density by pressing with your fingers. In this method, it is important not to make a large tail on the bag and take a fairly wide pan, otherwise the film may weld to the edge of the pan.

How to boil soft-boiled eggs

For soft-boiled eggs to be tasty and beautiful, they must be the freshest. With this cooking method, the yolk remains liquid. A stale, damp yolk is unlikely to please true gourmets. In addition, very fresh eggs are easier to peel off.

To check the freshness of a chicken egg, you can use a simple folk method:

put it in cold water.

1. For soft-boiling eggs, eggs that quickly sink to the bottom are ideal. They were demolished no later than six days ago, so they retained all the taste and freshness.

2. If the egg sank a little, but did not touch the bottom, that is, it floats in the middle of the water layer, it will also work. The age of such a product is from one to two weeks.

3. Eggs that remain floating on the surface of the water are unsuitable for soft-boiling. They were demolished about a month ago. You can still use such a product (for example, in home baking), but you should not cook it soft-boiled.

How to boil soft-boiled eggs? There are several ways. This is still the same cold or hot bookmark.

With the cold method, washed eggs should be placed tightly in a saucepan, covered with cold water and placed over high heat. As soon as the water begins to bubble, reduce the temperature to medium-low.

How long to cook eggs after boiling water also depends on their size and the desired result:

Usually three minutes is enough to get a semi-liquid egg. The yolk will remain completely liquid, and the white will thicken a little, but will not become very hard, like a hard-boiled egg;

If you want to make the yolk a little thicker, continue cooking for four minutes. During this time, the white will be completely cooked and the yolk will thicken slightly;

For those who want to get a soft, thick yolk with a raw center, you need to cook the eggs for five minutes after the water boils.

It is supposed to be placed in boiling water. Eggs at a compact temperature are carefully placed, using a spoon, to the bottom of the bubbling pan. After exactly one minute, stop cooking and leave the eggs in the cooling boiling water for five or six minutes.

In a five-minute egg, the white will be liquid, in a six-minute egg it will be semi-solid. If you leave it for another minute, that is, keep it in hot water for seven minutes, you will get an egg in a bag. By experimenting with time, you can achieve exactly the result that will bring pleasure.

After five to six minutes, the eggs can be poured with cold water to cool. To make the shells easier to remove, two minutes in a cold “bath” will be enough.

Hot filling according to a special scheme, without cooking at all. How to boil soft-boiled eggs using this method? The prepared product at room temperature should be placed tightly in a saucepan and poured with boiling water. The water should only slightly cover the shell. Cover the pan tightly with a lid and leave the eggs for ten minutes.

Then you need to pour out the water and re-brew the eggs with a new portion of boiling water. The secondary filling is done for two or three minutes (depending on the desired consistency of the yolk). All that remains is to take out the eggs and serve immediately (they eat soft-boiled eggs hot).

Eggs prepared this way are deliciously tender. The white resembles an air mass surrounding the semi-liquid yolk like a cloud.

How to boil an egg in the microwave

On the Internet you can find recipes for eggs boiled in a microwave oven in their shells.
The instructions are as follows: put a shelled egg at room temperature into a glass, pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid and cook for 10 minutes at 50% power. However, such experiments often end in trouble: the fact is that when cooking in a microwave oven, very high pressure is created in the egg, which can lead to the egg exploding, and quite violently. I recommend using other cooking methods. How to distinguish between a raw and boiled egg

If you suspect that boiled and raw eggs may have been mixed in the refrigerator, then checking this is very simple: you need to place the egg on a flat surface and spin it around its axis. A hard-boiled egg will spin quickly and evenly, but a raw egg will stop immediately. The same method can be used if you are suddenly confused about which eggs are hard-boiled and which are soft-boiled - “hard-boiled” eggs will always spin better.

How long to cook quail eggs

Quail eggs are an even more useful product, since all the beneficial substances and trace elements in them are in very high concentration compared to chicken eggs.
It is also known that, unlike chicken eggs, quail eggs do not contain cholesterol and do not cause allergic reactions. They should be cooked according to the same principle as chicken, only much less time. For soft-boiled eggs it is 1.5 minutes, for hard-boiled eggs it is 3-3.5 minutes.

I hope that this article will help you in the future to always get the desired result when boiling eggs. Good luck and bon appetit!

By the way, I always thought that I knew how to boil eggs. What could be simpler? Place in boiling water, add salt so that the eggs do not crack (and if they do, so that the white does not leak out), and adhere to the following temporary regime:

  • boil the egg soft-boiled - 3-3.5 minutes
  • boil the egg in a bag - 4-6 minutes
  • hard boil the egg - 8-10 minutes

After maintaining this time over medium heat, remove the eggs from the heat and place under cold water to make them easier to peel. That, in fact, is the whole technology, but...

♦ there are many more subtleties of proper cooking

A collection of useful tips for boiling eggs

  • Pour a teaspoon of vinegar into the water. This additive will prevent the protein from leaking out if the shell cracks. If there is no vinegar, add a little salt to the liquid.
  • If you plunge cold eggs into boiling water, the shell may break. First, submerge the eggs in warm water for 15 seconds to warm them up a bit.
  • For cooking, set the heat to medium. Too much heat will cause the liquid to boil intensely - the eggs will bounce and crack.
  • If you salt the water a little, the shells will be much easier to remove.
  • To check the readiness of a hard-boiled egg, roll it on a flat surface. If it spins for a long time, it means it’s cooked well. If it stops immediately, it means it’s still raw.
  • Once the water boils, stir the water for a few seconds. This will place the yolk in the middle of the white.
  • It is not recommended to cook eggs in the microwave as they may explode.
  • Be sure to wash food before cooking, as pathogens, including salmonella, are often found on the surface of the shell.
  • After cooking, change hot water to cold. This advice will allow you to clean the shell much faster.

How to boil an egg without cracking?

1. If you place an egg in a cold place and heat it together, then it has a better chance of remaining intact than if you put it in boiling water.

2. Pierce the egg with a thick needle from the blunt side.

At the blunt end of the eggs, inside, there is a pad where air collects. Usually, during boiling, the pressure there increases, and as a result, the egg may crack. To avoid this, pierce the egg with a needle and let the steam escape.

3. Do not put eggs on strong “fast” heat, cook on medium. If you don't use a timer, don't cook for too long - the yolks may turn black and literally become rubbery.

4. If the eggs are very fresh (less than four days), they will take a little longer - about 30 seconds.

How to soft boil an egg in a bag with a timer

You will need a small saucepan in which to boil water. To boil an egg, cover it with 1 cm of water.

Quickly but carefully lower the egg into the water, or if there are several eggs, then one at a time. Set the timer and let the eggs cook until the water comes to a boil for exactly 1 minute.

Then remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid and set the timer again.

  • In order for the egg to be soft-boiled
    (a fairly runny yolk and a set but liquid white), you will need
    6 minutes
    of timing.
  • In order for the egg to boil into a pouch
    (runny yolk and firm white), you will need
    7 minutes
    of timing.

Egg secrets

  • There is an important difference between a bagged egg and a soft-boiled egg. Soft-boiled eggs are distinguished by a completely liquid yolk and a slightly thickened white, while eggs in the boiled white contain a creamy yolk that is runny in the middle.
  • In order to cook eggs in a bag, they must be placed not in boiling water, but in cold water, gradually bringing to a boil.
  • But for those who like alternatives, there is another option for preparing eggs in a bag. To do this, simply lower the eggs into boiling water, cook for exactly 1 minute, and then remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid and leave to cook for another 7 minutes.
  • It is advisable that the eggs be at room temperature before starting cooking, so be lazy to take them out of the refrigerator in advance.

What do you eat these eggs with?

Eggs in a bag are a traditional element of a hearty and tasty breakfast. They will be an excellent addition to croutons, vegetable salad, asparagus and toasted bacon. Start your day deliciously, and life will sparkle with new colors.

Options for cooking eggs

  • In fact, eggs are one of the most indispensable products in our kitchen. Not only is it an essential ingredient in salads, pastries and other dishes, but eggs can be used to make wonderful and, most importantly, varied breakfasts!
  • Almost everyone knows how to cook scrambled eggs with cheese, but few people realize that there are countless variations. Just crack an egg into a frying pan? Be more creative!
  • Scrambled eggs in bread are a big hit with adults and children. You can make breakfast more fun by cutting out a heart, star, or any other shape into a slice of bread.
  • Juicy scrambled eggs with tomatoes have become my family's favorite dinner. In addition, it is not only tasty, but also healthy.
  • If you're a fan of the classics ,
    bacon and eggs should be your choice. Add oatmeal and a cup of aromatic tea to it, and you are guaranteed a breakfast in the style of an English aristocrat.

Listen to your desires, select suitable recipes and share your wishes in the comments!

How to hard boil an egg

Please note that very fresh eggs, if boiled, are difficult to peel. Therefore, recommendation number 1: use at least five days from the date on the package.

How to cook. Place the eggs in a saucepan and add about 1 cm of cold water. Bring the water to a boil and set the timer for 6 minutes if you want a slightly runny yolk, or 7 minutes for a completely hard-boiled egg.

  • 6 minutes - “cool bag”
  • 7 minutes - hard-boiled egg

Then remove from heat and cool under running water for about 1 minute, then place in a bowl of cold water for another 2 minutes to cool completely.

The second option for cooking in a saucepan

Place a container filled with water on the stove, add a tablespoon of table salt.

Bring the liquid to a boil, then reduce the temperature to low. Arm yourself with a tablespoon and carefully place the eggs into the boiling water.

Cook the ingredients for one minute, then remove the pan from the stove. Leave the eggs in hot water for seven minutes - during this time they will reach the desired consistency.

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