Homemade pork balyk is a natural product! Technology for preparing pork balyk at home

Balyk, also known as dried meat, is difficult to buy in a store, especially a truly high-quality and natural product. And the price will not be small.

At home, you can prepare no less tasty pork balyk; the technology is quite simple.

Most recipes do not require scarce ingredients. One minus is that you will have to be patient, since you won’t be able to quickly make tasty dried meat.

Pork balyk at home - general principles of preparation

The most important thing in preparing balyk is high-quality meat; it is advisable that it is no more than a day old. Otherwise, it will be difficult to save it for several days. Typically, tenderloin is used for balyk. This part is quite tender, salt and spices penetrate it well, and the shape of the piece is very convenient. If you need to reduce the cooking time, you can cut the tenderloin into several elongated pieces along the grain. You will get a kind of sausage.

What else will you need:

• coarse salt, sea salt is suitable;

• different types of pepper;

• cognac (not in all recipes);

• spices, dry herbs.

The essence of the technology is drying. But before exposing the pork to the air, you need to extract as much water as possible from the piece. Salt is used for this. It dries the piece and gives the meat flavor. After just a day of marinating in salt, the pork will decrease in size, and liquid will form at the bottom of the vessel. You can’t pour it out until the very end, otherwise the concentration of salt in the meat may be low, and it will simply begin to rot from the inside. You can periodically turn the piece over.

The salted pork is dried, seasoned with spices, if this has not been done from the very beginning, and then sent to dry. Usually the meat is wrapped in linen and hung in the air, but under a roof. The sun's rays should not reach the product.

Salad “Conde”

Category: Salads Meat salads Ham salads

I offer a very tasty, quick to prepare salad. It is better to serve it in portions, in this case the salad looks more impressive and will decorate a festive table or a romantic dinner for two. I recommend it. I sincerely thank Valentina Logunova for the salad recipe.

Balyk beans Bell pepper Tomato Walnuts Olive oil Greens Garlic Lemon juice Lettuce Olives Salt

Pork balyk at home in 10 days

A recipe for natural pork balyk at home, prepared in the classic way. Tenderloin is used, one kilogram is enough. Additionally, you will need fabric towels or pieces of gauze.


• tenderloin 1 kg;

• 0.5 cups of sea salt;

• paprika, black pepper, red pepper, coriander.


1. Wash the tenderloin, remove all films and veins, wipe dry with napkins.

2. Take a vessel that is suitable in size. It is convenient to use plastic containers with a lid. Pour half the salt onto the bottom and level it out.

3. Place a piece of tenderloin and also sprinkle salt on top and rub the sides.

4. Close the container. We put it in the refrigerator for three days. You can periodically turn it over to the other side so that the meat is better salted.

5. After 3 days, take out the tenderloin, shake off the drops and wipe it dry with a napkin.

6. Mix different types of pepper, crushed coriander seeds and rub the piece on all sides, don’t be afraid to overdo it.

7. Take a piece of gauze, roll it into 4 layers, put in the meat, wrap it and tie it with thread. We hang it in a ventilated area.

8. We check every other day. If suddenly the meat continues to release moisture, the fabric is damp, you can replace the gauze.

9. We stand for a total of 5-7 days. Then the balyk can be removed, cut and tasted. If necessary, leave for a few more days.


Pork balyk is a real delicacy, distinguished by its delicate and pleasant taste, as well as an amazing meat aroma.
It is from pork that the most juicy and appetizing dried meat is obtained, which has a small layer of fat. In Rus', since ancient times, they knew how to cook pork deliciously. It was fried, boiled, baked, stewed, smoked and, of course, dried. All parts of the pork carcass were eaten. And the most interesting dishes include smoked ears, shish kebab, jellied meat, boiled tongue, chops, baked suckling pig with a side dish or cooked on a spit. This pepper also includes pork balyk, which is considered an exquisite delicacy. This dish can diversify your daily diet or complement your holiday table.

There are raw smoked, dry-cured and baked (for example, in foil in the oven) products. All these dishes turn out juicy and tasty, and when choosing a specific recipe, you should be guided by the wishes of your household. It is also recommended to take into account the time you are willing to spend on cooking. The dry-cured product is prepared on average for 8 days in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area with low humidity. But cooking baked pork balyk will not exceed 1.5 days, and the longest stage is aging in salt and spices.

By the way, such a meat dish is incredibly healthy, which we will discuss below. It is best to cook it at home, as it will turn out very tasty, aromatic and piquant. The cooking itself is not difficult if you know the general technology, and there are a huge number of recipes. © https://ydoo.info/product/balyk-svinoy.htmlThey often differ only in the additives used (alcohol, spices, herbs), which add piquancy and richness to the delicacy. But, if you want to buy pork balyk in the store, we will tell you how to do it correctly.

Worth knowing! In cooking, pork balyk is called dried pig meat. The delicacy has a delicate structure, delicate aroma and special taste. Its preparation is allowed exclusively from fresh pieces of meat in order to prevent spoilage of the product during the drying process. It is mandatory to use salt, which removes excess moisture from the meat and gives a rich taste.

Pork balyk at home - useful tips and tricks

• It is undesirable to dry balyk outside during the hot season, as the likelihood of the meat going rotten increases several times. It is also important to ensure that flies do not get close to the piece.

• Ready meat can be rubbed with any spices, garlic, herbs. And so that they stay on the surface, it is lubricated with a few drops of oil.

• Balyk should be stored in the refrigerator, wrapped in cloth or paper. Ventilate the meat periodically to prevent it from becoming damp. In the old days, the pieces were sprinkled with coarse salt, which absorbs excess moisture, and kept in the cellar.

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Ingredient Selection

The meat must be of high quality and fresh - this is the main condition for obtaining a tasty balyk. In the most favorable situation, the selected piece from the moment of separation from the carcass is stored for no more than one day - this allows you to increase the shelf life of the balyk itself. As a rule, balyk is prepared from pork tenderloin - a tender piece of good shape and size that accepts salt and spices well. To reduce the time spent, the tenderloin is cut along the grain into several long strips.

In addition to the meat itself, coarse sea or rock salt is used for cooking, which dissolves better in meat juice, various spices, and sometimes alcohol.

What is balyk

Balyk is a fish fillet that is salted and dried in the open air. The dish is made from large sturgeon and salmon species.

A special technology makes the meat especially aromatic and tender. Salt draws out excess moisture, and drying brings the meat to the required consistency. Spices are used to give a more vibrant taste. Today, you can make balyk from almost any meat, for example, pork, chicken or beef.

Benefits and harms

Few people know that such a product is useful and is a component of many diets. Fish used in cooking has a lot of useful microelements and minerals, which are preserved during the drying process:

  • vitamins A, B, E;
  • sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus;
  • iron, zinc, chromium, molybdenum, etc.

The product contains no carbohydrates, and only healthy fats. Balyk, made from pig or chicken meat, also has a positive effect on the body.

A product that was prepared with violations in technology can be harmful. This is due to the fact that meat requires careful preparation, which will allow it to be eaten without consequences.

Currently, smoking is also used, but there are some nuances here. This process can destroy beneficial substances and saturate the product with carcinogens, which affect the development of cancer cells in the body.

Calorie content

Everyone is interested not only in harm, but also in calorie content. The content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates will depend on the manufacturing technology and the type of meat chosen.

On average, balyk has the following calorie content:

  • fish – about 195 kcal;
  • pork – 285 kcal;
  • chicken – 165 kcal;
  • beef – 160 kcal.

Balyk made by yourself can have a high calorie content, which is associated with changes in the proportions of spices, as well as errors in cooking technology. Despite the low calorie content, the product satisfies hunger well, which allows it to be used as a snack.

History of the origin of balyk

Translated from Turkic, balyk means fish, since it was originally made from this product. In the countries of the Soviet Union there was not a large selection of fish, so when solving the problem of what to make balyk from, preference was given to pork, most often its dorsal part.

Balyk in the USSR

In European countries, this delicacy has always been in price, and sometimes it was difficult to get. Now in European countries the product can not only be bought without problems, but also made at home, saving time and money. As for the Americans, for them such a dish is a real curiosity. To understand what it is, they need to give it a try.


Pork is very popular in many cuisines around the world, and excellent dishes are also prepared from this meat. At home and in restaurants, it is baked in the oven, fried on the grill, and served as steaks with various side dishes and sauces. Pork is used to make delicious and rich soups, borscht, pilaf, kharcho, and stewed cabbage. It is also often used for filling pies, pasties and rolls. All this popularity is due to the juiciness of the meat and excellent taste. In the whole carcass there is meat for a slightly dry roll and a fatty, delicious steak. Interestingly, pork fat and lard are less harmful products for the heart and blood vessels than beef. It is known that lean pork tenderloin can contain less fat than chicken (except breast) or beef. However, in order to get the perfect result, you need to select the right part of the carcass. First grade pork includes: back part (or it is also called loin), lumbar and shoulder parts, brisket and ham; to the second grade - neck part, shank and shank.

Beef carcass parts

Beef is a very healthy and valuable product, rich in proteins, iron, zinc, as well as B vitamins. Beef is kept in a suspended state for some time to improve the taste; aging up to 10 days is allowed. The quality of beef is determined by its color, which ranges from bright red to dark red. The fat should be dry and creamy white in color.

Beef classification.

Beef is divided into 3 grades: highest, first, second grade.

  • cut;
  • fore shank (knuckle);
  • hind shank.

Cut (neck)

The neck part is suitable for stewing, boiling and preparing broths.

Blade part

Meat from the shoulder part has varying degrees of softness depending on its location. Meat from this part is suitable for making soups, chopped cutlets, and goulash. You can also make escalopes from the stripped shoulder muscle, but they will be of poor quality.

Shoulder part

From this part they cook clear broths and seasoning soups, prepare chopped cutlets and roasts.

Dorsal part (thick edge)

The pulp is suitable for cooking chops, cutlets, and baking in large pieces. Ribs for cooking soups.

Sirloin (lumbar part, thin edge)

This cut contains tender and very lean meat. Steaks, roast beef, azu, medallions, goulash, chops, and rolls are prepared from this part.


In this bony cut, layers of meat are interspersed with layers of fat and films. The front of the brisket contains the breastbone (sternum) and ribs, and the back contains the cartilaginous ends of the ribs. The whole brisket or half of it can be completely separated from the bones, filled with minced meat and rolled into a roll for boiling; the meat can also be cut into slices for stewing or boiling.

Sirloin (thick fillet)

The butt is the part of the carcass near the pelvis; it has thin layers of fat and a loose fiber structure. This part can be cut into pieces for quick frying, stewing and frying.


The rump is the upper part of the hind thigh. Used for frying in the oven in large pieces, for frying over an open fire, for preparing escalopes, medallions, meatballs, chopped cutlets, beef stroganoff.

Rump (thigh)

This cut is cut into pieces along the contact lines of the three main thigh muscles: the prong, the cut and the thick edge of the flank. The shank is the finely fibrous meat from the inside of the thigh. The thick flank also contains tender meat. The cut is the outer part of the mid-thigh. The muscle fibers of cut meat are thicker and slightly rougher, and their bundles are surrounded by more developed connective tissue. Escalopes are made from a stylus and a thick flank. The cut is suitable for stewing or roasting in the oven.


Flank can be rolled and boiled or cut into slices for stewing with vegetables. Flank is also good for cooking chopped veal.


Knuckle or shank meat can be stewed or boiled with or without bones. Also suitable for jellied meat.


The same as the knuckle, only from the back leg.

How to hot smoke

The hot cooking procedure will take two hours. In order for the meat not to burn, not to be raw and to turn out tasty, you need to know how to make the process consistent:

  • Light a fire in the grill.
  • Place 3 handfuls of alder chips on the bottom of the smokehouse.
  • Place a tray over the wood chips and place the pork on the grill.
  • Close the smokehouse tightly with a lid and set on fire.
  • Smoke over low heat for 1 hour.
  • Then remove the smokehouse, take out the meat, pour out the burnt wood chips, and remove carbon deposits from the lid.
  • Pour in new wood chips and place the meat back into the smokehouse.
  • Repeat the smoking process for another 1 hour.

Cool the finished balyk in the fresh air for 2-3 hours. Then enjoy the taste. It is recommended to serve this dish with fresh or stewed vegetables, herbs and various sauces. Hot smoked balyk should be stored for no more than 4 days at a temperature of about +2⁰. Wrapping the meat in foil can extend the shelf life to up to a week. Bon appetit!

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