Sour cream cream for cake - step-by-step recipes for making it with butter, cottage cheese, banana or gelatin


What you will need:

  • Glass of sugar
  • 100 grams of sour cream
  • 5-7 spoons of cocoa
  • 50 grams of butter
  • Metal container

1 step

First, mix 100 grams of sour cream, cocoa, and sugar in a saucepan. Mix until more homogeneous. Next, place on the stove over medium heat. We continue to stir the mass continuously. When it starts to boil, you need to reduce the gas and continue stirring, not allowing the mass to rise. If the mass suddenly rises, you need to turn off the gas and wait until the mass settles. Then turn on the gas and continue to cook the cream while stirring.

Step 2

When the mass reaches a viscous consistency, you need to add 50 grams of oil and stir until it is completely dissolved. When it dissolves, you can remove our ready-made cream from the stove. The cream must be refrigerated before use.

Step 3

When it cools, it will have a very viscous consistency and can be spread on the cake. But do not forget that you cannot spread hot cream on the cake, as it will not hold its shape and will spread. You can also use the cooled cream to make cake decorations in the form of roses, petals, etc.

Chocolate sour cream – recipe

Once in my youth, at a friend’s birthday party, I tried homemade chocolate and sour cream cake. It looked simple, but very tasty. There were difficult times then - the nineties - flour on coupons, queues for granulated sugar for three days... But I still found out the recipe, and it turned out to be a godsend for me - and what a godsend!

Chocolate cake with sour cream and cocoa is easy to prepare, made from a small amount of ingredients, economical and at the same time very tasty. My work colleagues, friends, relatives, my husband and children simply adore him.

It's been 25 years since I learned the recipe for homemade chocolate cake with sour cream, but it still remains my unique specialty.


The recipe for chocolate cake with sour cream contains products that we always have in our house: granulated sugar that we put in tea, vegetable oil that we cook with, chicken eggs that we eat for breakfast...

That's why the dessert turns out to be so economical. For clarity, I calculated the cost of each product separately and the total cost.

So, our ingredients are divided into two categories - for cream and for dough. For your convenience, I will separate them. Let's start with the test:

  • chicken egg (no matter the second or first category, depends on your budget) – 2 pieces – 50 rubles. for ten;
  • granulated sugar – 1 glass (200 g) – 35 rubles per 1 kg;
  • cocoa powder “Family is happy” – 1 tablespoon – 70 rub. per 100 g;
  • sour cream “House Burenka” 15% – 1 glass (200 g) – 40 rub. for 400 g;
  • “Podgorskaya” flour (wheat, premium) – 1 cup (200 g) – 60 rub. for 2 kg;
  • baking soda – 1 teaspoon – 30 rub. for 500 g;
  • vegetable oil “Carolina” (refined, deodorized, odorless) – 1.5 tablespoons – 50 rub. for 900 g

To prepare the cream you will need the following products:

  • butter “Kremlin” 72.5% – 50 g – 40 rub. 200 g;
  • cocoa “Family is happy” – 1 tablespoon;
  • granulated sugar - ½ cup (100 g);
  • sour cream “House Burenka”, fat content 15% - ½ cup (100 g).

Even if we buy a whole stick of butter, a glass of sour cream, a bottle of butter... According to my calculations, the cost of the cake will be 375 rubles. And if we calculate the cost of only the required amount of ingredients, dessert will cost us only 86 rubles and 60 kopecks.

I think even families with a low income can afford such a cake, especially considering that we mostly have all the necessary ingredients in our refrigerator.

In addition, all the necessary products, except sour cream, have a good shelf life and can be used in preparing other dishes.

Chocolate sour cream cake - recipe with photo

In order to bake a chocolate cake with sour cream, we need to knead the dough and prepare the cream that is used to grease the cakes. It's all pretty easy to do, so just follow the step-by-step instructions. :)

In order not to confuse you too much, I divided the process of making chocolate cake with sour cream into three parts: start with the dough, continue with the preparation of the cream, and then the finale – baking.

Preparing the dough

Step No. 1. Break 2 eggs into a saucepan, pour a glass of sugar, add a tablespoon of cocoa and mix until smooth.

Step No. 2. Place 200 g of sour cream in a glass and stir quickly, while quietly adding a teaspoon of baking soda.

Step No. 3. Mix the homogeneous mass of eggs, sugar and cocoa with the resulting mass of sour cream and baking soda.

Step No. 4. Add a glass of flour in small portions, constantly stirring the mass, and then mix everything thoroughly (preferably with a mixer so that the dough is free of lumps, as in the photo)

That's all. The consistency of your dough should not be very thick, but not runny like water. And now we move on to preparing the cream for the chocolate cake from sour cream.

How to make cream for a cake from sour cream and chocolate

Step #1. Melt the butter. You can melt it in two ways:

  1. Over low heat, stirring constantly, do not bring to a boil.
  2. Microwave in a sealed container for one minute. If the butter is open, then when melted it will splash all over the microwave - this is not only unsightly, but there will be much less butter than we need.

I melt it in the microwave, this method saves time. For those who have a lot of time and don’t have a microwave, you can use the second method.

Step No. 2. Add a tablespoon of cocoa and half a glass of sugar (100 g) to the melted butter, mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

Step No. 3. Add half a glass of sour cream (100 g) to this mass and mix everything thoroughly again until smooth, so that there are no lumps or grains of sand, as in the photo.

The cream turned out thick and tasty. And after preparing a chocolate cake with sour cream and cocoa, the cream often remains, and children eat it with great pleasure just like that. So you can also please your household not only with a ready-made dessert :)


In order to bake a cake, you first need to heat the oven to 190 degrees. Gas and electric stoves are different, some have degrees, others have numbers from 1 to 9, like mine.

In this case, the numbers are divisions. The divisions of such an oven correspond to the following degree values:

  • division 1 –140-150°C;
  • division 2 – 150-160°C;
  • division 3 – 160-180 °C;
  • division 4 – 180-200°C;
  • division 5 – 200-210°C;
  • division 6 – 210-225°C;
  • division 7 – 225-245°C;
  • division 8 – 245-260°C;
  • division 9 – 260-270°C;
  • division 10 – 290°C.

I set it between 4 and 5, which means 190°C.

Step #1. In order for us to get three equal cake layers, we divide the dough into three parts: take a tablespoon and use it to pour the dough into another pan. This way we will determine the number of spoons that our dough can hold.

Divide the total by three. I usually end up with seven spoons per crust. If you get more or less, divide equally into three parts.

Step #2. I bake the cakes in a frying pan with a diameter of 26 cm (this is the best option), I don’t use molds, so I don’t mention them in my recipe.

If you take a frying pan with a large diameter, the chocolate cake with sour cream will turn out too thin. If you want to use a large frying pan, make two cake layers, calculating the dough into exactly two halves. If the diameter of the pan is smaller, the cake will turn out taller and the cake layers will be thicker, which will make them less saturated with cream and the dessert will be a bit dry.

Grease the bottom of the pan with vegetable oil (about ½ tablespoon) and bake the first cake at a temperature of 190 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

We check the readiness of the cake with a match after 10 minutes: if there is dough left on the match, then we continue baking, if it is clean, the cake is ready!

Step #3. Carefully place the hot cake on a plate with a spatula and generously grease the surface with cream.

Step #4. We bake the second cake in the same way as in the third step and carefully place it on top of the first cake. Grease the hot cake with cream again.

Do not skimp on the cream, but make sure you have enough of it. You need to lubricate three surfaces with it. Therefore, visually divide the content into three parts.

Step No. 5. Bake the third cake and repeat all the manipulations above.

I do not recommend baking several cake layers at the same time in the oven, or baking a cake with one layer and then cutting it into three parts.

Firstly, three cake layers in one oven are unnecessary: ​​you may not keep track of them, and the bottom cake will burn, and the top one, on the contrary, will be underbaked.

Secondly, if you want to bake one cake and then cut it, it may turn out uneven and ugly. As they say, if you hurry, you will make people laugh.

If you want to experiment or you have more than one oven, then you are welcome, but only you are responsible for the result.

My peculiarity in baking is that I do not cool the cakes and soak the hot surfaces with cream - this way the cake is better soaked.

Step No. 6. Decorate the cake. If you bake for yourself, you don’t have to bother with this, but if you bake for guests, maybe you should please them not only with taste, but also with aesthetics? :)

For some, perhaps decorating dessert will be another problem. Therefore, I have prepared several options so that you do not rack your brains. :)

Let's talk about the benefits

Sour cream and chocolate cream is an ideal solution for preparing many desserts. Delicate taste, retention of shape, excellent viscosity of the mass - these are the advantages that make the impregnation stand out from the rest.

Advantages of using sour cream impregnation when preparing desserts:

  • ease of preparation. All that is needed is just to put the necessary ingredients and beat with a mixer;
  • benefit. Sour cream contains many beneficial vitamins and minerals. It is especially important to use the mixture when preparing children's desserts;
  • quick soaking of desserts;
  • using simple and accessible ingredients;
  • sour cream mass is quite universal in use.

This is interesting: sour cream perfectly enhances the taste of fruit and yoghurt cakes. Still don't know what to soak your baked goods with? It seems you already have an idea.

You can also sprinkle powdered sugar into the chocolate sour cream. This will not change the mass’s structure and consistency. There are more than enough advantages of impregnation for confectionery products.

Cream cheese with chocolate flavor

Chocolate cream cheese for a cake should be thick, so the cakes must first be soaked in syrup so that the baked goods do not turn out dry and bland.

You will need:

  • mascarpone – 500 g;
  • chocolate bar – 1 pc.;
  • powdered sugar – 120 g.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Melt the chocolate.
  2. Beat the cheese and powder with a mixer.
  3. Be sure to add warm, but not hot chocolate, and process with an electrical appliance.

Cream cheese goes perfectly with berries, which will give it a unique taste. Perfectly replaces popsicles, which children love so much. Delight your household with an unusual dessert.

General cooking principles

Traditionally, 3 ingredients are used to prepare chocolate sour cream: cocoa, sour cream and powdered sugar. In the store, you should purchase the richest sour cream. Fatty varieties of dairy products will provide the necessary thickness of impregnation. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to ignore this advice.

A low-fat dairy product will not froth. The mixture for soaking the cakes will be very thin, and only excessively dry cakes can be soaked with it.

To prepare a more complex chocolate cream with sour cream, you may need the following ingredients: nuts, dark chocolate, corn starch and berries.

A mixer will help beat the mixture. The only condition is that you don’t need to immediately build maximum speed. The whipping power should gradually increase.

Basic cake layer recipe

First you need to learn how to prepare the simplest sour cream. In this case, you will need only two main ingredients: sugar and sour cream. It is possible to make a fragrant mixture of the desired consistency from them if you know in advance in what proportion to mix the original products. For the simplest version of the cream you will need:

  • full-fat sour cream (from 30%) – 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 300 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Place sour cream into a deep container. The cream is prepared by beating the ingredients. To mechanize the process, you can use a stationary blender or mixer. To make the finished mass more fluffy, the sour cream must be well cooled.
  2. Add sugar. But it is undesirable to use it in its natural form. Some grains may not dissolve, and the finished cream will “crunch” on the teeth in places. To prevent this from happening, it is better to grind the sugar into powder in advance.
  3. You need to beat the products at a fairly high speed. The cream for the cake made from sour cream and sugar can be considered ready when the mass increases by about 2.5-3 times.

When beating by hand, to reduce the time as much as possible, it is better to place the container with the ingredients in ice water.

Preparing chocolate cream with sour cream for sponge cake

The very thick, very rich and incredibly refined taste of the chocolate mass will be the ideal decoration for a chocolate sponge cake. By the way, prepare a pastry bag and several nozzles, because with this cream you can create an original pattern on baked goods, due to the fact that the mass in a cold place quickly “grabs” the cake and hardens.

Prepare the following products:

  • one and a half bars of dark chocolate;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • half a glass of fat sour cream;
  • vanilla extract to taste;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 100 grams of powdered sugar.

Break the chocolate into pieces. Add the butter and place the ingredients in a water bath to melt. Stir the mixture with a spoon until it becomes completely homogeneous.

Remove the chocolate mixture from the heat and place it in a cool place to cool. When the mixture has cooled, turn on the mixer at low speed and begin to beat. Gradually add the required amount of sour cream, salt, vanilla extract and powdered sugar. Continue beating until the mass acquires a homogeneous consistency. Chocolate cream with sour cream, ready. Bon appetit.

Gelatin based


  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 207 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

A recipe for cream with gelatin helps out when you don’t have time to weigh out the base ingredient. It is suitable for almost all cakes. With gelatin you can create delicious, original desserts. It is important to use powdered sugar - it is easier to mix the cream with it, and it turns out more delicate than with sugar. Gelatin helps keep the mass in shape. It also strengthens joints, which benefits health.

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  • water – 100 g;
  • sour cream 20% – 400 g;
  • gelatin – 15 g;
  • powdered sugar – 100 g.

Cooking method

  1. Pour gelatin over warm water for 12-15 minutes. Do not exceed the recommended amount, otherwise you will end up with a soufflé.
  2. Then start whisking the fermented milk product together with the powdered sugar. Time - approximately 5 minutes until a paste-like mass is obtained.
  3. Place the swollen gelatin in a water bath. It must be stirred until it dissolves, but do not bring to a boil. Then cool the liquid.
  4. Turn on the mixer again, add gelatin little by little and beat at medium speed.
  5. It is better to use the cream before the gelatin begins to harden. If you are making a separate dessert, divide the mixture into bowls and put it in the refrigerator.

How to make custard with cocoa and sour cream for a cake

Custard can be coated not only on cake layers. It is ideal for filling donuts, muffins, eclairs, custard and even thin pancakes.

To prepare you will need:

  • 100 grams of butter;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 200 grams of fat sour cream;
  • 60 grams of cocoa.

Pour rich sour cream and a glass of sugar into the pan. Stir the milk mixture with a spoon until the sugar is partially dissolved. Sift the cocoa through a fine sieve and add the dry ingredient to the mixture. We put it on the fire.

After the chocolate-milk mixture begins to boil, turn down the heat and cook until a viscous consistency forms. Add the required amount of butter and remove the mixture from the heat.

If the custard mixture turns out to be too thin, at the cooking stage, you should add a couple of tablespoons of wheat flour sifted through a sieve. Cool the mixture and coat the confectionery product!

Classic chocolate cocoa cream

If you decide to make chocolate cream for the first time, then you should start with this basic recipe, and then get acquainted with the rest.

Required Products:

  • two tablespoons of flour and the same amount of cocoa;
  • a glass of sugar or a little less depending on your taste;
  • a small stick of butter;
  • 100 milliliters of milk.


  1. Place the butter, which needs to be cut into pieces, into a small container, put it on low heat and wait for it to become liquid.
  2. Add all the bulk ingredients indicated in the list, mix and begin to carefully pour in the milk, while constantly stirring the mixture.
  3. Keep on the stove without increasing the heat level for about 10 minutes, bringing the mass to the desired thickness. After cooling, the cream is completely ready for its intended use.

Nut-chocolate cream with sour cream for chocolate cake

The liquid consistency of the creamy mass will allow you to soak even a thick layer of chocolate cake. If you decide to cook a lush chocolate cake in boiling water, then this soaking option is created specifically for it. Shall we start cooking?

To prepare the creamy mass, you should stock up on the following ingredients:

  • a glass of chopped walnuts;
  • half a liter of fat sour cream;
  • a glass of powdered sugar (more is possible);
  • a couple of tablespoons of cocoa.

Place the sour cream in a deep bowl. Add the required amount of powdered sugar here and start beating. When the mass reaches a homogeneous consistency, add cocoa. Beat for a couple more minutes.

Add a glass of walnuts to the impregnation and begin to form the cake. As in previous cases, apply the creamy treat to the cooled cake. Bon appetit.

Cooking with chocolate

Chocolate cream for sponge cake is made as simply as from cocoa, but the taste will be richer, because the favorite delicacy in bars is a noble product that is valued in all countries of the world.

You will need:

  • high-quality chocolate – 1 pc.;
  • whole milk – 0.25 l;
  • regular sugar – 140 g;
  • butter – 140 g.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The chocolate is melted.
  2. Sugar is added to the milk and heated without boiling.
  3. The tiles dissolved in a water bath are combined with the milk mass.
  4. Add oil and mix well.

Cool the cream until thick.

To better soak the cakes, use the resulting product warm. The cake will be juicy, with an unsurpassed bitter taste, just like the chocolate itself.

Cooking tips

It seemed that it could be easier than making sour cream with chocolate? But even when preparing this simple cream, confectionery beginners often make mistakes. What should you keep in mind?

  1. Do not add sour cream shortly before cooking. The dairy product will lose its viscosity.
  2. Replace sugar with powdered sugar. This will not only save your time, but will also allow you to get a creamy impregnation with a more delicate and airy consistency.
  3. The shortbreads should be soaked in the milk-chocolate mixture in a cool place. This will allow you to create the cake of the desired shape. In this case, the cakes will not “move out”.
  4. Don't be afraid to experiment. Replace cocoa or chocolate with orange jam, raspberry jam, or add a little delicious liqueur to the chocolate mixture.
  5. Walnuts are great. But gourmets will appreciate the cream, which is based on roasted almonds or hazelnuts.
  6. The ideal fat content of sour cream is 25%. And if you are on a diet, then do not forget to add a cream thickener to the basket.
  7. To make the cream thicker and thicker, put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Do not forget to cover the dishes with a lid, as the impregnation may absorb foreign odors.

And sour cream and chocolate cream goes well with Italian cream cheese and traditional milk cottage cheese. The impregnation must be stored in the refrigerator. The shelf life from the date of preparation of the treat is 2 days.

Sour cream with chocolate: tricks and useful tips

Cooking has one interesting feature. The more people cook a dish, the more new recipes or tricks appear to help improve it. Most often, such changes are made to simple recipes that anyone can make. Like, for example, this cream. The main thing is to preserve its base - sour cream and chocolate, and the remaining ingredients will give it a special and unique flavor.

To make a cream for a cake made from sour cream and chocolate, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

Thick sour cream

  1. Sour cream has a fat content, and this point must be taken into account when choosing it. We will need medium or high fat sour cream; it should not be liquid and resemble cream. If you buy in a store, then 30% of the product is suitable for cream, but ideally you buy thick village sour cream.
  2. The closer the expiration date of sour cream is to its end, the more sour it becomes, and it is more difficult for chocolate to overcome this taste. Therefore, when preparing cream, village or store-bought sour cream should be as fresh as possible. This, by the way, will affect the consistency. The fresher the sour cream, the lighter and more tender it is.
  3. A thick cream from natural sour cream is obtained when it is whipped with a mixer in the fastest rotation mode. During the process, it will seem that the mass is stratifying, but when it reaches the desired consistency, this effect will disappear.
  4. Liquid cream is applied to warm cakes. Thick, which is needed for a layer, only for cold weather. If you use a thick mixture for hot cakes, it will begin to melt and the sour cream will begin to curdle.
  5. For a special taste of the cream, add a little cognac, liqueur, lemon juice, cinnamon, sweet syrups, hazelnuts, and walnuts. Each chef has his own special ingredient that makes sour cream and chocolate cream unique. Sometimes they even add hot pepper for special gourmets.

As the last and most important piece of advice, one interesting point should be noted - cakes with layers made from fermented milk products are not stored for a long time. Therefore, it is better to enjoy them immediately after preparation. However, considering how tasty it is and the charm that sour cream and chocolate cream for cake gives to confectionery products, you don’t even need to remind us about this. It will be eaten very quickly anyway.

Sour cream with chocolate is an easy to prepare and very interesting ingredient for cakes. If it works, then the cake can be considered a success, because such cream will add a special taste and aroma to any baked goods. At the same time, the ease of the recipe leaves no doubt. Even an inexperienced cook will create a real masterpiece.

Cooking principles

Experienced chefs have compiled a set of certain rules, thanks to which the cream will be tender, soft, fluffy and have a velvety base.

First of all, sour cream should be used in a chilled preliminary form. The cream should be whipped gradually with increasing speed.

A cake with sour cream will go perfectly with chocolate. In this article, I propose to focus specifically on recipes for making such a sour cream and chocolate filling.

The cream can be used for cakes with or without baking.

If you want to make an original dessert, you can take dark chocolate and fruit. They will ideally complement the sour cream lush creamy mass.

And now I suggest you find out a couple of recipes for delicious chocolate and sour cream.

Chocolate cream with sour cream for sponge cake

Ingredients: 0.5 tbsp. Sahara; 1 pack vanillin; 0.5 liters of sour cream; 2-5 tbsp. cocoa powder.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I mix the ingredients together.
  2. I beat with a mixer. That's all. Ready.

Preparing the cream is as simple as possible. Just know that chocolate cream with sour cream can be spoiled if you use a lot of cocoa.

The composition will taste bitter. A moderate amount of cocoa allows you to achieve a pleasant taste; the composition will even resemble an ice cream.

Cream consistency

Sour cream and honey

Natural sour cream has the property of becoming liquid when combined with sugar. This is not very good for the consistency, because then the cream will be completely absorbed into the cakes, and there will be no layer between them.

To prevent this effect, powdered sugar or a thick ingredient with a high sugar content is added instead of sugar. Usually this is 2-3 tablespoons of honey or condensed milk. Thickeners are also suitable - milk powder, starch, flour, gelatin. Thanks to this, the mass will remain thick; you can also cool it further so that the sour cream with chocolate becomes even denser. For some cakes, for example, manna cakes or muffins, liquid cream with sour cream is more suitable due to its ability to be absorbed.

Custard “Chocolate with cocoa” with sour cream for cake

Chocolate sour cream for sponge cake is prepared with the addition of cocoa. Thanks to this, the composition will have a dark, rich color.

You just have to sift the cocoa in advance. If there are lumps in the composition, it is quite difficult to remove them from the sour cream mass.


5 tbsp. Sahara; 200 gr. sour cream with a fat content of 25%; 60 gr. flour; 90 gr. cocoa powder; 10 gr. van. Sahara; 1 PC. chickens egg.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. In a bowl you need to mix sour cream and sugar. I mix to get a homogeneous mass. I stir the mixture into a water bath in a bowl.
  2. I add the shaken chicken into the cream base. egg. I also add sifted flour and heat the mass.
  3. To brew the mixture evenly, you need to constantly stir it and make sure that the boiling water does not touch the bottom of the bowl.
  4. When the mixture boils, add cocoa to it. You need to stir and reduce the heat on the stove. The powder will be mixed evenly if you add cocoa using a sieve.
  5. I stir it to get the thickness I need and let it cool. Once the mixture reaches room temperature, it will become even thicker.

Sour cream and curd


  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 232 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: layer for cakes, dessert.
  • Cuisine: world cuisine.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Adding cottage cheese to the basic recipe makes the cream not only tasty, but also healthy. A child will definitely like such a hearty dessert, even if he doesn’t like fermented milk products. The recipe is economical in terms of financial and time costs. Suitable for any test. Pairs especially well with “Milk Girl”, “Napoleon”, and “Honey” cakes.


  • cottage cheese – 200 g;
  • sour cream – 200 g;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • vanilla – 10 g.

Cooking method

  1. To obtain a homogeneous consistency, grind the cottage cheese with a blender or grind using a sieve.
  2. Sour cream must be weighed before use to remove excess moisture.
  3. Combine the fermented milk product with sugar in a container, whisk until the latter is completely dissolved.
  4. Then add chopped cottage cheese and vanilla. Run the mixer until the mixture becomes thick. The finished mass should be refrigerated for 30 minutes.

Custard sour cream with chocolate for sponge cake

To make this chocolate custard for homemade sponge cake, you should use dark chocolate.

It will color the base and give it a special taste. You need to break the tile into squares, add the components to the main composition and send the composition to warm up.

In order for the composition to be evenly and brightly colored, it is worth using chocolate with 75% beans. If you want a softer taste of the cream and a lighter color, you can use milk chocolate.


2 tbsp. sour cream with 20% fat content; 100 gr. sugar and dark chocolate (just don’t use dark chocolate); half st. flour; 1 pack sl. oils; 4 things. chickens eggs

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I put sour cream in a bowl and add chocolate, divided into square pieces. I add sugar. I heat the mixture over low heat or you can arrange a water bath. The chocolate and sugar will melt thoroughly and the mass will become homogeneous.
  2. I'm whipping chickens. eggs and flour. Stir vigorously and pour in the hot chocolate base. I heat the composition and bring it to thickness. Let it cool at room temperature.
  3. I beat the words. oil, which should be at room temperature. I introduce the chocolate base. Just don’t add the whole mass at once. You need to put 2 tbsp. at a time. Then again.
  4. The mass must be made homogeneous by constantly stirring. Only after this will it be possible to layer the cake layers.

Incomparable chocolate shortbread cake with sour cream. cake decoration with protein custard

01 November 2021, 18:32

  • vanilla
  • choux pastry
  • custard
  • cocoa powder
  • kefir
  • cream
  • sugar
  • Ingredients

  • Ingredients:
  • ==for cakes==
  • sugar - 230 g
  • flour - 350 g
  • baking powder for dough - 10 g
  • sour cream (or kefir) - 2 tbsp.
  • egg yolk - 2 pcs
  • cocoa powder - 80 g
  • butter - 300 g
  • ==for sour cream==
  • sour cream at least 20% - 1.2 l
  • sugar - 250 g
  • cocoa powder - 30 g
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g
  • ==for protein custard==
  • sugar - 360 g
  • egg white - 230 gr. (6 eggs)
  • water - 120 ml.
  • citric acid - a pinch
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Watch all the intricacies of preparing this wonderful dish in my short video!

Vanina's advice

  • Cocoa in the cream composition can be added to the finished mass and then mixed with a mixer, or grind it with sugar and add to whipped sour cream. Which option is correct remains unknown. Here each housewife chooses personally.
  • For the cream, use sour cream that has cooled in the refrigerator.
  • If you replace sugar with sugar. powder, the composition will be light and fluffy. Enter sah. powder gradually into the total mass.
  • It is best to soak the cake with sour cream and chocolate in the refrigerator.
  • You can diversify the chocolate cream composition with sour cream if you add, for example, your favorite berries or orange. Don't be afraid to experiment.
  • Gr. nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, lemon juice or raisins will perfectly complement chocolate sour cream. Take this point into consideration.
  • A couple of drops of flavoring, orange zest, a little cinnamon - all this will make the sour cream chocolate cream composition even brighter.
  • Do exactly as the recipe indicates and then the composition will turn out perfect.
  • To make the composition richer and thicker, take sour cream with 25% fat content. It is better to hang it in gauze over the sink or immerse it in a colander. You can put a jar of water on top, this will be a load. In 2 hours, the excess liquid will disappear, and therefore the sour cream can be used to prepare the most delicate velvety cream with chocolate additives.
  • Sour cream thickeners will be an excellent substitute if the above method is not to your liking. Enter a couple of tbsp. soft cottage cheese or cream with gelatin. The mixture will immediately become thick.

And remember that the first time you may not get the creamy chocolate filling, but this is not a reason to give up.

Every great cook started with small frustrations in the kitchen. I wish you exceptional success and good mood!

Thick cream for cake made from sour cream and sugar

Despite the correct proportions, sour cream is not always thick enough. And the point here is not whether it was whipped manually or using special devices. The consistency of the sour cream itself plays an important role. After all, regardless of the fat content, it necessarily contains whey, which it is better to get rid of before starting work. The result is “weighed” sour cream , which will definitely make a good, thick cream for the cake.

In this case, to work you will need:

  • sugar (or powder) – 100 g;
  • sour cream (any fat content) – 500 g;
  • vanillin – 2 g.

You need to prepare the cream in stages:

  1. Line the inside of the bowl with gauze folded in 3-4 layers. Pour in sour cream. Carefully lift the edges of the gauze and tie them together with a knot. Hang the package over a bowl and place the structure in a cool place for 6-8 hours. It is better to do this procedure in the evening.
  2. Place the “weighed” sour cream in a whipping container.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients according to the recipe.
  4. Beat with a mixer for at least 15 minutes. During this time, the mass should increase in volume and keep its shape well (do not drip off the spoon).

After this, the thick, airy cream can be safely used for its intended purpose. But some housewives still advise pre-keeping it in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours. Although, if time is limited, this may not be done.

Simple and delicious sour cream with cocoa powder

This sour cream has an amazingly pleasant taste. It is tender, aromatic, chocolate, diluted with pleasant sourness.

Sour cream with cocoa powder is ideal for making cupcakes, cakes, maracoons, and pastries.
It can be simply and easily colored with food dyes, including natural ones. The only thing is that to prepare the cream you will need high-quality, thick sour cream. If there is none, then simply add a thickener.

What makes sour cream cream thick?

Sour cream is an excellent way to decorate any cake. However, sometimes the mass turns out to be too airy. With such a consistency, it will not be able to hold its shape, but it is capable of leaving the confines of the cake. To prevent such a problem, you need to know how to make sour cream for a cake thick. Experienced housewives advise taking into account several recommendations:
  1. Use only full-fat sour cream. This indicator directly affects the consistency of the cream.
  2. In some cases, this component should be further strained to remove excess moisture. To do this, the product can be poured onto gauze folded in 3-4 layers and placed in a colander (or sieve) for 10–12 hours. The cream from such “weighed” sour cream will turn out much thicker.
  3. Prepare cream using gelatin. This option is already described in detail in one of the recipes.
  4. Add a little flour or starch to the practically formed fluffy composition.
  5. Before using, keep the cream in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.
  6. Add regular thickeners to the recipe, which are sold in any grocery store.
  7. Add a little quality butter to the mixture. It makes the finished mass more dense and stable.
  8. Add cottage cheese to other products. Before use, it must be rubbed through a sieve. The cream turns out thick, satisfying and, importantly, low in calories.
  9. Use dry instant pudding as a thickener.

Any of these options will help you make homemade cream based on sour cream of the required consistency, fragrant, and easy to use.

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