Tomato juice for the winter at home - 11 step-by-step recipes with photos

In some interesting way we covered red tomatoes for the winter. For example, in one of the previous articles I described as many as seven delicious ways to freeze tomatoes in the winter; there is even a recipe for how to pickle tomatoes in the snow.

Many housewives know how to make tomato juice for the winter at home; everyone has their favorite step-by-step photo recipes. Some use the old-fashioned method to pass vegetables through a meat grinder, many boil them in a juicer, but in my opinion, the most convenient method. In this article I will tell you my recipes.

Tomato juice for the winter through a juicer

Tomato juice for the winter at home, which you prepare yourself using this recipe, cannot be compared with those sold on supermarket shelves. The complete absence of harmful impurities, dyes and preservatives will best reflect the rich and bright taste of the natural product. I assure you that you will appreciate it.

For any high-quality drink, it is best to take healthy and well-ripened fruits, and it is better, of course, from your own plot or buy from a trusted seller.

The cooking method in question does not require much effort in execution, and the minimum amount of products required ensures its accessibility. In order for our juice to be thick and have a pleasant taste, it is best to use vegetable varieties with large fruits, juicy and loose pulp for processing.

Some housewives use substandard or small tomatoes to make juice. In this situation, it will be extremely difficult to predict the taste of the finished nectar. It may turn out sour or too runny.


  • Tomatoes 5 kg;
  • Sugar 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Table salt 2 tbsp. l.


  • Let’s prepare the necessary ingredients so that they are “at hand”. The recipe for which we will prepare the drink for the winter includes table salt and granulated sugar. There can be any number of them, each has its own taste preferences. I want to suggest the recipe that I like best. The taste of the finished drink is more balanced.

  • First, we sort the tomatoes, excluding rotten, unsuitable fruits, and wash them thoroughly, then for convenience, we cut especially large ones in half or into quarters, and there is no point in cutting smaller ones.

  • We pass the prepared fruits through a juicer and we get a pink, heterogeneous mass. Its yield directly depends on the variety used, which affects the juiciness of the tomatoes, and the power of the juicer plays an important role here. From 5 kg of vegetables approximately 2.5 liters of tomato drink are obtained.

A whole bowl of cake: seeds, peel, veins, and also a fair amount of pulp. Don't throw it away!

  • There is still a lot of juice left in the resulting pomace and it also needs to be put into use. To do this, take a sieve or colander and carefully grind the resulting mass in small batches; you can use improvised means, a spoon, a spatula, a potato masher, or a common masher.

  • As a result of simple actions and actively working hands, we get another 1 liter 250 milliliters of thick juice from vegetables, and if we make an effort, we can grind the pomace until dry.

  • We mix the juice that we squeezed out using a juicer with the second juice from the cake. And in the end we got a full 4 liter pan. If you are worried that the juice will run away during cooking, you can use 2 saucepans.

  • Add table salt immediately (iodized salt will not work!). For 4 liters of drink you will need 4 tbsp. l. sugar and 2 tbsp. l. table salt.

Coarse salt is best used for this.

  • Then place the pan on high heat and, stirring occasionally, bring the mixture to a boil. The light foam that forms on the surface in large quantities does not need to be removed during the cooking process.

Usually the foam is removed to make the product transparent, but we are preparing nectar with pulp; we do not need transparency.

  • After boiling, boil the tomato mass for about 5-6 minutes over medium heat. The drink will change color from pinkish to bright red, and the foam will disappear on its own. Taste for the amount of salt and sugar and add if necessary. After all, everyone’s taste preferences are individual.

There is no need to cook the tomato mass for a long time, this time is quite enough, the pulp will be well cooked.

  • We sterilize the container in advance, in a way that is convenient for you, but it is best to do this in the microwave. Wash the jars thoroughly, rinse them under cold running water, pour about 100 milliliters of water into the bottom and put them in the oven at high power for 10-11 minutes. Steam thoroughly. Wash the lids and place in a pan of boiling water for 5 minutes.

  • Then carefully pour the boiling tomato drink into jars so as not to get burned, without adding a few centimeters to the edge.

  • Immediately seal the jars with lids. You can use both screw ones, which are simply screwed in, and tin ones, but they require a seaming wrench.

And a very important piece of advice: screw caps should never be reused, as this can ruin all the prepared products.

  • Then we turn our jars upside down and leave them in this position until they cool down, while wrapping them in something warm, something that you usually use in such cases: a blanket, a blanket, a fur coat. We cover so that additional heat treatment of all homemade products, including the lids, takes place.

It is best to store the cooked product in a cellar or basement, where it is always cool and dark.

As a result, we have four liters of tasty, and most importantly natural, tomato drink. By the way, it does not lose its valuable properties during heat treatment; the beneficial substances are preserved in their original form. No store-bought analogues can compare in quality and usefulness with a homemade product. Sticky, with pulp it looks very appetizing. Throughout the winter you will enjoy this nectar. And the aroma is simply magical!

The most delicious recipe for tomato juice with bell pepper

For as long as I can remember, my mother always made one batch of juice with sweet bell peppers. Usually these were preparations for borscht. But then we began to prepare completely different dishes from this juice. It turned out that the taste of pepper is so mild and gives such an interesting aroma to the finished product that the recipe caught on and even became our favorite.


  • Tomatoes – 6 kg.
  • Pepper – 100 gr.
  • Black pepper – 10 peas
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.
  • Salt
  • Sugar


Wash the tomatoes, tear off the stems if there are any. If necessary, cut the vegetables into several parts.

We pass the tomatoes through a juicer. We get about 5 liters. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan.

Remove the tail from the pepper. Cut it in half and put it in a saucepan with juice; if desired, you can twist it.

Put the pan on the fire. Bring to a boil. Cook for about 40 minutes. At this point the foam has boiled down and is gone.

Stir the juice periodically.

When 40-45 minutes have passed, add seasonings, salt, sugar.

Let the juice boil. Sterilize jars and lids. Pour juice into jars. Let's roll up.

The most delicious recipe for tomato juice with bell pepper. Author

Salt, like sugar, is added to your taste. That is, after adding seasonings, it is important to check the taste of the product and adjust if necessary.

Delicious tomato juice for the winter at home

In fact, juicing tomatoes requires minimal ingredients and not much effort. That’s why I generally like preparing it. See for yourself and you will see everything.

What is needed to prepare it:

  • Red tomatoes – 13 kilograms;
  • Rock salt – 2 teaspoons per 1000 grams;
  • Granulated sugar - 2 teaspoons per 1000 grams.

Let's start cooking:

  • First of all, we prepare the red fruits: wash them and cut out the stalk. Then we divide it into four parts.

To obtain the juice with the most intense flavor, it is better to take large and fleshy fruits.

  • Then we pass the chopped vegetables through a juicer. This will make the juice less thick.

  • But if you use a meat grinder for these purposes, you will get a thick, beautiful mass.
  • Next, grind the sauce using a fine-hole strainer. This will get rid of seeds and pieces of peel.

  • Pour the finished juice into a saucepan, transfer it to the stove and turn on medium heat. Add the required amount of refined sugar and rock salt, in accordance with the amount of juice received, and boil for about fifteen minutes.

At the same time, we prepare containers for seaming by sterilizing over steam.

  • Carefully pour the finished juice into three liter containers and screw on the lids. Place them upside down and don’t touch them until they cool down.

Move to the basement for further storage.

How to cook tomato juice with garlic

You can prepare juice with different spices, but very often garlic is added to the preparation. So that it does not spoil, but only emphasizes the taste, it is important to do everything correctly.


  • tomatoes;
  • garlic;
  • salt.

How to preserve:

  1. Scroll the tomatoes through a juicer. If necessary, use another method, for example, from the recipes above.
  2. Place the tomato on the stove, having previously measured the amount received.
  3. Boil from the moment of boiling for five minutes. Be sure to remove the foam.
  4. For each liter, add one clove of crushed (not chopped) garlic and 1 tsp. salt.
  5. After this, boil for another minute, pour into jars, and roll up.

It is not recommended to add chopped or pressed garlic; pieces will float in the drink, which will spoil the appearance and taste.

Homemade tomato juice with pulp

Every winter cold we are sorely lacking in the warm sun and the necessary microelements. A tomato drink will perfectly cope with the second task, lifting our spirits and reminding us of warm sunny days.

What we need:

  • Red tomatoes -2000 grams;
  • Rock salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • Granulated sugar – 2 teaspoons;
  • Herbs are at your discretion.

Let's start cooking:

  • We wash the red fruits, separate their tails and cut into arbitrary pieces. Squeeze the red juice from the prepared fruits.
  • We put it on the stove and wait for it to boil over a small flame.
  • Now add salt, refined sugar and any dried herbs.

In this recipe, you can safely adjust the finished drink to your taste.

  • Bring the mixture to a boil, boil for five minutes and pour into jars. Place on the lids and wait for cooling.

Then transfer the workpieces to a cool place for long-term storage.

Preparing finger-licking tomato juice for the winter

Below is a recipe in which everything is perfect: taste, consistency, aroma. You can cook through a meat grinder or use a juicer.


  • Juice 1 l;
  • allspice;
  • 0.5 tsp. salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.


  1. Make juice in any convenient way.
  2. Place on the stove; when boiling, be sure to skim off all the foam.
  3. Add allspice, salt and sugar according to the recipe.
  4. Boil everything together for five minutes.
  5. Pour into sterile jars and roll up.

You can preserve tomatoes not only with allspice, but also use regular black or sweet paprika, they will give their own special taste.

How to make tomato juice at home

Making a drink yourself is probably not easy, choose the method that suits you and get creative. And the result will not keep you waiting long. After all, in fact, winter is just around the corner and you need to have time to make as many tasty and healthy twists for the winter as possible.

What you will need:

  • Tomatoes – 5000 grams;
  • Rock salt - to taste.

Let's start preparing:

  • We cut the prepared scarlet fruits into various slices.

  • Place the preparations in a large bowl, transfer to a gas stove and wait until it boils. Boil the mixture for six minutes, then turn off the gas and wait for them to cool.

You can pour 100 grams of water into the vegetables to avoid burning.

  • Using a small strainer, grind the boiled vegetables, freeing them from seeds and peels.

  • Now add rock salt to taste and cook for another five minutes.

  • Pour the mixture into containers and cover with tin roofs.

  • Let it cool standing upside down on the lids and then transfer it to storage in the cellar.

How to make tomato juice without salt

The next recipe is a little different from the previous ones and involves adding water. The option is very good. This drink stores well and does not lose its taste.

By the way, if you do not use tomato skin, then when processing the fruit, do not throw it away, but make adjika. After all, the skin is very useful.


  • Tomatoes;
  • Water.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the fruits thoroughly and dry. Cut into halves and remove the stems. Next, cut into pieces of any size.

2. Place the pieces in a saucepan and fill with clean water so that it covers all the tomatoes. Now slowly heat the contents until the pieces become soft.

3. Then remove the seeds and skin by rubbing the tomatoes through a sieve. Return the resulting juice back to the pan and cook until the mass has reduced by about 1/3 of the original volume.

5. Then sterilize the jars and pour the hot drink into them. Roll the pieces under an iron lid and cool. Store in the cellar, and before use, shake well and add salt to taste.

Tomato juice for the winter without sterilization - a simple recipe

There are many different ways to extract juice from tomatoes and almost all of them require sterilization, but this method does not require it. An ideal option that does not require much effort.

What you will need:

  • Red tomatoes – 6 kilograms;
  • Rock salt - at your discretion;
  • Granulated sugar - to taste.

Let's start preparing:

To obtain the best juice, it is better to take the ripest fruits, rich scarlet in color.

  • We wash the fruits and cut them into pieces, removing the inflorescence.

  • We squeeze juice out of the chopped ingredients either using a meat grinder or a juicer.

If you use the first method, you will need to additionally grind the mass through a strainer.

  • Pour the finished mixture into a large saucepan, add rock salt and granulated sugar to taste. And transfer it to a small flame on the tile. With constant stirring, wait until it boils. Boil the mixture for about ten minutes.

  • Pour the mixture into sterilized containers, roll them up with tin lids and place them upside down. We wait for them to cool down and send them to the basement for safekeeping.

Tomato juice with basil


  • 50-70 grams of salt and sugar;
  • a bunch of fresh basil;
  • 4-5 kg ​​of ripe tomatoes.

Spicy herbs add extra flavor to the drink. A fragrant thick preparation is obtained if you take overripe and fleshy tomatoes. You can also use dried basil, but it is better to buy freshly picked herbs. Vegetables are washed and cuttings are removed. Twist in a blender or meat grinder. To give the drink uniformity, the mixture is passed through cheesecloth or a sieve. The juice is boiled over fire for 15-20 minutes. The jars are sterilized, hot juice is poured into them and immediately closed with lids. Before closing the jars, add granulated sugar and coarse salt to the juice from tomatoes and basil and stir thoroughly until they are completely dissolved.

Preparing tomato juice using a juicer

Let's start preparing:

  • Tomatoes – 5000 grams;
  • Rock salt - to taste;
  • Refined sugar - to taste.

Let's start:

  • We wash the red fruits, remove the stalk and cut into arbitrary pieces. Then boil them for five minutes over medium heat.

When the mass has cooled, begin squeezing the juice from the fruit.

  • The finished mass is boiled again for five minutes, after adding sugar, salt and pepper.

  • Then pour the mixture into containers, roll up, cover with a warm blanket and wait for cooling.

Then transfer the jars for permanent storage.

Juice with pulp from fresh tomatoes through a meat grinder - you'll lick your fingers

If you don’t have a juicer, then you can use a regular meat grinder, the simplest one, without any attachments. Nowadays there are many modern kitchen appliances, including meat grinders with attachments for squeezing juice. If you have one on your farm, then make it using it using the recipe above. This option is suitable for those who have a regular meat grinder.

This tomato turns out thick, with pulp and seeds. You can make gravies, dressings, and sauces from it. Or you can simply drink and get healthy substances.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

1. Wash the tomatoes, cut into large pieces, remove the stems. Pass all the prepared fruits through a meat grinder and pour the resulting rather thick mass into the pan.

If you want a more delicate consistency of the finished juice, first remove the skin from the tomatoes.

To do this quickly and easily, make a cross-shaped cut on top of each tomato. Place vegetables in boiling water in parts for 30-60 seconds. Then immediately transfer them using a slotted spoon into prepared cold water (the steps are the same as when boiling eggs). Then the skin can be easily removed.

2. Bring the puree mixture to a boil over high heat, stirring occasionally. Then reduce the heat and cook the workpiece for 30 minutes. Add salt 3 minutes before cooking.

Tomato juice for the winter at home without salt and sugar

This method of preparing a saturated solution is elementary and has minimal ingredients. The main thing is to prepare the fruits of medium size and very fleshy in consistency.


  • Tomatoes.

Let's start cooking:

  • We wash the ripe fruits in a running water, remove them from the stalk and cut them into arbitrary slices.
  • We twist the cut pieces using a meat grinder.

  • Pour the resulting mass into a saucepan of the required volume and transfer it to medium heat. When the mass boils, the excess liquid will gradually begin to evaporate, and it will become thicker. Boil to your desired consistency.

I don't make it too thick, otherwise it won't look like tomato paste.

  • Pour the boiling liquid into sterilized containers and close with boiled tin lids. Leave to cool upside down and then transfer to permanent storage in a cool room.

The easiest recipe for making tomato juice

Delicious tomato juice can be prepared without using a standard juicer. This method is suitable for those who simply do not have it, or do not want a large amount of pulp to be lost.

The required ingredients are ripe and fleshy tomatoes (3 kg) and salt (0.5 teaspoon).

1. Remove the stems from the fruits and cut into small slices.

2. Start boiling them (without adding liquid), waiting until the tomatoes soften.

3. Place a sieve over the pan and place the resulting vegetable mass into it. As a result, the juice will drain into the dishes.

4. To get more pulp, stir the mixture with a spoon and grind thoroughly.

Add salt and continue boiling. Pour the drink into pre-sterilized containers and roll up.

Tomato juice recipe for the winter is to die for

This is a very interesting method, the highlight is to pre-bake red tomatoes in the oven, and then prepare juice from them, adding your favorite spices and herbs.

What you will need:

  • Red fruits – 2000 grams;
  • Garlic – 4 cloves;
  • Rock salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • Granulated sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tablespoons4
  • Muscat – 1 teaspoon;
  • Cinnamon – 1 teaspoon;
  • Clove seeds – 4 pieces;
  • Black pepper – 8 pieces;
  • Hot pepper – 2 pods.

Let's get started:

  • So, you need to lay out the ripe tomatoes on a wire rack and bake in the oven for about ten minutes at 180 degrees.

  • Then we pass the baked vegetables through a juicer and get a ready-made and pure scarlet drink.

  • Pour it into a saucepan, put it on medium heat and boil for about 13 minutes.
  • Add spices and herbs that are listed in the composition to the juice.

For example, garlic juice will become richer and healthier as a result. Cinnamon grains will make it more piquant and appetizing to the taste. Pepper will make it sharper, and nutmeg will add a fiery spice.

  • We also add rock salt, granulated sugar and sunflower oil. Boil for another five minutes, mix thoroughly and pour into sterilized jars of any size.

The finished product is incredibly aromatic and tasty, it is impossible not to drink it to the last drop. So I highly recommend making this drink for your family.

Video on how to prepare tomato juice from tomatoes for the winter (simple recipe)

This recipe is the simplest, without adding vinegar, salt, sugar or spices. Even children can drink this drink. And if you like salty tomato juice, then add salt to your mug after opening the can.

Watch the video for the recipe, the author explains everything very clearly, even an amateur cook can do it!

May you have the most delicious tomato drink!

In all recipes, this drink is prepared without adding water. If its consistency turns out to be too thick, it can be diluted directly when serving. Modern tomato varieties, such as plums and ladyfingers, for example, are specially bred dry for better transportation and storage. The juice from them will turn out almost like a puree. There is no point in diluting it even before seaming; why store water in the closet? It is also better to close this drink without water, and dilute it to taste later.

Tomato juice like in childhood! Thick homemade pasta (Video recipe)

And lastly, I would like to share with you a very interesting video of the preparation of this drink, the same as we drank in childhood. It is incredibly tasty, aromatic and very appetizing. And the storehouse of vitamins in it, in my opinion, is simply off the charts.

Let your children also drink this healthy drink that our parents gave us as children. I think no one will refuse him.

And, as always, I wanted to reveal a few secrets of making the most delicious juice:

  • The fruits should be as ripe as possible, without any signs of rotting. And try to choose the meatiest varieties, then the final product will taste as pleasant as possible.
  • Try to add as many spices and herbs as possible, this will make the product as rich as possible.
  • To remove the seeds and peel from the mass, grind it through a small strainer.

  • Do not boil the prepared fruits much before squeezing, this will make the taste of the drink brighter.
  • It is best to pour the juice into liter containers, this way it will be more convenient to drink the juice at once in winter and not leave it in the refrigerator for storage.

How to make tomato juice at home using a meat grinder

Not every home has a juicer, but this is not a reason to refuse such a healthy and tasty preparation. A regular meat grinder will help you make juice. It can be manual or electric. Of course, it will not separate the seeds and skin, but you can seal the juice with them. If you still decide to purify the drink, then look further at the recipe and you will find out how this can be done.

Required Products:

  • fresh tomatoes - 9 kg
  • salt - 0.5 tsp. for 1 liter of finished drink

To prepare a drink from tomatoes, it is better to take meaty varieties; overripe vegetables, but not spoiled ones, are suitable.

Cooking according to recipe:

  1. Wash the tomatoes well, trim off not only the damaged areas, but also the stems. Pass the prepared vegetables through a meat grinder. If your meat grinder comes with different grates, then for making juice it is better to use a small one.

  2. Pour the twisted tomatoes into a container of the required size, place on the stove, and bring to a boil. Cook for 10 minutes at a low simmer, stirring occasionally.

  3. Take a deep cup, put a fine sieve on it and pour out the juice in small portions, rubbing it through the sieve. Try to grind so that the cake from the skins and seeds becomes almost dry, so the yield of the finished juice will be greater.

  4. Add salt to the finished drink, stir, put on the stove, and bring to a boil. Boil for 1 minute, if foam appears, remove it and you can pour into jars. They need to be prepared in advance - washed and sterilized. Roll up the lids. From this amount of tomatoes you get a little more than 6 liters of the finished drink.

  5. Turn the jars over, wrap them in a warm blanket, leave them until they cool completely and only then put them into storage.

The wrapping procedure will to some extent replace sterilization and then jars of juice can be stored even at room temperature without adding vinegar or citric acid.

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