How to properly fry sunflower seeds in the microwave? 4 recipes for cooking delicious seeds in the microwave

Sunflower seeds are a delicacy that you can’t tear yourself away from. What could be better than a plate of delicious aromatic crisps? I’m sure no one will refuse to click them! In our family, the love for seeds is simply huge! I especially like the ones I don’t buy from bags, but the ones I roast myself. Previously, I always used a regular frying pan for frying. But it turns out there is a faster and easier way to cook them - in the microwave!

This method has many advantages - saving time, always excellent results. And what I like most is the absence of unpleasant burning odors in the kitchen! That is why I want to share my experience and tell you how to fry seeds in the microwave so that they turn out tasty and evenly dried.

How to fry deliciously

Each person has their own preferences, but there is still a basic recipe. It can and should be adjusted to your taste, but the basic steps and rules of preparation remain the same:

  1. Preparing the seeds. That is, we rinse them well under running cold water and scatter them on a towel to dry. There is no need to wait until they are completely dry - we give them 10-15 minutes for the glass to drain and the excess water to be absorbed into the towel.
  2. Pour sunflower seeds into a dry and flat dish that should be suitable for a microwave oven so that the layer is no more than 1.5 cm. I get about 3-4 glasses.
  3. Place in the microwave and, selecting maximum power, turn on for 1 minute. Then mix the seeds. Turn it on again for 1 minute and mix again. For my taste, 3 times per minute is enough. You should not be zealous - the seeds may burn.
  4. Cover the seeds with a dry towel and leave them to “rest” for another 15 minutes, and only after that we get a truly perfect treat!

There is also a recipe for cooking seeds in the microwave, which for some reason I can’t do, but my friend only uses it. Maybe the whole point is that we have different microwave models. In this recipe, you first need to dry the seeds at full power for 2 minutes, and then, setting the power to medium, fry until tender (this is another 3-4 minutes), stirring occasionally.

Product Features

Sunflower seeds are a specific product used to replenish the body's need for nutrients and vitamins between main meals or as additives to salads, baked goods, meat and vegetable dishes.

In terms of nutritional value, the characteristics of sunflower exceed those of chicken eggs and meat. The beneficial properties of the product allow the seeds to be used in medical nutrition, in preparing the diet of pregnant women, athletes, and people with high physical and mental stress.

Chemical composition and calorie content

The benefits of sunflower seeds are due to the chemical composition of the product. The kernels contain up to 80% fat, of which 20% are saturated. The product contains no cholesterol, so including seeds in your daily diet does not harm the heart and blood vessels. Sunflower contains amino acids, fiber, and dietary fiber, which ensure stable intestinal function and regulate metabolic processes in the body.

The list of micro- and macroelements of the product includes:

  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • selenium;
  • choline;
  • phytin;
  • carotenoids;
  • iodine;
  • copper;
  • fluorine.

Peeled sunflower seeds are distinguished by a balance of carbohydrates, fats and protein components; the characteristics of the product improve the acid balance in the body. The grains contain valuable amino acids (linolenic, oleic, linoleic, arachidonic). Omega-6 and Omega-9 acids are contained in proportions of 7.7 and 18.4 g per 100 g of product. The combination of substances in the kernels is optimal for vegetarian and raw food diets.

The seeds also contain monosaccharides, ash, disaccharides, and dietary fiber. Fiber, which is part of the chemical composition of the product, improves intestinal function, enhances the release of toxic substances from the body, and reduces cholesterol levels. The kernels contain antioxidants that slow down the aging of the body. The balance of components allows you to stabilize the state of the cardiac system.

The high content of selenium and phosphorus per 100 g ensures that the product contains microelements to increase the strength of the skeletal system and triggers skin regeneration processes.

Sunflower kernels are high in calories, 570-600 kcal per 100 g. As a percentage, carbohydrates account for 43 kcal, protein compounds account for 82.7 kcal, and fats account for more than 470 kcal. Heat-treated seeds are higher in calorie content (700 kcal per 100 g).

What vitamins are in the seeds?

It is important to take into account what vitamins the seeds contain when preparing your daily diet, dietary or restorative nutrition. The product contains the following chemical elements:

  • A;
  • E;
  • D;
  • F;
  • group B;
  • WITH;
  • TO;
  • RR.

The concentration of vitamin D in the product is identical to the proportions of the chemical composition of cod liver. The high potassium content exceeds the characteristics of a banana. The components supply the body with carbohydrates, fatty acids, and amino acids.

Vitamin E helps neutralize the effects of free radicals. The component prevents inflammatory processes in the body and improves metabolic processes.

100 g of product contains 130% of the daily intake of tocopherol for stable activity of the heart, blood vessels, and maintaining the beauty of the skin.

The fruits contain a high concentration of B vitamins (35-70% of the daily intake of ingredients). Components B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12 ensure stable functioning of the nervous system, support performance, healthy sleep, and increase concentration.

Vitamins A and E slow down the aging of body cells and promote skin regeneration.

How to fry sunflower seeds in the microwave with salt

My eldest son loves salted seeds, so I often cook these too. The process is not much different from usual. The only difference is that after washing and drying you need to add 0.5 tsp. fine salt and the same amount of unrefined sunflower oil.

The amount of salt and oil can be adjusted to suit your needs. If you cook according to the same proportions as mine, the seeds will be moderately salty, aromatic and without excess fat.

By the way, the oil should be unrefined sunflower oil - then the smell becomes brighter. We tried it with sesame and it was also good, it gave off a nutty flavor.

Cooking time: how many minutes to dry

Cooking the seeds in the microwave takes two and a half minutes.

Scheme for preparing pumpkin seeds in the microwave:

  1. Place them on a plate and put them in the microwave at the highest power. Timer time: 1 minute.
  2. After a minute, take it out, mix thoroughly, and set the timer again for 1 minute.
  3. We repeat the procedure: remove, mix. Set the timer for another 30 seconds.

Important! If the seeds begin to crack and open early, do not overcook them. For the last 1.5 minutes, carefully monitor the process. 30 seconds may be too much.

How to cook shelled seeds in the microwave

If you are one of those who like to buy peeled seeds because they hate their husks, then dry the already peeled seeds in the microwave oven.

There is no need to wash them, but do everything else the same. If you want it salty, add a little salt.

By the way, they taste more like nuts than seeds. There is no such aroma, so we prepare peeled ones only when they are needed as an ingredient for some dishes, for example, aromatic homemade Health bread.

Not only benefits, but also harm

But don’t forget that even the most wonderful product is good in moderation. Eating seeds in large quantities can damage tooth enamel and cause the appearance of tartar.

Despite the record amount of nutrients in this product, it is still very high in calories. The energy value of a 100 gram pack is equivalent to a chocolate bar. So ladies trying to lose weight should not indulge in them very often.

Do you love roasted sunflower seeds as much as I do? And how do you prefer to cook them? Share your recipes with photos in the comments. And don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates, there will be even more interesting articles here soon. See you again!

Sincerely, Olga Steshkina

How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds in the Microwave

For some reason, when talking about sunflower seeds, many people only mean black sunflower seeds. But pumpkin ones are no worse - tasty, aromatic and very healthy. I know that there are also many fans of white sunflower seeds. Our family loves them no less, especially if you are lucky enough to get gymnosperm pumpkin seeds, that is, without the peel. For some reason, we don’t like to peel pumpkin ones.

These seeds can also be cooked in the microwave. Moreover, the method is exactly the same. And in the same way, you will have to find out in practice how many minutes it will take for complete cooking.

Unless you just got the seeds from a fresh pumpkin. Then you need to wait 2-3 days until they dry, and only then start frying.

Add roasted pumpkin seeds to salads, such as Gorgonzola and Tomato Salad.

In the end, I would also like to say that in this way in the microwave you can fry not only seeds, but any nuts and seeds in general. Believe me, it’s so convenient and simple that after the first time you won’t want to go back to fussing with frying pans and baking sheets.

What are the benefits of sunflower seeds?

Surely, many of us in childhood were frightened by horror stories about appendicitis. Like, if you eat a lot of seeds, your appendix will probably become inflamed. And some of us were really afraid for our health and refused this delicacy. Fortunately, as various sources prove, seeds have nothing to do with exacerbation of appendicitis. On the contrary, it is simply a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. There are vitamins A, E, D, B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, calcium and selenium.

For example, 50 grams of seeds contain more than the daily requirement of vitamin E. Therefore, gnawing on them is very useful for those who care about their skin. This vitamin also prevents the formation of blood clots.

Sunflower seeds contain about the same amount of calcium as sour cream and yogurt. In addition, eating seeds can improve vision, hair and nails. They help remove cholesterol and can even normalize blood pressure. It’s not for nothing that not a single gathering of grandmothers on a bench is complete without the treasured bag.

Psychologists also advise those who quit smoking to husk the seeds - they “replace” nicotine.

Why are nuclei necessary for a full life?

Let's take a closer look at the beneficial microelements included in their composition. First of all, these are iron and iodine. In addition, they contain magnesium, which rids blood vessels of toxins and has a beneficial effect on the heart. The seeds are recommended to be consumed mainly in winter. One handful is enough to provide the body with minerals and vitamins. Are you in an unstable mood? Nervous system disease? Consume seeds, because they are rich in folic acid, as well as vitamin B6, which you really need.

Not everyone knows that nuclei have a truly miraculous effect on the nervous system: a person becomes calmer and more balanced. If you have a stressful job, eat them throughout the day. It is interesting to know that seeds can easily replace a cigarette. Many smokers got rid of their bad habit in this way.

Stage No. 3. Salt the grains

The washed seeds should be sprinkled with oil and then a little salt. Then you should stir them with a spoon. This is done so that the salt gets on all the seeds.

This procedure guarantees a wonderful taste of the beans. Under no circumstances should you refuse to use vegetable oil, otherwise the salt will simply concentrate at the bottom. However, if desired, you can use salt water instead, but in this case the taste will be less pronounced. But some people specially prepare unleavened seeds. Well, they have the right if they like it that way.

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