Herring in the oven: a selection of recipes, cooking tips

Fresh herring in mayonnaise sauce

What to cook from fresh herring

The simplest thing you can do with fresh herring is bake it in the oven with sauce.

Ingredients (for 2-4 servings):

  • Fresh herring – 2 pcs.,
  • Onions (large) – 4 pcs.,
  • Classic mayonnaise – 150 ml,
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste,
  • Water – 500 ml.


Clean the herring from scales and entrails, remove the head, tail and fins. Rub the fish carcasses with salt and pepper, place them in a deep baking tray, and place onions on them, cut into large rings or half rings. Pour mayonnaise over everything and pepper a little more. Then carefully pour water along the side. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for 35-40 minutes.

You can garnish herring with boiled potatoes. In addition, you can sprinkle the finished fish with green onions or finely chopped parsley.

Korean marinated

Korean marinating is used not only for carrots, but also for fish, and herring is most often found in this recipe. This is all thanks to the fact that its taste, seasoned with salt and pepper, only reveals itself better, and “Korean style” just suggests that it should be salty and spicy.

Preparation will take about 3-4 hours, but it’s really worth spending this time, especially if you are a lover of Asian motifs or just want to put a beautiful, unusual appetizer on the holiday table.

Ingredients needed include:

  • Fresh herring – 1 kg.
  • Onions – 5 pieces, medium.
  • Table vinegar – 80 ml.
  • Tomato paste – 1 tablespoon.
  • Salt, pepper - red and black, ground.
  • Seasonings - to your taste, you can use a mixture for Korean carrots.
  • Vegetable oil.

The preparation will be as follows:

  1. Preparing the herring. We remove everything unnecessary, leaving only the fillet - without bones, scales and other unnecessary parts. The skin should remain.
  2. Now the marinade - a mixture of vegetable oil and tomato paste - is brought to a boil. After this, you can add vinegar, stir, and then remove from heat.
  3. The onion is peeled and cut into large rings.
  4. When it has cooled a little, any spices are added to the marinade.
  5. Herring fillet is cut into small pieces.
  6. The herring and onion are laid out in layers in a container, preferably glass. All this is filled with marinade.
  7. The container is covered with a lid; it is best to place a press on top.

After cooking, the herring goes into the refrigerator for 2–3 hours, but if possible, it is better to keep it there overnight. Then you can make sandwiches with it and black bread. Don't forget to invite your guests to try onions too - they turn out almost tastier than the main ingredient!

For 100 grams of this herring dish there will be only 150 kcal, BJU - 13.9/9.1/3.7.

Quick heh from fresh herring

What to cook from fresh herring

This dish will appeal to those who love Korean cuisine. The herring turns out spicy, spicy and beautiful.


  • Fresh herring – 2 pcs.,
  • Carrots (medium) – 2 pcs.,
  • Garlic – 5 cloves,
  • Onion (large) – 1 pc.,
  • Salt, ground hot red pepper - to taste,
  • Ground black pepper – 1 teaspoon,
  • Seasoning for carrots in Korean - 3-4 teaspoons,
  • Sugar – 3 teaspoons,
  • Soy sauce – 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Vinegar (9%) – 2.5 tbsp. spoons,
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. spoons.


To prepare this dish, use glass or enamel dishes. Clean the herring from scales and entrails, remove the tail, head and all bones. Cut the fillet into pieces no thicker than 1 cm. Cut the carrots into very thin strips (or chop on a special Korean carrot grater) and mix with the fish. Pour in vinegar and stir. Leave to marinate for 45-50 minutes.

Then add chopped onion into half rings, pressed garlic, soy sauce, salt, sugar, seasoning for Korean carrots, black and red pepper into the container with the herring. Boil vegetable oil and pour it over the spices and only then mix everything. Cover the container with a tight lid and place in the refrigerator for a day. When serving, you can sprinkle the heh with finely chopped cilantro.

Rolls with melted cheese

Herring rolls with different fillings are especially good, so you definitely can’t miss their recipe. To make rolls, you will need:

  • Herring fillet – 1 pc.
  • Bell pepper – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Chicken egg, boiled – 2 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumbers – 1 jar.
  • Sour cream or mayonnaise – 200 gr.
  • How much to add herbs, spices, salt - decide for yourself.
  • Juice of half a lemon.

And this dish will be assembled according to this recipe:

  1. Before you cook fresh-frozen herring, it is prepared - no entrails or large bones should remain on it. Scales, head and tail are also not useful.
  2. The carrots are peeled, washed, cut into cubes. Bell peppers should suffer the same fate as eggs.
  3. The onion is chopped finely.
  4. All ingredients, except fish, are mixed with each other, herbs and spices, and seasoned with sour cream or mayonnaise. You can add a little gelatin so that the filling sticks exactly.
  5. Pickled cucumbers are cut into thin slices.
  6. Part of the herring is laid out on cling film, the filling is laid out on top, and everything is covered with cucumber slices on top.
  7. The filling is again laid out on the cucumbers, and the second part of the herring carcass is placed on top.

All that remains is to wrap it tightly and then put it in the refrigerator overnight, which means the cooking time here is long. The roll will harden overnight, and before serving it will need to be unrolled and cut into pieces. It turns out not only very tasty, but also beautiful.

The calorie content of this recipe per 100 grams of dish is 200 kcal, BJU - 9.9/22.8/3.7 grams for the same amount of product.

Fresh herring in cucumber-tomato sauce

What to cook from fresh herring

Herring with tomato puree and pickles is an original and satisfying dish that will pleasantly diversify the everyday table or decorate a Sunday lunch.

Ingredients (for 6 servings):

  • Fresh herring – 2 pcs.,
  • Pickled cucumbers (barrel, medium) – 6 pcs.,
  • Tomato puree – 100 g,
  • Sugar - to taste, depending on the acidity of the tomato puree,
  • Butter – 50 g + for greasing the pan,
  • Wheat flour – 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Fish broth – 500 ml,
  • Bay leaf – 2-3 pcs.,
  • Black peppercorns – 7-8 pcs.,
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste.


Clean the herring from scales, fins, entrails, remove the tail and head, remove the fish from the ridge and, if possible, remove small bones. Cut each fillet into three pieces. Make broth from the ridges and tails, adding salt, black peppercorns and bay leaves.

Peel the cucumbers and cut them into thin slices. Lightly grease the pan with butter, place the fish pieces skin side down, add tomato puree, sugar, ground black pepper and strained broth. Over medium heat, bring the mixture to a boil, reduce the heat to low and simmer covered for 30 minutes.

Then take out the fish and cucumbers, put them in a deep bowl and cover so that they do not cool. Strain the broth again. Sift the flour and mix with pieces of butter until an oily lump forms, add it to the boiling broth and cook the sauce until thick. If desired, you can add finely chopped parsley at the end of cooking.

Place the fish pieces on plates, place cucumber slices on them and pour the sauce over everything. You can garnish herring in cucumber-tomato sauce with boiled potatoes, rice or a salad of fresh vegetables.

How to cook deliciously

You can also eat boiled herring, especially since it is not difficult to cook, but it will hardly be tasty. But this section promised a delicious recipe, so we will look at making herring soup.

You will need:

  • Fresh frozen herring – 1 piece, large.
  • Onions – 1 piece, large.
  • Semolina – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Potatoes – 3 pieces, medium.
  • Carrots – 1 piece, medium.
  • Salt pepper.
  • Khmeli-suneli or other seasonings.
  • Bay leaf.

The soup will be prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Before preparing fresh frozen herring, you need to cut it up - defrost it, clean it of all excess and leave only the carcass.
  2. After the herring is thoroughly washed, you can cook broth from it. As soon as the broth is cooked, the fish should be removed from there.
  3. Grated carrots and chopped onions will be used for frying.
  4. The potatoes are peeled, cut into cubes, and then boiled in broth for 10 minutes.
  5. Afterwards, frying and semolina are added to the broth, everything is salted and mixed with spices.
  6. The fish is returned to the broth, everything is cooked for 10 minutes.

The soup can be decorated with herbs before serving; 100 grams of fish soup will contain 170 kcal (BJU - 12.1/7.1/14.6).

The best frozen herring dishes

Despite its low cost, herring is an excellent fish, containing a lot of proteins and various vitamins. Consuming such a product helps reduce cholesterol in the body and also helps fight diseases such as diabetes. You can find herring in different forms on store shelves. It is sold both salted and smoked, but can also be frozen. You can prepare many different dishes from fresh frozen herring. But for this you need to know all the intricacies of handling this product.

Beneficial features

Did you know that herring is a fish that has a huge number of useful qualities? Its calorie content is only 240 kcal per 100 g. The composition includes:

  • vitamins B, E, D;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • minerals (potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iron, iodine).

Herring is good for vision; it improves brain function. This fish is a perfect source of protein.

Fresh frozen herring is a universal fish ingredient. Prepare delicious and satisfying dishes from it with pleasure, and our culinary selection with photos will help you implement them simply and easily!

What can you cook from frozen herring? Many people believe that this fish is only suitable for spicy salting, and can be eaten with boiled potatoes or used for herring salad under a fur coat. This is where the fantasy of many housewives ends. However, fairly cheap fish is able to reveal its taste in a variety of dishes that we are used to preparing from more expensive species of waterfowl. Today we will talk about how to deliciously cook fresh frozen herring in the oven and slow cooker, in a frying pan. Every recipe is worth a try.

How to choose fish?

Of course, most often you want to buy fresh fish, however, it is practically never found on store shelves. Therefore, you have to be content with a frozen product. To choose the right herring, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations. It is very important that frozen fish is not in ice. Excess snow will indicate that it has been stored in the freezer for too long.

When purchasing, you need to look to see if there are any stuck pieces that indicate repeated freezing. If the fish is of high quality, then its gills should be red, and the carcass should not have any breaks or cracks on its surface; the color should be silver. In addition, it should not smell of ammonia.

How to defrost it correctly?

There are several defrosting methods that can be done at home without harming the fish.

Natural defrosting

This process takes a lot of time, however, and is considered one of the most correct. To do this, you will need a small plastic container. You need to put the purchased fish in it and make several holes in the bag. After this, the fish should be placed in the refrigerator on the lowest shelf and wait until it melts. This will take approximately 5 to 10 hours. This will depend on the size of the herring, as well as the degree of freezing.

With salt

Most often, this method is used to defrost fattier fish. It can then either be salted, smoked, or baked. After all, salt draws out excess liquid from the fish, and as a result it turns out to be dry. First you need to prepare a solution of salt. You need to mix 1.5 liters of water and 35 g of salt, stir everything well and pour the solution into a plastic container. You need to place the herring in it, while removing the fish from the bag. This procedure will only take a few hours if the container with the fish is left to defrost at room temperature.

Using running water

The herring should be placed in several plastic bags and then in a bowl of very cold water. After this, place the bowl in the sink and run a stream of running water into it. In this state, the herring will defrost in approximately 1 hour. This method is the safest and fastest. In addition, this way the herring will not be able to lose any nutrients.

Using a microwave

Since in the modern world there is less and less time for cooking, many chefs are using new technologies for defrosting. To use this method, you need to place the fish in a special vessel for such ovens. After this, you need to turn on the “defrost” function and set the time for 20-35 minutes. Next you need to put the herring in the oven. Every 4 minutes it must be turned over so that the fish cannot simply fry.

In the oven

Cooking fish in the oven is always a good idea, because it allows you to get a rare combination of tasty and healthy. Oven-cooked herring is just as good as all other fish, and to make sure of this, you will first need to buy:

  • Fresh frozen herring – 3 pcs., medium.
  • Onions – 3 pcs., large.
  • Drinking water – 2 glasses.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Salt, pepper, seasonings and herbs to taste.

After purchasing everything you need, it will be easy to make a delicious dish:

  1. The herring is defrosted and scaled. The head and tail are separated from the carcass, all entrails and bones are removed, and the fish itself is washed to remove any remains.
  2. Take a baking dish and coat it with a little vegetable oil.
  3. The onion is cut into half rings.
  4. The herring is thoroughly rubbed with salt, pepper, and spices.
  5. The carcasses are laid out in a mold, sprinkled with onions, and coated with mayonnaise.
  6. The oven is heated to 190 degrees.
  7. Water is poured into the mold, after which it can be put in the oven for 50 minutes.

This herring is best served with boiled potatoes. By the way, you can bake it directly with herring. Then the potatoes are laid out in a layer under and above the fish, and the onions are distributed over the potatoes on top. Here the cooking time will increase to 70 minutes, but all the ingredients will soak each other.

The calorie content of herring in the oven is 200 kcal per 100 grams due to the large amount of mayonnaise. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates will be distributed as 7.5/18.9/12.4 grams, respectively.


Dishes made from freshly frozen herring can be prepared not only deliciously, but also in a rather unusual way. Very often a slow cooker is used for cooking. It makes excellent smoked fish. To make it work, you need to purchase “liquid smoke”.

First you need to clean the herring, that is, remove both the skin and all the bones. After this, the fish must be rubbed with salt and liquid smoke.

Then all the pieces must be placed in a baking bag and placed in a special bowl for steaming. Be sure to pour at least 1 liter of water into the multicooker bowl. Next, you need to turn on the “steam” button - after 15 minutes the hot smoked herring will be ready. This dish is perfect with boiled potatoes. Apart from this, there are many other ideas that can be easily implemented in everyday life.

In a frying pan

Cooking herring is also possible in a frying pan. It will make both aromatic cutlets and just herring and onions. The recipe for fish cutlets is quite simple, and their taste will amaze even those who prefer meat dishes to fish. Required components:

  • 4 things. frozen herrings;
  • 8 medium potatoes;
  • 1 large onion;
  • several cloves of garlic;
  • a pinch of spices;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 60 ml – fresh milk;
  • 100 ml – sunflower oil;
  • breadcrumbs - as needed.

Cooking method.

  1. First you need to prepare the herring. Then the fillet must be twisted in a meat grinder, adding all the garlic cloves and the onion.
  2. Next you can move on to the potatoes. It needs to be peeled and grated. Then squeeze out all excess liquid and add milk.
  3. After this, you can start minced meat. To do this, you need to mix twisted herring, potatoes with milk, salt and pepper everything. Everything needs to be mixed very thoroughly and refrigerated for several hours.
  4. After the required time has passed, you can pull out the finished minced meat and make cutlets. Then they need to be generously rolled in breadcrumbs and started frying.
  5. These delicious cutlets can be served with mashed potatoes or any other side dish.

With sour cream

Dishes prepared with fish and sour cream have a pleasant taste and valuable nutritional qualities. Herring baked in the oven with sour cream can be served on a festive table.


  • sunflower oil – 85 g;
  • sour cream 240 g;
  • wheat flour – 45 g;
  • mushrooms (ceps, boletus, russula) – 220 g;
  • chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • potatoes – 250 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • fresh frozen herring – 850 g.
  • dill – 7 g;
  • coriander – 3 g;
  • hard cheese – 50 g;
  • allspice (ground) – 3 g.

Cooking steps:

  1. The defrosted fish is cleaned and the inedible entrails are removed. The head, gills, and fins are removed. Cut the herring into small portions.
  2. The fish is peppered, salted, sprinkled with coriander and dill. Then roll in flour.
  3. Pour oil into a heated frying pan and place pieces of herring in it. Each piece is slightly fried on both sides.
  4. The mushrooms are processed, finely chopped and fried in a frying pan in oil.
  5. Chicken eggs are boiled hard.

  6. Potatoes are peeled, washed, cut into cubes and lightly fried.
  7. Hard cheese is grated.
  8. Grease a deep baking dish with oil, place a layer of potatoes and mushrooms on the bottom, and place fish on top.
  9. Place chicken eggs cut into slices on top of the herring in a frying pan. The remaining potatoes and mushrooms are placed next to the pieces of fish. All ingredients are sprinkled with dill, coriander, pepper, cheese, and sour cream.
  10. The semi-finished product is placed in the oven and cooked at a temperature of 180 °C for approximately 22 minutes.

Ready fish can be served with slices of cucumbers, tomatoes or onion salad.

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