Raspberries for the winter without cooking - recipes for preserving fresh berries

Raspberries are a unique berry. It has healing properties and excellent taste. The delicate aroma of this berry can be recognized immediately. And not only jam or jam is made from it. Tincture, wine, and wonderful liqueur from this berry will decorate any table. You can also make marmalade and jelly from it. It is very tender and does not last long when fresh. And frozen, it will preserve its beneficial qualities for a long period. For those who are interested in where, how and how long to store fresh raspberries, this article will be useful.

Storage conditions for fresh raspberries

When the berries are already ripe, you can begin harvesting. To do this, you need to choose dry, preferably sunny weather. There are points that are taken into account when picking raspberries:

  • the berries need to be removed when they are not yet too soft so as not to crush them;
  • The harvest should be stored in special baskets made of wood shavings, which should be prepared in advance;
  • Raspberries cannot be washed with water. This is done only before direct use;
  • The already collected berries are taken into the shade, otherwise they will spoil within 3 - 4 hours.

You can store raspberries immediately after picking at a temperature of +19 - 20° C for no more than 8 hours. Therefore, it is better to take care in advance of transporting it to a cool place.

  • To increase shelf life, the berries are carefully poured into plastic containers.
  • You should pay attention to the fact that it lies in no more than 2 rows.
  • First, the berries are carefully examined. At the first sign of mold damage (which is often found in berries purchased at the market), the entire batch should be rejected for storage.

The smallest mold spores instantly penetrate all the berries. Even if there are no visible signs of damage on nearby berries, they will definitely show themselves in the near future.

  • Then, after covering with a napkin, the container is placed in the refrigerator.
  • There is no need to keep it close to the freezer - it’s too cold for raspberries. The optimal storage location would be the middle shelves of the refrigerator.

Raspberries tend to absorb foreign odors and therefore should be stored separately from other products.

How to store fresh raspberries without sugar

In a refrigerator

Fresh raspberries do not last long. At room temperature they will last no more than 8 hours. You can extend the period by storing raspberries in the refrigerator on the middle shelf. When fresh, it can last up to 7 days, but the following conditions must be met:

  • They need to be collected in the morning, in dry weather (there should be no rain for several days before collection).
  • Pluck carefully, trying not to damage the integrity.
  • Place the fruits in small, low containers.
  • Do not wash the berries.
  • Cover containers with paper towels and place in the refrigerator.

Shelf life of raspberries

In a cool, dark place, raspberries can be stored without loss of properties for up to 10 days. The best place to store it is in the refrigerator. If the temperature at the storage location exceeds +20° C, the berry will be suitable for consumption for only 8 hours.

Storage method Shelf life
Fresh, at a temperature of +20 ° Cno more than 8-12 hours
In a refrigerator7-10 days
Frozen6-12 months
Dried12-24 months
Grinded with sugar and frozenUp to 12 months
Jam1-3 years

Raspberries, grated with sugar

Jam is a great way to preserve this beautiful berry for a long time. In this form, it can delight with its taste for up to two or three years, and at the same time remain an excellent antipyretic.

The fact is that the substances contained in the leaves, branches and fruits of raspberries contain the entire spectrum of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C alone per 100 g. raspberries as much as 25 mg, and potassium (one of the most important minerals for the body) - 224 mg. Fresh raspberries, ground with sugar, retain almost all their beneficial properties, since they are not subjected to heat treatment.

In order to prepare it, you need:

  1. First, the berries are sorted and the stalks are removed. Unlike strawberries, you should not rinse them.
  2. When the raspberries are already placed in a large container, they are covered with sugar (1.5 kg per 1 kg of berries).
  3. Using a blender or wooden spoon, grind the berries with sugar until a mass of homogeneous consistency is obtained. Some berries may not be completely crushed. It's not scary, the taste will be more natural.
  4. When the raspberries have already been ground with sugar, they are laid out in sterile jars so that there is still a little space left to the top (about 2 cm).
  5. You need to pour sugar on top so that it becomes a crust over time and protects the workpiece from interacting with air.
  6. The jars are tightly closed with plastic lids and moved to the refrigerator or other cool place.

In the refrigerator, cellar or pantry, such a preparation can be stored for quite a long time. Almost a year, and sometimes longer if you increase the amount of sugar.

How to preserve with sugar

In a refrigerator

You can store fresh raspberries in the refrigerator in the form of cold jam.

For preparation you will need berries and sugar. You need to put a lot of the latter in order for the workpiece to be stored longer. For 1 kg of raspberries, it is recommended to take 1.5-2 kg of sugar.

Place the ingredients in a bowl and mash with a wooden spoon or masher. You can grind it until it becomes mushy or leave the fruit in pieces - as you like. Let stand for a while in a cool place (3-4 hours) so that the sugar grains dissolve in the juice. Then mix and place in clean, dry jars, close with nylon lids and put in the refrigerator. This preparation will last for 3-4 months.

Advice. To store pureed raspberries better, put 1-2 tbsp on top of the jars. spoons of granulated sugar.

In the freezer

You can prepare either whole or mashed berries with sugar.

If you plan to use raspberries to prepare a filling for baked goods, smoothies or cocktails, do not worry about the safety of the fruit and freeze without sugar.

Prepared dry berries can be placed in containers in layers, sprinkled with granulated sugar, then tightly closed and put in the freezer.

A common way to freeze fresh raspberries is pureed. For preparation you need raspberries and granulated sugar in equal quantities. The ingredients are placed in a container and crushed using one of the available methods. This could be a mashed potato masher, a blender or a meat grinder. Another way to get a more tender seedless preparation is to rub the berries through a sieve and mix the resulting pulp with sugar. When freezing, the amount of sugar does not matter, so you can add less. Place the raspberries in small containers, close tightly and place in the freezer.

Fruits mashed with sugar can also be placed in ice trays and then used in making drinks.

This product can be stored in the freezer for up to 1 year.

You can use honey instead of sugar. This way you will get a healthy treat - raspberry honey. Berries and honey should be taken in a ratio of 5:1. The ingredients must be mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The easiest way is to use a blender. Place the finished mixture in small containers, for example, plastic cups. Close tightly with lids or seal with film. Place in the freezer.

How to store raspberries in the refrigerator

In order to store raspberries and sugar in the freezer, they are poured into small plastic containers or cups and sealed on all sides with film. Then each container (cup) is placed in a separate plastic bag and sent to the freezer for further preservation. It can stay there for several months and retain its taste and beneficial qualities.

Recipes for preparing raspberries without cooking

pureed raspberries

In a glass or porcelain bowl (non-metallic), sprinkle the berries with sugar in a ratio of 1:1. It is not recommended to reduce the amount of sugar - the safety of raspberries depends on the auxiliary ingredient. Even the sugar ratio is 2 times higher.

Place the mixture in the cold for 2 hours until the juice drains, then grind. Some people like to use a wooden pestle, others prefer to use a blender, although using it may oxidize the berries.

The most delicate, airy mass is obtained as a result of difficult work - grinding through a sieve. But the raspberry puree is worth the effort.

Fill jars that have been sterilized by steam or heated in the microwave, leaving 1 cm at the top. Fill this space with a sugar crust to limit air access. Roll up the boiled lids. Store in the basement or refrigerator. It turns out to be a very pleasant treat with a beautiful color for the winter. Tea with its addition becomes fragrant, and the body receives the nutrients it lacks in winter.

Jam without cooking

Pass the berries through a meat grinder or crush them in a saucepan with a mortar - everyone has their own grinding method.

Mix with sugar and place in a warm place for 6 hours. During this time, the sugar crystals will completely dissolve. Some housewives use powdered sugar. It dissolves better and faster, and the jam is prepared in 2 hours.

After the specified time, place in prepared jars, add sugar as the top layer, creating a “cap” to protect it from air, and tighten. You need to store the preparations in the refrigerator all winter.

Preparing raspberries without cooking is extremely simple, and the preparation itself is extremely useful. In winter, it will enrich the body with useful substances and help support the immune system.

Raspberries in the freezer

This recipe for preserving fragrant berries is resorted to in order to preserve its beneficial properties and enjoy the taste during the winter months. Properly frozen raspberries retain up to 95% of vitamin C.

Step-by-step steps for proper freezing:

  1. Use only well-ripened large berries.
  2. You can freeze individual berries, with sugar, puree, in a container.

Fresh raspberries

Leave a thin layer of berries in the freezer until frozen. Pour them into bags, from which completely remove the air, and store them.

With sugar

Place fruits and sugar in containers in layers. Close the container tightly and store in the freezer.


The recipe is very simple. Grind the raspberries, mix with sugar, place in containers, and store in the refrigerator.

In a container

Keep whole raspberries in the freezer for 12 hours and transfer to containers. Having opened them in winter, you can feel the natural sweetness of the miracle berry on your tongue and admire the beautifully preserved fruits.

Candied raspberries

Do not wash raspberries - wet ones will ferment even in the cold. In a large container, grind (to a pulp or lightly - to your taste) with sugar 1:1 for short-term storage, 1:2 for longer storage, approximately until the new harvest. Create a “plug” of sugar layer on top of the jars. Place the preparations in the refrigerator. Opening each jar, you can enjoy the amazing smell and taste of fresh raspberries, and they will also be an excellent helper for colds.

Not everyone likes jam cooked over a fire; housewives try to stock up on fresh jam, which is indispensable for colds and other diseases.

Raspberry with banana - raw jam according to the classic recipe

You will need space in the refrigerator compartment to accommodate another type of winter supplies. It is prepared easily and quickly:

  • 2 kg of berries;
  • 5 ripe bananas;
  • 2.5 kg of sugar.

Prepare raspberries in the usual way, peel and cut bananas into slices. Grind everything. Add sugar to the resulting mass in small portions and stir until it dissolves. Transfer to a cool place for 4-5 hours. When cooled, roll into jars.

The result is an unusual flavor combination, like fruit chewing gum with a lasting aftertaste in the mouth. In the winter cold, jam with a unique aroma will bring a lot of joy.

Cold raspberries with honey

This is an old traditional recipe from our grandmothers, preserved from the 19th century. Sugar was very expensive back then, so a vitamin pantry for the winter was prepared with honey. This is an impeccable preservative. Berries in combination with it have double benefits.

Take products in a combination of 1 kg per 1 kg. The best varieties are flower and linden honey. Grind until jelly-like, optionally keeping the berries partially intact. Place in jars in layers, starting and ending with honey. The whole process takes a quarter of an hour. An excellent option for preserving the miraculous qualities of fruits and the rich natural properties of honey.

Raspberries with lemon without cooking

For 1 kg of chopped berries you will need 2 kg of sugar and lemon. Pour boiling water over it and pass through a meat grinder with the peel. Combine all three ingredients, mix until smooth, and roll into jars. There is a second way - to combine whole fruits and lemon slices. It will last 24 months in the cold. Guests will be surprised by its originality, it will relieve the family from vitamin deficiency, and it will help the heart function.

How to Preserve Frozen Raspberries

Raspberries can also be frozen. This is practically the most popular way to store berries. She can remain in this state for a very long time. To freeze raspberries efficiently, you need to follow several rules:

  • the berries are washed under low pressure of water so as not to damage their delicate structure;
  • To dry completely, lay the raspberries on a towel or napkins;
  • the berries are placed on a tray and placed in the freezer for 24 hours;
  • after freezing, the berries are poured into bags (plastic or paper) and placed in the freezer, where they can remain for an unlimited amount of time.

Storing dried raspberries

To dry raspberries, they are laid out in the sun in one layer and left for a week. If this is not possible, it is dried in the oven at low temperature and constant ventilation. This procedure will take up to 7 hours. Then the dried berries are placed in paper or plastic bags and sent to a cool, dark place with little humidity, where the raspberries can be stored for up to two years.

Raspberries that are grown on your own plot contain much more useful substances than imported ones, which are treated with special reagents to increase their shelf life. Now you know how to store raspberries in any condition. And if you have questions, suggestions or personal experience, share in the comments to the article!

How to store dried at home

It is recommended to dry raspberries in the sun, laying them out in rows so that the fruits do not touch each other. The drying process takes about 7 days, it is important to do this in dry, sunny weather. If it is not possible to prepare healthy berries in a natural way, then use the oven and set the temperature regulator to 50-60 degrees. In 6 hours you can get a high quality product.

Store dried berries in cellophane or paper bags and place them in the pantry. The product can remain usable for 2 years.

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