TOP 8 perfect recipes for apple chips that you can’t buy in the store


It seems that recently new unusual chips appeared on the shelves - apple ones. They are healthy, interesting, flavorful, but cost a fortune. Is it possible that the cost of creating this dessert reaches several thousand rubles per kilo? I do not believe! Let's try to make apple chips at home together and calculate how much they will cost? We present to your attention many variations on how, in what and with what to preserve the unique apple taste for the winter.

  • How to choose the right apples?
  • How to make apple chips at home? In the oven
  • Microwave
  • In an electric dryer
  • Without special devices
  • What can you add to apple chips?
  • Syrup or honey glaze
  • Oil
  • Sugar and powder
  • The benefits and harms of the workpiece
  • Storage conditions and shelf life
  • Costing
  • How to choose the right apples?

    Whatever your neighbors or bloggers advise you, you can take any apples for drying. Those that grow in your garden or were purchased at the market from grandmothers are better suited. In the first case, drying is an excellent way to prepare all these fruits, of which there is simply darkness in the garden in the autumn. In the second case, it’s good to take several varieties so that you can then compare which chips taste better to you. Summer varieties make delicious chips without any additives. It is better to sprinkle autumn or winter varieties of fruit with sugar and cinnamon to complement the sourness and make the preparation more aromatic.

    It is correct to choose apples not by variety, but by quality. Rotten fruits or carrion are not suitable. They will attract a huge number of insects (ants, fruit flies) and give a tasty result.

    Potato chips for a picnic: recipe

    Children's favorite treat in nature. For a “bag” of chips you will need 4 potatoes, a liter of water, 2 tbsp soy sauce. spoons, flour 3 tbsp. spoons, half a liter of oil for frying.

    The simplest recipe


    • Shred potatoes
    • Pour marinade of water, sauce and salt over it
    • Leave for an hour
    • Prepare paper towels and lay them out in an even layer
    • Dry
    • Dip in flour and place in deep fryer

    After frying, drain in a colander to drain excess fat. Bon appetit!

    How to make apple chips at home?

    The first step in making apple crisps at home is preparation. Fruits should be thoroughly washed and dried. Next, it's a good idea to use a tool to core the apple. Fruits, peeled from internal seeds, should be thinly sliced.

    Removing the core of the apple is optional. If you do not touch the seeds, a beautiful even star will be visible on the cut of the fruit. An interesting pattern gives the homemade product a “store-bought gloss”.

    The thinner the slices, the faster they dry and the better they will be stored. Therefore, it is important to cut the pieces of the same thickness and not broken. The ideal option is to choose an electric slicer, which will make harvesting even 20 kg of apples a pleasure. The device will cut fruit quickly and to the specified thickness.

    What other cutting tools can you use:

    • regular knife;
    • knife for curly cutting;
    • manual vegetable cutter;
    • grater with a large hole.

    Any of these devices will do, but will take some time from the owner.

    When slicing fruit for drying, the slice thickness should be 2-3 mm.

    In the oven

    While not every home has special dryers, every housewife can boast of an oven. Therefore, to prepare a healthy snack, we recommend that you first pay attention to the oven. You should take wide baking sheets, which usually come with the gas stove or oven itself. It’s better to cover them with baking paper so that you don’t have to worry about washing off the sweet burn.

    Thin slices of fruit are laid out on paper in one layer. If you are using autumn sour fruits, you can sprinkle the slices with a mixture of powdered sugar and ground cinnamon, but do not overdo it. You just need to powder the workpiece, and not sprinkle it generously. Several baking sheets are inserted into the oven at a time, but depending on the type of heating, the bottom or top apples will turn out more rosy.

    Dry fruits for 2 hours at 100℃. An hour after drying, you need to take out the baking sheet and turn over each apple circle. When baking, it is recommended to keep the oven slightly open so that the fruit is dried and not baked.


    The microwave oven allows you to make quick chips, now we’ll tell you how. Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Unpeeled apples are cut into thin slices. Place them slightly overlapping on a paper napkin on a plate. It is important that the plate does not have a metal pattern, and that it itself is not metal or with foil.
    2. To taste, the slices are sprinkled with vanilla, vanilla sugar or cinnamon. In principle, you can mix other spices - cardamom, ginger, star anise, mint, citrus zest.
    3. The power is set to 1000 W for 5 minutes.
    4. Hot chips are removed from the paper and cooled. A completely cooled delicacy should be stored in a dry, sealed container, or better yet, not stored and tasted immediately.

    In an electric dryer

    Making apple chips in an electric dryer couldn't be easier. You will need washed and towel-dried fruits and a knife. Apples should be cut into thin slices and placed on trays in one layer. Drying apple slices 2-3 mm thick requires 7 hours at a temperature of 50℃.

    As it dries, it is recommended to rearrange the trays so that the fruit pieces dry at the same time. In this case, the lower pallet is placed on top, and the upper one moves down. The middle trays also need to be rearranged.

    Without special devices

    Yes, yes, it was our grandmothers and great-grandmothers who dried fruit chips without any special equipment. Of course, this is unlikely to be repeated in a city apartment, but the method is interesting.

    Thin slices of fruit are placed on a wide baking sheet (preferably cast iron). Everything is covered with a single layer of gauze (protection from insects) and placed in the hot sun. No, no, not directly at the star!

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