Dietary pumpkin soups. Recipes are quick and tasty

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Pumpkin soup (also called jumu soup) is considered a traditional dish in Haiti, which was prepared on January 1, 1804 as a symbol of independence. The difference between the zhumu recipe and other types of soups is its thick texture, rich nutritional composition and low calorie content. The rest of the article discusses options for preparing pumpkin soup, which is not only tasty and healthy, but also quick to prepare.

Dietary pumpkin soup recipe

Pumpkin soup (recipes that are quick and tasty to prepare and are not difficult to prepare are distinguished by a variety of flavor options) with a basic composition of products has a calorie content of only 60 kcal.

Preparation next.

What ingredients will you need?

To prepare a dietary version of zhumu, the following is used:

  • fresh nutmeg pumpkin – 750-800 g;
  • celery – 2 stalks;
  • medium weight onion – 1 pc.;
  • tomato of medium size and moderate meatiness – 1 pc.;
  • clean water – 500 ml;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • salt – 2-3 g;
  • ground chili pepper – 0.5-1 g;
  • natural olive oil – 15-20 ml.

It is important that after the pumpkin is peeled, the weight of the pulp should be about 500 g.

Step-by-step cooking process

The design scheme for zhumu soup is as follows:

  1. The pumpkin must be carefully peeled and seeds removed. Do not throw away the seeds, but place them in a bowl (they are used in the recipe).
  2. Next, the pumpkin pulp should be cut into medium-sized pieces.
  3. Celery stalks need to be rinsed and dried with a towel. Chop the prepared product.
  4. The onion must be peeled and cut into small squares.
  5. The tomato should be cut into small cubes, but the ingredient must first be peeled.
  6. To facilitate the process of removing the skin from a tomato, it is necessary to make 2 intersecting cuts on the product in the area where the stalk is attached. Place the tomato in a dish and pour boiling water over it for about 20-30 seconds. Then you need to drain the boiling water and pour ice water over the ingredient. After these procedures, the skin will easily detach from the pulp; just pull it from the cut site.
  7. The garlic needs to be peeled and finely chopped with a knife.

  8. After this, you need to set a saucepan with olive oil on moderate heat, and put chopped onions, celery and garlic into it. It takes approximately 5 minutes to fry the ingredients.
  9. Then you need to add pumpkin cubes to the frying, reduce the heat of the burner and continue to fry the ingredients for about another 5 minutes.
  10. Next, you need to put the tomato in the pan, add ground chili pepper, salt the ingredients and mix. Simmer the contents for about 10 minutes.
  11. After 10 minutes, you need to pour in water and continue simmering for about another 15 minutes.
  12. After this, you need to carefully drain the broth from the pan and chop the remaining vegetables with a blender.
  13. Pour the drained broth into the pan with the chopped vegetables and bring the soup to a boil.
  14. Then you need to remove the pan from the stove and prepare the pumpkin seeds.
  15. The seeds must be wiped dry with a towel, and then dried in a frying pan or in the oven. When the skin on the seeds becomes brittle and acquires a creamy tint, the product is considered ready.
  16. Roasted pumpkin seeds need to be peeled.

Divide the finished soup into bowls and add the peeled seeds.

Pumpkin waffles with oatmeal in a waffle iron

Pumpkin waffles, due to the addition of spices such as ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, are very spicy and taste like gingerbread. By the way, I want to note that the recipe is quite universal; the dough is well suited for making pancakes and pancakes.

KBJU per 100 g: 170/6/7/21.


  • Pumpkin puree – 300 g.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Oatmeal – 100 g.
  • Corn flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Baking powder – ½ tsp.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Nutmeg.
  • Ground ginger.
  • Sweetener.


  1. Break the eggs into a bowl and beat with a whisk.
  2. Add pre-prepared pumpkin puree to the eggs. Stir until smooth.
  3. Next, add two types of flour, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, and grated ginger to this mixture. I added erythritol as a sweetener. Mix the dough.
  4. Transfer the pumpkin dough to an electric waffle iron and smooth it out to an even thickness. Cook the waffles until done.

Pumpkin soup with chicken

Zhumu with the addition of chicken fillet turns out to be more satisfying, and thanks to the cream, the taste of the soup is delicate.

What ingredients will you need?

To cook jumu with chicken use:

  • unsweetened pumpkin pulp – 400 g;
  • juicy carrots – 1 pc. (not large);
  • medium-sized onion – 1 pc.;
  • boiled chicken fillet with legs (for the dietary version, fillet from the breast is used) – 250 g;
  • cream with a fat content of 10-15% - 120 ml;
  • chicken fillet broth – 900 ml;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • salt, nutmeg and ground pepper - the amount of products should be selected to taste.

To fry the ingredients, use 30 g of butter or odorless sunflower oil.

Step-by-step cooking process

The process of cooking zhuma with chicken is as follows:

  1. Pumpkin pulp should be cut into cubes approximately 1.5 cm in size.

  2. Peeled carrots should be grated on a grater with large holes.
  3. The onion must be peeled and cut into small cubes.
  4. Boiled chicken fillet should be cut into small cubes.
  5. Peeled garlic cloves need to be chopped with a knife.
  6. Melt the butter in a small frying pan and fry the onion cubes and carrots until soft.
  7. Boil chicken broth in a saucepan and add pumpkin cubes. Cook the ingredient until soft.
  8. Take the boiled pumpkin into a container with high walls and grind with a blender until pureed.
  9. Next, put the pumpkin puree into the pan with the broth, add the chicken fillet, and fry it from the frying pan.
  10. Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil.
  11. Then you need to pour the cream into the pan, add salt, nutmeg and ground pepper. Bring the contents to a boil (do not let it boil).

Remove the pan from the stove and add garlic to the juice. Cover the pan and let the soup simmer for about 15 minutes.

Cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole with poppy seeds

An incredibly beautiful, delicious casserole made from two healthy products. The casserole does not have a pronounced pumpkin flavor, and the cottage cheese turns out very soft. This dessert can be safely eaten even in the evening, since the recipe does not contain wheat flour or sugar.

KBJU per 100 g: 101/9/4/7.


Curd dough:

  • Cottage cheese – 500 g.
  • Eggs – 4 pcs.
  • Poppy – 20 g.
  • Starch – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Stevia.

Pumpkin dough:

  • Boiled pumpkin – 500 g.
  • Honey – 1 tsp.
  • Lemon zest.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Starch – 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Pour boiling water over the poppy seeds and leave to swell for a couple of minutes. Place the swollen poppy seeds on a paper towel to remove excess liquid.
  2. Let's prepare the curd mixture. Separate the yolks from the whites. Add cottage cheese, starch, and poppy seeds to the container with the yolks. Blend the mixture with an immersion blender until smooth.
  3. Add a little stevia to the whites and beat with a mixer until stiff peaks form. Place the whipped whites into the curd mixture. Carefully combine both masses with a silicone spatula.
  4. Place the pre-boiled pumpkin in a blender bowl and puree until pureed. We also add egg, honey, starch, and a little lemon zest. Mix well.
  5. Grease the silicone mold with vegetable oil. Place 2-3 tbsp into it alternately. l. each dough, one on top of the other. You can shake the mold periodically to ensure the dough is evenly distributed.
  6. Place the pumpkin casserole in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 40 minutes. Be sure to check the readiness of the dough with a toothpick.

Pumpkin soup with cream

Pumpkin soup, recipes (you can quickly and deliciously prepare zhuma with the addition of cream) based on the use of boiled or baked vegetables, turns out to have a delicate and uniform texture.

Dietary pumpkin soups can be prepared with cream.

Preparation next.

What ingredients will you need?

To prepare creamy zhumu, use:

  • pumpkin. You will need pulp from a fruit of a non-sweet variety. You can use frozen product – 300 g;
  • juicy carrots – 1 pc. medium size;
  • white onion – 1 pc. medium weight;
  • potato. It is advisable to choose a product of the boiled variety - 2 pcs. medium weight;
  • cream. You should prepare an ingredient with a fat content of 33% - 100 ml;
  • ground nutmeg and black pepper - a lot of ingredients need to be selected to taste;
  • table salt – 2-3 g.

To fry the ingredients, you can use vegetable (odorless) or butter. You will also need filtered water for cooking vegetables.

Step-by-step cooking process

The algorithm for cooking pumpkin pulp soup is as follows:

  1. Pumpkin pulp needs to be cut into small cubes.
  2. Potatoes must be peeled and cut similarly to pumpkin.
  3. Carrots should be peeled and cut into thin slices. If the carrots are “wide”, then it is recommended to cut the circles in half.
  4. The onion needs to be peeled and finely chopped with a knife.
  5. Next, fry the onion in hot oil until lightly browned.
  6. After frying the onions, put the pumpkin, carrots and potatoes in a pan and add water to the ingredients. The water should rise above the food by approximately 1.5-2 cm.
  7. It takes about 30 minutes to cook the vegetables with low bubbling water. During the specified period of time, the ingredients should become soft. If the food is not finished cooking, then you need to continue the cooking process for about another 5 minutes.
  8. Then you need to remove the pan with vegetables from the heat, add salt and fried onions to the contents (add with butter). There is no need to drain the remaining water from the pan.
  9. After this, the contents of the pan need to be crushed with a blender until smooth.

  10. Next, pour the cream into the pan, add nutmeg and black pepper. Mix the contents with a blender or mixer.

It is recommended to serve creamy zhuma with garlic-flavored crackers or horseradish-flavored croutons.

History of the dish

The history of cooking pumpkin dishes goes back about 6 thousand years. The origin of this melon culture is attributed to South America, because it was there that an ancient drinking bowl called calabaza, made from legenaria, a representative of the genus of pumpkin plants, was found. Then manuscripts were discovered testifying to the food pumpkin, which became the ancestor of modern varieties.

From the same ancient sources it became known that pumpkin quickly spread throughout the world and soon took root well on almost all continents. However, previously pumpkin fruits were prepared only baked, and only after the invention of saucepans did the menu diversify with soups. The first recipe for pumpkin soup appeared in France (in which, in fact, the casserole was invented).

Pumpkin itself does not have a strong taste, but different peoples revealed it with the help of their traditional spices and auxiliary products, which ultimately led to the emergence of many different recipes, sometimes completely different from each other in the ingredients.

Thus, today Vietnamese restaurants prepare pumpkin soup with green curry paste and coconut milk, and Uzbek chefs will definitely feed the guest a dish called shirkavak (a type of pumpkin soup with milk and rice). The Japanese cannot imagine this first without seafood, and in France they cook pureed pumpkin soup with cream and grated cheese.

Avocado salad: simple recipes at home How to properly cook rice in water in a saucepan

Pumpkin and lentil soup

Pumpkin soup turns out thicker and is also enriched with nutritional properties when lentils are included in the recipe. Additionally, zhumu with this composition is prepared quickly and always turns out delicious.

What ingredients will you need?

To cook zhuma from 250 g of pumpkin pulp you need:

  • red lentils – 180 g;
  • white onion – 1 pc. (large);
  • juicy carrots (not very sweet) – 1 pc. (medium weight);
  • medium fleshy tomato – 2 pcs. (average weight);
  • garlic. The juicier the garlic, the more aromatic the soup will be - 2 cloves;
  • filtered water or vegetable broth – 1.5 l;
  • table salt – 2-4 g;
  • non-fragrant sunflower oil – 25-30 ml.

You will also need 20-30 g of chopped herbs (you can mix dill and parsley in equal proportions).

Step-by-step cooking process

The cooking steps for lentil-pumpkin soup are as follows:

  1. Pumpkin pulp should be cut into cubes about 1.5 cm in size.
  2. Carrots must be thoroughly washed to remove dirt and cut into small cubes.
  3. The onion needs to be peeled and cut in the same way as carrots.
  4. Tomatoes need to be peeled and the pulp crushed in a blender to a pulp.
  5. The garlic should be peeled and chopped very finely with a knife.
  6. The lentils must be washed and left in a colander to drain.

  7. Next, heat the oil in a double-bottomed saucepan.
  8. Place onion and carrot cubes in hot oil and fry the food for about 5 minutes on moderate heat on the stove.
  9. Then you need to slightly reduce the heat on the burner and add pumpkin cubes to the pan. You need to simmer the ingredients for about 5 minutes.
  10. After 5 minutes, you need to put the lentils in the pan and continue to simmer the ingredients for about 2 minutes.
  11. After the specified time, filtered water should be poured into the pan.
  12. When the water boils, you need to wait 10 minutes and add tomato mass and salt to the contents. Continue cooking the zhuma until the lentils are ready. On average it takes about 10 minutes.
  13. After the lentils are ready, you need to add garlic and herbs to the soup. Let the contents simmer for about 1 more minute and remove the pan from the stove.

It is recommended to cover the finished lentil-pumpkin soup and let it brew for about 15 minutes. If desired, in step 13, the ingredients can be ground in a blender to a puree.

How to make diet cream soup from pumpkin for losing weight

This vegetable was eaten 5000 BC; Indian tribes began to cultivate it. The pulp was baked over a fire, the peel was used to make dishes, and oil was squeezed from the seeds. Wild pumpkin still grows in its original form in South America.

In Ukraine and Russia, pumpkin began to be grown in the 16th century. It has not taken root throughout Russia due to the climate - it is a heat-loving plant, but in Ukraine it is still considered a national vegetable and a variety of dishes are prepared from it at all times of the year.

Thanks to its durable peel, it can be stored until spring. 22 varieties of this plant have been bred for growing in the garden. The size of cultivated varieties can reach 1 m in diameter, and sometimes more.

There are a huge amount of useful substances in pumpkin pulp. Vitamins of almost all known groups, micro- and macroelements - potassium, calcium, iron and others. It owes its nutritional value to carbohydrates and proteins, and its sweetness to sugars. With the help of this vegetable, people recover from gastrointestinal diseases; it helps to keep gout and gallstone disease in a state of long-term remission. Stops the development of atherosclerosis and tuberculosis, is a diuretic, and accelerates metabolic processes.

Pumpkin juice has antioxidant properties, activates the immune system, and reduces the manifestations of toxicosis. Pumpkin seeds are used as an anthelmintic and hepaprotective agent.

Dietary pumpkin soups must be included in the diet of patients in the recovery stage and those losing weight in order to relieve them of excess weight. Pumpkin soup can be cooked on the stove and in modern pans - pressure cookers and multicookers; the beneficial properties are completely preserved.

Pumpkin and shrimp soup

The soup turns out to have a unique appearance and piquant taste, and is also noticeably spicy due to the inclusion of hot paprika.

What ingredients will you need?

To cook shrimp-pumpkin soup, use:

  • nutmeg pumpkin pulp – 700 g;
  • shrimps. It is recommended to use a not very large ingredient - 400 g;
  • juicy carrots – 140-160 g;
  • clean water – 800 ml;
  • onion weighing about 100 g - 1 pc.;
  • cream with a fat content of approximately 15% - 130 ml;
  • salt – 4-5 g;
  • garlic from “fresh harvest” – 3 cloves;
  • cumin – 2 g;
  • coriander – 2-3 g;
  • butter with a fat content of 78% - 20 g;
  • odorless sunflower oil – 30 ml.

The amount of hot paprika should be adjusted to taste.

Step-by-step cooking process

The cooking points for jumu with shrimp are located in the following order:

  1. Pumpkin pulp should be cut into cubes with a side of approximately 1.5 cm.
  2. The shrimp need to be thawed and peeled.

  3. Clean carrots need to be chopped on a coarse grater.
  4. The onion should be “peeled” and cut into small cubes.
  5. It is recommended to chop the peeled garlic finely with a knife.
  6. Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the chopped onion and grated carrots until soft.
  7. Pour water into a saucepan and boil it.
  8. Place roast and pumpkin in boiling water. Cook the ingredients until the pumpkin is soft.
  9. Next, you need to place a colander on a thick-bottomed pan and strain the boiled vegetables.
  10. Place the vegetables in a dish and puree in a blender until smooth.
  11. Transfer the vegetable puree into a pan with pumpkin broth, add cumin, hot paprika and coriander. Salt the contents.
  12. Place the pan on the fire and bring the contents to a boil.
  13. Pour cream into the boiling puree and wait for the zhumu to boil again. Boiling should not be allowed.
  14. Remove the zhuma from the stove and close. Let the soup sit for approximately 15 minutes.
  15. While the zhuma is infusing, you need to heat the sunflower oil in a frying pan and fry the garlic in it for about 30 seconds.
  16. Place shrimp in garlic oil and fry until cooked.

When serving in a bowl of soup, you need to put 1-2 shrimp fried in garlic oil.

Another gourmet diet soup

The cooking technology is exactly the same as for other pumpkin cream soups, and a new spicy taste is obtained due to additional ingredients.

Pumpkins are taken 1/3 less than for a simple diet soup, and zucchini is added to this third.

Additional Ingredients:

  • Bell pepper;
  • fennel fruit;
  • tomato;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • chicken bouillon;
  • glass of sherry;
  • cheese – 50 g;
  • hot pepper - ground.

The selection of herbs is of great importance.

It is advisable to prepare rosemary, Provençal herbs, and basil in advance. This soup needs to be salted.

After the vegetables are cooked, the water is drained and replaced with meat broth, diluted in half with wine. Beat in this state so that all ingredients are thoroughly soaked. Then add garlic and herbs, mix everything well again.

Before serving, pumpkin soup is sprinkled with herbs and grated cheese. A dish prepared according to this recipe can replace 3 dishes at once in the lunch menu of those losing weight: first, second and appetizer.

Pumpkin and cauliflower soup

Pumpkin soup, recipes (you can quickly and tasty prepare zhuma using cauliflower) which can be varied with additional spices, can be served with wheat crackers and boiled eggs.

Preparation next.

What ingredients will you need?

To cook zhumu soup with cauliflower, use:

  • pumpkin pulp. It is recommended to use nutmeg vegetable – 400 g;
  • fresh cauliflower. You can also use broccoli - 400 g;
  • potato. The tuber should be of medium size - 2 pieces;
  • onion – 1 pc. medium size;
  • juicy carrots – 1 pc. small size;
  • fresh chicken broth – 350-400 ml;
  • cream with a fat content of 15% - 200 ml;
  • salt – 2-4 g;
  • fresh parsley – 5-6 leaves;
  • crushed black pepper – 2 g;
  • butter with a fat content of 78% - 50 g.

To serve, you will need to prepare garlic-flavored crackers in advance and boil the eggs (it is recommended to use quail eggs).

Step-by-step cooking process

The recipe for cooking zhumu with cauliflower consists of the following steps:

  1. The pumpkin pulp should be cut into small cubes.
  2. Cut the peeled tuber in the same way as pumpkin pulp.
  3. Cauliflower should be divided into florets and cooked until softened. It takes approximately 2-3 minutes.
  4. After boiling the cabbage, place it in a colander.
  5. The onion needs to be “peeled” and cut into small cubes.
  6. Wash the carrots thoroughly and cut them similarly to the onions.
  7. Wash the parsley leaves and chop them with a knife.

  8. Next, in a thick-bottomed container, you need to melt the butter and fry the onion in it until softened. There is no need to brown the ingredient.
  9. Then you need to put the carrots in the container and fry the ingredients for approximately 4 minutes.
  10. After 4 minutes, place the pumpkin cubes in the container and fry the ingredients for about another 5 minutes.
  11. After the specified time, you need to put the tuber cubes into the container. Fry the ingredients with regular stirring for about 5-7 minutes.
  12. After this, add boiled cauliflower, salt and pepper to the contents of the pan.
  13. Stir the contents of the pan and pour in the broth.
  14. Set the heat to low so that the food cooks at a low simmer.
  15. When all the ingredients have softened (especially the potatoes and carrots). You need to put the vegetables in a separate deep container, leave the broth in the pan.
  16. Grind the vegetables to a puree using a blender.
  17. Pour the vegetable puree back into the pan with the broth and bring the contents to a boil.
  18. Next, you need to immediately pour the cream into the pan. Bring the contents to a boil; do not allow the soup to boil.
  19. Place the parsley in the pan and let the ingredients sit for about 10 minutes.

When serving, place croutons and a boiled egg cut in half into a plate with soup.

Dietary pumpkin dishes in a slow cooker

Pumpkin fruit dishes prepared in a slow cooker are so rich and tasty, as if they were cooked in a Russian oven. In a slow cooker you can prepare pie, stew, soups, desserts and a lot of other pumpkin dishes.

Pumpkin with garlic

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • about 600 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 2-3 teeth. garlic;
  • 1/3 cup rast. oils;
  • 1 tbsp. l. dried green basil;
  • salt, pepper, preferably white (to taste).

Place pumpkin cut into small slices into a multicooker cup. Mix the oil and garlic squeezed through a garlic press with basil, salt, pepper, let stand for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, pour into the bowl with the pumpkin. Close the multicooker and set it to “Baking” for an hour and a half.

Pumpkin with beef

  1. 0.8 kg pumpkin cut into cubes;
  2. Cut 0.5 kg of beef into portions and fry for 15 minutes in the “Frying” or “Baking” mode;
  3. Remove the meat and blanch the chopped onion in this oil;
  4. After 5 minutes, pour 1 tbsp into the bowl. l. chopped fresh ginger, 2 cloves. garlic, pepper, cinnamon, salt, cumin;
  5. Cook in the “Stew” mode for 80 minutes.

Pumpkin goes great with cinnamon and curry. In addition, combinations with these spices have healing properties - with cinnamon it normalizes high blood pressure, and with curry it cleanses the blood well. About the benefits of cinnamon -.

Omelette with pumpkin

Beat two chicken eggs with salt and 1/3 cup. milk. To make the omelette more fluffy, beat the whites separately, adding a little salt to them and the yolks separately, then carefully combine and beat again. Place the chopped pumpkin in a bowl. Pour in the egg and milk mixture. Set the “Baking” mode for 20 minutes, and the “Steam” mode for 30 minutes.

Pumpkin soup with ginger

Ginger is not only rich in nutrients, but also promotes weight loss. Therefore, it is recommended to include zhuma with ginger in the menu when losing weight.

What ingredients will you need?

For ginger zhumu you need:

  • pumpkin pulp from the nutmeg variety – 500 g;
  • fresh and chopped ginger root – 25 g;
  • carrot. It is necessary that the ingredient is juicy and not very sweet - 1 pc. medium size;
  • fresh celery - 2 stalks;
  • cream with 10% fat content - 100 ml;
  • sunflower oil – 20 ml;
  • white onion – 50 g;
  • clean water – 250 ml;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • finely granulated salt – 4-5 g.

To serve zhum, prepare garlic crackers.

Step-by-step cooking process

The cooking procedure for ginger zhumu is as follows:

  1. Pumpkin pulp must be cut into slices and baked in the oven until soft.
  2. Carrots should be thoroughly washed and cut very finely with a knife.
  3. Wash, wipe and chop the celery.
  4. The onion needs to be peeled, then finely chopped.

  5. Peeled garlic must be cut into small cubes with a knife.
  6. Next, fry the onion, ginger root and garlic in a suitable bowl with hot oil for approximately 3 minutes.
  7. Add baked pumpkin wedges, celery and carrots to the roast. Pour water over ingredients and simmer over low heat for approximately 25 minutes.
  8. Then you need to drain the broth into a clean container and chop the vegetables with a blender.
  9. Pour the broth back into the bowl with the puree, pour in the cream and salt the contents.
  10. Bring the zhuma to a boil over low heat.

It is recommended to eat zhuma with garlic crackers.

Pumpkin baked in the oven with chicken and cheese

A juicy and tasty dish made from a minimal amount of ingredients, which is perfect for both lunch and dinner. The chicken turns out tender and juicy, and the pumpkin gives the dish a spicy taste and aroma.

KBJU per 100 g: 102/10/5/5.


  • Pumpkin – 230 g.
  • Chicken fillet – 100 g.
  • Cheese – 30 g.
  • Seeds – 15 g.
  • Salt, spices.


  1. Cut the peeled and seeded pumpkin into medium-sized cubes. We do the same with chicken fillet.
  2. Place the chopped products in a baking dish. Salt and add your favorite seasonings. I took curry, black pepper and dried garlic. You can also add herbs to taste.
  3. Next, sprinkle everything with sunflower kernels, pumpkin seeds and grated cheese.
  4. Place the mold in the oven for 40–50 minutes, temperature 180 degrees.

Useful tips and tricks

Pumpkin soup, the recipes (you can prepare a dish quickly and tasty with any composition) of which are discussed in this article, despite its low calorie content, satisfies hunger for a long time.

To make the zhuma rich, nutritious and healthy, you should take into account the subtleties listed in the table below:

Basic subtletiesNotes
Pumpkins should be purchased when they are ripe and without any signs of rot on the skin.A ripe pumpkin should have a dry tail, a firm skin (if you press your finger on the skin, no dents will remain), and the flesh should be bright orange.
To increase satiety, it is recommended to include potatoes in the soup.Potatoes will add thickness to the dish. For zhumu, it is advisable to use a tuber of the boiling and yellow variety.
It is advisable to prepare soup from baked rather than fried pumpkinBaked pumpkin has less calories, retains more nutrients, and additionally, when using a baked product, it is not necessary to add butter to the soup.
It is recommended to peel the pumpkin after baking.After baking, the peel is easier to separate from the pulp. If you peel a “raw” pumpkin, you can cut yourself.
Before baking, the pumpkin should be cut into small pieces along with the peel.If the whole product is baked, this process will take a very long time; in addition, the pumpkin may not be baked from the inside.
It is recommended to serve the soup with wheat bread croutons.Croutons give zhum a special taste, and also increase the satiety of the dish.
The cream in the soup recipe can be replaced with yogurt or milk.Thanks to this replacement, the calorie content of the dish is reduced.
It is recommended not to fry vegetable dressing made from onions and carrots, but to simmer them in waterA dressing made from stewed vegetables is healthier and less caloric.
You can improve the taste of soup with spices.Pumpkin soup is combined with nutmeg, rosemary, and ginger. You can also add bay leaves and garlic to the zhuma.
The soup should have a puree-like textureIf the zhuma is liquid, then the taste of the dish will be “diluted”.
The finished soup should have a uniform textureTo give uniformity, the pumpkin should be chopped in a blender. If you don’t have a device, you can use a masher and then pass the resulting mass through a sieve or cheesecloth (to remove any remaining lumps).
Pumpkin soup can be prepared not only in a salty, but also in a sweet versionSweet pumpkin soup can be seasoned with honey, dried fruits or chopped nuts.

Pumpkin soup will be low in calories and will have high nutritional value if you use vegetable broth instead of meat broth in the recipe. Additionally, pumpkin-vegetable soup is prepared quickly and is very tasty.


Pumpkin is a healthy, nutritious product. It is ideal for preparing dietary dishes. The sweetish pulp of this vegetable is low in calories, which makes it possible to prepare amazingly tasty soups based on it.

This soup can be consumed not only by those who want to lose extra pounds, but also by everyone who cares about their health. Pumpkin soup is a complete, healthy lunch for the whole family.

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Pumpkin porridge - recipe

Do you like porridge? How about preparing not the usual porridge with milk, but porridge with pumpkin, and even a dietary porridge that you can eat on a diet and still lose weight.

Depending on what kind of cereal you like best, you can prepare porridge with rice or millet. It all depends on your taste preferences, because these two grains go perfectly with pumpkin. We will prepare porridge with millet. The porridge turns out beautiful, has a pleasant color and is incredibly tasty. By the way, such porridge is not only an excellent breakfast, but even a dessert! For this porridge you need the following ingredients:

  • 500 grams of peeled pumpkin. Cut into small pieces.
  • 60 grams of millet. Since our porridge is dietary, we will use very little cereal.
  • 400 ml milk. You can take low fat. 100 ml of this milk contains only 30 calories.
  • Natural sweetener to suit your taste. You can use honey.

Place the pumpkin in the pan and add 200 ml of milk. Let it simmer on low heat for 30 minutes. Then add millet and remaining milk. Cook until done. At the end we add honey.

Diet snack with pumpkin

During proper nutrition, we exclude most fatty and starchy foods from our diet. But you can always make an exception for this tasty and healthy dish with pumpkin. Diet manti with pumpkin is a great way to pamper yourself on a diet, but without compromising your diet. So, for this simple dish you will need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 300 grams of flour.
  • 150 ml water. You may need a little more or less. It depends on what kind of flour you use.
  • ½ teaspoon salt.

Mix the dough. To make the dough elastic, you can add a spoonful of vegetable oil to it. Place the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. In the meantime, let's get down to our dietary filling:

  • 200 grams of pumpkin. Cut into small cubes.
  • 2 medium onions. Finely chop.
  • Salt and pepper to your taste.

Mix all the ingredients. You can add a spoonful of vegetable oil and mix everything.

Now we take out the dough, roll it out and cut into pieces 10 by 10. For each piece of dough we put 1-2 spoons of filling and roll it into manti. Steam our pp manti for about 40 minutes.

What to serve with this dietary dish? An excellent option is pp sauce made from natural yogurt.

Natural yogurt chopped herbs 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 clove garlic.

Want to take a delicious snack with you? Try pumpkin sticks! This is a great recipe for those who want a quick and healthy snack. You need these ingredients:

  • 300 grams of pumpkin. Cut into cubes the same as for French fries, maybe a little thicker.
  • 30 grams cornstarch.
  • Any spices to your taste. Here you can give free rein to your imagination.

We combine starch with spices and properly roll our pumpkin sticks in the resulting mixture. Place in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

Tags: dietary, pumpkin

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