Lightly salted salmon - recipes for salting salmon at home

A simple recipe for dry salting salmon

A traditional way of salting salmon, considered classic. Here is a minimal set of spices, with correctly selected proportions. The taste meets international standards. According to this recipe, you can salt not only fillets and steaks from the middle part of the fish, but also the tail, the cost of which is slightly lower.

You will need:

  • Fish fillet – 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar - a tablespoon.
  • Salt – 2 tablespoons.

Step-by-step photo recipe:

If you bought ready-made fillets and did not cut the carcass yourself, be sure to wash the fish. Dry with towels, then examine carefully.

The first thing to do is cut off the belly. It can be salted separately; below I will give the recipe.

Run your fingers through the paste. If you find bones in the center, cut them off as well. Decide for yourself whether to cut off the skin or not, but it’s better to do it right away.

Divide the whole layer into parts. Transfer them to cling film one at a time.

In a small bowl, mix salt and sugar.

Sprinkle the surface of the layer with a mixture of spices.

Wrap the piece tightly in film so that there are no holes left. Keep the workpiece on the table at room temperature for a couple of hours, then place it in the cold for 20-24 hours. After a day, unwrap, slice and enjoy.

If you have several pieces, place them in a bag in pairs, facing each other, with the meat in the middle. Then they will salt faster

Recipe for homemade lightly salted salmon using the dry method

By the way, salted salmon will be ready in 7-10 hours. If you salt it in the morning, then you can serve it with country-style potatoes for dinner!


  • Salmon (fish fillet) – 1 kg.,
  • Lemons and oranges - 3 pieces each,
  • Salt - 4 table. spoons,
  • Sugar - 1-2 table. spoons,
  • Peppercorns (preferably white, if you can’t find them, take black) - 6-7 pieces,
  • Coriander - 1 teaspoon,
  • Lime - 2-3 pieces.

Dry cooking method: How to salt salmon at home

  1. Take a glass or plastic container for pickling (but under no circumstances should it be aluminum or iron).
  2. Now you need to finely grate the skins of all the oranges, lemons and limes.
  3. Lightly fry the peppers in a frying pan (until a distinct aroma appears).
  4. Prepare salt and sugar.
  5. Crush the pepper and mix with sugar and salt. Pour into a container for salting.
  6. Then mix the coriander, grated zest (citrus peel), salt, sugar and pepper thoroughly.
  7. Prepare the salmon fillet and place in the spicy-salty mixture. Roll well and cover completely with this mixture.
  8. Cover with film, press down and put in the refrigerator.
  9. It’s better, of course, to keep the fish for a day so that it gives even more juice. Well, if you want it, then get it in about 8 hours. Just check with your finger. If the fish is soft, then lightly salted, spicy salted salmon at home is ready!
  10. Rinse under running cold water and dry with napkins to remove excess moisture. And cut into pieces.
  11. And now it's time to call everyone for a test.

You can try cutting the fish into pieces first and then salting it. They say that you get a different taste if you add vodka or make a brine and pour the salt directly into the jar (then definitely in pieces).

It’s all the same, even if you choose my recipe for salting salmon, even in brine - the dish is simply “bomb”, I’m telling you for sure! Try cooking it at least once, and you will refuse store-bought options. Moreover, it is obviously cheaper at home!

In addition, there are a couple more recipes for salting red fish (again, salmon, but it turns out not bad either way).

And it would be a shame not to use such an exquisite product in appetizers for the holiday table!

Marinated salmon steaks in brine - quick recipe

A little vinegar and a tasty marinade will make the fish very tasty, with a slight sourness. An excellent option for sandwiches.


  • Steaks – 1.5 kg.
  • Salt – 3 large spoons.
  • Vinegar 9% - large spoon.
  • Granulated sugar - the same amount.
  • Water - liter.
  • Allspice – 5-6 peas.
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.
  • Coriander - a pinch.


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How to marinate:

  1. Boil water, add all the spices intended for the marinade. Cook after boiling for a couple of minutes. Pour in the vinegar and turn off the burner. Cool the marinade to room temperature.
  2. Cut the fish carcass into portions that are not too thick. Place in a container.
  3. Pour in the marinade and close with a lid. Place on the refrigerator shelf.
  4. Wait a day, then test for readiness. For thicker pieces, salting time will be required, up to 2 days.

Delicious lightly salted salmon in cognac for sandwiches

A method for gourmets and lovers of gourmet snacks. The fish has a piquant spicy taste, the highlight of which is nutmeg. According to the proposed recipe, you can make fish with cinnamon - also an incredibly interesting option.

You will need:

  • Red fish fillet – 500 gr.
  • Salt – 3 large spoons.
  • Cognac – 2 spoons.
  • Granulated sugar – 3 spoons.
  • Nutmeg (whole) – small spoon.


  1. Divide a large fish fillet into small pieces. It is acceptable to take steaks, but they will take a little longer to salt. Place in a bowl.
  2. In a separate bowl, prepare the marinade by mixing salt and sugar. Pour in cognac and stir the mixture.
  3. Grate the nutmeg (it is advisable not to use the spice powder, but if you don’t have it, it’s ok), add it to the marinade.
  4. Mix well and pour into fish. Mix thoroughly, spreading the marinade over the fillet. Place them tightly on top of each other.
  5. Wrap in parchment, or hide in a bag, cling film, and wrap well. Place in a bowl, cover with a plate. Press down with pressure and leave for a couple of hours.
  6. After a specified time, remove the pressure and move the workpiece to the refrigerator shelf.
  7. Be patient for exactly one day. When serving, cut into thinner slices. Place on a sandwich with butter, place a slice of lemon on top and help yourself.

Lightly salted salmon according to a quick recipe with vodka

I don’t know why any alcohol, not only vodka, but also cognac, affects fish in this way. But red meat becomes juicy and elastic.


  • Fish fillet – 500 gr.
  • Sugar - a spoon.
  • Salt - spoon.
  • Dill - a couple of sprigs.
  • Vodka - spoon.

How to salt:

  1. Divide the salmon fillet into pieces, rinse and dry with napkins.
  2. Mix spices in a bowl, add chopped dill.
  3. Rub the layers with a mixture of spices. Sprinkle vodka over the entire surface.
  4. Wrap in film and keep at room temperature for 2-4 hours.
  5. Then transfer it to the refrigerator shelf. Walk around until the next day. You can try the snack after a day.

Classic recipe


  • Salmon – any quantity
  • Salt - twice as much sugar
  • Sugar – half as much salt
  • Sunflower oil - tablespoon

Sprinkle a layer of salt and sugar mixture on the bottom of the container, then place the fillet skin-side down on the mixture.

Sprinkle the mixture generously on top, as shown in the photo below...

Then dip the second piece in salt and place it on top of the first so that it looks like this:

Close the container and place it in the refrigerator for 15-24 hours. Usually they add salt in the evening, and in the morning you can try it. If you wait 3 hours, or try a little earlier, nothing bad will happen. The salting process is controlled by time.

In the morning there will be a lot of liquid in the container. And the salmon fillet becomes oaky and tough. The salt took away excess moisture from the fish.

Wash off excess salt with water and then wipe with a napkin. The color of the fish is more saturated, and now you can taste it.

Now take a sharp knife and cut the salmon fillet into thin slices. Can be placed directly on a plate as a slice.

The fish turned out lightly salted. Try this recipe!

One fish yielded 2 containers, each with two pieces of fillet. And one part will be used for holiday cutting, and you can also make sandwiches, and the remaining pieces can be cut into a salad or canapes with red fish. And if you don’t do everything at once, I recommend pouring odorless sunflower oil over the salted fish.

In this way, the fish will be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 days. And if the salted pieces are made in vacuum packaging, then such fish can be put in the freezer for 3-4 months. It will taste the same as if it was salted 24 hours ago. The main thing is that the temperature in the freezer is from -10 degrees. If stored in the refrigerator in a container at home, then no longer than 6 days. And if in vacuum packaging, then the fish is stored in the refrigerator for 1 month. Usually, the fish is eaten within 1-3 days.

That's all I have. These are the pieces of fish we got. As you can see, there is nothing difficult to prepare. Posol is no different from other types of red fish. Everything is fast and simple. Choose any method - quick or classic, and have a nice holiday.

How to pickle salmon or trout in a jar in brine at home - in pieces or whole?

Honestly, this salting method is the fastest - 2 hours and the red salted fish is ready on the table! Marinade or brine, call it what you want, gives the fish the opportunity to be salted (soaked) evenly. If you wish (and I insist), prepare the brine in the same way as for pickling or preparing lightly salted cucumbers or tomatoes.


  • Red fish - half a kilo,
  • Salt 2 table. spoons,
  • Sugar - 1 table. spoon,
  • Water - 300-400 ml.,
  • Bay leaf, peppercorns or other spicy seasoning - optional.

I would also add either lemon juice or vodka - just a little bit. You can have 30 grams of both!

Recipe for making lightly salted salmon at home:

  1. Again, as in previous options, wash the fish.
  2. Cut into pieces (you can, of course, whole, but it will take longer to salt than slices).
  3. Boil the brine. To do this, bring sugar, salt and water to a boil and boil for 3-4 minutes.
  4. We prepare the container (if you will eat it right away, use a regular glass or plastic bowl, and if for the winter, then a properly sterilized jar).
  5. Lay the fish in layers. A layer of fish, a layer of spices.
  6. Fill with brine (marinade) and put in the refrigerator.
  7. After 2 hours you can serve and make red fish canapés.

If you want to preserve salted salmon for longer, then after salting, you should drain the brine. Gently dry the fish from excess moisture with paper napkins or a towel. Place the pieces tightly in a jar and in the refrigerator.

This way it can be stored for up to a month, but for the winter you just need to do without a jar - put it in a bag and in the freezer.

Well, now you have the choice to make your own homemade salted fish the way you want. Choose your recipe and go ahead. Don't forget our tips. Treat your family and friends to salty red fish. Share useful information with your friends on social networks and suggest your salting options in the comments.

Homemade lightly salted salmon

The characteristic difference between salmon is their muzzle. The male has a beak and a predatory muzzle, while the female is more rounded. I came across a female, and these types of fish are usually gutted. Although, if the size of the fish is not so large (for example, rainbow trout), then you can take fish with caviar. And large pink salmon are caught with caviar. And if you're lucky, here are instructions on how to salt caviar at home.


  • Salmon – any quantity
  • Salt - twice as much sugar
  • Sugar – half as much salt
  • Sunflower oil - a tablespoon.

They asked about the amount of salt and sugar if the fish was large. You can't go wrong here. We make the proportion 2 to 1, and if the fish is large and there is little mixture, then multiply the amount of mixture several times. For example 10:5. Sugar is twice as much as salt! Convenient to measure by handfuls.

First of all, cut off the head and tail. They will suit our ears. It turns out to be such a layer of fish. We need to get rid of the bones.

The cutting principle is simple - we make a cut along the back along the entire fish, and then you get two parts of the fillet. One of which has a ridge that is carefully cut out and also placed on the ear. And then, take tweezers and remove the remaining seeds. In simple words, the fillet should be boneless. We don’t remove the skin and scales, we’ll salt it as is...

So. We need to decide where which part of the fillet will go. For example, you can salt salmon quickly and easily in 1 hour, and then you need to cut the fillet into thin slices. And if you salt it as a whole piece, the salting time can last up to a day.

We will salt in two ways - quick, 3 hours in advance, to eat right away, and standard, 1 day before the holiday.

We cut the fillet into several equal pieces...

Cut one piece into small slices to quickly salt in 3 hours.

This can be done as easily as possible... We will need pieces less than 5 mm thick. To do this, use a knife to cut the required quantity and place it on a plate. Pour a mixture of salt and sugar into the bottom of the plate. Then we lay the salmon in one layer.

We salt our salmon at home, so it can be cut in absolutely any way. For example, for small sandwiches, you can use pieces, as in the photo below:

Sprinkle a mixture of salt and sugar on top as well. It turns out something like this:

And that’s it, put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours and you’re done.

After a while, we take out the pieces of salmon and rinse them in water from a jug to wash off excess salt. Then we place it on a napkin (use proven kitchen napkins so that the napkin does not stick to the fish, but only absorbs excess moisture).

Lightly salted salmon in oil

To prepare you need the following ingredients:

  • salmon fillet - 0.8 kg;
  • garlic - 2 small heads;
  • dill - medium bunch;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • pepper - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. 1. Rinse the carcass and dry it well with napkins. Pickle into pieces or cut into small slices.

  2. 2. Peel the garlic, wash it and finely chop it with a knife.

  3. 3. Rinse the dill with water and chop.

  4. 4. Place the fish in a container and salt it, add pepper, chopped garlic and herbs. The fillet should be evenly soaked in spices.

  5. 5. Place the salmon in the refrigerator to soak for 2 hours. After the required time, remove the fish and pour vegetable oil on top.

  6. 6. Place in the refrigerator again for 12 hours, while the container should be covered with cling film.

Salmon prepared according to this recipe is suitable as an appetizer on a holiday table.

lightly salted

There is probably nothing easier to prepare salmon than a recipe for lightly salted salmon.

Salting fish is done very quickly, the meat turns out tasty and moderately salty.

For a good, but most importantly healthy, and tasty snack, a sandwich with such fish is suitable. If you are in a hurry and don’t want to bother with cooking, then the most important ready-made ingredient will already be waiting in the refrigerator; you just need to combine it with other products in the refrigerator to your liking.

The shelf life of such fish in the refrigerator is six or seven days.

Calorie content 214.69 kcal per 100 grams:

Protein 22.51 grams;

Fat 12.66 grams;

Carbohydrates 0.06 grams.

For five or six servings you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 grams of salmon fillet;
  • two heaped tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • one level tablespoon of sugar;
  • 1/3 teaspoon pepper (optional)

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. First prepare the following mixture: salt, sugar and pepper, mix thoroughly. Separate half of these ingredients and pour into a bowl where the fish will be salted.
  2. Next, just put the pieces, skin side down, and pour the remaining mixture on top, cover tightly with cling film, and put in the refrigerator for 14 hours. After the above time has passed, the fish can be taken out and eaten.

Delicious fish in 2 hours

A recipe for quick cooking of salmon will save you when guests are already on the way, but there is no time to cook something special. The fish turns out very tasty.


  • fish fillet - 2 kg;
  • salt - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar 3 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step preparation of salmon:

  1. 1. Peel the salmon, rinse with water and remove excess moisture with a napkin.
  2. 2. Cut the carcass fillet into pieces 3-4 cm wide.
  3. 3. Rub with sugar and salt.
  4. 4. Place the salmon in a salting container and cover with cling film.
  5. 5. Let it brew for 120 minutes.
  6. 6. After this, place in the refrigerator for another 15 minutes to cool.

With lemon juice and allspice

The fish prepared according to this recipe turns out very soft and has a spicy taste. Suitable for sandwiches and salads.


  • salmon - 1 kg;
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • cloves - 2 pcs. ;
  • peppercorns - 3 pcs.;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc. ;
  • allspice - 5 pcs. ;
  • salt - 4 tablespoons.

How to prepare the dish:

  1. 1. Rinse and dry the fish.
  2. 2. Boil water, throw all the spices into it, close the lid and let cool.
  3. 3. Strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth or a sieve.
  4. 4. Add lemon juice to the solution.
  5. 5. Pour brine over the fish and leave in the refrigerator for a day.

Salting with sugar and spices

This method is often used by famous chefs. The resulting meat is suitable for salads or served as a main course.

Products for pickling:

  • 1 kg fillet;
  • 3 tbsp. white sugar;
  • fresh parsley and dill;
  • 1 tsp ground pepper;
  • 1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice;
  • 4 tbsp. coarse salt;
  • 4 bay leaves.

Cooking technique:

  1. Mix salt and pepper and rub the meat with them.
  2. Place it in a saucepan, put bay leaves and chopped herbs on top.
  3. Place the next piece of fish on top and cover it with the rest of the salty mixture.
  4. Pour lemon juice over the salmon.
  5. Place the dish in the refrigerator for 2 days.
  6. It is necessary to turn the fish several times daily.
  7. After salting, clean the fish from spices and cut into pieces.

Salted fish is an excellent appetizer for any holiday or family dinner.

There are many options for salting salmon, but they differ only in the number of components. At home, you can prepare it according to your own recipes, obtaining a variety of flavors by using additional components.

Author: Shalunova Anna

Article design: Anna Vinnitskaya

Recipe for lightly salted salmon in brine

And this is one of our favorite recipes and this is the way we add salt when we prepare holiday dishes. Here we replace sugar with honey, I recommend you try it, it’s very tasty.

And in this way you can salt absolutely any red salmon; sometimes we use pink salmon, which is indistinguishable from salmon.


  • Salmon fillet - 1 kg (approximately);
  • Dill greens;
  • Ground black pepper to taste;
  • Water - 1 l;
  • Honey - 150 g;
  • Coarse salt - 150 g.

Step 1.

Defrost the fillet. Just don’t do this in the microwave or hot water. This way there is a chance of boiling the fish.

We divided the fillet itself into two parts to make it easier to marinate.

Step 2.

When the meat is almost defrosted, put water on the stove to heat. As soon as the water boils, add salt and stir well. Then remove from heat.

Step 3.

Cool the water a little and add honey, mix everything well.

Step 4.

Now prepare a deep container and place the salmon fillet there, skin side down. And place sprigs of dill on top.

Sprinkle some ground pepper on top to taste. And close with the second piece of fillet.

Step 5.

Cool the brine to about 30 degrees and pour in the fish.

Then press down with a small weight, cover with film and put in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Then we take it out of the refrigerator, change the pieces of fish in places and put them in the refrigerator again for 24 hours, only after this we get lightly salted fish with a piquant taste.

Step 6.

After 48 hours of marinating, remove the fish from the brine and remove excess moisture with paper towels. Afterwards you can immediately use it, for example, in the form of a beautiful snack, cut into thin slices.

That. What we don’t use right away, wrap it in film and store it in the refrigerator, but no more than 1 week. Bon appetit!

Simple recipe

This is a classic way to cook salmon. The recipe is suitable for salting any fish.


  • salmon - 700 g;
  • table salt - 2 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tsp.


  • Cut the fish. Make a small incision near the main bone, carefully removing the costal bones. In one hand there remains 2 parts of the fish, and on the board there is a ready-cut fillet.

  • Do the same with the other piece, removing all the interfering bones.

  • Using your hands, pull out all the bones that are in the flesh of the fish. For convenience, you can use tweezers.

  • Remove the skin and meat along the ridge. Otherwise, it will take a very long time to salt out.

  • Do the same with the abdomen. The result should be neat and even pieces.

  • Rinse the fish again with cold water and dry with paper towels.

  • Prepare the dishes where the salmon will be salted.

  • In a separate bowl, combine salt and granulated sugar. To stir thoroughly.

  • Sprinkle the finished mixture onto the bottom of the container.

  • Place the fish, sprinkling the pickling mixture on all sides so that it is covered in the mixture. Do the same with the second piece.

  • Using cling film, close the container. The salmon must breathe, so you need to make several punctures in the film with a toothpick. Place in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

  • After the specified time, remove from the refrigerator and remove the cling film. It’s easy to remove excess salt; just rinse it a little with cold water. Then pat dry with paper towels.

  • Cut into slices and serve.


The taste of the fish needs to be adjusted to suit you. If you need highly salted fish, then leave it for 2-3 days. The salmon turns out very tasty, elastic, aromatic.

Step-by-step method for salting fish with lemon

Next, I offer a recipe for pickling with lemon. The delicate taste of citrus will overcome the sharp fishy smell and make the fillet noticeably softer. In addition, if it is present, the salting process proceeds better and faster.


  • Fresh salmon - 250 gr.;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Powdered sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • Salt - 1-2 teaspoons.

Cooking method:

1. You can either cut fish fillet yourself or buy it ready-made in the store. Rinse it under running cold water, blot off excess moisture with a dry towel and remove the bones.

2. To salt a piece weighing 250 g, a teaspoon of salt is usually enough. However, you can increase this amount according to your taste preferences.

3. Mix salt and powdered sugar in a separate container. Take a lemon and squeeze the required amount of juice out of it.

4. Sprinkle the fillet with this mixture and rub lightly.

5. The same must be done on the other side and sides.

6. After this, place the fish in a glass or enamel bowl and pour over lemon juice. Cover with film and refrigerate for 12 hours. After this time, turn the pieces over and leave for the same amount.

7. The dish is ready. Tender pieces of lightly salted salmon can be served.

With lemon

And you don’t even have to be a great cook to cook such dishes without ever spoiling them. All you need is desire, enthusiasm, fresh fish and a little time, and you can’t go anywhere without our healthy recipes.

This recipe does not require any super culinary skills, everything is easy. Just about forty minutes and the dish is ready.

Calorie content 136.30 kcal per 100 grams:

Protein 20.98 grams;

Fat 5.80 grams;

Carbohydrates 0.08 grams.

For five or six servings you need to purchase the following products:

  • 600 grams of salmon;
  • one large lemon;
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil;
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary.

Cooking process:

  1. The first thing you need to do according to the recipe is to sprinkle the cut pieces of fish on both sides with lemon juice.
  2. Second, place lemon slices on the prepared sheet of foil, and salmon on top, sprinkle with rosemary and drizzle with olive oil. Wrap it in an envelope so that there are no holes and the juice does not escape.
  3. Third, put in an oven preheated to 180 C degrees for 35 minutes, but if the pieces are not large, then for 20 minutes to prevent the fish from drying out.

Recipe for delicious lightly salted salmon in orange juice

Another extraordinary combination is salmon with orange juice. At first glance it may seem strange, but believe me, as soon as you try what you get, this recipe will immediately be written down as one of your favorites. Its undeniable advantage is its high cooking speed.


  • Salmon - 1 kg;
  • Cumin - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Orange - 3 pcs.;
  • Ground coriander - 1 tsp;
  • Salt - 100 gr.;
  • Dill - optional.

Cooking method:

1. Remove all bones from the fillet, even the smallest ones. You need to leave the skin on - this way the fish turns out juicier and tastier.

2. Chop the dill. Mash the cumin and coriander using a spoon or something heavy. It is not advisable to grind them into powder. Next, squeeze the orange juice into a separate container and, putting it on the fire, reduce it by half.

Place the fish in layers in glass or enamel-coated dishes. Sprinkle with spices, salt and pour cooled orange juice on top.

3. Cover the container with a napkin, leave the fillet in a warm place for about an hour, and then put it in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. When serving, cut the fish into thin slices and garnish with sprigs of herbs.

Lightly salted salmon at home

It’s not difficult to prepare tasty and tender fish for a sandwich. The recipe is quite quick and easy, and the taste of the fish is simply amazing. See for yourself!


  • Salmon – 1 kilogram (fillet)
  • Sea salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Cognac - 1 tbsp. spoon (optional)
  • Ground black pepper - 0.5 teaspoons
  • Bay leaf – 2 pieces

Number of servings: 1

How to cook “salt salmon at home”

We check the fish for bones; if any are found, remove them. Cut the fillet into pieces of the required width, sprinkle with cognac and place skin side down in a box in which we will salt the fish. Cognac will give the fish elasticity and a piquant taste. Mix salt and sugar. If you don't have sea salt, you can use regular rock salt. Carefully sprinkle the salmon pieces with a mixture of salt and sugar. No need to rub anything in! Then sprinkle the fish with ground black pepper. Finely chop the bay leaf and sprinkle it on the fish too. Turn the fish over, skin side up, and put it in a cool place under a press for 12 hours. But if you have a very soft, inelastic fish, you don’t need a press. After 12 hours, drain the resulting brine, turn the fish over to the other side and send it to a cold place for another 6-8 hours.

How to salt salmon according to GOST

To put it another way, the presented recipe is a true pickling classic. Of the ingredients, we will need only 2 products, and then bulk ones. Anyone can cook this fish, so don’t hesitate and start cooking.


We will already use ready-made fillets, so if you have a whole fish, then cut it up and proceed to the recipe.


  • Salmon fillet – 1 pc.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

1. Cut off the abdominal part of the fillet, if any, and also run your finger along the meat in places where there may be bones and, if found, remove them using tweezers.

2. Prepare the curing mixture by combining all bulk products.

You can further adjust the proportions to your liking. For example, it may seem that there is not enough sugar, in which case add more product next time, etc.

3. Lay a piece of cling film on the table, in which we will then wrap everything, and place the fish on it. Take the curing mixture and visually divide it into 2 parts. Sprinkle each of them on both sides of the fillet.

4. At the end, all that remains is to tightly wrap a piece of fillet with cling film and put it in the refrigerator to salt for 1 day.

The next day, open the salmon and remove excess salt from the surface with the back of a knife (we will not rinse). Then we simply cut the fillet into the desired pieces and use it for its intended purpose. It's simple and fast! Enjoy!

Lightly salted salmon with beets

Required components:

  • Salmon fillet - 400 g;
  • Beets - 1 piece;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Vodka - 20 ml;
  • Dill - 1 bunch;
  • Tangerine zest.

Lightly salted salmon with beets: step-by-step recipe with photos

Cooking process:

  1. First of all, wash the beets, peel them and cut them into smaller pieces, then put them in the blender bowl.
  2. Add tangerine zest, salt, sugar and vodka to a blender.
  3. Grind the contents of the blender into a homogeneous mass.
  4. Place foil on a work surface, cover the foil with cling film.
  5. Place the salmon fillet on cling film and cover it with marinade on top, then distribute the marinade throughout the fish and wrap it well in cling film and foil.
  6. Fish in foil should be placed in a container, as it may leak. Place it in the refrigerator and leave for approximately 30-36 hours.
  7. After this time, the fish can be eaten, but it will be even tastier if you finely chop the dill, sprinkle the fish with dill, pour tangerine juice on top and leave for another 8 hours.
  8. When the fish is ready, wipe it with a towel and, if necessary, remove excess spices.

Lightly salted salmon with cognac

Required components:

  • Chilled salmon - 1 kg;
  • Sea salt - 1.5 tbsp;
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp;
  • Cognac - 1-2 tbsp;
  • Freshly ground pepper - to taste;
  • Bay leaf - to taste.

Lightly salted salmon with cognac: step-by-step recipe with photos

Cooking process:

  1. First you need to wash the fish, remove everything unnecessary: ​​the backbone and bones.
  2. The next step is to place the fish, skin side down, in a bowl or some other form and sprinkle with cognac. This is done to ensure that the fish is elastic, retains its shape, and also for flavor.
  3. In a separate container, mix salt and sugar and sprinkle the fish pieces well with this mixture.
  4. Next, the pieces of fish should be peppered and a bay leaf should be crumbled on top.
  5. Turn the fish skin side up and put the refrigerator under pressure for a day. The press can be a heavy pan or a jar of water.
  6. After a day, drain the water from the container, remove the press and leave it in the refrigerator for another day.
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