There is such a variety of apples - ranetka. The fruits are always small and often not very sweet. If such a tree grows on the farm, then there is more care for it, the apples themselves are larger and sweeter. But there is wild ranetka, where the fruits are small and sweet in mid-September. Here in the Urals.
But it is this variety that produces an incredibly aromatic compote. Therefore, the article is dedicated to this wonderful drink.
The most interesting thing is that it is precisely the aftertaste that I praise that remains from canned compotes. And not cooked at home in a pan.
You can diversify the taste with different spices, fruits and additives. For example, add mint, cinnamon and vanilla, pear or plum. I will describe some successful combinations below.
How much sugar per 1 liter of water
Well, let’s first solve the question that worries everyone about sugar. To prevent the compote from exploding, you need at least 150 g of sugar per liter of water.
If you take a three-liter jar, then at least 1 glass (we take the standard 250 g). The rest depends on your taste preferences. You can add 1.5 cups for more sweetness. You can even roll up the concentrate to dilute it later. In such cases, half a kilo of sand is poured into a 3-liter container. The sweeter your fruit, the less sugar you may need.
By the way, I will say that all canned apples are excellent all winter. Provided it is kept clean. The thing is that the fruits contain malic acid, which also acts as a good preservative.
The drink is usually preserved in two ways: with one or two pours. Both options will be described in more detail. None of them require sterilization.
Playing with color
If you have collected or bought red ranetki, you can easily experiment with the color of the compote. Additional ingredients will come to the rescue. Children will especially like multi-colored compotes. Prepare drinks of different colors for the winter - your baby will definitely not refuse the bright benefits. The table will tell you what colors can be obtained by adding additional ingredients to red ranetki.
Table - Color of compote from ranetki with additives
Ingredient | Color |
Red grapes | Crimson |
Green grapes | Pink |
Plum | Dark red |
Raspberries | Red |
Cherry | Burgundy |
Irga | Rich dark red |
Green gooseberry | Pink |
Purple/pink gooseberry | Crimson |
Sea buckthorn | Red-orange to transparent carrot |
Color saturation depends on the proportions of the components. Experiment with the amount of ingredients to get the color you want.
Compote of ranetki for the winter with citric acid and vanillin, recipe for a 3-liter jar
However, if your variety is not sour or you have doubts, then take citric acid. We will add it to the compote. And for flavor, I suggest adding vanillin. Vanilla or its extract is better, but have powder on hand. We will preserve using the one-fill method.
Let's take:
- 250 g ranetki,
- 250 g sugar,
- 1 g lemon,
- 1 g vanillin,
- 2.7 liters of water.
So, first we collect the fruits. They need to be washed thoroughly, paying special attention to the ovary site. A lot of dirt usually accumulates there.
Then we prick each apple with a toothpick in three or four places.
This is necessary so that when pouring boiling water, the skin of the fruit does not burst. Otherwise, a lot of pulp may end up in the syrup. Then the drink will turn out cloudy. Jars and lids must be washed with soda and sterilized. I feel more comfortable over steam, but you do as you are used to.
Place our apples in the prepared container. Usually they fill at least a third of the jar. You can put more, then the taste will be richer.
Separately, you need to boil water and immediately dissolve sugar, lemon and vanillin in it. From the moment it boils, boil the liquid for 2-3 minutes.
Then, without hesitation, immediately fill the three-liter bottle to the very top. Seal with sterile caps.
That's not all. You need to lay a clean towel on the table. Turn the compote over it. And check whether moisture has begun to seep out of the workpiece. If everything is fine and the lids are held tightly, then we send the drink “under a fur coat” for a day. There he will undergo sterilization with his own heat.
Features of varieties
Ranetki come in different varieties. All apples are suitable for making compote, but there are varietal differences: the fruits differ in color and taste. Taste nuances are especially important. Not every housewife makes preparations from her own harvest, but when buying ranetki at the market, you want to know what they taste like. The table will help you navigate in choosing a variety.
Table - Features of Ranetki varieties
Variety | Skin color | Flesh color | Taste |
"Dobrynya" | Dark purple | - Greenish; - possible red streaks | - Sweet and sour; - slightly tart |
"For a long time" | — Bright purple; - with slight plaque | - White; - many red veins | Sweet and sour |
"Ranetka purple" | Purple | Cream | - Sour; - with notes of tartness |
"Red Ranetka" | Bright red | Cream | Sweet and sour |
"Ranetka raspberry" | — Dark raspberry; - with a bluish coating | Pinkish | Sweet and sour |
"Ranetka amber" | Light yellow | Yellow | - Sour; - astringency is well felt |
If you want the compote to be incredibly aromatic, prepare it from ranetkas of the “Dolgo” variety. These fruits are considered the most fragrant among the “paradise apples”: when you open a jar of compote in winter, you will immediately remember what summer smells like.
A simple classic recipe for a 2-liter jar
But since apples stand well all winter without additives, then here is the simplest recipe for making compote. Let's take a 2 liter jar as a basis. We will use the “double fill” method.
Let's take:
- 300 g ranetki,
- 200 g sugar,
- 1.8 liters of water.
In order not to waste time, let’s first put the water on the stove to boil. And we will have time to thoroughly wash the fruits and quickly sort them out. We don't need rotten, wormy and bruised apples. They can be trimmed and then put into jam.
And put ranetki in a sterile 2-liter container, at least 1/3 of the jar.
Water boiled on the stove. We remove the pan from the heat and fill our container. This is the “first” fill.
Cover the workpiece with a lid and leave for 15 minutes. The apples are dense and need to be warmed from the inside.
Now pour the liquid from the cans into the same pan where the water was. It is convenient to use a special lid with holes for this. It is sold at most hardware stores.
Place the pan on heat and add sugar. While stirring, wait for the crystals to dissolve and the solution to actively boil.
When the time has come, remove the pan from the heat and make a “second filling”. You need to fill it to the very top so that there is no air gap left inside.
Then we roll up with sterile lids.
We check the quality of the closure and leave it “under the fur coat” for a day.
Compote of ranetki with chokeberries, recipe for a 3-liter jar without sterilization
Chokeberry is very useful. But in the preparations it plays a leading position and colors everything in its dark color.
The more berries you add, the richer the drink will be.
Let's take:
- 400 g ranetki,
- 200 g chokeberry,
- 3 cups sugar
- 3 liters of water.
First, thoroughly wash and sterilize the jar. You also need to pay attention to the fruits: wash them and sort them. We remove the dented and beaten ones; it is better not to put them in the compote.
Place the chokeberry and apples in a container and go prepare the syrup.
To leave more vitamin in the preparation, we will make one filling. To do this, add sugar to the water. For good measure, we took 3 liters, but it will take a little less. About 2.7 liters of syrup. It depends on whether you changed the ratio of ingredients, maybe added more apples and berries.
Place the container with the syrup on heat and wait for it to boil. As soon as it begins to actively boil, we remove the pan from the heat and immediately fill the jar.
We tighten it with a seaming machine. Let me remind you that we use sterile lids. And put it away “under a fur coat” for at least 12 hours.
What will add sweetness and sourness?
Ranetkas are harvested both in summer and late autumn. The ripening period depends on the variety. The availability of “paradise apples” in different seasons allows you to combine them for preservation with seasonal fruits, berries and even vegetables. This makes the drink even healthier.
It’s worth making compote from ranetki with the addition of other ingredients for the sake of taste experiments. Additives dilute the rich apple flavor of the compote; they can be used to make the drink sweeter or sour. The table will help you figure out what should be added to the compote for lovers of sour things, and what for those with a sweet tooth.
Table - Additional ingredients for sweet and sour compote
For sweetness | For sourness |
- Pear; - peach; - pumpkin; - strawberry; - cherry; - raspberries; - apricot | - Currant; - plum; - green gooseberries; - irga; - viburnum; - chokeberry; - orange |
When experimenting with ingredients, do not forget that the taste of the compote depends on both the variety of ranetki and the amount of sugar added. When trying new recipes, first do without any preparation: brew a small portion of the drink, taste it, improve the recipe to suit your taste, and then make preparations.
Ranetki drink with lingonberries
I will also make this recipe for a 3 liter jar. Lingonberries will give a pleasant aftertaste to the drink. You can buy it from hand or frozen in almost any large store.
If you have fresh berries, then the compote can be poured using one pour method; if you have frozen berries, then we make two pours. This recipe is freshly harvested.
Let's take:
- 250 g ranetki,
- 250 g lingonberries,
- 1.5 cups sugar.
By the way, the apples themselves do not need to be placed whole; they can be cut into halves or quarters. It's up to you.
First, let's warm up the apples. To do this, place the fruits in a sterile container, fill them with boiling water to the top and cover them with a sterile lid. We time it for 15 minutes and return to our conservation.
Pour the cooled liquid from the jars into a saucepan. Stir the sugar in it and set to cook at maximum heat.
For now, put the berries in a container.
As soon as our syrup begins to actively boil, we immediately pour it into the berries.
Screw on the sterile caps and leave to cool.
Assorted apricots, sliced ranetki, plums
Feel free to combine fruits and berries in various combinations. Here is an example of such an experiment, but you can replace the components at your discretion.
For a 3 liter jar:
- Apricots, plums, ranetki – 200 g each.
- Granulated sugar – 250 gr.
- Water – 2.5 liters.
Harvesting technology:
- Wash the fruit. Cut the apples into halves. You should not remove pits from apricots and plums; they may lose their shape when poured hot.
- Place everything in a jar, filling it to a third of its capacity, and fill it with boiling water. After 10 minutes the fruit will be warm enough.
- Pour the infusion back into the pan. Boil, adding sugar. Fill the containers with fruit a second time, but this time with syrup. Immediately seal securely under an airtight lid. Leave to cool until the next day, covered with a blanket. Then take it to the cellar or place it on an unheated loggia.
How to cook compote from ranetki and plums
We will also take the container volume as 3 liters as a basis. You can use different plums, such as prunes.
Let's take:
- 6 pcs plums,
- 400 g ranetki,
- 250 g glass of sugar.
We wash all the fruits thoroughly. There is no need to remove the pits from the plums.
Transfer them to a sterile jar and scald with boiling water. The pulp will warm well within 5 minutes.
This infusion must be poured back into the pan and mixed with sugar.
Boil at maximum heat on the stove. And while hot, carefully pour into a jar.
All that remains is to seal our compote and let it cool.
Compote of plums, apricots and nuts “With a twist”
Plum has a very delicate taste that can be decorated with all kinds of additives. Spices such as cloves, ginger, cinnamon, vanilla and others are often added to this drink. It is very beneficial to emphasize the taste of this fruit with other fruits: pears, cherries, grapes, peaches. Apricots and plums go very well together. This combination creates an excellent taste, and the addition of nuts will add piquancy to the drink.
Ingredients for 3 liters of drink:
- One and a half kilograms of plums
- Nuts (any to taste, but not too small) – the amount depends on the size of the fruit
- Apricots – 2-3 pieces
- Granulated sugar – 800 grams
- Water
Cooking process:
- We sort and wash the fruits.
- We make a longitudinal cut in the fruit and carefully remove the seeds. The fruits must remain intact, without damage (other than the cut).
- The nuts need to be washed and soaked in boiling water for 5 minutes. Then peel thoroughly.
- We insert the nuts into the place where the plum pit was.
- Sterilize containers.
- Place the stuffed fruits on the bottom.
- Remove the pits from the apricots and cut the fruit into rings.
- Place apricot rings on top of the plums.
- Pour boiling water over everything (carefully so as not to crack the jars). Close the lid and leave for 1-15 minutes.
- Pour water into a saucepan and put it on fire. Slowly add granulated sugar, stirring constantly. Cook until completely dissolved. When the syrup boils, cook it for another 5 minutes.
- Pour syrup into jars with fruits. Roll up and wrap in a blanket until completely cool.
If you still have apricots after cooking, you can use them to make apricot juice, instructions for making which we have also included in our collection of recipes on the site.
A simple recipe for making a drink with the addition of cherries
If your cherry has already fallen off, you can take its leaves. For a volume of 3 liters, you need 4-5 leaves. The taste of the drink will become more delicate.
Let's take:
- 200 g ranetki,
- 180 g sugar,
- 250 g cherries.
Cut off the ovary and tail from the washed fruits. Pour them into a sterile jar. Immediately pour the cherries on top.
Fill with boiling water to the very edges, leave for 15 minutes. By the way, you may notice that the ranetki will absorb a little boiling water.
You need to pour this infusion into a container with sugar.
Let it boil and fill our jar a second time. All that remains is to seal it and put it in the underground for storage.
Spicy compote of ranetki and cinnamon for the winter
It’s very nice to open a jar of this drink in winter. It smells like Christmas and New Year. Which means in winter. This flavor comes from a combination of cinnamon and apples.
Let's take 3 liters:
- Ranetki - 1.5 mugs (mug 280 g),
- sugar - 1.5 cups,
- cinnamon - 0.5 tsp.
You need to transfer the cleaned and washed wounds into a sterile three-liter container.
Keep in mind that if you have fallen fruit, the ovary needs to be cut off. There is usually a lot of land left there.
Sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on top.
Immediately pour boiling water from the kettle, roll it up and wrap it “under a fur coat”.
Recipe for preparation with grapes
For the southern parts of our vast Motherland, the recipe with grapes is perfect. The variety can be any. But, if you have a very sweet variety, then the amount of sugar can be reduced to 1 cup.
Let's take:
- 100 g apples,
- 100 g grapes,
- 1.5 tbsp. Sahara.
This recipe includes one filling. After all, the skin of grapes is very thin, it can burst if scalded twice with boiling water.
Therefore, we fill a sterile 3-liter bottle with clean and sorted ranetki and grapes. By the way, in the south the berries are not even removed from the bunch. So they lay down the entire branch.
In a saucepan, mix 2.7 liters of water with sugar. Let it heat until actively bubbling. Then immediately pour in the berries. We seal it for the winter.
Other cooking options
There are a lot of recipes for making apple compotes. But if you are interested not only in apples, then you can check out the recipe for cherry plum compote for the winter. And by preparing berry compote for the winter, you can not only enjoy a delicious drink, but also eat your favorite berry. Also, I think, the recipe for strawberry compote for the winter without sterilization will appeal to those housewives who do not want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. And if you want to surprise your family, read the recipe for melon compote for the winter; it will help you enjoy the aroma of summer in the cold season. You can also easily surprise your guests by preparing watermelon compote for the winter. And for lovers of exotic things, I think a recipe for orange compote for the winter will be useful.
Tell us what recipe is used in your family. Write to us in the comments your secrets of delicious preparations for the winter.