Classic recipes for delicious lightly salted cucumbers - fast and reliable

Posted on Jul 8th, 2021,

by Chief Milkman


  • Snacks

Many, if not all, probably like to crunch on lightly salted cucumbers and fried potatoes. Their skin turns out crispy, it has time to be sufficiently salted and saturated with the aromas of spices. And inside, lightly salted cucumbers remain sweetish, slightly soft, juicy. Probably, cooking in a pan is one of the most successful classic methods of pickling. After all, in a wide container it is convenient to control the optimal duration of salting - you will not need to reach into the jar every time to take a sample from the snack. It is best to pickle “real” cucumbers - ground, pimply, prickly cucumbers; they turn out tastier than smooth ones.

The traditional spices used for pickling are horseradish (root or fresh leaves), fragrant currant and cherry leaves, tarragon (also known as tarragon), of course, garlic, almost all types of pepper, bay leaf, and if you like, mustard. There are practically no restrictions.

Traditionally, cucumbers are lightly salted in two types of brine - hot and cold. In the first case, the snack will be ready faster, and in the second, it will be crispier. Choose which one you like best.

Classic lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan - pouring hot brine


  • cucumbers (it is better to pickle prickly, small ones) – 2 kg;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water (hot) – 1.5-2 l (to completely cover the components);
  • coriander (whole grains) – 0.5 tsp;
  • horseradish leaves – 2-3 pcs.;
  • tarragon (tarragon) – 3-4 sprigs (can be replaced with dried seasoning);
  • dill inflorescences (umbrellas) – 2-3 pcs. (you can take dill or dried seeds);
  • black and allspice peas – 3-5 pcs.;
  • garlic – 3-4 cloves;
  • hot pepper – 0.5 pcs.

How to quickly salt delicious cucumbers:

  1. The list and proportions of spices can be changed at your discretion. For example, you can add mustard seeds, bay leaves, celery, and remove the hot pepper. The main spices that are not recommended to be excluded are horseradish (makes the appetizer vigorous), dill (gives a well-known taste) and tarragon (gives crispness). What you like, add extra. Wash the cucumbers well and fill them with clean cold water. Let them sit for a couple of hours - this will make them even crispier. Cut off the ends.

    And now a little trick - to make the cucumbers salt faster and better, you need to pierce them lengthwise using a long wooden stick or a knitting needle. This will make it easier for the brine to reach the middle of the cucumbers in a short time.

  2. Wash horseradish, dill, tarragon. Place about half of it on the bottom of the pan.

  3. Add half of all spices. First the coriander seeds.

  4. Both types of peppercorns.

  5. Coarsely chopped garlic and a little hot pepper.

  6. Place the prepared cucumbers compactly.

  7. Pour in the rest of the spices and cover with the reserved herbs.

  8. All that remains is to sprinkle with salt.

  9. And pour boiling water over it. After the brine has cooled completely, remove the cucumbers to a cool place to ripen. You can try in about a day, but it is better to wait 2-3 days.

Hot crispy cucumbers

The calculation is given for a three-liter pan. We will cook using the hot brine method.

We will need:

  • cucumbers – 1.5-2 kg
  • horseradish leaf – 1-2 pcs
  • dill with umbrellas – 8-10 pcs.
  • currant leaves – 8 pcs.
  • oak leaves – 8 pcs (or cherry)
  • tarragon (tarragon) – sprig
  • black peppercorns – 10 pcs
  • allspice – 3-4 pcs
  • hot capsicum to taste
  • bay leaf – 2-3 pcs
  • clove buds – 3-4 pcs.
  • garlic – 3-4 large cloves

For the brine:

  • water – 1 liter
  • salt – 2 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon

Preparation of ingredients:

When you have been salting this or that vegetable for a long time, you add all the ingredients “by eye”, without particularly counting the leaves in pieces, but the ingredients in kilograms and grams. Therefore, if you add one or two more fruits, or more or less leaves of greenery, then nothing bad will happen.

But prepare the brine in strict accordance with the recipe. For a given amount of vegetables, you may need a liter, one and a half brine, or two. Everything will depend on the volume of your pan, large or small fruits you will salt.

Therefore, calculate its quantity yourself, but in strict accordance with the recipe and observing all proportions.

1. Wash the cucumbers and cut off the ends on both sides. Try to take fruits that are not very large in size; they have thin skin, they themselves are juicy, with tasty tender pulp and milky seeds. They are simply ideal for pickling.

Sometimes large specimens are also salted, but it is better to salt them in cut form, for example, in the form of sticks, the size of a small specimen, or even slightly smaller.

Pour cold water over them and leave for 30-60 minutes so that they are saturated with water and become more juicy. Cucumbers contain a large percentage of water and, after picking in hot weather, quickly lose it. Therefore, it is better to always soak them before salting. Soaking time ranges from 30 minutes to 3 hours, depending on when the vegetables were picked.

2. Prepare all ingredients immediately. Wash the leaves and let the water drain. If you use large dill stems, they need to be cut into fragments. It is advisable that the dill have an umbrella. In this form, he has already gained his full strength. Seeds begin to set in it. This means that he has practically matured.

And such dill will give the necessary taste and aroma to our pickling. There is no need to feel sorry for salting it. When you make a bookmark, you will need to generously layer them.

You yourself will feel how much to add. This intuition is already embedded in each of us in the genes. But I announced the approximate amount at the beginning of the chapter, as part of the ingredients.

3. Also cut the horseradish leaves into fragments. Sometimes its root is used, this is also allowed. For the best effect, it is planed directly into the pan, also placed in the bottom layer, in the middle and in the top layer.

Horseradish helps all products to be stored well and prevents souring, clouding of the brine and mold formation.

4. And in order for our fruits to be crispy, currant, oak and cherry leaves are added. Moreover, it is always advisable to add currant leaf; it also gives a slightly tart aroma. But you can choose between oak and cherry; either one or the other is enough.

5. If there are no oak leaves, and you limited yourself to cherry ones, then add a sprig of tarragon, or as it is called in Asia, tarragon. It will give the taste just like from a barrel, and will also allow them to remain elastic and crispy.

That's how much there is! How else! Each component is no less important when salting than the main component. And each performs its important function in this process. The main thing is to know and understand why this or that product is needed. And then you can easily select the recipe to your liking.

6. Peel the garlic and cut into slices, so it will share its juice with all other ingredients faster and better. And my grandmother, when she was pickling, always cut the garlic cloves right in the peel. At this time, the garlic is still young, and the shell of the clove is still milky and soft. So she said that this gives additional taste and saves garlic.

Sometimes I remember her advice and do as she did. And sometimes I forget and peel the cloves. I wrote it simply, just in case you want to take my grandmother’s advice.

7. Prepare the pepper immediately; we use three varieties of it - black, allspice and hot chilli. Each of them, like the leaves, plays its own taste and “smell” role, so it’s better if all of them are present in your recipe.

Capsicums come in varying degrees of heat. You can add half a pod of a not very strong variety, or cut off only a 1 cm piece with scissors, and this will be quite enough. It should be remembered that the main bitterness is concentrated in the seeds, so try to carefully clean them.

Wear gloves when doing this because the juice may take a long time to soak into your skin. And God forbid you rub your eye with such hands...

I already know that my pepper is extremely hot, so I’ll add it just a 1 cm piece. If you don’t know the level of hotness of your pepper, then it’s better to add the same amount, don’t risk it.

If you don’t have capsicum, you can add a pinch or two of ground red pepper.

8. Well, also prepare all the remaining ingredients so that you don’t accidentally forget anything.


1. Place the first layer of cucumbers in the pan.

2. Place some of the herbs and garlic on it.

3. Then vegetables again, and garlic again. Alternate in this way until both end.

Don't overfill the pan. Expect that there will be more brine, which should completely cover the entire contents. However, it should not pour out of it.

4. Now let's make the brine. Pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Add salt and sugar, as well as all the spices, that is, a mixture of peppers, clove buds, bay leaves.

Allow the liquid to boil and turn it off. Then cover with a lid and let cool slightly.

5. Pour the resulting slightly cooled brine over the contents of the pan.

6. Cover the top with a flat plate. It will act as oppression. The plate needs to be of such a size that it completely covers all the fruits, so that they do not float up, but lie tightly to each other.

7. Leave on the kitchen counter at room temperature overnight for 10-12 hours. If our fruits are small in size, then by morning the smallest of them can be tasted.

Of course, they have not yet gained strength, but they are already quite tasty. Eating them is pleasant and tasty!

And they will gain strength by the evening.

8. But in the morning, after taking the sample, the pan with the contents should be placed in the refrigerator. In summer the days are hot, and if you leave them in the kitchen, they will slowly begin to turn sour. And by the next day they will already be pickled, and not lightly salted.

That's basically the whole recipe. Cook and try. I hope you like the recipe.

Recipe for crispy lightly salted cucumbers in cold brine - quick and tasty

You will need:

  • cucumbers (preferably ground) – 1-1.5 kg;
  • flowering tops of dill - 1-2 pcs.;
  • cherry, currant, oak leaves (all or whatever you have) - 1-2 pcs.;
  • horseradish - a couple of small leaves or a piece of root (for vigor);
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • tarragon – 1-2 sprigs (for crunchiness);
  • peppercorns – 0.5 tsp;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 1 l.

Description of preparation:

  1. Rinse the cucumbers thoroughly to remove soil residues. If you have time, soak them in a basin for 3-5 hours. Then place in a glass or enamel pan and fill with clean water so that it completely covers the fruit. Then pour the water into a separate container and remove the cucumbers for now. Place half of all the leaves and spices on the bottom of the pan (wash well and pour over boiling water first). Horseradish leaves can be torn into smaller pieces by hand. Peel the garlic cloves and cut into slices.

  2. After cutting off the edges of the cucumbers, place them on top of the leaves and spices. Top with remaining ingredients.

  3. Dissolve salt and sugar in cold water. Pour the brine into the pan. Cover the top with a clean linen towel or gauze folded in several layers. Then put a flat round dish and set pressure (you can use a jar of pickles). Let it salt at room temperature for 5-8 hours, and then put it in the refrigerator for another day or two.

    To make lightly salted cucumbers even more vigorous and “carbonated”, you can add a piece of rye bread to the brine. To do this, you need to wrap it in a clean cloth or gauze and place it under the second layer of greenery.

During the cooking process, you need to taste the cucumbers - some people like them less salty, others like them more.

Lightly salted cucumbers with apples

Adding apples to a traditional recipe will give the cucumbers a subtle dessert flavor.

You will need:

  • cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • dill;
  • currant leaves;
  • apples - 3 pieces
  • a tablespoon of coarse salt.


  1. Cucumbers should be treated in the same way as in the last recipe, namely: wash, trim and soak.
  2. Place half of the washed greens in the bottom of your chosen dish. Then add the fruit.
  3. Afterwards there is a layer with the rest of the greens and sliced ​​apples. All this is poured with a brine of boiling water and salt and covered with a lid. After the workpiece has cooled, put it in the refrigerator for a day.

Advice! Don't be afraid to experiment. Adding honey or other spices and herbs will help change the taste of your preparations.

Cucumbers prepared according to this recipe can be served the next day.

Cold pickling of lightly salted cucumbers with garlic - crispy already in the pan

What ingredients will you need:

  • cucumbers (about the same size, up to 10 cm long) – 1 kg;
  • water – 1 l;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 1-3 cloves (to taste);
  • dill (fresh herbs, dry seeds or umbrellas);
  • leaves of black currant, cherry, horseradish - whatever.

The simplest and most understandable recipe:

  1. Brine can be prepared in several ways. The first is to pour salt into cold water, bring to a boil, stirring, and cool. The second is to dissolve the salt in boiled and already cooled water.

  2. Wash all products well. Place 1/2 part of dill and leaves of all types on the bottom of a pan of suitable volume or a three-liter jar. Chop the peeled garlic there.

  3. Trim the edges of the cucumbers and place them in the pan as well.

  4. Now pour out the brine. It is advisable to strain it through a sieve or cheesecloth, because the salt may contain small pebbles and other debris.

  5. The top layer is the second part of the greenery. Cover the container with a thin kitchen towel and leave it in the kitchen for 5-8 hours. Then close the lid and put it in a cool place for another day. As the cucumbers are salted, they will become even tastier, richer, and more aromatic.

Snack cucumbers in tomato sauce

In almost all the recipes offered today, you can add tomatoes along with our today’s heroes. But you need to know that tomatoes will take a little longer to pickle.

I don’t want to repeat myself and describe the same recipes, but with the addition of tomatoes. Therefore, we will prepare cucumbers not with whole tomatoes, but with twisted ones, that is, with tomato juice.

I already have a recipe where we canned them in tomato juice. Preparing for the winter is always good! Why not use a faster method and not wait until winter when we open the treasured jar. Eat such a delicious dish just a day after cooking?!

So, let's get started. We should have a very tasty snack.

We will need:

  • cucumbers – 1.5 kg
  • tomato juice – 1.5 liters
  • garlic – 6 cloves
  • dill - bunch
  • tarragon – 2 sprigs
  • salt – 3 tbsp. spoons


1. We probably don’t have tomato juice, so let’s start preparing it. To do this, wash the tomatoes and grind them in a meat grinder, or chop them in a blender. As is already clear from the list of ingredients, we will need 1.5 liters of juice.

Twist, measure out the required volume and pour the juice into the pan and set aside for now.

2. Wash the fruits and cut off the ends on both sides. You can leave them whole, or you can cut them into two halves.

3. Peel the garlic and cut into thin slices. Cut the dill into two or three parts. And if the stems are large, then you can cut them smaller. So that it is convenient to put it in the pan.

4. Place the pan with tomato juice on the fire and bring to a boil. Add salt and stir.

5. While the juice is boiling, place herbs, garlic and cucumbers in layers in a saucepan.

6. Pour boiling juice over the contents and leave to cool and salt for 10-12 hours.

7. After the allotted time, you can try them. And store what you haven’t finished in the refrigerator. After another 12 hours, our crispy delight will gain even more strength and flavor. And eating it will be even more pleasant and tastier.

This is a very simple recipe, basically like all the others. “Salting” your favorite vegetable in any way is very, very simple. The main thing is not to shift or add salt, and everything else is options and variations.

So feel free to get down to business, salt, eat and crunch to your health.

And in conclusion, a few main points.

A quick way to prepare lightly salted cucumbers - the appetizer is ready within a day

The following products will be required:

  • small cucumbers – 1 kg (or as much as will fit);
  • fresh garlic – 5-7 cloves;
  • salt (regular rock salt, not iodized) – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sparkling mineral water – 1 l;
  • dill with stems and umbrellas - a bunch;
  • horseradish leaves – 2-4 pcs.

How to make daily cucumbers:

  1. You can prepare the snack in a large saucepan, food container or three-liter jar. Wash all ingredients. Chop the horseradish quite coarsely.

  2. Grind the dill in the same way.

  3. Peel the garlic cloves and crush them with the flat side of a knife blade - this way they will release the juice but remain whole.

  4. Pour everything into a pickling container. Start laying out clean cucumbers with the ends cut off. It is better to place large fruits closer to the bottom - since the appetizer will be removed gradually, the bottom layer will have more time to salt out.

  5. Dissolve the salt in mineral water (it should be lukewarm, not straight from the refrigerator). Pour out the brine.

  6. Place a plate on top, place a small weight so that the cucumbers do not float, but are completely immersed in the liquid.

Leave to salt for 10-12 hours at room temperature, and then put in the main chamber of the refrigerator for another 12-14 hours. After the cucumbers reach the desired condition, remove them from the brine and store in a bag for no more than 2-3 days.

Video about how to quickly pickle cucumbers in a saucepan in 24 hours

And this is another pickling recipe. This time in a video version. This is so that you, dear readers, can see everything with your own eyes.

How to lay out greens and cucumbers, how to pour brine, how to cover with oppression. There is, of course, nothing complicated about this. But suddenly, for the first time in their life, someone decided to salt them. And in this case, he will probably have questions.

And in order to find answers to them quickly, this video will help.

In the afterword to the recipe description it was said that the vegetables will be ready in 24 hours. But I think that by then they will already be super tasty. In general, you can crunch them in 12-14 hours, or at least take a sample.

For some reason I always want to take a sample as quickly as possible. And I can even guess why. Probably because the first ones, and even the trial ones, are always the most delicious.

So cook from and according to this recipe, and crunch them to your health. And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel. It was created especially for you, dear friends. To not only write recipes, but also show you the whole process live. And don’t forget to click on the bell so you don’t miss new and interesting things!

Lightly salted assorted cucumbers and tomatoes in a saucepan - a classic recipe

You will need:

  • cucumbers – about 1 kg;
  • tomatoes (not large) – 500 g;
  • sweet, hot pepper – 1 pod each;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • celery – 1-2 petioles;
  • garlic – 0.5 heads;
  • dill - a bunch;
  • water – 2 l;
  • salt, sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

How to salt it correctly - we prepare it step by step:

  1. For cucumbers, cut off the “spouts” on both sides; for tomatoes, cut out the place where the stalk is attached. Place in a spacious container - a bowl or pan.

  2. Cut both types of pepper into long longitudinal strips. Add to the general container.

  3. Add coarsely chopped garlic there.

  4. Sprinkle with dill.

  5. Add sugar, salt to the water, add a bay leaf and a few stalks of celery. Bring to a boil, simmer for a couple of minutes. Pour hot marinade over vegetables.

  6. After this, cover the assorted vegetables with a lid. Salt without refrigerating for about 1.5-2 days. You can start trying the snack within a day. Once you are satisfied with the taste, put it in the refrigerator and store there until use.

Instant recipe with garlic and dill

Every housewife has her own favorite classic recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan. One of the simplest, but most popular recipes is a quick method of pickling in a container with the addition of garlic and dill.

If you follow this recipe, you can have the perfect addition to any side dishes in just five minutes.

For this quick salting method, prepare:

  • fresh cucumbers – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 2 teeth;
  • dill - a bunch;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • salt – 2/3 tsp;
  • ground black pepper – 0.5 tsp.

First of all, you need to place pepper and salt on the bottom of a liter pan. Add chopped bay leaf and garlic to them. Sprinkle medium-sized chopped dill on top.

Now it's the cucumbers' turn. They need to be cut into several slices lengthwise so that they have time to pickle in record time.

Cover the pan with a lid and shake well for several minutes. Please note that the container should not be filled too tightly with cucumber slices, so that there is room for shaking.

After 5 minutes of active shaking, the aromatic lightly salted cucumbers will be completely cooked. This recipe allows you to prepare cucumbers very quickly. By the way, you can salt tomatoes in the same way.

Recipe for quick-cooking lightly salted cucumbers with boiling water in a saucepan

According to this recipe, quick-cooking lightly salted cucumbers are poured with boiling water in a saucepan, so they are prepared a day in advance.

Have to take:

  • Cucumbers;
  • Dill with seeds;
  • Horseradish leaf and root;
  • Garlic;
  • Cherry and currant leaves;
  • Salt – 50 grams per liter of water.

I don't specify the amount of seasoning. It all depends on the amount of vegetables and the taste of the housewife.

  1. The fruits must be washed and the tails trimmed. Divide the seasonings in half. We lay out half the bottom of the dish, place the vegetables, and put the other half of the seasonings on them.
  2. Boil water with salt and pour it over the fruits prepared for pickling. Place a plate on top and close with a lid.
  3. After 12 hours you can try. But again, be guided by your taste. Some will like it better in a day, and others in two.

Bon Appetit everyone!

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