How and how much to cook beets |

If you suddenly come across excellent fresh frozen herring at the market, be sure to buy a couple of fish. Now I will tell you how to cook herring at home, which tastes similar to what we buy as canned food in a jar. Many, like me, simply adore canned fish, so today’s recipe will be devoted to how to cook herring, which can even be consumed by those people who adhere to a healthy diet and try not to eat fatty foods.

We don’t always want to eat ordinary, sometimes not tasty, boiled fish. And herring, prepared by boiling it in a simple plastic bag, surprises many. And having tasted it, it is confirmed that there is a similarity with fish from a tin can. Today I will tell you how to cook herring with salt and spices in a bag.


— Herring — low-calorie

The average number of calories is from 130 to 300/100 grams. The most calories are contained in oiled herring (300 kcal) and salted herring (260 kcal), but the minimum number is found in boiled herring (130 kcal). Also, pickled and fried herring is considered one of the lowest in calories - 150 kcal and 180 kcal, respectively. — Herring is a source
of phosphorus, protein and vitamins. In addition, herring contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are so important for humans. Their regular consumption normalizes the activity of the cardiovascular system. It is especially important to include omega-3 acids in your diet for pregnant women, as these acids have a beneficial effect on the formation of the brain in the fetus. — Very tasty and unusual soups are prepared from herring, including those with milk.

Beet wisdom

The highest content of all kinds of useful substances, of course, is in the raw product, and there are dishes in which vegetables go without heat treatment. But most often we need a boiled or baked root vegetable, so we need to know how to bring the beet to readiness and minimize the loss of useful components.

Boil in a saucepan

A kitchen aid with a thick bottom is better suited for this process, but you can also use an aluminum one. The capacity of the dishes depends on the number of vegetables, but please note that the water should cover them until the end of cooking.

How long does it take to cook beets in a saucepan, there is no single instruction for all cases. Young root vegetables will cook faster, ripened ones will take longer. A significant difference will also be observed in cases where large and small beetroot are used.

Nevertheless, there are guidelines that will help you decide on the size of vegetables and the time required. How long to cook beets in a pan can be determined based on the following indicators:

  • Small and young root vegetables are ready in half an hour.
  • Large ones will require at least an hour and a half. For very large ones, the boiling time can increase to two hours.

It’s still better to boil beets using the advice of experienced chefs. They already know how to do it right:

  • entirely;
  • do not peel;
  • do not cut off the tail.

In this case, the vegetable will retain both its bright color and beneficial properties..

Cooking water also matters:

  • do not add salt - otherwise the root vegetable will become tough;
  • By adding two tablespoons of sugar to four liters of water, you can improve the taste of the vegetable.

But still, the beet takes a long time to cook. And many housewives are looking for ways to quickly cook whole beets in a saucepan. This option exists: you need to add vegetable oil - this reduces the cooking time by twenty minutes.

If you still have to cook a large root vegetable, but there is no pan suitable for the capacity, chop it up. In this case, vinegar added to the water will save the color.

It’s easy to check whether the beets are ready to eat: if you can pierce them with a fork, that’s it, stop cooking. To facilitate the cleaning process, root vegetables removed from boiling water can be placed under a stream of cold water. The same process will also help ensure that the beets “reach” readiness.

How to cook spicy salted herring


Herring - 2 pieces Salt - 4 tablespoons Sugar - 1 tablespoon Black peppercorns - 10 pieces Allspice - 10 pieces Bay leaf - 2 pieces Water - 1 liter
How to make salted spicy herring
1. Rinse two thawed herrings and remove the gills with a knife. 2. Bring a liter of water to a boil, add 4 tablespoons of coarse salt, a tablespoon of sand, 10 pieces of black and allspice, and a couple of bay leaves. 3. Cool the resulting brine and pour it over the fish, then leave it in the refrigerator for a day.


Wash and cut the lemon into thin slices. Cut the onion into half rings. Shred and cut the herring into small pieces.

Place fish and lemon in layers in a glass jar or plastic container, sprinkling everything with salt and spices. Cover with a plate of smaller diameter and place something heavy on top.

Keep in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Then stir and wait another day. After this, serve the herring along with the onion and lemon to the table.

This recipe makes a ready-made appetizer of herring and vegetables. It can only be complemented by a piece of Borodino bread and, of course, hot boiled potatoes sprinkled with fried lard and onions.

Calorie content of herring

Anyone who monitors nutrition is necessarily interested not only in the taste and benefits of the product, but also in its calorie content. It's no secret that nutritional value directly depends on how the fish is cooked.

Calorie content of herring (per 100 g of fish)
marinated155 kcal
in salted form261 kcal
fried261 kcal
smoked218 kcal

Knowing how many calories are in herring, you can easily calculate your portion. But remember that this is a very oily fish, so you shouldn’t be too zealous. If you like salted herring, limit yourself to 2-3 pieces per day. If you prefer baked, the norm can be increased to 4 pieces per day.

Classic herring under a fur coat

Products of classic herring under a fur coat

Salted herring fillet – 400 grams Potatoes – 2 pcs. Carrots – 2-3 pcs. Beets – 2-3 pcs. Onion – 2 pcs. Mayonnaise – 5-6 tablespoons Dill – to taste

Classic recipe for making herring under a fur coat

Boil beets, carrots and potatoes. Finely chop the onion, leave in cold water for 5 minutes, then drain the water. Grate potatoes, beets, carrots.

Next, lay out in even layers: potatoes, herring, mayonnaise, onions, carrots, mayonnaise, beets. Garnish with mayonnaise and sprigs of dill and parsley.

How to clean herring

1. Place film or paper on the cutting board so as not to stain the table, place the fish on it and rip open its belly with a sharp knife. 2. Remove all the insides. 3. Cut off the head of the herring and rinse the prepared fish with water, removing any remaining films. 4. Remove the fins and make a cut along the back of the herring with a knife. 5. Carefully remove the skin by lifting it with a knife. Pull in the direction from head to tail. 6. Remove the fish skeleton by separating the herring carcass into two parts. It’s better to start separating from the tail - just pull the halves apart in different directions. 7. Remove the remaining seeds.

How quickly and for how long to cook beets in the microwave?

A microwave is a real helper in any kitchen. It allows you to cook, fry and reheat food.

Instructions for cooking beets in the microwave:

  • Wash the root vegetables and cut off the ends first
  • Place the vegetables in a deep plate and cover with a special microwave-safe lid. There is no need to pour water into a plate
  • Turn on the oven for 10 minutes at 800 W. After this, cool the beets and test them for doneness by piercing them with a knife.

How to quickly cook potatoes and carrots for salad

This cooking option is suitable in a situation where “guests are on the doorstep”.

Peel the raw carrots and cut them into the cubes needed for the salad.

Potatoes are also peeled and cut into cubes.

Place a pan of water on the stove. After boiling, add salt and a little sugar.

We send carrot cubes into it.

After boiling, cook for 3 minutes and add chopped potatoes.

When the water boils again, cook everything together for another 3 minutes.

Afterwards, the cooking process must be stopped quickly. To do this, drain the water through a sieve and rinse the food with cold water.

With this method of cooking, the main thing is not to overcook the potatoes.

But you can insure yourself. To do this, add a teaspoon of vinegar to the water: starchy products cook very slowly in an acidic environment .

Boiled pike perch:

Even before cooking, I assumed that this would be a very dietary dish. But my wife insistently asked me to cook more, so I cooked it for everyone. In fact, I can only recommend it to patients on a diet. But for healthy people it’s a little bland. As a result, I ate the pike perch in splendid isolation, I must admit, with pleasure.


Already in the hospital I gained additional knowledge about dietary nutrition for gastrointestinal patients. As I assumed, you can only boil or steam non-greasy white fish. This was also shown by my experiment with herring, which I do not regret at all. I will continue to try other types of boiled fish. Bon appetit.

How long to cook herring

The average cooking time for herring is 10-15 minutes. If the fish is small in size and cut into pieces, then it is ready, maybe in 10 minutes. Large whole herring takes a little longer to cook. In any case, 15 minutes is the maximum cooking time for this type of fish. If you overcook the herring, it will begin to lose its shape and the pieces will begin to fall apart.

Many varieties of dishes are prepared from boiled herring: appetizers, pates, casseroles, as well as other culinary experiments. If you plan to chop the herring after cooking, then you need to cook it a little longer. On average this time will be 20-25 minutes.

When cooking herring in a double boiler and a pressure cooker, the cooking time will not differ. The fish is always ready within 15 minutes. In a pressure cooker, the herring can cook a little faster, especially if the fish has been cut into pieces beforehand.

Herring takes the longest to cook in a slow cooker. In this case, the cooking process will take approximately 1 hour. After this method of cooking, the fish will resemble not a boiled dish, but a stew. In a slow cooker, you can cook the herring separately or immediately add vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, peppers, onions and even potatoes).


How to properly and how much to cook potatoes for salads

It is believed that it is more correct and healthier to cook potatoes for salads - in their skins. Or, as they also call it, in the “uniform”.

Why do they boil potatoes in their jackets for salads?

“Mundir” prevents the potatoes from becoming saturated with water during cooking and losing their flavor. Also, potatoes cooked in this way in a salad keep their shape, and there are much more vitamins left in the vegetable.

Classic recipe for boiling potatoes in their jackets

To prepare, take medium-sized potatoes and wash them thoroughly under running water.

Place the prepared potatoes in a saucepan and fill with cold water 2 centimeters above the root vegetable.

To prevent the peel from cracking during cooking, add salt at the rate of 0.5 tablespoons per liter of water. Also, to prevent potatoes from cracking when boiling in their skins, you can add a teaspoon of 9% vinegar.

Cook with the lid closed, bringing the water to a boil at maximum heat, then reduce it (so that the water does not boil too much).

Cook the potatoes for 18 – 20 minutes.

You can check readiness with a fork or toothpick. If the potatoes pierce well, they are ready.

Drain the water and cool by pouring cold water. This will make it easier to clean.

Note to the owner.

Boiled vegetables, while they are warm, are easier to peel.

Recipe for making jacket potatoes for salads: vinaigrette, Olivier salad or “herring under a fur coat”

We will need:

  • potatoes – 1 kilogram;
  • water – 1.5 liters;
  • salt – 0.5 kilograms.
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