How to choose shrimp. How to properly cook shrimp, frozen, raw, cooked, frozen, unpeeled, in the shell, how long to cook, how to peel. Recipes for delicious dishes with shrimp

Raw crustaceans cannot be eaten - heat treatment is required. Nutritionists believe that it is during cooking that the greatest amount of nutritional components of healthy seafood is preserved compared to other cooking methods. And shrimp really have something to “boast” about. They are good for the heart and nervous system; regular consumption of them helps prevent cancer. And besides, this is a godsend for lovers of protein diets. With a calorie content of 95 kcal/100 g, the product contains almost 19 g of protein, only 2 g of fat and not a gram of carbohydrates.

How to choose frozen shrimp, which ones taste better

In the freezers of shrimp stores they sell:

In our latitudes, chilled shrimp does not go on sale, as it has a very short shelf life; stores very rarely take the perishable product for sale. You can purchase fresh, quick-frozen products. In order for the product to be truly fresh, after catching it must be sent to Russia only by airlines, and accordingly the price for it will be astronomical.

What you need to know when choosing crustaceans:

Product of questionable quality:

Famous chefs do not recommend buying peeled crustaceans. Frozen shelled ones are much more tender and juicier after cooking. For impeccable cleaning in factories, chemical agents are used. It doesn’t matter whether you take packaged or loose, the main rule is unpeeled!

Shelf life of frozen shrimp

Today you can buy shrimp at any retail outlet. As a rule, most of the food on the shelves is frozen and there should be a minimal amount of frozen water on it. Untreated frozen food lasts from 3 to 5 months, no more.

Storage rules indicate that 90 days after industrial freezing, unpeeled shrimp loses its taste. Before purchasing, always check when it was processed and packaged!

After defrosting, you should not keep the product in the refrigerator for more than two days uncooked, it is perishable.

Peeled frozen shrimp cannot last as long in the freezer as unpeeled shrimp. Its shelf life is two times less.

In a steamer

In a double boiler, shrimp turn out incredibly juicy, aromatic, and rich in flavor. You might think that steamed seafood is prepared only as a dietary dish. But do not forget that boiled shrimp release their juice into the water, and, accordingly, part of their taste. Thus, by steaming, the taste is only preserved.

To cook in a double boiler you will need:

  • Shrimp – 200 g
  • Water – 1 l
  • Salt – 1 heaped tablespoon
  • Quail egg – 1 pc.
  • Mustard – 1 teaspoon
  • Paprika – half a teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil – 50 ml
  • A few sprigs of basil
  • Garlic – 2 cloves
  • Lemon juice or wine vinegar - 1 tablespoon.
  1. Frozen seafood should be placed from the freezer into the refrigerator a day before cooking so that it has time to defrost.
  2. Clean the product.
  3. Add salt and juice that remains after defrosting to the water, stir everything well and add shrimp to the resulting brine.
  4. After half an hour, remove the shrimp, rinse with water and place in a steamer.
  5. Pour the brine into the steamer bowl. Cook for 4-5 minutes.
  6. In a bowl, mix the quail egg, mustard and paprika, whisk everything, and then add the oil in a thin stream, constantly whisking the sauce.
  7. Grind the basil and garlic with a pinch of salt into a paste using a mortar, add to the resulting mayonnaise at the very end along with lemon juice. Mix everything well, add a little lemon juice.

Prawns cooked in a double boiler with a delicious “green” sauce will always surprise guests and delight their loved ones with their wonderful taste.

Number of servings – 2. KBJU of the whole dish: proteins – 43.2, fats – 60.4, carbohydrates – 11.7, calories – 762.8.

How long should you cook raw frozen shrimp?

The time to boil such a shrimp depends on the size and lasts from 2 to 5 minutes. Before lowering them into the water, add spices and salt.

The cooked shrimp changes color, becomes a rich reddish color, and rises to the surface. Uncooked floats on the bottom. This is the main rule for boiling all types of crustaceans.

Beneficial features

Botan scallop shrimp meat contains the highest amount of amino acids and healthy fats among all types of seafood.

Have a beneficial effect on the human skeletal and nervous systems:

  • iodine,
  • phosphorus,
  • zinc,
  • iron,
  • vitamins D, C, A,
  • microelements.

Botan shrimp is known to strengthen the immune system, reduce the risk of cancer, and the development of allergies.

It contains a high protein content, which is useful for strengthening muscle tissue and removing toxins. Therefore, regular consumption of the meat of this mollusk is recommended for children, older people, and workers of heavy physical labor.

How to cook boiled frozen shrimp:


It was called royal due to its impressive length. Together with the marinade, it needs to boil for no more than 5 - 7 minutes. The peeled one is cooked for no more than 3 minutes. As soon as it floats up, take it out, the cooking process is over.


This large type boils for 3 - 5 minutes. Before dipping into the boiling marinade, the shrimp must be thawed. A longer cooking process will result in a change in flavor.


The only type of shrimp that is not farmed. It is caught in Atlantic waters. It quite often hits the shelves of our stores at a very reasonable price. It is better to boil it in ginger water with garlic for at least 5 minutes.

small Azov and Black Sea

This type of Black Sea shrimp is no different from its relatives, except for size. Because of this, the cooking process takes no more than 2 minutes. Once they rise to the surface while boiling, cooking is complete. Remove it with a slotted spoon, allowing the water to drain.

What are they selling us?

When wondering how long to cook shrimp, you should first think about choosing the right product. To do this, you need to tighten up the theory a little.


Looking at the shrimp offered in stores, you will notice that they all differ in color, size and price. These factors are determined by the variety of crustaceans, the table below will help you get an idea of ​​which.

Table - Varieties of shrimp

ViewPeculiaritiesMain suppliers
Atlantic (cold water)— Small size; - more affordable price - Canada; — Baltic States; — Scandinavia
Warm water (royal and tiger)— Large size; - high price; - bred artificially on special farms or in the natural environment — China; — Thailand; — Indonesia; — Vietnam
Argentine— Lives in the natural environment, is not artificially grown; - pronounced sweetish taste; - bright red shell; - low cost - Spain; — Argentina
Azovskaya- Very small size; - pronounced sweetish taste Russia
Vannamei— Produced artificially; - low cost; - looks larger than the Atlantic; - bright color China

In European countries, Atlantic shrimp is considered more tasty and healthier, as it grows in natural conditions. Previously, this product was more expensive, but now, due to changes in the economic situation, farmed crustaceans are more expensive. However, there is information that some Asian manufacturers use antibiotics and dyes to improve the presentation of the delicacy.


The size of shrimp is called caliber. This unit measures the number of individuals per kilogram of weight. For peeled crustaceans without heads and shells, the size is indicated not per kilogram, but per foot (about 450 g). The table below gives an idea of ​​the size of popular species.

Table - Shrimp size

Atlantic— 50-70; — 70-90; — 90-120; — 120+
Tiger— 2-4; — 4-6; — 6-8; — 8-12; — 12-16; — 16-20; — 21-30; — 31-40
Argentine— 21-30; — 30-55

If instead of the size on the package there is a No name marking, this is a trifle, a remainder, a mismatch.

Selection rules

Just a couple of decades ago, shrimp were considered an exotic delicacy that was not easy to obtain. Now seafood can be bought at your nearest supermarket. However, among the widest assortment, there are low-quality goods. Four recommendations will help you make the right choice.

  1. Transparent packaging. You shouldn’t take a pig in a poke – give preference to products packaged in transparent packaging. It is better to buy the product in a sealed bag rather than in bulk.
  2. A layer of ice. After catching, the shrimp are immediately frozen. Therefore, a layer of ice on seafood, the so-called glaze, is normal. However, the thickness of the “growth” should not be more than 1 mm. If this layer is too thick, one suspects that the crustaceans were deliberately soaked in water to increase weight. In accordance with GOST, the ice content should not exceed 4%.
  3. Snow. If there is snow in the package, the product was defrosted and then frozen again - such “therapy” negatively affects the taste of crustaceans.
  4. Standing out "individuals". Among the general mass of uniformly colored shrimp, you can sometimes see crustaceans that differ in appearance. The table below will tell you why the shrimp looks different from its “neighbors” in the package, and whether such crustaceans can be eaten.

Table - What shrimp “talk” about

SignWhat does this indicate?
Whitish or yellowish crustaceansThe product is stale
BrownPregnant individuals, their meat is very valuable
Straight rather than curled tail— The shrimp died before it was frozen; — freezing technology was not followed
— Black spots on the body; - black head Sick individual
Green headThe shrimp fed on plankton and is suitable as food
White spotsViolation of the freezing regime

The uniform color of the crustaceans, shiny, smooth shell is evidence of the good quality of the product.

Do I need to defrost shrimp before cooking?

Shrimp is most often transported frozen. This is practically the only way to transport around the world. To freeze it, you must first bring it to readiness. Most of the product on store shelves is already prepared; it does not need to be defrosted; it has a characteristic pinkish color.

After they are taken out of the freezer, they are immediately sent into the boiling marinade. It is best to choose vacuum packaging with any type of shrimp, they are of higher quality.

How to deliciously cook frozen shrimp

For aromatic shrimp, you need to prepare the right marinade. Throw lemon slices, pieces of ginger root, bay leaves, peppercorns, and salt into boiling water. Dip the frozen product into the marinade, which has boiled for several minutes, and leave for several minutes. Boiling time depends on the size of the shrimp. After they have flared up, they need to be taken out and cleaned.

It is best to serve peeled shrimp sprinkled with the juice of half a lemon. Creamy garlic sauce goes well with shrimp.

How to peel shrimp

Chefs of famous restaurants do not recommend peeling frozen food half-baked. The fact is that during catching, transportation, and later packaging, dust and dirt particles could get on the product, which provoke the appearance of bacteria. Therefore, the shrimp should initially be purchased unpeeled and boiled. Only after heat treatment is the shrimp considered properly cooked and the shell part is removed from it.

Peeling frozen shrimp

Option 1

Boiled small shrimp are very easy to clean. The only thing you need to do is prepare a container of water in which you wash your hands regularly. Small particles of the shell and legs stick strongly to the hands. A wreath is removed from the tail meat; it must be removed very carefully so as not to tear.

A boiled large shrimp is cleaned by breaking the armored tail part.

Option 2

Large shrimp are cleaned using scissors or a special device. The armored part of the tail is cut along the back, and the meat is carefully removed. After removal, the tails are cleaned from the wreath along the dorsal incision. You can simply pull them. The small tail is a kind of decorative element by which the shrimp is taken.

Option 3

A large whole shrimp (with head) is cleaned by breaking the shell part with your hands, without removing the head. A small incision must be made to remove the intestinal string.

Fresh chilled shrimp can be peeled without boiling.

Option 1

If the shrimp is large and without a head, the armored part of the tail can be carefully cut along the back. To do this, use thin scissors. After the meat is removed, a string of intestines is removed through the finished cut.

Option 2

The shrimp tails are cleaned by hand. The armored tail part breaks and the thread is removed.

Option 3

If the shrimp is very large and has a head, make a couple of punctures along the back with a regular toothpick and carefully remove the intestinal string. Check its removal in several places. Detailed instructions in the video.


Botan crest shrimp (from the Japanese “botan-ebi”, which means “peony”) is an exquisite delicacy that is distinguished by its large size and rich taste. The average dimensions of one shrimp range from 10 to 15 cm, and its weight can reach 130 grams. Large sizes are the main advantage of seafood, since one such shrimp contains enough meat so that a person can get enough of it by consuming only 3-5 pieces. Thus, you will not have to spend a lot of time peeling the Botan shrimp from its shell, as could be the case with smaller varieties of this seafood.

It tastes like crab meat, has a red shell and soft pink meat. It is mined in the Russian seas of the Far East and delivered to markets under the ice crust. Depending on the region of sale, it may or may not undergo initial heat treatment.

It is especially valued on the Asian market, so most of the catch from Russian seas is exported. Shrimp has a very rich and amazingly sweet taste, which makes it suitable for preparing traditional dishes.

How to cook frozen shrimp for beer

This is one of the few products that is ideal for a beer plate. You can cook the shrimp in the beer itself. Excellent spicy taste, incomparable aroma, that’s what your guests will praise you for!

  1. For cooking, you can use both small peeled and large unpeeled shrimp. The small ones need to be thawed, the large ones need to be placed in boiling water and the shell removed.
  2. Place the prepared product in a container, add spices, salt, pepper, always dill seeds, coriander. Stir gently.
  3. Pour a bottle of beer into the container, only light varieties, exposure time up to 2 hours.
  4. After the allotted time for marinating, move the container to high heat and bring to a boil.
  5. Let stand for up to 2 minutes more.
  6. Remove the cooked product and serve.

Deep fried

When deep-fried, these seafood are prepared very simply, and the taste is amazing. Cooking time – 12 minutes.

  • Peeled shrimp – 300 g
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Ground paprika - half a teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil – 80 ml
  • Flour – 5 tablespoons
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Chips (you can use breadcrumbs)
  1. Place the shrimp in a bowl, add salt and pepper.
  2. Beat the eggs a little with a fork.
  3. Grind the chips in a blender into crumbs.
  4. Dredge each shrimp in flour, then dip in egg and then into chip crumbs.
  5. 5. Fry in a deep fryer at 170 degrees for 3 minutes. It is better not to fry for too long, otherwise they will become very hard.
  6. Place the finished seafood on paper napkins to absorb excess fat. Sweet and sour sauce goes perfectly with this dish.

Number of servings – 3. KBJU of the whole product: proteins – 92.8, fats – 72.5, carbohydrates – 91.9, calories – 1386.5.

How to fry frozen unpeeled shrimp

You can brown the shrimp without defrosting, the main thing is that there are no blocks of ice on it. Peeled and unpeeled shrimp are suitable for this. The only thing worth noting is that the shrimp in its shell will be juicy and more tender. The small change must either be cleaned without fail or purchased cleaned.

  1. Unpeeled large varieties of shrimp are placed in a warm frying pan greased with olive oil. This is where her true taste is revealed.
  2. It is best to heat the frying pan together with the shrimp; the oil will burn less.
  3. Fry on both sides, each side takes just a couple of minutes. When you turn it over to the second one, add a couple of garlic cloves.
  4. Fried shrimp and Provençal herbs go well together. They contain salt, so no need to add it.

Browned golden shrimp is served sprinkled with the juice of half a lemon.

Dish recipes

The boiled delicacy can be used as the main component of gourmet dishes that will decorate both a regular dinner with your loved ones and a festive feast.

With avocado


  • peeled shrimp – 30 g;
  • avocado - one fruit;
  • cherry tomatoes – five pieces;
  • garlic - one clove;
  • lettuce leaves – 20 g;
  • any greens – 5 g;
  • lemon juice - tablespoon;
  • olive oil, pepper and salt to taste.


  1. Finely chop the greens, chop the garlic, and combine. Pour in a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice, add salt and pepper.
  2. Chop the avocado into cubes, divide the tomatoes into halves.
  3. Combine vegetables with shrimp and pour in previously prepared dressing.

For the salad, it is most convenient to cook frozen peeled shrimp.

With tomatoes


  • peeled shrimp – 100 g;
  • cherry tomatoes – 300 g;
  • olive oil – 25 ml;
  • fresh basil – 20 g;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


  1. Cut the tomatoes in half.
  2. Chop the basil into thin strips.
  3. Combine ingredients with shrimp.
  4. Stir in butter, salt and pepper.

With butter and lemon


  • shrimp – 600 g;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • vegetable oil (preferably olive) – to taste.


  1. Place the crustaceans in a deep salad bowl.
  2. Sprinkle with lemon juice.
  3. Fill with a small amount of oil.

Another popular beer snack. Fry the shrimp in butter until golden brown, boiling the crustaceans before frying. Serve with sauce: sour cream (three tablespoons), ketchup (tablespoon), olive oil and lemon juice (teaspoon each), pepper to taste.

And finally, a trick known only in narrow circles of true connoisseurs of exotic seafood. To preserve the delicate taste of shrimp, “experienced” people advise immediately after cooking to place the product on a dish with ice for instant cooling. Using the tips suggested above, you can cook frozen unpeeled shrimp, peeled or freshly frozen delicacy so tasty that there will be no end to those who want to try the dish.

Video on the topic How to cook shrimp

How to cook frozen shrimp with lemon

Fragrant shrimps in acidified water simply melt in your mouth. To prepare them, you need to pour water twice as much as the shrimp themselves.

  1. Add half a lemon, spices, bay, pepper, and half an onion to the water. The marinade should boil for about 5 minutes.
  2. At the same time, place undefrosted tails and chopped greens into it.
  3. Cooking does not take long, as soon as they float, take them out.

Can be served with spicy garlic sauce. They must be cleaned before serving.


The taste of grilled shrimp is simply excellent, and cooking is as easy as shelling pears.

For preparation you need:

  • Fresh frozen tiger shrimps – 1 kg.
  • Garlic – 1 head
  • Soy sauce
  1. Defrost the shrimp in advance, then cut it up - remove the heads, make a cut and remove the intestines, rinse.
  2. Peel all the garlic cloves, cut into small pieces and add to the main product.
  3. Pour soy sauce over the tiger shrimp and mix everything well.
  4. Leave the product to marinate for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Place the marinated shrimp on the grill and fry for 1.5-2 minutes on each side. A clear sign that the product is ready will be the opening of the cut.

If the delicacy is burnt, do not be upset, since only the shell was burnt, and the meat remained soft and juicy.

To brown the seafood a little from the inside, you can place it cut side down over the coals for 20 seconds.

Remove the chitinous shell before serving. Spicy Thai sauce is perfect for this dish.

Number of servings – 8-10. The total amount of proteins is 211.2, fats – 120, carbohydrates – 111.2, calories – 2370.

How to boil frozen peeled shrimp

The purified frozen product is prepared very quickly, and most importantly, simply.

  1. Boil some water, add salt and spices to the boiling water.
  2. After a minute, add the peeled, frozen shrimp.
  3. When it boils, slowly count to 30 and turn off the heat.
  4. Take out the dish, take it out. Add lemon juice before serving.

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