Omelette with milk and egg - 9 step-by-step recipes

It turns out that omelette is an international dish. It is prepared in almost every country in the world. True, the recipes and names are somewhat different. For example, the Italians have frittata, the Japanese have omuretsu, and the Spaniards have tortilla. And the Russian, national omelet with milk is called drachena.

There are several hypotheses for the appearance of this dish. According to one of them, such food was prepared in ancient Rome. Only in those early days it was made from eggs and honey. And served as dessert. But whether they fried it on the fire, boiled it or ate it raw, history is silent here.

However, French chefs unanimously claim that this dish comes from France. They have their own rules and peculiarities of its preparation. For example, when whipping, you cannot use a whisk or mixer. All operations must be performed exclusively with a fork.

Today it is simply impossible to say exactly who invented such a delicacy. And since this dish is so popular, let’s cook it together. And in today’s article I will share with you the most delicious methods and some cooking secrets. Well, shall we get started?

Classic recipe for an omelet made from eggs and milk in a frying pan

An omelet according to the classic recipe is prepared from only two components - eggs and milk. The mixture also adds a little salt. Simple and delicious. You can cook it in a frying pan, or you can bake it in the oven.

What you will need:


We develop the eggs into a deep plate. Try to do this as carefully as possible so that the shell does not get there, otherwise you will have to fish it out later. And this activity, believe me, is not pleasant.

Salt to taste. And we begin to gently whisk the mass. Add milk to the mixture and mix everything thoroughly again with a whisk. As a result, you should get a mass that is homogeneous in consistency.

At this stage, if necessary, you can add sausage or herbs, or diced tomatoes.

Place the frying pan with oil on the fire and heat it up. When it is hot enough, reduce the heat to low and pour in the egg mixture.

Cover the pan with a lid and cook the omelette over low heat for about 10 minutes. Then carefully transfer the yummy onto a plate and serve.

Now are you convinced that an omelet with milk and egg in a frying pan is very easy to prepare? By the way, if you wish, before serving, you can decorate it with sprigs of herbs or sprinkle with chopped green onions. This will make it even tastier and healthier.

Recipe for a lush and airy omelette with flour and cheese

If you add flour to the ingredients, the omelette will hold its shape well. This is very convenient if you plan to bend or turn it over during cooking. As, for example, in this original recipe.



  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Milk – 50 ml
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Hard cheese - to taste
  • Butter for frying


1. Combine eggs, milk, salt and sifted wheat flour in a deep bowl.

2. Whisk the mixture thoroughly to ensure that there are no lumps left.

3. Pour the mixture into a frying pan greased with butter and fry for 5 minutes over low heat without covering with a lid.

4. Then pour pre-grated cheese onto one half and cover it with the other half.

5. Wait a couple of minutes for the cheese to melt and remove the pan from the heat.

This omelet turns out darker than a regular one. Don't be alarmed, it's not burnt, the color comes from the flour added to the egg mixture.

Recipe for a fluffy omelet like in kindergarten

The taste of this dish mentally transports me to distant childhood. I don’t know about you, but in kindergarten we were often spoiled with this dish. It went away with a bang. I still like omelet with milk cooked in the oven. I think that's why I make it so often. Some people prefer to fry in a pan.

In my opinion, it’s healthier to bake in the oven. This dish is even considered dietary.

It turns out to be less calorie than what is fried with butter in a frying pan. Plus the recipe is quite simple. The omelette in the oven is as fluffy as in kindergarten, believe me, it’s very easy to prepare.

What you will need:


Break the eggs into a bowl. Add milk here, and then add salt to it all. Using a whisk, gently mix the ingredients until smooth. Movements should be smooth and gentle.

Do not whip it into foam under any circumstances!

Pour the mixture into a deep heat-resistant form, pre-greased with butter.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. And place the form in it on the middle level. Recommended baking time is 30 minutes. The oven must not be opened at this time.

After half an hour, open the oven and carefully remove the pan. By then the omelette will be fluffy and rosy.

Let it cool slightly and cut it into portions, and then transfer it to plates. That's all, the yummy is ready.

By the way, omelet is good both hot and cold. Which option do you prefer?

How to cook a fluffy omelette with milk

Not every housewife manages to prepare a fluffy, tender and tall omelette. There are several secrets that are worth using when cooking. Firstly, we don’t beat the eggs, just stir them. Secondly, there must be the correct ratio of eggs and milk (1 piece per 50 ml). Thirdly, the baking dish should be small, but always with high sides. And then you will certainly get that omelet from childhood.

We will need:

  • eggs - 6 pcs.
  • milk - 300 ml.
  • butter - 20 gr.
  • salt

Lush recipe in the oven with milk and cheese

This “casserole” can be a great option for breakfast. It tastes very delicate with a porous structure. And the dish has a pleasant milky aroma, which is no wonder, since it is prepared with milk. I am sure that you will also like the taste of the dish. Well, meat lovers can make this omelet with sausage and cheese.

What you will need:


Break the eggs into a bowl and mix lightly with a whisk. Pour milk here.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a whisk. The mass should be homogeneous in consistency. Add some salt to the mixture and add cheese here. Then mix everything well again.

We wash the greens and finely chop them with a knife. Next, add it to the total mass and mix everything again. Pour the egg mixture into a heat-resistant glass mold. Then we put the container in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for about 20 minutes.

Then we take this yummy out of the oven, let it cool slightly and put it on serving plates.

You can serve this fluffy omelette with lettuce or other fresh vegetables. This will make this dish tastier, more nutritious and healthier.

Recipe for egg omelet with cheese and zucchini flowers

Zucchini Blossom Omelette is a quick and easy summer dish. Simple ingredients, eggs, cheese and of course squash flowers to create a dish everyone loves for its color and flavor.

Preparation time: 10 min. Cooking time: 10 min. Total time: 20 min.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 6 zucchini flowers
  • 4 eggs
  • 25 g grated cheese
  • 1 tablespoon milk
  • salt
  • pepper
  • olive oil

Omelette with milk and zucchini cheese

Wash and clean the zucchini flowers, remove the stem and central pistil.

Beat eggs into a bowl, pour milk, add salt, pepper and grated cheese. Beat the mixture with a fork or whisk.

Heat a little olive oil in a non-stick frying pan, then pour 2/3 of the egg mixture into it.

Add the zucchini flowers, arrange them from the center in the shape of a star, then fill with the remaining egg mixture.

Cook over medium heat until browned, then use a spatula to turn the omelette over to the other side and cook for a couple more minutes.

When everything is ready, transfer the omelet with the zucchini flower to a plate, cut into portions, and serve. Everything is simple and original.

In a frying pan with sausage and tomatoes

This incredibly tasty dish will captivate you from the first bite. I think it will become your family’s favorite breakfast or dinner option. Preparing an omelet is very simple. Unless, before making this dish, you need to stock up on all the ingredients.

What you will need:


Wash the peeled onion and cut into thin slices. Wash the tomato and cut into arbitrary pieces.

Cut the sausage into thin slices. We wash the parsley, let it dry a little and chop it with a knife. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

Break the eggs into a bowl and beat with a fork until smooth. Add milk here and mix everything. We enrich the mixture with salt, soda and spices. After this, mix everything thoroughly again.

Place a deep frying pan on the stove, pour vegetable oil into it and heat it. Lightly fry the onion on it.

When the onion becomes “transparent”, add the sausage and chopped garlic cloves to the frying pan. After this, fry everything for about a minute.

Next, the tomatoes are placed in a frying pan and soy sauce is poured over it all. Continue to simmer until the tomatoes become soft.

Pour in the egg-milk mixture evenly. Then cover the frying pan with a lid. Fry over low heat for about 20 minutes. Finally, sprinkle with grated cheese. Next, pepper the top of the omelette and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Simmer the dish for a couple more minutes under a closed lid over low heat, and the yummy is ready. Now you know how to properly prepare a delicious omelette. It’s very easy to make, right? With vegetables in the oven

How to fry an omelette in a frying pan

First of all, you need to use quality products. You cannot make a tasty omelet from bad or stale eggs. If it is not possible to purchase homemade ones, you should choose selected or dietary ones in the store. Fresh eggs do not have a shiny shell, and in water they sink to the bottom in a matter of seconds.

For frying, it is better to take butter with a fat content of at least 82%. Even refined vegetable oil will not give the dish a pleasant melting consistency.

Chefs consider omelettes to be a very capricious dish, so containers with uneven or too thin bottoms can be safely set aside. It is advisable to cook in a cast iron frying pan with a non-stick coating. Such dishes heat up evenly, maintaining the optimal temperature.

During cooking, the omelette must be covered with a lid, which must have a hole. If excess moisture does not evaporate, the dish will turn out watery.

Eggs for omelettes should only be beaten with a fork or whisk. Intensive stirring with a mixer or blender will destroy the structure of the product, so the dish will not rise.

For a dietary omelet, it is recommended to use only whites, and to obtain a dense structure, it is better to use yolks. If you want to make a soufflé omelet, beat the chilled whites into a fluffy foam, then add the yolks and the remaining ingredients. It is necessary to fry the omelette immediately, without leaving the combined products in the bowl, otherwise the dish will be flat. If you are interested in a recipe for how to properly fry eggs, you can find out in our article on how to fry eggs.

How to fry an omelette in a frying pan step by step with photos

To prepare you will need:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 4 tbsp. l. milk or cream;
  • salt to taste;
  • 20 g butter.

Cream or milk can be replaced with meat broth, fermented baked milk, kefir, mayonnaise and even sour cream. The ingredients must be mixed at a ratio of 1:1. For one egg you need to take 1 tbsp. l. fermented milk product. Some recipes contain recommendations to add 1.5 tbsp. l. flour or semolina for 4 eggs to make the omelette fluffy. However, French chefs do not advise spoiling the dish, preserving its natural taste.


We will need eggs, cream or milk, salt and butter for frying.


Break the eggs into a bowl in which it will be convenient to beat the omelet.


The recipe contains 4 eggs, but you can increase the quantity according to your needs, not forgetting that in this case you will also need more milk.


Beat the eggs with a whisk or fork until smooth; some housewives use a blender (but if you believe the advice of chefs, this option will not rise well).


Add salt to taste, beat all ingredients again.


Add milk or cream and stir.


Grease a preheated frying pan with butter.


Pour in the egg-milk mixture.


As soon as the egg mass is in the pan, cover with a lid.


It is advisable to cook the omelet over high heat for the first few seconds. As soon as the egg mass begins to rise, the heat intensity should be reduced to a minimum level. Leave the omelette to simmer under the roof until done.


The omelette turned out to be a beautiful golden color.


Can be served as a separate dish or with a side dish.


Cut into portions and serve.

How to fry an omelet with milk

Do not overuse the liquid component when preparing a dish. Milk adds fluffiness to the omelette, so it is tempting to pour in more of it than required. The result is a shapeless mass or a watery dish. The proportions must be strictly observed:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. milk of any fat content;
  • salt to taste;
  • 10 g butter.

How to fry an omelette with milk step by step

It is advisable to remove all products from the refrigerator half an hour before cooking, otherwise the omelette will not rise.

  1. Beat the eggs with a fork or whisk until smooth.
  2. Add salt, add milk, mix again.
  3. While the liquid ingredients are being whipped, you need to place the frying pan on the stove and melt the butter in it.
  4. Pour in the egg-milk mixture and cover the pan with a lid.
  5. As soon as the omelette rises, reduce the heat to low and fry the dish until done.
  6. Cut into portions and serve.

If the omelette base begins to burn but the top remains runny, lift the base or pierce it with a spatula. This will allow the liquid to drain into the pan without burning the dish.

How to fry an omelette correctly

France is considered to be the birthplace of the omelet, but even in ancient Rome, eggs were prepared according to a similar recipe. The difference was the addition of honey, since the dish was a dessert. The modern recipe actually came from France:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 15 g butter;
  • salt.

How to fry an omelette correctly, main recommendations

For cooking, use a frying pan with a thick bottom, and beat the eggs with a regular fork. There are no extra spices or dairy additives in the classic recipe.

  1. Beat eggs, add salt.
  2. Pour the mixture into a preheated frying pan in which the butter has already been melted.
  3. Cover with a lid and simmer until done.

The omelet turns out dense and not fluffy, but we have a different cooking option that has taken root. Favorite spices, cheese, sausage, bell peppers and even tomatoes are added to eggs.

However, it is important to follow the basic recommendations:

  1. Use only butter.
  2. For 1 egg take 1 tbsp. l. fermented milk product or broth.
  3. The omelette is fried in a frying pan with a thick bottom, which is covered with a lid with a small hole during cooking.
  4. When preparing the egg mixture, do not use a mixer or blender.

Cooking scrambled eggs with vegetables and cheese in the oven

The second name of this dish is “Frittata”. It is prepared with vegetables and cheese. Typically, this “casserole” is made for breakfast or served as a light dinner. You can add here any vegetables that you have in the refrigerator, for example, zucchini, celery, and so on, filling it all with egg mixture. Want to know how to make a healthy Frittata? Watch this video.

How delicious! And it's so quick and easy to prepare. By the way, you can not only cook an omelet with vegetables. But use fresh vegetables, as a kind of side dish for an omelette.

How to beat egg and milk mixture

A fluffy, tasty and melt-in-your-mouth omelette - this is the kind of appetizer every housewife wants. True, not everyone succeeds and on the plates, instead of a fluffy omelette, there is a tight, dry mass. Of course, such an appetizer can be embellished with herbs, vegetables and cheese, but it is best to learn all the intricacies of preparing the dish.

To beat eggs, it is better to use a regular fork or whisk, but not a mixer or blender, such kitchen appliances destroy the structure of the constituent eggs. A more fluffy omelette can be obtained only from proteins, and the dish will be dietary. Adding yolks gives the omelette a thicker consistency.

Professional chefs recommend whipping the whites first, and only then adding the yolks and other ingredients. The most important thing is to prepare the omelette immediately after whipping its components, leaving the whipped mass even for a minute; you can forget about the splendor of the omelette.

Milk is used in the recipe for taste and fluffiness, but you should not overuse it, otherwise the omelette will simply fall off from excess liquid. Instead of milk, you can take more sour drinks, with which your snack will come out airy and high. A light and incredibly fluffy omelette can also be made using mineral water. To give the snack shape and maintain volume, you can add a little soda, starch, semolina or yeast. True, French chefs are of the opinion that an omelette should not rise, so they do not add anything.

Quick French breakfast with cheese

The French even had an omelette holiday. It was celebrated by shepherds from the Alpine mountains. The celebration fell on the sunniest day of the year. During such a celebration, everyone had to bake an omelette in a frying pan, and then a solemn procession with these “cakes” began along the village streets.

By the way, the French are very scrupulous about preparing omelettes. They believe that a special frying pan should be used for this. And you can’t cook anything else in it. I think that with a less principled approach to choosing a frying pan, the omelette will turn out no worse. Therefore, nothing will stop you from enjoying an incredibly delicious morning meal.

What you will need:


Break the eggs into a bowl and add salt. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

Beat the eggs well with a whisk. The mass should be homogeneous in consistency.

Heat a frying pan on the stove. Melt butter on it. And pour the eggs here.

Fry until the bottom part is set. Next, sprinkle grated cheese on one edge of the omelette. And roll the pancake into a roll.

This delicacy is best served hot. With tomatoes, cucumbers, green peas or other vegetables. And on top you need to decorate with sprigs of greenery. Luxurious breakfast, right?

Features of preparing an omelet

You can make an omelet in different ways, not only in a frying pan, but even in the microwave. The taste depends on the quality of the eggs. It is advisable to use homemade eggs for the dish, but if this is not possible, then buy dietary or selected table eggs. You can determine the freshness of eggs by the shell; it should not be shiny, and the egg itself should not be very light in weight.

The easiest way to find out if your eggs are fresh is to take a glass of water and dip it in the product; if the egg is fresh, it will immediately sink.

In the oven

Traditionally, the omelette was baked on large roasting pans, then cut into pieces and served. Many housewives prefer to bake an omelette in the oven, because it is in the oven that the appetizer can be made fluffy.

For baking, it is better to use a cast iron or glass pan; the omelette will not burn in them and will cook evenly. When exposed to hot air, the mass will rise, so choose a shape with high sides. To prevent the snack from burning, it should be baked at low temperatures, a maximum of 180 degrees. Baking time depends on the recipe itself.

During cooking, it is forbidden to open the oven slightly; in this case, the omelette simply will not rise and will not bake well. The finished dish should be given time to cool directly in the oven (8-10 minutes).

In a frying pan

Omelet is a light dish, but capricious and does not want to be cooked properly in a poor frying pan, which has a thin and uneven bottom. Therefore, the best option would be cast iron utensils with a high-quality non-stick coating. It would also be a good idea to have a lid with a small steam hole to prevent the snack from turning out watery.

Many housewives fry omelettes in refined oil, but you can only get an aromatic, tasty dish with a creamy taste using ghee. The main thing is that it is of high quality.

We begin to fry the omelette over high heat; as soon as the mass rises, we cover and reduce the flame so that the omelette stops frying and begins to simmer. If the mass on the bottom is already burning, but the top is still wet, then simply pierce the omelette with a fork or carefully lift it with a spatula, then the liquid will flow down and the dish will stop burning.

For a couple

Steamed omelette is an ideal dish for the youngest gourmets, as well as for people on a diet. Without a drop of oil, you can make the appetizer fluffy and tasty.

For steam omelettes, a double boiler, a slow cooker or a regular water bath are suitable. Due to exposure to low temperatures, all the nutritional properties remain in the appetizer, and the dish itself turns out airy and tender.

If you don’t have a double boiler or similar equipment at home, then simply take a container with a thick bottom, pour water to the middle and lower the pan with the whipped mass, cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 25-35 minutes. It is better to choose a metal form for omelet and when lowering it into the pan, its bottom should touch the liquid, but not plunge into it.

You can make a steamed omelet using a regular plastic bag. To do this, pour the egg mixture into a bag, tie it and place it in a saucepan with bubbling water for 15 minutes. Afterwards, cut the bag and place the finished snack on a plate.

Dietary dish of eggs with vegetables

This dish is the best option for those who not only love to eat delicious food, but also care about their health. It is prepared in a slow cooker. This means that the omelette is essentially steamed. This breakfast is good for both children and adults.

What you will need:


Break the eggs into a bowl. Pour in the milk and add three tablespoons of flour.

Gently mix this whole mass with a whisk. The mixture should be homogeneous, without lumps. Salt and add crushed black pepper. Mix everything again, then set the bowl aside.

When preparing an omelet, do not beat the eggs with a mixer or blender.

Chop the mushrooms into thin slices. I have fresh champignons. But you can take other mushrooms and they can be frozen or canned.

Spinach leaves are washed and dried, cut into smaller pieces. Grate the cheese on a medium grater.

Place grated cheese and spinach into the omelette base. We also add mushrooms here and mix everything well with a spatula.

Pour vegetable oil into the bowl. And add the base for the omelette here. Place the bowl in the multicooker. We set the unit to the “Baking” mode.

After 5 minutes from the start of cooking, open the lid of the multicooker and add the chopped tomato into pieces into the bowl.

Half an hour after the start of baking, remove the bowl from the multicooker and transfer the “casserole” to a plate.

Diet omelette with vegetables is ready. It can be eaten both hot and cold. By the way, about vegetables. Feel free to experiment by adding bell peppers, canned corn or green peas. Don't be afraid to modify the recipe. This certainly won’t make the dish any worse.

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