How to properly dry parsley at home - the best ways

Parsley should be present in the diet year-round. All its parts - seeds, roots, leaves, stems - have a rich biochemical composition and serve as an additional source of phytoncides, omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated acids, and dietary fiber. The plant is superior in vitamins and minerals to many vegetables and fruits.

To preserve its taste and beneficial properties, parsley is dried for the winter. However, it is important that it is grown in safe conditions without the use of pesticides. How to properly dry parsley and how to store the finished seasoning, read on.

Preparing parsley

In addition to giving the dish new taste and aromatic qualities, parsley serves as an additional source of essential oils, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, has a beneficial effect on the body, improves digestion, and helps prevent the development of many diseases.

If you buy greens, pay attention to their smell and appearance. A plant of proper quality has leaves that are fresh, rich green in color, without traces of damage by insects, and with a distinct, specific aroma.

Advice. Experts recommend, if possible, not to buy parsley in open retail outlets located near roads. Greens quickly absorb dust and other harmful substances and become toxic.

When growing independently, it is best to harvest in late September - early October, when the leaves contain valuable substances in maximum concentration. Harvest parsley in dry sunny weather, in the morning, when the dew has completely dried. Next, the greens are sorted out, yellowed and damaged branches and debris are removed.

The next stage is the preparation of raw materials. Selected leaves are thoroughly washed several times until the water is clear, laid out on cotton cloth or newsprint, and allowed to dry well. Remaining moisture is removed with a paper towel.

How to prepare parsley for drying

Parsley with tender leaves and uncoarsened stems is suitable for drying.

If greens are bought at the market, they should not be wilted, yellowed, or with rotten stems.

Parsley that has stood in water is not suitable for drying (many sellers do this to give the greenery a marketable appearance). Such greens are heavily saturated with water and therefore will not dry well.

If parsley grows in your own garden, then it is collected in dry weather, since such parsley will be easier to dry.

Parsley stems are sorted and wilted and yellowed leaves are removed. Trim the bottom of the branches a little.

The greens are thoroughly washed in cold water: first in a bowl and then under running water.

Place the parsley on a cotton towel to dry thoroughly from the water. To speed up the process, blot the greens on top with a paper towel.

What is the best way to dry?

You can dry parsley for the winter in bunches or by pre-chopping it. This does not affect the taste and nutritional properties of the plant; each housewife simply selects the most optimal and convenient option for herself. It is better to chop the root before drying.


To speed up chemical reactions and homogeneity of raw materials, the leaves are pre-cut. Next, the prepared raw materials are dried in a convenient way: in the oven, microwave, dryer or in the open air, spread out on a metal sheet or wooden board.


Small bundles are formed from the branches, tied with thread, placed with the stumps up in a paper bag, and left in a warm, dry place where there is no sunlight . It is not necessary to use paper bags, but they reliably protect the parsley from dust, foreign sediment, and bacteria.

Drying time is 2-7 days, depending on temperature and humidity. For better preservation, the leaves are additionally dried in an oven on a baking sheet or in the fresh air, covered with gauze.

For reference. Why can't you dry parsley in the sun? Firstly, the sun's rays destroy chlorophyll, the leaves lose their characteristic rich green color and become yellow. Secondly, under the influence of UV rays, essential oils evaporate, which provide the specific taste and aroma of the spice.

How to properly dry greens in an electric dryer

Manufacturers of household appliances have made our lives much easier. Today, drying greens in an electric dryer is considered one of the most convenient ways to stock up. All useful substances are preserved in herbs. The leaves remain green. They delight with a rich aroma.

Pros of using an electric dryer:

  • product purity;
  • protection from insects;
  • ease of use;
  • does not require attention.


  • need to buy;
  • limited size;
  • electricity costs.

It is not necessary to buy imported models for winter preparations. The simplest “Rotor” type devices will do. The essence is the same - heating and airflow. Some electric dryers have a timer with an audible signal.

Simple drying instructions:

  1. Place the greens on the trays of an electric dryer.
  2. Turn on the heating.
  3. Check readiness periodically.

It is not advisable to place greens with juicy vegetables and wet mushrooms at the same time. The juices will begin to actively evaporate, and the cooking time will be delayed. But on each tray you can distribute different plants. The only point is that the flavors should not conflict. Mint, jasmine, lemon balm, and tarragon should be dried separately from dill and parsley.

At what temperature should you dry greens in an electric dryer?

I would like to preserve the color and aroma without delaying the preparation process. The question arises at what temperature to dry herbs in an electric dryer. The regime depends on the juiciness of the plant. The higher it is, the higher the degree is set. At the same time, you should not be overzealous. Can be dried at 70-90 degrees. Only inside will vulnerable vitamins and nutrients begin to disintegrate.

The correct temperature range is from 35 to 50 degrees. If we are working with wet herbs, we set it a little higher. Cook for several hours, then lower. Sometimes they do the opposite. Allow the plants to wither at 30 degrees. Then add a little and bring until done.

How long to dry greens in an electric dryer?

The time is directly related to the temperature at which the herbs are dried in the electric dryer. The lower it is, the longer the process will take. It can take a whole day. Most often it fluctuates between 3-6 hours.

What else affects:

  • plant succulence. Lettuce leaves and celery stalks will have to be kept in the electric dryer longer;
  • size. Drying small cuts is faster than whole plants with stems;
  • blowing Older electric dryers have weak fans.

For uniform cooking, we recommend swapping tiers of the electric dryer. The humidity is always higher at the top. Bottom trays dry faster.

How to properly dry parsley at home

Drying is an important step in preparing parsley for the winter. The process reduces the moisture content of the raw materials, stops oxidative reactions, and the shelf life and taste of the seasoning depend on how correctly all the steps are performed. There are different ways to dry parsley at home.

On open air

Drying outdoors in natural light, temperature and humidity consists of three steps:

  1. The prepared branches or leaves of the plant are laid out in a thick layer on a wooden board or placed in a shallow container, left in a well-ventilated place, avoiding direct sunlight.
  2. The leaves are stirred with your hands every day so that they do not dry out.
  3. Drying on average takes 4-5 days, depending on weather conditions. The optimal air temperature is 25-30⁰С. Readiness is determined by the appearance of the leaves. If greens are completely dried out, they become brittle.

The way to dry parsley..simply SUPER!!

In the oven

The oven is ideal for preparing parsley for the winter. How to do it:

  1. The leaves are sorted, spoiled and yellowed leaves are removed, separated from the branches or set aside in this form, washed well, and any remaining moisture is removed with a paper towel. If desired, the leaves are chopped into small pieces.
  2. Spread the parsley in a thin layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  3. The oven is preheated. Dry the greens with the door ajar at a temperature of 40-50⁰C, periodically stirring the greens and turning the baking sheet over. If the raw material is properly dried, it does not stain your hands, and when squeezed, it does not stick together, but crumbles. The process can take from 2 to 8 hours.

In the microwave

A microwave oven is used if you need to dry a small amount of greens:

  1. Prepare the plant: sort, wash, dry. Lay out the branches on a plate made of plastic, glass or porcelain.
  2. Microwave for 30 seconds until the leaves become brittle. You cannot increase the time, as the plant is highly flammable.
  3. The color of well-dried raw materials is green, the aroma is spicy and pronounced, the branches and leaves are brittle.

In an electric dryer

To dry parsley for the winter, use both a convection and infrared dryer. The preparation principle is quite simple and fast:

  1. The greens are sorted, washed, and dried with paper towels.
  2. The leaves are laid out on sheets, the appropriate temperature mode is selected according to the instructions, and the electrical appliance is turned on.

An electric dryer is also used to dry root parsley. The roots are prepared in advance: washed, thinly peeled, cut into strips or circles, and laid out on a sheet.

In a convection oven

An air fryer is an excellent alternative to an electric dryer. To dry the plant, lay it out on a grid, select the “drying” function, and adjust the temperature. To dry the leaves, it will take on average 20 minutes, the roots - 40-50 minutes.

Preparing various greens for drying

It is better to dry your own greens from the garden or summer cottage. This is done in the summer at the height of the season. Most species are collected before the formation of seed pods and umbels. As soon as the plant has released an arrow, all the juices and valuable substances are directed there.

Instructions for preparing greens:

  1. We collect in the morning after the dew has disappeared. Or in the evening. Definitely in clear weather. Greens are not dried after rain; they are saturated with moisture.
  2. We rinse. It is not advisable to soak homemade herbs. Rinse quickly and shake off any droplets.
  3. Let's dry it. Place on paper towels. Or we place them in small, loose bunches vertically in jars and place them in a draft.
  4. Let's cut it. At the same time, we look through and remove yellowed twigs, dried out tips, and damaged leaves.

How do you dry your herbs?
In an electric dryerIn the oven

People often ask why they need to dry plants after washing. It's simple - when cutting wet leaves, the pieces stick together. It is impossible to spread out in a loose layer. The cooking process is delayed. The resulting pieces look like wrapped tea leaves.

You can dry a variety of herbs in an electric dryer. The optimal temperature range is from 35 to 50 degrees. It is allowed to dry in air, in the oven, an air fryer, or a vegetable dehydrator are suitable.

Terms and conditions of storage

Dried parsley is placed in glass jars with tight lids, fabric bags, and sealed bags. The workpiece is stored in a dry, well-ventilated area for 12-24 months.

This is interesting:

Instructions for preparing parsley with salt for the winter and other ways to preserve it.

How to use parsley for swelling.

Is it possible to eat parsley during pregnancy?

Methods for drying greens

Before the development of the technical process, there was only one way of drying - in the open air. Modern technologies make it possible to speed up the process. An electric dryer, oven, or convection oven reduces the drying time to several hours. The preparation of greens for all units is the same.

In an electric dryer

The best device for wholesale winter preparations is the WOLTERA 1000 Lux electric dryer. The unit significantly reduces drying time. The process does not require effort on the part of the hostess.

  1. The greens are cut into pieces of 2 centimeters and laid out on the tray in a single layer.
  2. The unit is set to “grass” mode, or the temperature is 40-45 degrees.
  3. If 2 trays are used at once, they must be swapped periodically.

Drying time ranges from two to six hours. This depends on the power of the unit. You can check the time in the instructions supplied with the electric dryer.

You can prepare several types of greens at once in an electric dryer.

On open air

The natural drying method has two options. The first horizontal one will require parchment, and the second vertical one will require string or twine. Greens should not be left in direct sunlight; they are dried in the shade in a well-ventilated place. Cold, rainy weather is unfavorable for drying. The shorter the process, the more useful components are retained in the product.

Vertical drying consists of several steps.

  1. Washed and dried twigs should be tied with ropes into bundles of 5-6 pieces.
  2. The herbs are hung under a canopy, where there is no sun and good ventilation. But strong gusts can lead to the aroma of the seasoning disappearing.
  3. The bundles are placed at a distance of 10 centimeters from each other.
  4. Properly dried greens retain color and elasticity. The process takes several days. It is impossible to overexpose herbs, as they gather dust and the aroma disappears.

In the open air, greens should be dried in bunches.
For parsley, dill and coriander, the vertical drying method is the most acceptable. The greens can also be laid out on a rack, sieve or tray, after being cut into slices. During the entire drying process, it is necessary to turn the grass over so that it does not rot.

How to dry greens in the oven

In order not to lose valuable qualities, you must strictly monitor the temperature in the oven. Otherwise, it is suitable for winter harvesting of greens.

  1. The greens are laid out on a sheet covered with parchment. The grass layer should not exceed 2 centimeters. It is also covered with parchment on top.
  2. The oven temperature is set to 40 degrees. To achieve this effect, you can leave the door ajar.
  3. When the greens begin to wither, you need to increase the temperature to 50 degrees.

In the oven, you need to open the door to allow excess moisture to escape.
The process takes 2-4 hours, depending on the type of plant. The greens must be checked periodically to ensure they do not dry out. Prolonged exposure to high temperature will reduce the healing properties.

On the windowsill

Chopped greens will dry on the windowsill in a few days. It should be placed on parchment or canvas. Twice a day the grass is turned over with gentle movements to preserve the leaves. The thickness of the layer is a maximum of one and a half centimeters: the moisture contained in the greens must evaporate.

Prepared greens should be laid out in a thin layer

Is it possible to dry greens in an air fryer?

An air fryer is also suitable for drying greens. The principle of grass processing remains unchanged. It is washed, dried and cut. The temperature in the unit is set to the minimum, no more than 45 degrees. You need to pull out the finished product when the leaves are completely dry.

The benefits of herbs are preserved if there are no violations during the preparation process.

The greens dry quickly, do not change color, and the aroma remains the same. You can store the seasoning in plastic containers, jars with airtight lids, and canvas bags. Cellophane bags are not recommended. It should be taken into account that after drying the mass decreases greatly. Two kilograms of dill will yield 220 grams of finished product.

Dried parsley: instructions

There are many ways to dry parsley to create a healthy herb for the winter. Everyone can choose the simplest one.

On open air

Drying time : 2-6 days.

There are three main options for how to properly air dry parsley.


Stretch nylon threads or regular clothesline in a dry, well-ventilated place.

  • Collect the shoots into separate bunches of 5-10 pieces, tying them with thread.
  • Hang the bunches with the thick side of the stems up.
  • Dry until ready.

After drying is complete, tear off the leaves and chop them. They should crumble easily, but not crumble from any touch. The stems will go to waste, they are tough and good for nothing.


Spread the chopped greens on horizontal surfaces: large sieves, trays, baking sheets or oven racks in a thin layer.

  • Place the trays in a well-ventilated area.
  • Turn the greens once or twice a day.
  • Every evening, bring it into the house before the dew falls, and put it back in the morning.

The greens should not be exposed to direct sunlight, so that later you don’t have to think about why the parsley turns yellow when dried. The chlorophyll in the leaves is destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, so it is better to dry them in dark, dry rooms: pantries, sheds, attics.

In a refrigerator

This device also evaporates moisture, but such drying will last much longer. It is quite labor intensive and requires free space.

  • Line the refrigerator shelves with parchment and spread chopped parsley on it.
  • Turn the dryer in the morning and evening.

if you don’t need the shelves in the refrigerator in the next week, then you can experiment. Parsley dries well, but can be overpowered by foreign odors.

In the oven

Drying time : 1-3 hours.

Is it possible to dry parsley in the oven and at what temperature? This way you can significantly speed up the preparation time.

  • Line baking racks or baking sheets with parchment paper.
  • Spread a thin layer of greens on them.
  • Set the temperature to 46-52°C.
  • Turn the dryer every half hour to prevent it from burning.

Regardless of the type of oven (gas or electric), keep the door open during drying. For the former, a gap of at least 15 centimeters is needed, and for the latter, 4-5 is enough. Drying parsley in the oven will be easier and faster if you first let it dry in the open air for 24 hours.

In an electric dryer or dehydrator

Drying time : 1-4 hours.
The easiest way to dry parsley is in an electric dryer. Most dehydrating devices even have a special “Greens” or “Herbs” mode. But if there is none, follow the instructions.

  • Place the parsley on the grates in an even, thin layer.
  • Set the temperature to 40-55°C.
  • Change the grates once every half hour.

If you chop the parsley too finely, you can cover the grids with large cells with paper, making many holes in it with a sharp knife, or with a thin nylon mesh, cutting it to shape.

In the microwave

Drying time : 1-3 minutes.

The most emergency way is to dry the parsley in the microwave. But you have to be careful that it doesn't burn.

  • Arrange the greens in a single layer on a paper, silicone, ceramic or glass plate.
  • Set the heat to the lowest setting (80-100 W).
  • Check drying every 30 seconds.

When looking into the oven, do not forget to stir the leaves so that they dry more evenly.

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