Cocktail "Margarita": history, recipes and cooking tricks

Cocktail Margarita: photo


There are a huge number of different myths that can explain the origin story of Margarita.

Among all of them, historians distinguish three:

  1. At the beginning of 1938, a bartender from Mexico, Harrer Carlos, decided to amaze and surprise a young visitor to his establishment. He really liked her. And it was then that, without leaving his workplace, he came up with a new cocktail, which was later named after this girl.
  2. The second story says that this cocktail was first created in 1936 in one of the rooms of the Crespo Hotel. It was there that an intimate relationship took place between the aspiring actress Margarita and the manager of this establishment, Mr. Negrete. It was he who mixed tequila and lemon juice for his young favorite. The girl really liked the finished drink and subsequently gained wide popularity.
  3. A certain Margarita Seymes, during a reception at her villa, first prepared this alcoholic cocktail and treated it to her guests. The famous Tommy Hilton liked the resulting drink so much that he began selling it in bars and restaurants in all his hotels. And the drink itself began to be named after its creator. This happened only in 1948.

Reference! Each person decides for himself which story is considered the most truthful. However, historians are still more inclined towards the third version.

Cocktail Margarita history

There are no exact facts about who created it, where and when. The search for the origin of the drink narrows in time - the middle of the twentieth century (30-40), place (between the States and Mexico), and the main character of all versions is a girl named Margarita.

Among several dozen stories, a few stand out:

  • In Acapulco, a representative of aristocratic society, Margarita Seims, organized a social event at her estate. Deciding to surprise the guests, she came up with a complex alcoholic drink based on tequila (it has survived to this day as a classic version), which was served in unusual glasses. The taste and presentation of the cocktail captivated those present. Among the guests was the owner of the Hilton hotel chain. The drink was named after the creator of Margarita. First it was distributed throughout the network, then demand spread throughout the world.
  • Romantic legend. In one of the bars, a young pretty visitor ordered a cocktail called “Magnolia”, which is prepared on the basis of Cointreau, champagne, Brandy and egg yolk. Bartender Horrer Carlos looked at the girl and listened to the order. Only the first ingredient of the ordered drink was heard. Then the bartender, in order not to lose face, combined French orange liqueur with tequila and lemon juice - interpreted as a novelty, which as a result a girl named Margarita liked...

Option 3: Margarita cocktail recipe with strawberries

The strawberry margarita has practically become a classic. Its soft and rich strawberry taste was liked by many. This cocktail is considered a women's drink.


  • fifty ml of tequila;
  • twenty-five ml of citrus liqueur;
  • fifty ml of lime juice;
  • six strawberries;
  • ten ml of strawberry or sugar syrup;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of ice;
  • sugar for decorating the glass.

Step by step recipe

Step 1:

As we can see, instead of salt, sugar is used to form a beautiful rim. And instead of sugar syrup, you can use strawberry syrup or even liqueur.

So, prepare all the ingredients for one serving of cocktail.

Step 2:

Wash the strawberries, tear off the stems and place in a blender bowl. Also set aside another strawberry for garnish.

Puree strawberries in a blender until smooth.

Step 2:

Combine all ingredients in a shaker. Remember that we use freshly squeezed lime juice, remove the seeds if you find them.

Shake well and pour into a glass. Let's decorate it first: moisten the edges in syrup or water, then dip in sugar - you get a delicious sweet border.

Decorate the rim of the glass with half a strawberry and a mint leaf if desired.

Cocktail Margarita composition

In the classic recipe, the ingredients are taken in proportions 2:2:1, modern bartenders more often take the ratio 7:3:4 as a basis:

  • 40 ml Tequila;
  • 40 ml lime juice:
  • 25 ml Cointreau;
  • Crushed pieces of ice;
  • Coarse salt for decorating the sides of the glass.

To prepare the alcoholic cocktail Margarita, you need:

  1. Add first 4 ingredients to shaker, 5-10 seconds. shake vigorously.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass.
  3. Grease the inside of the glass with lemon juice and garnish with coarse salt.

Classic recipe

There are many assumptions about where the name of the cocktail came from, and many options agree that the name was derived from a woman’s name. But who this girl was remains a mystery to this day.

An alcoholic cocktail allows you to refresh yourself well on a summer day; it can become the “highlight” of a party or evening get-together.

To prepare the classic Margarita cocktail you will need:

  • 30 ml silver tequila.
  • Lime juice 50 ml.
  • Orange liqueur 25 ml.
  • 100 grams of ice cubes.
  • Coarse salt.
  • A slice of any citrus fruit (necessary for decoration).

To prepare the drink, follow everything step by step:
All drinks are poured into a shaker and mixed well, also add ice, while shaking the drink can cool down.

Pour a small amount of water into a plate and dip a glass in it, then immediately place the edges of the glass in salt.

Such manipulations are necessary so that grains of salt remain on the edges; for the most part, this is a decoration. But some people claim that salt enhances the flavor of a homemade margarita.

Using a special sieve, pour the drink from the shaker into a glass, then you can filter out the pieces of ice. All that remains is to insert the straw into the glass and garnish with a slice of lime or lemon.

You need to drink in small sips, holding the drink in your mouth for a few seconds. After consumption, a pleasant tart aftertaste will remain, which is why many people like this cocktail.

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Blue Margarita cocktail

In this version, Cointreux or Triple Sec is replaced with Blue Curacao liqueur, due to which a rich, delicate blue color is obtained. The sequence and technology for making blue Margarita are the same as in the classic recipe.

Drink the drink in small sips to feel its taste, both directly from the glass and through a straw.

The Margarita cocktail is considered a feminine cocktail - it quickly relaxes and makes communication more relaxed. The drink is popular among both men and women equally. Its popularity is not fading, and bartenders are inventing more and more options.

Fans of alcoholic mixes with citrus notes should try the Kamikaze and Zombie cocktails. The first one is based on vodka, and the second one uses two types of rum and liqueurs.

Margarita with vodka

To make a Margarita cocktail at home, you don't have to use expensive ingredients. The taste of the drink will differ from the original version, but the result is quite decent.

Homemade recipe without tequila includes:

Quality vodka40 ml
Orange nectar5 ml (1 tsp)
Lemon juice30 ml

The ingredients can be mixed without a shaker (in a saucepan). Pour into a glass filled with ice. The taste of a vodka drink will have a brighter orange note. The gramming in this version is selected so that the strength is maintained within 25-30 °.

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