Translation of “potatoes” into Tatar: “bәrәңge”
potatoes: | bәrәңge |
I want potatoes | Min telim bәrңge source complain |
we plant potatoes
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Russian-Tatar online translator and dictionary
The state language of the Republic of Tatarstan and the second most common language in the Russian Federation. Tatar is spoken by over 5 million people living in the national republic, as well as in Bashkortostan, Udmurtia, Mordovia and other regions of the Russian Federation. In Tatarstan, the full functioning of the national language is ensured by teaching in educational institutions, in particular, at Kazan University, teaching in Tatar has been introduced in the law, philology and journalism departments. Numerous printed publications, television and radio programs, etc. contribute to maintaining the language.
Kinship terms in Tatar
For a Tatar, family ties are a special component of the family as such. No wonder, because only the person who has a large family and many good relatives can be happy. However, if you start to figure out who is related to whom in the family, you can get pretty confused in the terminology of kinship in Tatar. Most likely, many have not even heard the exact names of close and distant relatives, because today they are used less and less in everyday life. But there are often situations (in particular, marriage) when knowledge of such terms is extremely necessary. Let's try to understand the complex picture of intertwined family ties and look into the dictionary of family relations in the Tatar language!
grandmother | abi |
brother (younger) | ene |
older brother) | either |
grandson | onyk |
great-nephew | bertugannyng onygy |
granddaughter | onyka |
great niece | tudykanyng kyzy |
cousin (younger) | Tugannan Tugan Sengel |
cousin (elder) | Tugannan Tugan Apa |
cousin (brother or sister) | Tugannan Tugan |
cousin (younger) | Tugannan Tugan Ene |
cousin (elder) | tugannan tugan aby |
cousin | Tudyka |
great-nephew | tudykanyng uly |
brother-in-law (husband's brother, younger in age) | kaenene |
brother-in-law (husband's brother, older in age) | kaenaga |
grandfather | babai |
daughter | kyz |
uncle (parent's brother) | paragraph |
uncle (blood aunt's husband) | life |
wife | Khatyn |
sister-in-law (husband's sister, younger in age) | kaensengel |
sister-in-law (husband's sister, older in age) | kaenigach |
son-in-law (daughter's husband) | kiyau |
brother-in-law (sister's husband, younger in age) | kiyau |
brother-in-law (sister's husband, older in age) | life |
blood relative | Kardash |
mother | ana |
stepmother | ougi ana |
husband | ir |
daughter-in-law (brother's wife, younger in age) | kylen |
daughter-in-law (brother's wife, older in age) | gings |
father | ata |
stepfather | Oogi ata |
nephew | bertugannyng uly |
niece | bertugannyng kyzy |
generation (knee) | buyun |
offspring | populated |
ancestors | ata-baba |
genus | yrug |
parents | ata-ana |
sibling (brother or sister) | bertugan |
relative | tugan |
matchmaker | code |
matchmaker (parents of husband and wife among themselves) | when |
father-in-law | kaenata |
mother-in-law | caeana |
brother-in-law (sister-in-law's husband) | badja |
sister-in-law (wife's sister, younger in age) | bastard |
sister-in-law (wife's sister, older in age) | kaenapa |
sister (younger) | sengel |
elder sister) | apa |
orphan | uxez |
daughter-in-law (son's wife) | kylen |
son | street (corner) |
father-in-law | kaenata |
aunt (wife of blood uncle) | gings |
aunt (parent's sister) | tutie |
mother-in-law | kaenana |
brother-in-law (wife's brother, younger in age) | Caenish |
brother-in-law (wife's brother, older in age) | kaenaga |
Kinship terms are part of the oldest vocabulary of the Tatar language and act as the most important indicator of close social ties. The fundamental principle of relationships within the Tatar family is differentiation by seniority into “senior – junior”. As in many other languages, in Tatar the term of kinship directly depends on whether the relative you are addressing is older or younger than you. Moreover, Tatar speech etiquette involves a peculiar way of addressing a relative, in particular, using the term of kinship - ata (father), ana (mother), abi (grandmother), khatyn (wife). At the same time, as a rule, addressing relatives and close acquaintances is always on a first-name basis. To make it easier to navigate in the future what people with whom you have family ties are called in Tatar, we advise you to carefully read the above list of Tatar names of close and distant relatives. We hope our list helped you understand the intricacies of family ties!
History of the Tatar language
At the origins of the Tatar language are the languages of the Turkic group: Bulgar, Kipchak, Chagatai. The process of formation occurred simultaneously with the development of the culture of the Tatars, who settled in the Volga region and the Urals. With close communication with representatives of the indigenous and newcomer populations of the inhabited lands, the mutual enrichment of languages took place. Tatar clearly shows the influence of Russian, Mordovian, Udmurt, Ugric, Arabic and Persian languages. Particularly indicative are the phonetic features of Tatar, adopted from the Finno-Ugric languages and distinguishing it from other representatives of the Turkic group.
The most ancient monument of Tatar literature is the poem “Kysa-i Yosyf”, written in the first half of the 13th century. Kul Gali. In the poem, Bulgar-Kypchak elements are combined with Oghuz ones. During the time of the Golden Horde, in the territories inhabited by the Tatars, the Volga Turkic language was used. Under the rule of the Kazan Khanate, the old Tatar language developed with many borrowings from Arabic and Persian. The language was accessible to literate members of society; ordinary people did not speak this form of the language. Russisms penetrated into Tatar as a result of the conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible.
At the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. the intelligentsia mastered Ottoman vocabulary. The modern Tatar language, based on the Kazan dialect, began to take shape in the second half of the 19th century. After the revolution of 1905, there was a merger of literary and colloquial forms of the language. Active development of terminology occurred in the 20-30s of the last century, when the language was replenished with new words of Arab-Persian, Russian and international vocabulary. At the same time, there was a transition to the Cyrillic alphabet.
“Tea with milk in Tatar or English?”: A tea ceremony was held in the World Cup press center
(Kazan, July 4, Tatar-inform). Today in Kazan, at the site of the city press center for the World Cup, a tasting of one of the indispensable attributes of the Tatar tradition of hospitality took place - representatives of the Arysh May store-museum and tea house told international journalists about traditional Tatar tea drinking. Guests of the press center tried the aromatic “Tatar collection” with honey, milk, dried apricots, prunes and national sweets and got acquainted with the tea culture of the Tatars.
The most important difference between Tatar tea is its strength and high temperature; the tea should literally boil in a cup, said co-owner of the trade Adel Sharipov. In Tatarstan, the drink is brewed in a separate teapot, and then, pouring the tea leaves with herbs into the bottom of the bowl, it is diluted with boiling water. Tatar tea drinking is often confused with English tea, since in Tatarstan, just like in England, it is customary to drink tea with milk. But this is not true, the specialist emphasized.
“In England they have been drinking tea with milk for many centuries, but this tradition came to Tatarstan recently, about 70 years ago. In England, milk was added to tea initially so as not to damage the porcelain; black tea left a dark pattern on the inside of the bowl that could not be washed off with anything, and therefore before pouring the hot drink itself, cold milk was poured into the bottom of the bowl. In Tatarstan, milk was added solely for the sake of taste, since porcelain was not widespread or popular here. Only 6-7 percent of the population could afford porcelain dishes; in the highest circles it was not considered particularly valuable, and the rest of the population knew nothing about porcelain and had not encountered it, noted Adel Sharipov. “Milk was added to Tatar tea last and boiled very hot, so as not to reduce the temperature in the cup.”
As the second expert of the presentation, director of the flagship store “Arysh May” Svetlana Valeeva, said, tea came to the territory of modern Tatarstan from China and India; huge quantities in pressed tiles were transported along the “tea route” for several years, so it was considered a very expensive drink. In order to “prolong the taste” of the drink, they began to blend it with herbs. The most national tea herbs in Tatarstan are considered to be thyme, currant leaves, rose hips, lemon balm and mint; sage and lavender are also added. Guests often have a question: why can you find sage and lavender in Tatar herbs, if these herbs did not historically grow in Tatarstan?
“I’m telling you: back in the 17th and 18th centuries, merchants traveled vast distances to bring tea here; along the way they passed through many lands, tasting and purchasing various herbs on the way to these lands. This is how many plants were brought here,” explained the co-head of the trade.
In Tatarstan, tea was always drunk as a snack, since it was not customary to add sugar to tea; it was believed that sugar spoils the taste of herbs. But besides this, there was also a tradition of drinking tea “closely,” the expert noted. According to Sharipov, this method was previously common among Tatar ladies, but is now less common. However, this is the most dietary method: sweets are laid out on the table, they can be smelled, touched, but not eaten. On the fourth or fifth sip of the drink, the tea begins to seem sweet - this is an elementary self-hypnosis that has worked for many years.
“In Tatarstan, any meal begins with tea drinking, is accompanied by tea drinking and ends with tea drinking. Tea drinking often replaces the meal itself. Tatar national sweets are quite high in calories, dense, you can very easily get enough of them and satisfy your hunger. Tatar cuisine is famous for its baked goods; one of the most famous dishes is gubadia, a closed pie made from yeast dough filled with rice, fried cottage cheese and raisins; in the home recipe, lean minced beef is also added. And if you eat such a pie while drinking tea, then why do you even need to have lunch or breakfast if you can drink tea,” joked Adel Sharipov.
Interesting Facts
- In Spanish, Portuguese and Basque, "Tatarstan" is written "Tartaristán, Tartaristão, Tartaria". The double letter "r" is used in French (sauce tartare), English (Strait of Tartary), Italian (Stretto dei Tartari), Norwegian (Tartarsundet) and some other languages.
- The English call stubborn boys “young tartar”.
- The Japanese’s decisive action was called the “Tatar step.”
- Dahl’s explanatory dictionary and the Brockhaus and Efron encyclopedia say that the cry “hurray” is a form of the Tatar word “ur” - hit.
- Until 1927, Tatar writing was based on the Arabic alphabet; in 1927-1939. in Latin, since 1939 - in Cyrillic.
- The Constitution of Tatarstan enshrines the right of every citizen to receive a Russian passport with an insert in the Tatar language.
- Kul Gali's poem "Kysa-i Yosyf", written in the 13th century, before the 19th century. transmitted in manuscripts. The literary work was so popular that the book should have been in the dowry of every Tatar girl.
- The first printed book in the Tatar language was published in Leipzig in 1612.
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Tatar words of Arabic origin
You will be able to familiarize yourself with a selection of words that are found in both Arabic and Tatar languages. Basically, these are words of Arabic origin (Arabisms in the Tatar language), but among them there are words of Persian or Turkic origin. In essence, this is a Russian-Tatar dictionary, which currently contains about 600 words. About letter correspondences The Arabic letter ع in the corresponding Tatar words is usually represented by the letter g , but sometimes can be indicated only by a vowel letter. Compare: In Tatar - gaskәri “military”; in Arabic - Ъaskari عسكري “military” In Tatar - akil “mind”; in Arabic - ЪаКл عقل “mind” Many Tatar words are formed from words of Arabic origin with the addition of characteristic endings. Compare: mәker - deceit mәkerle - insidious mәkersez - not insidious, ingenuous The Arabic letter ه in the corresponding Tatar words is represented by the letter h . The letter “ta marbuta” (the final letter is a characteristic ending for feminine words) is represented by the letters at or әт (sounds approximately like in the Arabic conjugation). Compare: nature – tabigat nature Tabi:Ъа طبيعة nature of this country Tabi:Ъat-ul-bila:d طبيعة البلد love – mәhәbbәt love, affection muHabba محبة affection of a man muhabbat-ur-rajul محبة ا لرجل Arabic letter ب, if it is the last in a cognate Tatar word – is represented by the letter p . For example: “book” in Tatar – kitap “book” in Arabic – kita: b كتاب The Arabic letter د, if it is the last one in a related Tatar word, can be rendered with the letter t . For example: witness, eyewitness - shahit witness, eyewitness sha:hi d شاهد From the letter A to the letter B stork - lәklәk stork laKlaK لقلق alphabet - әlifba (from the names of the first two letters of the Arabic alphabet - alif and ba) Arab; Arabic – garәp Arab; Arabic Yarabi عربي fable – masal an example to follow; proverb, saying masal مثل such as..., similar; likeness, equivalent of misl مثل trouble, misfortune, grief – fәlakәt unfortunate, loser maflu:k مفلوك poor – fәkyyr poor guy – fakyr poor faKy:р فقير disaster, collapse; catastrophe, collapse; death - destruction , death; danger of halaka هلكة atheist, giaur, infidel – kafer atheist, giaur, infidel ka:fir كافر ugly, vile, disgusting; obscene, indecent – kabih ; kabakhat ugly, vile, disgusting; obscene, indecent Kabi:Х قبيح demon – җen jinn; Spirit, Demon, anxiety, anxiety - tәshvish Discern, disorder, disorganization of Tashui: Sh شويش library - Kitaphanә (from the word “book” of China: b كاlf) Gratitude - rhmәt mercy Rahma رحمة Blagondy - tәүfyk; harmonization, pacification taUfi:K توفيق noble, real; purebred, purebred – noble , real asyl; purebred, purebred asy:l أصيل blessing; prayer of praise - salavat prayers SalaUa:t صلوات blessing - fatiha beginning, introduction; blessing before reading the Qur'an fa:tiHa فاتحة pious - tәкъва piety, piety, religiosity takua تقوى letter; font – kharef letter Harf حرف importance, meaning; meaning; role – importance , meaning; significance ahami: I am أهمية important – mөһim important mukhim مهم century, century – gasyr century; era ЪаСр عصر majestic, beautiful; solid – mәһabaәt greatness, majesty maha:ba مهابة faith (religious) – iman faith (religious) and: ma:n إيمان news – news , news, message, news swag خبر wine; alcohol, alcohol – khamer wine khaMR خمر wine – sharab drinking; drink; wine; syrup ball:b شراب love, love – gyyshyk love, love ЪышК عشق taste – taste TaѪm طعم taste (craving for perfection) – habitual taste (craving for perfection), tact, delicacy zaUK ذوق influence, impact – tәesir influence, impact taasi :р تأثير attention – dikkat attentiveness, thoroughness DiKKa دقة military – gaskәri , kharbi military (armed) Ъaskari عسكري military (combat) Kharbi حربي air – khava air haUa: هواء possible – mөmkin possible th mumkin ممكن possibility, probability; perhaps, maybe - ichtimal possibility, probability; perhaps, maybe iKhtima:l إحتمال (lucky) opportunity, favorable case, good time – forsat (fortunate) opportunity, favorable case, good time, chance furSa فرصة army – gaskәr army, army, militia Ъaskar عسكر magic, sorcery, witchcraft – siher charm, enchantment, magic, magic siHr سحر will, free will – ikhtyar choice; free will; good will, voluntary desire ichtiya:p إختيار question – soal question sua:l سؤال resurrection; pandemonium, doomsday, commotion - qiyamat resurrection; pandemonium, doomsday, commotion Kiya:ma قيامة upbringing, care – tarbiya upbringing, education tarbi:ya تربية upbringing, decency, politeness, courtesy – әdәp upbringing, decency, politeness, courtesy adab أدب east – sharyk east sharK شر ق impressions – tәessorat impression; influence taasi:p تأثير impressionability taassur تأثر however, but, however – lakin no lakin, lakinna لكن doctor – tabib doctor Tabi:b طبيب time – vakyt time UaKt وقت universe, world, light – galәm universe, world, light Ъа:lam ع الم harm; damage, damage, loss - zarar harm; damage, damage, loss, loss Darar ضرر sign, poster; picture, view – signboard ; board, shield; painting; screen laukha لوحة forced, forced, obliged – mәҗbur forced, forced majbu:r مجبور arrogant, arrogant – tәkәbber arrogance, pride, vanity takabbur تكبر From the letter G to the letter Z carnation – kanәfer carnation Karanful ق رنفل destruction, death, destruction - һәlak death, death hala:k هلاك verb; deed, action – figuly verb; act, action fiЪl فعل lump; lump, lump – kantar kantar (measure of weight) KynTa:r قنطار grief, sadness, grief – khasrәt grief, pain; languor, melancholy Khasra حسرة horizon, horizon – ofyk horizon, horizon line; perspective ufK أفق state, power – dәүләт state daUla دولة dream, fantasy, dream – hyyal imagination, fantasy, dream, utopia haya:l خيال group; tribe, breed – taifә religious community; confession; class, rank; series, series Ta:ifa طائفة group, sect – firka group, brigade, sports team firka فرقة guria – khur guria Khu:riya حورية movement – khәrәkәt movement Kharaka حركة business, action; practice - gamal activity, business; work, labor Yamal عمل dervish – dәrvish dervish darUi:sh درويش village – Karya village Karya قرية wild animal, beast; Savage; monster; barbarian – vakhshi wild animal, beast; monster WaHsh وحش brutal, ferocious; barbaric UaKhshi وحشي dithyramb, praise; ode - madhia panegyric, song of praise, ode to madi: Ha مديحة booty, profit; trophy – prey , profit; trophy Ghani:ma غنيمة permissible, permitted, halal – halal (permitted according to the canons of Islam) hala:l حلال proof – isbat proof isba:t إثبات position, post; set task, task – wazifa position, post UaZi:fa وظيفة to reach (coming of age) – balig (bulu) has achieved (something) balaGa بلغ dignity – kader dignity Kadr قدر precious stone; pearls – gәүһәr jewels, jewelry mujaUhara:t مجوهرات ancient, old, ancient – qadim ancient, old qadi:m قديم other, different; except, without – gayre other; other; except, without Gair غير spirit – җan spirits, demons jan جان soul – rokh soul, spirit ru:Х روح nature, innate property, quality; character – fitrәt nature, innate property, quality; character fiTRA فطرة jasmine – Yasmine jasmine I:smi:n ياسمين victim – korban sacrifice Kurba:n قربان cruel, unjust – zalim cruel, unjust For:lim ظالم life, existence – hayat life, existence Haya: حياة life; longevity - Homer life, years of life, age Umr عمر From the letter Z to the letter I manager, manager - modir manager, manager; boss, director moody:p مدير task – mәsәlә question , matter (subject of discussion) masala مسألة activity, matter – shөgul activity, matter, work shuGl شغل activity, study – yes lesson, activity, study dars درس forbidden, forbidden; sin, sinful – haram forbidden, forbidden; sin; sacred Khara: m حرام dawn – shәfәk evening dawn shafaK شفق meeting, meeting – mәҗles hall (place) for meetings; council (authority) Majlis مجلس statement, petition; petition - gariza statement, petition; petition Ъari:Yes عريضة building – bina building, construction bina:a بناء hello; hello (greeting) – salam ; hello (greeting) sala:m سلام earthquake – zilziә earthquake zilza:l زلزال knowledge, cognition; education, enlightenment - knowledge , cognition ma'arifa معرفة spectacle; view, landscape, panorama – manzara spectacle; view, landscape, panorama of ManZar منظر and that’s it! conversation is over! (interjection) – vassәlam “and hello!”, “and be healthy!” Wa-s-sala:m والسلام yoke, oppression, yoke; oppression, tyranny - ash oppression; oppression, tyranny; injustice Zulm ظلم idol – sanәm idol Sanam صنم famous, familiar, ordinary – maglum famous; concept of ma'kalu:m معلوم famous, popular, illustrious - mashһүr famous, famous, illustrious mashhu:r مشهور publication - nasher publishing house - nashriyat publication, publication nashr نشر treason, betrayal - hyyanәt treason, betrayal hiya:na خيا نة image; image, appearance – surәt image; image, appearance Su:ra صورة image; description – tasvir image; photographing taSUi:p تصوير flaw, shortcoming; defect - flaw , defect, deficiency; vice Yaib عيب imam (spiritual guide in Islam), parish mullah - imam imam ima:m إمام property, condition, property, wealth, good - mal property, property, wealth ma:l مال property, property, condition, good - milek property , wealth – mөlkәt property, possession, property mulk ملك name, title – isem name, name ism إسم individual, personal, personal – shәkhsi individual, personal, personal; private ShahSi شخصي lawsuit; claim, claim – dәgva claim, complaint; claim daUa دعوة art – craft , production; art Sina:bа صناعة Islam – Islam Islam isla:m إسلام truth, truth; right /legal/ - hack truth, truth; law /legal/ KhaK حق history – tarikh history ta:ri:kh تاريخ historical – tarihi historical ta:ri:hi تاريخي healing, recovery; healing agent - shifa recovery, cure; healing agent shifa:a شفاء From the letter K to the letter L kagan (khan of khans) - kagan priest, minister of cult; priest ka:han كاهن everyone, everyone - kolle everyone, every kul كل canary - kenәri canary kana:ri كناري guard, guard post - guard guard, guard post Karah Kul قره قول drop - katrә drop KaTra قط رة picture – rasm رسم kebab – kabap kebab kaba:b كباب dagger – khәnҗәr dagger khanjar خنجر class, category – syynif class , genus, variety, category Synf صنف book – book – kitabi book kita:b كتاب deceit; cunning, cunning, treachery - maker deceit; cunning, deception, machinations macro مكر quantity; measure, ratio – miqdar quantity, size miKda:p مقدار end, limit; final – aher last, recent ahi:p أخير last, final aher آخر end, over; to end; exactly, correctly, well /colloquially/ – tәmam perfect, complete; exactly, correctly, well /colloquially/ tama:m تمام continent; part of the mainland - kyitga piece of land Kut'a قطعة coral; beads – mәrҗәn coral, marja corals:n مرجان crown, crown; wreath; corolla (of a flower) - so crown, crown taj تاج chair, bench - korsi chair, kursi chair كرسي circle; circle; environment, social circle – dairә circle; circle; environment, social circle, surroundings da:ira دائرة medicine – dәva medicine daUa:a دواء leaf – yafrak leaves, leaves avra:K أوراق man of letters, writer – adip man of letters, writer; educated adi:b أديب literature – әdәbiyat literature adab أدب literary – әdәbi literary adabī أدبي deprived, deprived – mahrүm deprived (of something); excommunicated, boycotted maKhru:m محروم moon – kamar moon Kamr قمر ray; radiance, shine (eye) – nur light, glow well:p نور love – mәkhәbbәt love, affection muHabba محبة From the letter M to the letter N olive, olive – zaytun olive, olive zeytun زيتون master, craftsman; skillful, skillful – mahir; osta skillful, dexterous, skillful ma:her ماهر teacher, mentor; maestro; professor usta:z أستاذ matter, substance – matdә matter, substance ma:dda مادة material, material – matdi material, material ma:di مادي dead; Deceased; corpse, dead man - mәet dead mayit ميت mosque - mәchet mosque masjid مسجد mercy, compassion, mercy - markhәmәt mercy, compassion, mercy marHama مرحمة alms, alms - sadaka alms, alms SadaKa صدقة minaret; tower, derrick – manara lighthouse; minaret mana:ra منارة madrasah – madrasah school of madras مدرسة opinion – thoughts fikr فكر grave – caber grave Qabr قبر possible – momkin possible, maybe mumkin ممكن carrots – kisher carrots (collected) jazar جزر power, strength, might - kodrәt power, strength, power Kudra قدرة wisdom - hikmәt wisdom Hykma حكمة Muslim - Muslim Muslim مسلم muezzin - mәzin muezzin muuzin مؤذن soap - sabyn soap Sa:bu:n صابون thought , thought; opinion, judgment, look - thought , thought; opinion, judgment, look fikr فكر ordeal, torment, need – mikhnet test, difficult experience, trouble, grief miKhna محنة butcher – kassap butcher KaSSa:b قصاب proper, suitable; worthy, decent - proper , suitable; worthy, decent la:iK لائق arrogance - cyber arrogance, greatness kibr كبر name, name - isem name , name ism إسم finally, in the end - no end, ending niha:ya نهاية concubine, slave - Khariya concubine, slave j:riya جارية attack, offensive, attack; attacks – һөҗүм attack, offensive, attack; attacks huju:m هجوم for example – mәsәlәn for example masalan مثلا appearance; appearance, appearance; facial expression; image, character – kiyafat method, manner; image, form of kaifi: I كيفية inheritance, heritage – miras inheritance mi:ra:s ميراث mood; pleasure, pleasure – good mood ; pleasure, buzz كيف science; knowledge, teaching, enlightenment - gylem science, theory; knowledge Eulm علم science - fan art, skill fan فن scientific, scientist - gyilmi scientific, scientist, theoretical Eulmi علمي ignorant - җahil ignorant ja:hil جاهل independent, sovereign; independent – mostakyil independent, sovereign; independent mustaKyl مستقل weak, exhausted; incapable, helpless – gaҗiz weak, weakened; incapable, helpless Ъа:jiz عاجز necessary, necessary, obligatory – zaruri vital, extremely necessary, essential Daru:ri ضروري nervous; nervous – gasabi nervous; nervous YaSabi عصبي unhappy, poor, pitiful, miserable; poor fellow, unfortunate - Mesken unfortunate, poor, pitiful, miserable; poor fellow, wretched bowl: n مسكين unclean, filthy; uncleanness, uncleanness – nәҗes unclean, defiled najis نجس uncleanness, defilement, desecration najas نجس moral – әhlakiy, ruhi moral akhla:Ky أخلاقي spiritual ru:Khy روحي need, need, need – haҗәt need, necessity , need Ha:ja حاجة needy, feeling the need – mokhtaҗ needy, feeling the need muKhta:zh محتاج Words starting with the letter O provision, supply – tәemin provision, guarantee; insurance taami:n تأمين vow – nezer vow, solemn promise nazr نذر promise; vow, pledge – vәгъдә promise УаЪд وعد equipment, furnishings – җиһаз device, technical device jiha:з جهاز image – surәt image Su:ra, Saura صورة education – mәgyrifәt knowledge, cognition ma’arifa:т معرفات treatment, treatment – mөgamәlә relationships, intercourse; treatment, appeal muYa:mala معاملة environment, situation, position – hal situation Ha:l حال public – їtimagoy public, social ijtiama:Ъi إجتماعي society – җәmgyyat society jami:ya جمعية general – gomumi universal , public, public Yumu:mi عمومي community – to create a community; association, corporation jama:bа جماعة explanation, interpretation; expression – tagbir interpretation; expression ta'abi:p تعبير usually, habitually – gadәtә usually Ъа:da عادة cucumber – kyyar cucumber hiya:p خيار however – lakin but, however lakin, lakinna لكن occupation – ikhtilal occupation iHtila:l احتلا ل ablution – tәһarat ablution, purification Taha:ra طهارة apprehension, fear; danger, threat – havef apprehension, fear, fear haUf خوف dangerous, risky; dangerous – хәтәр danger, risk; anxiety haTar خطر serious, dangerous (about illness, situation) haTy:p خطير experience, practice; experiment – taҗribә experience of tajriba تجربة person, person, face; personality, individual – shәhes person, person, person shahS شخص feature, originality – khosusiyat features, particular huSu:Si:yiya:t خصوصيات answer – җawap answer, replica jAUA:b جواب fatherland, homeland – watan homeland UaTan وطن discovery, invention – kәshef discovery, detection kashf كشف relation, ratio – nisbәt relation, connection; relationship (by marriage); ratio, proportion; measure, size, number of nisba lf is relative - relative Internet official - Official Media رurb 13 THEA OBLUSIONALLY, probably, MOGAEN specified, defined muiyyan ruction, cherry - nubәt duty, watch; The queue of Nauba imes error is error hut خط خط words starting with the letter n Pavlin - Tavis Pavlin TA: U: C طاو bud - һәike temple; HEKEL structure oses translation (about the language) - Tәrҗemә translation (about the language) Tarjam ترجance, change - tәnәfes breathing (“Distribution”) Tanaffus تimes period, cycle; era; century - dung period, turnover; cycle; Stage Daur دور cave, grotto - mәgaru cave, dungeon, grotto magician: ra axa food, dishes - tәgam food, food taa: m طges tribe - Kabil Cabbit: La قortscend, prisoner of Asi: p أimesule (in the village) - Square (City) Maida: H ميدال narration, presentation; Interpretation - Bәyan statement, declaration, communique; Explanation, explanation, explanation of Bai: n urb suspicion - shoebһә suspicion Shugha شorts detail, detail - tәfilly detail, detail; Detailed presentation of Tafsa: L تيل incitement, unrest, rebellion, riot - Fetnә incitement (against faith); Troubles, rebellion; The split fitan فgesة shame; shame; mockery, mockery - mshәrә hit the horseman; The formation of the subject of ridicule and bullying of the Mashara م nose, travel - sәfәr trip, travel safar ouch, deceased - myrkhm dead, deceased march: m مرحوم gender, genus , sex jeans /ges politics this Syasi is the political: si unic letter - vәkalәt powers; temporary removal of duties; representation; HEIK Agency: La وكالة situation, situation - hu position, situation ha: l حالoka - kitәn clap kut قط Internet good - fied the benefits of FA: Ida فائ benefit (for health), useful property - these health ص Pole - kotyp poles Kutb قطlf premises - bina premises, structure, Bino structure: a وIills understanding, quick wit; Intelligence - Fәһem Understanding, insight Flahm ف eng need, need is the need, the need, the need for ethics: J إياج It's time - ... Vakyt җit time Uacte Jah: وق جاء order, schedule; mode, discipline - tәrtip order; location; Tarti device: b ترتيل - Rәsүl Messenger Rasu: l oses proverb - mcal statement, saying; saying, proverb Maku: La مقولة constant - Dami constant yes: them دائ blood, flood; World Flood - Tufan World Flood TU: F: H طوفاو respect, respect - xrmәt reverence, respect for the persimmon حرمة poet - step by the poet Sha: Kommersant شار rule, norm; Dogma - kagydu rule; The base, the basis of KA: Kommersant قاو government - hөkүmәt government of Hook: ma حومة board, management - Idar board, management of Ida: ra إارة Law /Yur. h./ huka: to قوق traitor, traitor - hain traitor ha: in خائimes pretext, reason, justification; a prayer, a request, a petition - a detrimental to an excuse, an excuse, an excuse; Apology of the Kommersant urb proposal - we are moving forward; ACECIA OFFICE: M قييم Dry /ram./ - җөmlә proposal /ram./ Jumla جملة Chairman - RAIS Chairman of the Paradise: with off representative; Trusted, authorized - vәkil agent UAKI: l وكيaut, warning - thnbi warning, warning tanbie: h ت/passes contempt, hatred - nәfrәt disgust, antipathy nafra habel - gadәt habit of bite, trace, sign, symptom - ә vent , imprint, sign; legend, monument of antiquity; Influence, exposure to Asar ث Post - Misala Example, likeness of Mis: L ge, accept, accept; Reception - Kabul IT acceptance, assumption of Kabu: l قlf adoption, into account, into account; Authority, honor - IGTibar adoption, into account, into account; The meaning, prestige of ITIBA: p إarthار Nature - the nature of Tabi: b. طortsuplf; Reason, pretext - sungәp reason sabab open; nice; pleasure, enjoyment - pәhәt serenity; peace, rest; The convenience of Ra: ha راح continuation - diode , duration of dowa: m دوام Curse - lәgynәt curse nder nds, cursed - mulgun damned malu: n ملware - sungu industry Sina: Kommersant صges miss; Food - rizism a livelihood; daily food; The content of RIZ oses, education - mfortes Knowledge, knowledge of Maaarif accomping, contradictory, contradictory - Hilaf contradiction, conflict, distillation of the Hila: f خلاف forgiveness, mercy - Gafo Clear; Amnesty Kommersant get get, sorry khafuang availafuan ace desert - shrә desert Sahra: and صراء travel - sihi travel, tourism: ha ouch ouch س س س ә әrabә ruins, ba حراirl , irresponsible. فش Depraved, slutty - Fakhishish indecent, obscene FA: Hish فاش resolution - rhsәt resolution of Ruhs رخص destruction; disaster, collapse; disaster, collapse; death - һәlakәt destruction, death; The danger of Halk oses reason, mind - akyl, zyan mind, mind Kommersal φ upق attract a good memory, the possibility of memorizing zhn ذ inspicable; An acceptable, suitable - MGUKULARY rational, logical, understandable; rational Maaku: L ge قول paradise - җәnnәt paradise, Garden Garden جges Ray, narrative - Hiku story, History, Hick's narration: I حاية story, poem - kyssa story kysy قص result - nәtiҗә result NATI: ZHAL IHS, discipline; order, routine - tәrtip order; location; Tarty's device: B ترتيو religion, religion - Dean Religion , religion of DI: n دurs religious - Dini Religious Dee: neither ديimes reform - Islah reform; Improvement, correction, repair of Isla: x إصلاح speech (performance) - nototyk speech (performance) gutk ouch, language, dictum - komsa speech, conversation, pronounced words of feces: m كلام Solution Kara : p Surәt drawing ram رmy image; image; Photo by SU: ra صورة genus, relatives; tribe, people; breed - kavem of a nation; Caum tribe قimes Rodina - Vatan Rodina Uan وطoff genealogy, genealogy - shuҗәrәh tree Shajara شجرة pen, pen (for writing) - kalәm handle (for writing) Kalam ق Photo Saf ص Words on the letter C Savan - Kompen Cafn كimes independent ; Independent, sovereign - MOstәkiyl independent; Independent, sovereign Mustakyl مuzz Satan, devil; Damn - Shaitan, Iblis Satan, Devil; Damn Shayta: n, iblia: with شيطال ، إimesönds sugar - chiccro sugar Sukkar ouch ounce - müglhmat , hubәr news, news, message, news habar خorts خorts information, (agency) information to Maalo: ma θices, the world ) The Universe Dunya: دgesيا witness, an eyewitness - shaһit witness, eyewitness Sha: hid شاorate freedom - hurriyat freedom Hurri: I حرية is free, free - hgr free, free hurr حر sacred, holy - matddx sacred, holy Mucaddas nder; Secret - SIRRR SIRR ivil & Secretary - Katib writing ka: Tib كاتlf - Family Kommersant: Ila عائلة section, cut, slic - share , part of Kysm قorts signal; gesture, sign - isherc signal; gesture, sign Ish: ra إشارة Strength, power - kuu kuua قوة orphan - yati yati: m يتيم; mutilated, crippled - zgyfe weak, powerless; Patient daily: f ضupف glory - shhһrәt glory Shuhra ش inspic, pleasure, pleasure - lәzzu sweetness, pleasure, pleasure of Lazza لذ is pleasant to taste, sweet; Thin, exquisite Lazis: Z لذيذ Dictionary - lөvy the languages of the meadow: T لغات word - klimә word Kalim كلمة elephant - fil elephant: l فيل service; Job; work; Service - Hezmәt service hidma خمة cattle, cattle, animal - hiwan beast, animal hiua: n حread courage, determination, courage, fearlessness - җөrәt courage; Insolence Jar: جرأ death, death - Vafat death, death of UAFA: a وفاة meaning, essence - mügnә meaning Mana θ organى, incident, incident, case - majara , incidents of Jarai: T ج object perfection , completeness, completeness of kama: Lu كمال Conscience, consciousness - Vөҗdan Conscience, Consciousness Widem: n وجال Hastering; Raised - insaf justice; Insa impartiality: F إgesصاف advice, instruction; Council, meeting - kish synagogue kani: with ك Internet Church of Kanya: s ك Internet treasury; Treasure, property - huzinә treasury; treasury; Treasure , Housing Tree : on خزي imes _ , the formation of tashka: l ششيل condition, position - hu, halәt state, position; The situation is ha: l حال condition, property- mal-mulkәt condition, property, property ma: l them property, ownership, property mulk ملك essay; presentation - inha composition; presentation; Creating Inha: A إgesشاء sympathy, mercy, pity - shufpa pity, compassion, condescension of Shafak شش Thank you; Gratitude; you - Rәkhmәt mercy Rahma off special; Special, special - Mahsus, HAS special; special, special; private, own, personal Ha: with خاص special; Special Mahsu: with مخصوص dispute; polemic, discussion - bәkhәs discussion, consideration; inspection (patient); search; searches of bahs وث dispute, discussion; Discussion of MUB: HASA ES inct just - bastard : Dil lish ace term; time; time, period - vacast time ukt وق urgent, hasty - Tәҗ was urgent, hasty kommers: jel φ φ, care, care - һimmәt effort, zeamm hesi hes (in the newspaper) - makkalә article (in the newspaper) MAK: La مقالة In the document) - Maddә article (in the document) MA: dd ماد degree, step, level - dәrәҗәҗәҗәҗәҗәҗәҗәҗә , level, level; rank, the title of Daraj درج degree, rank, title; one - martәbә degree; step; position, place of Martaban مرتimes verse, stanza; Poem - Shigyr verse, stanza shir شges capital - mrkәz center Marcase مرز side - taraf side (for example, in politics, conflict) taraf طge suffering, flour; torment, torture, torture - hazaz passion, flour of Kommersant: b gesذاlf, torture, torture thazi: b تgesذ of the page - sәhifә page (mouth); sheet of paper, sheet; Newspaper, Sahi Bulletin: Fa صيف fear; A terrifying effect - dәһshәt amazement, the surprise of Dahsha دهش Stroy - Saf Row; line; system SAF ص court; judgment; Judicial decision - hөkem court of Makhkama محمة judge; The lord, the lord - Hakim is a judge, an arbiter; ruler; Governor; Manager Ha: Kim حاكم sage Haki: m حيم fate - tәkydir fate, rock; Supervision of Kadar قر superstition, prejudice - chorafat superstition, prejudice - hura: F خراف Sultan - Soltan Sultan - Sultan: n ivil chest - Sandyk Sandem; box, box; Foundation Sunda: to صgesدوق anthogethy - kөhәl ants for tinting the eyes of the kitchen كل happiness - bәhat, the happiness of the SA: Kommersant ouch ouch, luck (book) Bakht ouch, calculation, calculation; arithmetic - hisap calculus, account, calculation, calculation; Hyy arithmetic: b حimes the word from the letter T to the letter at the secret; Secret - SERROST SIRR ivil creature, creature, creature - mәkhlүk creature, creature, creation of a smear: to مخلوق creative - and җat extinguishing; Iji Creation: d إيجاد cart, wagon - arba cart , cart, wagon of kommers get get - җ җ җ җ ج orts جĕuzz patience, endurance, restraint - sabyr patience, endurance, restraint of the sabr صges note - dәftәr tetrand, notebook dafftar Tyran, oppressor - fill the tyrant, oppressor for: lime ظالم Interpretation, explanation - tәfsir interpretation, clarification, commentary tafsi: p تail.Ru, Pentateuch Taura: A تiron - NOCTU NUKTU, DEVELOPMENT - TALUP DEVELOPMENT ; request; demand; The search for Talab طلware anxiety, anxiety - Hafa Fear, Mach's fear: F inct throne, the throne - tәkhet throne /ust./; Takhta Takht خ убий killer - Katyl killer; killing, deadly ka: Til قاتل respect, reverence - ichtiram respect, reverence for ichtira: m إإرام Dear, deeply lucid - Mөkhtәm respondent, venerable, deeply learned Mukhtarram ← oppression, oppression - Jin 's criminal crime : I am جursicket amazing, marvelous, wonderful; Strange, extraordinary - gaҗәep, gaҗpe amazing, marvelous, wonderful; Strange, extraordinary koji: B ement pleasure, pleasure; joy; serenity - rәkhәt serenity; peace, rest; Convenience of RA: Ha oses pattern, ornament, thread - nәkysh decoration, carved inscription, carving naksh ursقش decoration, decoration; luxury, brilliance - zinnәt jewelry, decoration; Decorativeness of ZA: on زoming evidence, argument, proof - dwalil evidence, argument, proof of Dali: l دليinder mind, mind - akyl mind, mind Kommersl ouch, control - Idar management, board, bosses, Ida directorate: ra إاM , studies - dregs lesson , lesson, study of dars درail.Ru, requirement - chart condition, requirement, position of the agreement chart شرط teaching, doctrine - tәglimate teaching, education; education; Doctrine Taali: M تgeslf Scientist- Galim Scientist-Thea-Sloven Kommersant: Lim up illum teacher- stop, Mөgallim teacher, mentor; maestro; Professor Stolk: Z أimes teacher, teacher Muratallim asing words from the letter f to the letter I fella (rural resident in the Arab countries) - Fәlllah fella, peasant Fallom: x فلاح fatwa ( the decision of the Islamic authority regarding the resolution or prohibition of some action) Fevets Fatu فوى flag - әlәm flag bonals وupurt photography; Image - Surәt photography; Image of SU: ra صورة phrase - Goybarә phrase - Kommersant: Ra وges accord, Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca - Hajah Hajj ج Halva - Hulvә Hal: ua حلاوة trunk ; Rylu (pigs) Hart: m خرطوم good, kind; Good, benefit - huer good, kind; Good, benefits Hair خيoff good, kind hayir خير artist, painter - russam artist Rassa: m رurb chastity, virginity, innocence - gyffәt chastity; abstinence; Virtue of Kommersant get is advisable; Council (Board Board) - Msleshhәt benefit, benefits; business, interest; department, department; Department, Office of Maslah مصلح value, dignity, meaning - kyummәt value, dignity, value of ky: ma قيمة Center; Central Committee - Mrkәz Center Marcase مرز civilized, cultural - mmni civilized, cultural; civilian, peaceful resident of Madani ← Civilization, culture - mdәdniyat civilization, culture of Madaniya مد Internet hour; clock - sung an hour; Clock CA: b imes ouch - cup - casm cup - kәsә cup, cup; wineglass; Cup, bowl ka: with كس | person - an insan man of inss: n إges discuss human, related to the human genus adhes , related to the genus of the human ads أمى trait (characteristic property), a feature is a feature (characteristic property), a ha : si: si: si: si: si: si: si: si: si: si: si: si I خاصية honest; Fair - Kommersant : Dil φ وging rosary - toughbih of the cadets of Misbach accomplish, glorification, glorification; Tasbi's cadets: x صimes pure (without impurities) - CAF pure (without impurities) SA: f صاف ، صاف inger organ organ (part of the body); member (organization); Deputy of Kommersant φ feeling, emotion - His Feeling Ha: SSA حاinder Step; gait, tread - adym step; foot, foot kadam قم Shariah - shout Sharia Shari: b شريlf - zәgfran saffraise Zaafra: n زgesفراو school - mәktәp office, room maktab ruction inct, sherbet (sweet drink) - shirbәt sherbet (drink) N exam Imtikha: n إمتال copy - nөshә instance nusha lfa economics - iktisad Economics Iktis: d إقإقاد era, period; time, season; Time - a ramdown era, time, time for the deputy: n ز how
Tatar potatoes
For the potato recipe you will need:
- potatoes - 600g
- onions – 300g
- vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
- salt, pepper - to taste.
Potato recipe:
Cut potatoes into rounds, onions into rings.
Pour a couple of tablespoons of oil into the bottom of the saucepan and lay out a layer of potatoes.
Layer onion on it, add salt and pepper.
We alternate layers, the top one is potatoes.
Pour half a glass of water into a saucepan and put on fire under the lid. When it boils, reduce the gas to minimum and cook for 40-45 minutes. The smell pervades the entire apartment. Ready.
average score: 4.20 votes: 44
Potato in Tatar translation
POTATOES - (potatoes) in their jackets. Razg. Potatoes boiled in their skins. BTS, 563; SRGK 1, 313. Potatoes in sheepskin coats (in pants). Eagle Same as jacket potatoes. SOG 1992, 22. Potatoes in overcoats. Psk. Same as jacket potatoes. SPP 2001, 82. Potato... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings
POTATOES - POTATOES, potatoes, women. (simple). 1. only units, collected. Same as potatoes. Plant, dig potatoes. Fried potatoes. You won't be satisfied with just potatoes. 2. Same as potatoes. A few potatoes. ❖ Potato nose (colloquial fam.) wide, thick... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
potato - see potato Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011. potato noun, number of synonyms: 11 • ... Dictionary of synonyms
potato - muryn. Murny potatoes shine extra at home. Must be bright. Eki urty dorbaday, shegir koz, kar toshka m ur y n, imigen tapal kisi (O. Sarsenbaev, Sagym, 163) ...
POTATOES - POTATOES, and, female. (colloquial). Potatoes, potatoes. Potato nose (wide and thick). Love is not a thing (not a trifle, not a trifle; simple joke). Who's on the potatoes? (at potato harvesting, usually about townspeople). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu.... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
potato - POTATO, and, well. Nonsense, trifles... Dictionary of Russian argot
Potato - Potato: Wiktionary has an entry for "potato" colloquial. Potato is a vegetable, food product. Potato (game... Wikipedia
potato - noun, g., used. compare often Morphology: (no) what? potatoes, what? potatoes, (I see) what? potatoes, what? potatoes, what about? about potatoes; pl. What? potatoes, (no) what? potatoes, what? potatoes, (I see) what? potatoes, what? potatoes, what about? about... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary
potatoes - and; pl. genus. shek, dat. shkam; and.; decomposition see also potato 1) = potato The potato has already bloomed. Hill up potatoes. 2) collected = potato ... Dictionary of many expressions
Potatoes - A dream about potatoes promises various accidents. Planted potatoes - there will be intimacy with a new partner. Digging potatoes in a dream means success is ahead; eating them means expect significant benefits. Cooked potatoes - get a good job,... ... Large universal dream book
Potatoes - A dream about potatoes is fraught with accidents of not the best nature. Digging potatoes in a dream is a sign of future success. Eating potatoes in a dream means significant benefits. Cooking potatoes promises you a suitable job. If you plant in a dream... Miller's Dream Book
Nutritional and energy value:
Ready meals | |||
kcal 3355.1 kcal | proteins 215 g | fat 174.6 g | carbohydrates 233.8 g |
Portions | |||
kcal 335.5 kcal | proteins 21.5 g | fat 17.5 g | carbohydrates 23.4 g |
100 g dish | |||
kcal 127.6 kcal | proteins 8.2 g | fat 6.6 g | carbohydrates 8.9 g |
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Communication on the topic of Viktor Tsoi and “Cinema”.
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" new topic
Subject | Views | Messages | Latest reply | |
Secrets of Tsoi's masteryfrom Amir | 63 | 3 | 07/21/2021 09:18 Latest from Amir | |
youtubefrom anonymous... | 3,904 | 21 | 01.07.2021 13:35 Latest from anonim… | |
chat foundfrom anonymous... | 284 | 1 | 04/07/2021 17:04 Latest from anonim… | |
dialogue in "Let Me"from kenzo_yana | 343 | 1 | 02/06/2021 10:56 Latest from kenzo_yana | |
Film "Tsoi"from Amir | 444 | 6 | 01/19/2021 18:53 Latest from Amir | |
the cause of Viktor Tsoi's death in a car accidentby Ulyana | 12,466 | 18 | 01/04/2021 20:50 Latest from anonim… | |
Hello. About the car.from David | 765 | 4 | 11/15/2020 20:34 Latest from Cloud | |
Fix the chat already!from Tim | 1,470 | 18 | 05.10.2020 20:32 Latest from CTEPX | |
Vocals by Viktor Tsoifrom Partizan | 522 | 3 | 05.10.2020 20:19 Latest from CTEPX | |
From which song?from David | 676 | 1 | 08/27/2020 20:02 Latest from David | |
A monument to Viktor Tsoi was erected in St. Petersburgfrom anonymous... | 658 | 1 | 08/19/2020 18:32 Latest from anonim… | |
.Ru anecdote about Tsoifrom Amir | 704 | 2 | 08/17/2020 12:29 Latest from Amir | |
30 years - Vitya, we remember youby Guitarist | 602 | 1 | 08/15/2020 13:16 Latest from Guitaristt | |
Let's share abstractions related to Cinema.from David | 774 | 1 | 07/16/2020 20:34 Latest from David | |
Matching mood with Kino songsby Musli | 785 | 8 | 10.07.2020 16:31 Latest from Musli | |
21.06.2020from Jaeger | 812 | 1 | 06/21/2020 09:02 Latest from Jaeger | |
Aluminum cucumbersfrom Stranger | 866 | 1 | 05/22/2020 13:13 Latest from Stranger | |
“New Prospect” presents a new video by the “Kino” group - a modern interpretation of Viktor Tsoi’s song “Music of the Waves” from the first half of the 80s.from Stranger | 976 | 1 | 03/10/2020 15:11 Latest from Stranger | |
The Tsoi tree in Kyiv was given a special status.from Stranger | 1,663 | 1 | 10.02.2020 13:56 Latest from Stranger | |
...the face of the Defender of the Fatherland appears...from Amir | 964 | 2 | 07.12.2019 11:48 Latest from Amir | |
Cartoon about Tsoifrom Amir | 1,024 | 2 | 11/15/2019 10:22 Latest from Stranger | |
Sing “to Tsoi”from Stranger | 1,018 | 2 | 05.11.2019 03:42 Latest from Amir | |
Kino returns to the stage after a 30-year hiatusby Cloud | 1,090 | 2 | 23.10.2019 21:28 Latest from CTEPX | |
Synaesthetics. An attempt to analyze Tsoi, which failedfrom Amir | 1,090 | 2 | 10/06/2019 23:26 Latest from anonim… | |
Where is the car???by irena | 1,986 | 22 | 02.10.2019 23:55 Latest from irena | |
Memorial Day of V. Tsoifrom Amir | 2,987 | 11 | 08/20/2019 17:24 Latest from Amir | |
Suddenly. Metallica and Blood Typeby irena | 1,872 | 9 | 08/15/2019 22:37 Latest from Guitaristt | |
Photo album (Pages: 1 … 6 7 from Stranger | 28,965 | 233 | 07/23/2019 10:24 Latest from Stranger | |
Maschina Records blog February 2021 Restoration of the KINO album “Blood Type”from Stranger | 1,626 | 4 | 07/23/2019 10:20 Latest from Stranger | |
Dog…from salamander | 3,897 | 14 | 06/04/2019 21:26 Latest from irena |
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