Pork with potatoes and mushrooms: fried, baked, stewed. Interesting variations of cooking potatoes with pork and mushrooms

Dishes made from pork meat and potatoes are rightly loved both at festive feasts and on the everyday menu.

The recipes offered will delight you with their variety.

Beginners and housewives experienced in the complex art of cooking will find interesting tips and useful information here.

Pork with potatoes and mushrooms - general cooking principles

The main ingredients are potatoes and pork pulp, preferably lean and without veins. The meat is cut either into thin layers and beaten, or into small pieces (for stewing). The mushrooms are finely chopped and sautéed with onions, and in some recipes also with carrots. Potatoes are usually cut into slices.

When baking in the oven, potatoes, meat and mushrooms are laid out in layers. Sprinkle with spices on top, grease with mayonnaise, sour cream or pour over a specially prepared sauce. Bake in the oven on an open baking sheet, in foil or in pots. Sprinkle generously with grated cheese and herbs. Bon appetit!

French pork meat with cheese, mushrooms and tomatoes in the oven

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