Soup with smoked meats and cheese Cheese soup with smoked meats - appetizing, satisfying and divine
Festive feasts are rarely complete without desserts of original elegant shape, decorated with caps of various creams.
Have you ever tried buckwheat bread? If so, what was it like? I daresay
How to cook scallops at home These shellfish are boiled, pickled or eaten raw. Buy
What is mascarpone? Many recipes for Italian dishes contain the mascarpone component - what is it?
Publication in the group: Dishes made from meat and offal Stozhki is a combined dish consisting of
Nowadays it has become very popular to add fruits to meat dishes. The results are very harmonious combinations, judge
Rice casserole with milk Photo: lenyvavsha / Depositphotos Ingredients 400–450 g rice; 100 g
Classic recipe For the traditional version of preparing a tender and plastic rillette, you will need several types of pork:
General recommendations Despite their sophistication, pork rolls are a fairly simple dish. By