Minced meatballs with rice - 6 recipes for making meatballs with gravy

Meatballs in a frying pan

Meatballs in a frying pan with gravy turn out quite tasty and aromatic. This dish goes perfectly with mashed potatoes and buckwheat. Let's find out with you how to fry meatballs in a frying pan.

Recipe for meatballs with rice in a frying pan

  • tomato paste – 300 g;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

So, first we prepare the minced meat for the meatballs. We either prepare it ourselves from meat or poultry, or buy a ready-made mixture. Just don’t buy very finely ground minced meat, otherwise the meatballs will spread and fall apart when frying. So, to the finished minced meat we add a small onion, minced or finely chopped.

Wash the rice thoroughly, put it in a bowl and pour boiling water over it. Leave the cereal for 45 minutes so that it swells a little, then drain the water and add the rice to the minced meat. Then squeeze a few cloves of garlic into the meat mixture and everything is good

mix. At the very end, break a raw chicken egg into the minced meat.

After preparing the minced meat, move on to the sauce for the meatballs. So, take a piece of butter and fry grated carrots and chopped onions in it. After this, mix the tomato paste with water and put it in a deep frying pan on the fire. Add roasted vegetables, spices and herbs. After this, we form the meatballs by wetting our hands in water. Roll them in flour and fry thoroughly in a frying pan heated with oil on both sides until a golden brown crust appears on them.

We transfer the meatballs into the frying pan with the sauce only when they are all fried and completely cooked. Now put them in the sauce, cover with a lid and simmer for 25 minutes.


TOP delicious meatball recipes

There are a large number of recipes for making everyone’s favorite meatballs. Everyone can find their favorite option. You can even alternate cooking variations and then the dish will never get boring.

Traditional meatballs

Making meatballs according to the classic recipe is very simple. The main thing is to find quality meat. To get a classic dish you will need:

  • 1000 g of meat;
  • 150 g onion;
  • several eggs;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 100 g ketchup;
  • 1 grain cereal;
  • 4 laurel leaves;
  • seasonings;
  • oil.

The meat is ground using a meat grinder. The onion is chopped, put into minced meat, and garlic, cereal and seasonings are also added there. The meat mixture is kneaded. Several eggs are driven into it.

They make hedgehogs and fry them on the stove. In another bowl, mix ketchup with liquid and bay leaf. They are simmered under the lid.

With rice

Meatballs with rice are considered traditional. As a rule, they are simmered with sauce. This is a budget-friendly and very tasty dish. The recipe for meatballs with rice is actively used not only by housewives, but also by chefs of various catering establishments.

There are many cooking variations. It is possible to make the dish in a frying pan, in a slow cooker, in a saucepan or in the oven. Meatballs are often called hedgehogs due to the presence of rice.

It is possible to make meatballs without rice, but they do not turn out as tasty. Classic recipes always include grain.

It is advisable to cook the rice for meatballs until half cooked. If you ignore the recommendations during preparation, the cereal actively swells and the hedgehogs lose their shape. For the dish you will need:

  • 450 g twisted meat;
  • 7 tbsp. cereals without a slide;
  • 200 g onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 whites and 1 yolk;
  • 125 g tomato puree;
  • 150 g cream;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • spices.

The rice is boiled, but not completely. The onion is cut into cubes and the carrots are grated. Vegetables are used for standard roasting. The meat is mixed with yolk and whites, as well as cereal. Roasted vegetables are also sent there. The mixture is seasoned.

Meatballs are formed from minced meat with rice. Hedgehogs are sprinkled with flour and fried in a frying pan with added butter. In a separate bowl, mix tomato puree, cream, water and seasonings. The resulting sauce is poured onto the meatballs. The dish is simmered under the lid for about 20 minutes. If desired, hedgehogs can be made with cabbage. To do this, finely chopped vegetables are also included in the meat mass.

With gravy

The recipe for meatballs with gravy, just like in kindergarten, is in great demand. The taste of the product remains in the memory for a long time and always evokes pleasant feelings. Minced meatballs with rice are good because in addition to the meat balls, a rich sauce is prepared, which can be used to season porridge or other side dishes.

You can prepare the dish in a frying pan or in a slow cooker, in a saucepan or in the oven. You should consider your preferences. For step-by-step preparation of delicious hedgehogs with gravy in the oven you will need:

  • 600 g minced pork;
  • 4 tbsp. cereal;
  • 295 g cream;
  • 1 piece of cheese;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tsp corn starch.

Chopped garlic is added to the meat. Season the mixture to taste. Rice boiled until half cooked is also added to the meat. Stir the minced meat with your hands until it becomes more viscous.

With wet hands, form meatballs from the minced meat. They are placed in a baking dish. There is no need to lubricate it with oil. Prepare the sauce in a separate plate. To do this, grated cheese is placed in the cream. Salt and pepper are added to taste. Starch is also sent there. The mixture is thoroughly mixed.

Place the meatballs in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes. After this time, you need to pour the sauce over the meat balls. The dish is baked for another 15 minutes. During this time, the balls will bake and brown. Before serving, they can be sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

In tomato sauce in a frying pan

A recipe for meatballs in tomato sauce in a frying pan with or without rice helps you quickly make a complete dish that can be eaten even without a side dish. It is simple and understandable even for novice housewives. The best sauce is sour cream and tomato. You can also choose the fish option, but it’s not for everyone and not everyone likes it. Meatballs also turn out tasty in the oven, but in this case they are not as juicy. It’s better to cook the balls in the sauce in a frying pan.

To cook meatballs in sauce on the stove you will need:

  • minced meat with onions;
  • 1 can of tomatoes in their own juice;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 pinches of dried basil;
  • ½ tsp. coriander;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • dried garlic and spices to taste.

For the dish, take the required amount of minced meat mixed with onions. Usually it takes about 600-700 g. It is seasoned. Balls are made from minced meat and fried in a small amount of vegetable oil. After a slight blush appears, add finely chopped onion to the pan. After a few minutes, place a can of tomatoes in their own juice into the container. It is better if they are without skin. If desired, add 2 tbsp. sour cream. Bring the mixture to a boil and add salt and pepper to taste. After boiling it is seasoned.

Simmer the meat balls over low heat, covered, for about 20 minutes. They are complemented with a side dish, which is poured over the resulting sauce. It is advisable to prepare the dish without adding rice, but if desired, you can add about 100 g of cereal. This will not worsen the taste of the dish.

In sour cream in a frying pan

The recipe for meatballs in sour cream sauce in a frying pan is distinguished by its tenderness. The finished dish literally melts in your mouth. The creamy taste is liked by both adults and children. To prepare rice balls in white sauce you need:

  • 550 g minced meat;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 onions;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 250 g sour cream;
  • 3 tbsp. breadcrumbs;
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

The minced meat is mixed with onion, garlic and egg. Breadcrumbs are also added to the mixture and the minced meat is thoroughly kneaded. It is left in this form for about 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, meat balls are formed from the minced meat. They are fried in a frying pan on both sides for 1-2 minutes. The hedgehogs are transferred to a plate.

Fry the onion until soft and add sour cream. Fry the mixture for another 2-3 minutes, add chopped garlic and put the meatballs back in. Meat balls are simmered over low heat in the sauce for 15 minutes. Served with a side dish. This recipe can also be prepared in the oven.

For babies

Children are recommended to cook meatballs from turkey. This meat is the safest and healthiest for babies. To receive a children's meal you need:

  • 500 g turkey;
  • 8 tbsp. with a heap of cereal;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 whites and 1 yolk;
  • 125 ml cream;
  • spices.

Turkey and onions should be minced. Pre-boiled rice, egg and spices are added to the resulting mass. If the minced meat turns out to be very thick, then it is diluted with a small amount of cream. The mixture is formed into balls and baked in a slow cooker for an hour.

Meatballs in tomato sauce

Everyone has been familiar with meatballs since childhood! The dish is finger-licking good and goes well with almost any side dish: mashed potatoes, buckwheat or pasta. You can cook it as an everyday dish, or you can treat it to guests. Therefore, you should always have a recipe for making meatballs in tomato sauce on hand!

To prepare meatballs you need the following ingredients:

  1. 500 g meat (pork or beef)
  2. 100 – 150 g rice
  3. 2 onions
  4. 100 g carrots
  5. 1 egg
  6. 4 tbsp. l. tomato paste (or 2 cups tomato juice)
  7. Salt and pepper

Meatball recipe:

1. Rinse the rice well and cook in salted water until half cooked for 5-7 minutes.

2. Grind the meat into a meat grinder.

3. Finely chop the onion. Chop one and a half onions for the minced meat, and the remaining half will be used for the sauce.

4. Mix minced meat, boiled rice and finely chopped onion, salt and pepper, mix thoroughly.

5. Form the resulting minced meat into balls with wet hands. By the way, the balls can be made to any size – larger or smaller.

6. Bread the resulting balls in flour.

7. Place in a frying pan with hot vegetable oil and fry until golden brown on both sides, then place in a deep pan.

8. Now we’ll make tomato sauce for stewing the meatballs. Finely chop the remaining half of the onion and grate the carrots.

9. Pour onions and carrots into a hot frying pan with vegetable oil and fry until slightly golden brown.

10. Add tomato juice or tomato paste diluted with water to the fried vegetables and simmer for 15 minutes.

11. Pour tomato sauce over the meatballs and simmer over low heat with the lid closed for 20 minutes.

*before cooking rice, you can pre-soak it for 15-20 minutes - the meatballs will turn out more fluffier

Serve the meatballs hot, with a side dish and pour over tomato sauce.


Recipe 1, step by step: minced meatballs with rice in a pan

  • Minced pork – 1 kg
  • Rice - 600 g
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 1-2 tbsp.
  • Salt, spices - to taste.

To prepare minced meatballs with gravy, semi-cooked rice is usually used. Rinse it until the water is clear and pour boiling water so that it covers the rice by 2 centimeters. Once the water boils, reduce the heat and simmer for 7 minutes. That's it, the rice for the meatballs is ready. What if you take raw rice? There will be nothing terrible, only such meatballs will look like hedgehogs and it is better to eat them right away, since when reheated, the rice will not be hard. Add minced pork. Finely chop the onion. Grate a little carrot on a fine grater. Let the vegetables simmer and also add to the rice base.

Mix the mass. Salt and pepper.


If you cook on the stove, it is best to line the bottom of the pan with cabbage leaves or sprinkle with grated carrots to prevent the meatballs from burning.

We form balls from the minced meat. Place them in a saucepan. It is most convenient to stew the meatballs when they are folded in one layer. But if there are a lot of them, then sprinkle the first layer with carrots and fold the second layer of meatballs on top of the first.

Grate the remaining carrots on a coarse grater and place them on top of the meatballs. It will give the dish a special taste and aroma. For those who do not like stewed vegetables, we advise you not to give up carrots, but cut them into large rings so that you can easily remove them later.

We dilute the tomato paste with water. You will have to adjust the amount of water to suit your pan. The liquid should almost completely cover the meatballs. If you have homemade preparations, replace tomato paste with tomato juice.

Simmer the minced meatballs with rice in tomato sauce for 30 minutes over low heat. How to determine readiness? Try the rice. If it is ready, then the dish can be removed from the stove and served.

how to cook meatballs in a saucepan

Meatballs are usually called a dish made from various types of minced meat with additives and spices, which are then formed, breaded, fried and stewed in various sauces.
To prepare minced meat for meatballs, you will need meat - pork, beef, lamb, chicken or other types of meat. Meatballs made from various sea and river fish are tasty and healthy. The most successful are meatballs made from “combined” minced meat, which contains fatty and lean meat or fish.

How to prepare minced meat for meatballs

As previously noted, minced meat for making meatballs can be from all kinds of meat or fish. Here you will have to be guided only by the availability of products and your own imagination.

In addition to meat, the minced meatballs contain:

– rice boiled until half cooked,

– finely chopped onions,


Rice in minced meat for the recipe “how to cook meatballs” plays the role of a kind of “softener”. With it, the minced meat in the finished dish is not so dense. In other minced meat dishes, soaked bread or grated raw potatoes are added for the same purpose - as you like.

No one dares to strictly regulate the proportions of minced meat and rice for preparing meatballs. Again, this is placed the way you and your household like it. Some housewives add rice in small proportions, while others believe that rice should be a quarter or even a third of the volume of minced meat.

There are housewives who replace rice in minced meatballs with various vegetables. This can be raw potatoes and chopped boiled mushrooms, zucchini, etc.

To make the minced meat more juicy, aromatic and tasty, it is advisable to add chopped onions to rice or other vegetables. It doesn’t matter how finely you grind it, the main thing is its presence in the minced meat. To make the taste of minced meat even more intense, you can add a couple of cloves of chopped garlic, finely chopped parsley, ground black pepper or aromatic seasoning “mixed peppers”. A store-bought “seasoning for minced meat and cutlets” will provide you with a harmonious combination of spices and spices. If you are planning to prepare meatballs for a dietary meal or for your baby, be careful with spices and keep their quantity to the minimum.

To combine all the components of the minced meatballs, it is advisable to add a raw chicken egg. After this, the minced meat is salted and thoroughly kneaded until the mass is homogeneous. To make meatballs, freshly prepared minced meat is formed into balls 4-5 cm in diameter using a spoon and/or hands, that is, approximately the size of a large walnut.

The meatballs are rolled in a breading, for example flour, fried, placed in 1-2 layers in a container in which the cooking process will take place, and poured with hot sauce (the so-called “gravy”).

To prepare meatballs, you can use any kitchen appliance, from the most ordinary stoves and ovens to super modern steamers, multicookers and microwaves.

How to cook meatballs in a frying pan

Prepare minced meat: mince pork and beef in a 1:1 ratio.
To make the minced meat more tender, we do this twice. Finely chop the peeled onion and chop it as well. You can also do this using a meat grinder. That is, in the process of grinding the meat, we put the onion cut into slices into the meat grinder. This will help make the presence of onions in the minced meat intangible in the finished dish. This option for chopping onions is especially relevant for those housewives whose children “cannot stand onions.” To chop the garlic, we pass it through a special press, or we also grind it in a meat grinder during the meat grinding process. Add a raw egg, salt, spices to the finished minced meat and mix. Add the rice, boiled until half cooked, to the minced meat and mix it thoroughly again. After wetting your hands with water, cut the minced meat into balls the size of a small tangerine - 4-5 cm in diameter. Dip the meatballs in flour and quickly fry on both sides in a frying pan until golden brown. Place the fried meatballs in a suitable container and begin preparing the gravy, that is, the sauce for them.

To do this, brown the finely chopped onions, carrots and red bell peppers in the fat remaining after frying the meatballs, stirring constantly. Salt, add a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste and, stirring constantly, add a little hot water. Let the sauce boil and carefully, so as not to burn your hands with the splashes, place the meatballs in the sauce. When all the meatballs are placed in the pan, the sauce should cover them completely. If you get a little less, add a little water.

Place the frying pan with the meatballs on the fire, let the meatballs in the sauce boil, and reduce the heat to low. Cover with a lid and simmer the meatballs for about 40 minutes. Literally a few minutes before the end of the cooking time, sprinkle the meatballs with finely chopped herbs. Serve with any side dish or salad - according to your taste.

Meatball cooking time

When deciding how long to cook the meatballs, you need to take into account the chosen cooking method. On average it takes up to 50 minutes. During this time the dish should simmer. Traditionally, meatballs are cooked in a frying pan. First of all, they are fried for 9-13 minutes, and then poured with the prepared sauce. After this, the dish is simmered for about half an hour.

Baking hedgehogs in the oven is allowed. This makes them less caloric. When cooking, the meatballs are first baked for 4-6 minutes. Then they are poured with sauce and simmered for about half an hour. This is enough to get a really tender dish.

Meatballs in a slow cooker are no less appetizing, in which the hedgehogs will need to be cooked for about an hour. It is best to choose the “Stew” mode for cooking. When cooking in a slow cooker, hedgehogs are not fried. They are immediately placed in a bowl and begin to cook.

For children, it is best to steam the dish. So it is thermally treated for about half an hour. With this preparation, the meatballs will be completely safe for children to eat. The finished product will contain a minimal amount of fat.

Meatballs can also be boiled. To do this, they are poured with sauce in a saucepan and placed on the stove. Boil the meat balls for approximately 25-60 minutes, taking into account their size.


Meatballs made from minced beef take longer to cook. In this case, the heat treatment of the dish will be the longest. Cooking may take 50-60 minutes.


Turkey meatballs are usually recommended for children. This is due to the low calorie content of meat. The resulting dish will be nutritious, as it is enriched with protein and other beneficial microelements.

Meat balls cook very quickly, which allows you to make lunch for your child in a short period of time. It’s better not to take ready-made minced meat, but to cook it yourself. It is impossible to know exactly what raw materials the manufacturer used.

If the dish is being prepared for children, it is better to make a small portion. It is better for your child to make fresh meat balls before each meal. They can be included in the diet of children over the age of one year.

The turkey product does not take long to cook. 15-25 minutes is enough. Additionally, the chosen cooking method is taken into account.


The dish also does not take long to prepare from minced chicken. It is perfect for people who watch their figure. The resulting product will be low in calories, but at the same time include many useful and necessary substances for the full functioning of the body.

Before cooking, chicken hedgehogs are placed in the refrigerator for about 10-15 minutes. This is necessary so that they better retain their shape.

It takes about 30-35 minutes to cook the chicken balls. They are sent to boiling water chilled. They go well with different sauces and, when prepared correctly, always turn out appetizing.


It is convenient to freeze hedgehogs. This way you can prepare yourself a quick and complete dinner at any time. This is also an excellent alternative to store-bought semi-finished products. Homemade meatballs are completely natural and healthy.

After freezing, the product takes longer to cook than immediately after modeling. Typically you need to increase the cooking time by 8-12 minutes.

In the soup

Small hedgehogs - meatballs - are usually thrown into the soup. They are placed in boiling water about 8 minutes before the end of cooking. This time is enough for them to be completely cooked both outside and inside.

When using meatballs, it is not necessary to cook the soup with meat broth. If you use enough meatballs, the dish will have richness.

There is another cooking option. The soup is made with full meat balls and rice.

This time we will prepare chicken meatballs with mushrooms

You can take ready-made minced chicken or make it yourself.
To do this, remove the skin and bones from the chicken breast and cut off the flesh. Cut it into pieces. Peel a couple of onions. We pass one through a meat grinder during the preparation of minced meat, and put one aside. Beat the chopped meat and onions thoroughly in a bowl or on a cutting board. To do this, having formed a lump of meat, lift it a little and “slap” it on the board. We form a lump again and repeat the process. This procedure makes the minced meat more uniform and elastic when forming meatballs. Boil the rice until half cooked, let it cool. Grate a piece of hard cheese (about 50 grams of cheese per 300 grams of chicken)

We clean fresh champignons from dirt and cut them into not very small pieces. We also chop the reserved onion. Fry mushrooms and onions in vegetable oil and cool.

Mix minced meat, boiled rice, mushrooms and onions, grated cheese, chopped dill, salt, and spices. Fresh minced meat “keeps the shape” of the meatballs quite independently, but to be more sure of the result, add a raw chicken egg to the minced meat. Knead and form the meatballs and place them in a container in which we will cook them in the oven. For example, in a heat-resistant glass form.

For the sauce: mix a couple of tablespoons of sour cream with approximately an equal amount of tomato paste, mix them and dilute with a glass of cold water. Dissolve a noticeable tablespoon of starch in another ½ cup of cold water and pour this liquid into the sour cream and tomato mixture, mix.

Pour the resulting mixture over the meatballs, cover tightly with a lid or a layer of foil, and place in the oven. If your mold is glass, then the oven should be cold; if it is made of a more resistant material, it should be heated to 170-185 degrees. Cooking time is about 1 hour.

Serve with mashed potatoes, buckwheat, and any type of pasta. In general, with any side dish and sauce in which the meatballs were stewed.

Approximate amount of minced meat ingredients:

– chicken fillet 0.3 kg;

– rice – 2/3 cup;

– raw champignons – 0.2 kg;

– cheese – 50 gr., onion – 1 pc.,

– sour cream + tomato paste – 2 tbsp each,


Do not put a lot of different spices and spices into chicken meatballs - tender chicken has its own indescribable aroma, which is completely “killed” even by an ordinary bay leaf.


If you think that the most delicious pea soup can only be cooked with smoked meat, then you are mistaken, try cooking it with meatballs.


  • three onions and one carrot;
  • three potatoes;
  • one tomato;
  • 220 g peas;
  • 320 g minced meat;
  • 55 g rice grains;
  • spices, herbs;
  • butter, sour cream.

Cooking method:

  1. For the recipe, you can take regular peas, but to cook a quick soup without soaking and long boiling of the beans, we will use canned peas.
  2. First of all, we will prepare meatballs for the minced meat soup; to do this, finely chop one onion and add it to the minced meat along with grains of rice, egg and spices. Stir, form meatballs and fry in oil until golden brown.
  3. Now we saute the vegetables, for this we cut the carrots into thin strips and chop the remaining onion. As soon as the onions and carrots become soft, add tomato cubes, from which you must first remove the skin, and simmer the ingredients for 5 minutes.
  4. Add a little salt and fry vegetables to a pan of boiling water, after five minutes add the meatballs and diced potatoes, cook for 10 minutes, add the peas, and bring the soup to readiness.
  5. Serve with sour cream and herbs.

Fish meatballs with bean sauce

Experts say that “the fattier the fish, the tastier it is.” It's hard to disagree with this. But to prepare meatballs from minced fish, we will not take too fatty fish. You can take pink salmon, pollock or pike perch, mixing them in minced meat with fattier pangasius. If the fish you choose is lean enough, you can add a little fresh lard to the minced meat. Although salted lard, if you wash the salt off it (in cold running water), will also work.

In order to “kill” the pleasant “fish spirit” that is not everyone’s, some housewives advise putting in the minced meat, in addition to onions and garlic, a little chopped white cabbage or meat seasoning (such as “Knorr” or “Maggi”).

Products (approximate quantity):

– fish fillet – 600 gr.,

– boiled rice – 1 glass;

– cabbage 100-150 gr.;

– canned white beans (without tomato) – 1 can,

– white wine – 200 ml;


We pass the fish fillet, onion and cabbage through a meat grinder twice. Add rice, egg, salt, add spices and mix well.

Grease a baking tray with vegetable oil and place the formed meatballs on it. Today we will not bread them in flour or other breading.

Prepare the sauce: fry chopped onions and carrots in vegetable oil. Using a blender, turn the canned beans (along with the existing liquid) into a homogeneous mass. Add white wine, lemon juice and salt to it. If the mass is too thick, you can dilute it a little with some water.

Pour the resulting bean-wine sauce over the meatballs and place in a preheated oven for half an hour. When serving, sprinkle with dill. It goes very harmoniously with mashed potatoes.

How to cook meatballs in a slow cooker


– veal – 0.5 kg.,

– boiled rice – 2/3 cup;

– ground black pepper;

– a little (1.5 -2 tsp) starch for the sauce,


We pass the veal through a meat grinder. Fry the onion in butter. Together with boiled rice, salt and spices, combine all the ingredients, add salt, add the egg and mix well. Grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil and place the formed meatballs in it.

The sauce for cooking meatballs in the microwave can be whatever your heart desires. Let's make a sauce from cream + cold water + starch. Combine all the ingredients, mix and pour over the meatballs.

In the “Stew” mode, the cooking time is 60 minutes.

How to cook meatballs in a double boiler

Once I had to try the most tender, very dietary turkey meatballs cooked in a double boiler.
We trim the meat from a huge turkey drumstick. We remove the skin and all kinds of veins, cut and chop using kitchen appliances. Add chopped onion and white bread soaked in cream (milk). Break 1 raw egg into the resulting mass, add salt, and mix the minced meat.

Fry finely chopped onion and grated carrots in a frying pan.

Place some fried vegetables and a layer of meatballs into the steamer bowl. If necessary, repeat the process. Meatballs topped with vegetables will not stick together. Although, if you are not too lazy to wash the steamer, repeat the same with the other tier. Cooking time - according to the power and instructions of your steamer.

Each housewife will give her own recipe if you approach her with the question of how to cook meatballs. Perhaps they will all be very different from those proposed in this article, but this is completely normal.


The process of cooking juicy meatballs with rice and aromatic gravy in a frying pan:

1. Wash the meat, dry it and cut it into pieces. Peel and wash the onions and garlic. Cut the products into pieces of such a size that they fit into the neck of the meat grinder. We will also prepare a meat grinder by installing an attachment with a medium sieve.

2. Grind the meat, garlic and onions through a meat grinder and add semi-boiled rice, which has been boiled in salted water, to the resulting minced meat.

3. Season the minced meat with salt, ground black pepper and your favorite spices. I added: a mixture of freshly ground peppers, ground ginger and ground paprika.

4. Mix the minced meat well so that the ingredients and spices are evenly distributed.

5. Form round meatballs, the size of a medium tomato. To prevent the minced meat from sticking to your hands, wet your palms with cool water before forming each meatball.

6. Heat a frying pan with vegetable or other oil and put the meatballs in to fry.

7. Fry the small cutlets on each side for about 3-4 minutes until a light golden crust forms.

8. If you stewed the meatballs in a frying pan with high sides, then you can remove them from the heat for now. If you do not have a deep frying pan, then place the fried round cutlets in a saucepan, cauldron or wok in which you will simmer them.

9. While the meatballs are frying, prepare the tomato paste sauce. In a separate frying pan, add tomato paste, allspice, bay leaf, a mixture of freshly ground peppers and salt.

10. Fill everything with water, mix and boil for about 7-10 minutes.

11. Pour the prepared tomato sauce over the meatballs. Close the pan with a lid and put them on the stove to simmer over low heat after boiling for 1 hour.

12. Serve the finished meatballs with rice hot, pouring over them with the gravy in which they were stewed.

In the Tasty Kitchen you can also cook:


Recipe 4: Meatballs with rice, cooked in a saucepan

You can make regular cutlets from minced meat, or you can make meatballs in a pan, and the latter will not only be a healthier food, but will also save you a lot of time. You simply put the meatballs in a pan and go about your business - you don’t need to fry each batch, turn them over, or check for doneness. No smoke in the kitchen and no greasy pans. In a word - only advantages. And if you get used to such food, then the absence of a fried crust will be a plus for the taste.

  • boneless meat (beef) - 300 gr.;
  • onions – 3-5 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • rice – 100 gr.

First, let's prepare the products. Defrost the meat and peel the vegetables.

Cut the meat into small pieces and grind through a meat grinder. We will carry out the same procedure with onions and carrots.

Add a chicken egg, the specified amount of rice, as well as salt and pepper to taste to our minced meat.

Mix the minced meat thoroughly for future meatballs.

Let's prepare a suitable medium-sized saucepan. Form small meatballs from the minced meat and place them on the bottom of the pan. It is not recommended to lay out more than two layers, as the meatballs may lose their shape during cooking.

Pour about 50-100 ml into the pan with meatballs. boiling water, close the lid and put on low heat to cook. During cooking, water can be added if necessary.

After an hour and a half, you can check the readiness of the dish.

Serve with ketchup or soy sauce. You can prepare mashed potatoes as a side dish for rice meatballs. Bon appetit!

Meatballs with tomato sauce in a frying pan

  • minced meat – 0.6 kg;
  • rice – 50 g;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • purified water – 500 ml;
  • tomato paste – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt.

Grind the meat in a meat grinder. Peel the onions and carrots, cut the onions into small pieces, grate the carrots.

Fry vegetables in vegetable oil. Rinse the rice thoroughly and boil until semi-cooked, lightly adding salt to the water. Transfer to a colander and cool.

In a deep container, mix the minced meat with rice and fried vegetables. Beat two eggs, salt and season with pepper. Mix well. Form small balls from the prepared minced meat.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry each meatball on both sides. Place the fried meatballs in a saucepan.

While the meatballs are frying, prepare the dressing. Combine sour cream with tomato paste, add purified water, salt, pepper and mix well. Pour the prepared sauce into the pan with the meatballs. The meatballs should be completely coated.

Simmer the meatballs over low heat for about 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, you can add chopped fresh herbs.

Soup with hedgehogs

The step-by-step recipe for soup with meatballs is also popular. This dish came to us from Caucasian cuisine. For a rich soup with meatballs you will need:

  • 0.3 kg twisted pork;
  • 2 whites and 1 yolk;
  • 1 grain cereal;
  • 150 g carrots;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 tomato;
  • spices.

Chopped meat is combined with onion, egg and spices. Season the mixture to taste. It is mixed and small meatballs are made. Cooking without cereals is also allowed. The finished hedgehogs are sprinkled with flour.

Hedgehogs are thrown into 2 liters of already boiling water. Separately, chop and fry the vegetables. The potatoes are thrown into the water 8-9 minutes after the meatballs. After another 7 minutes, add the fried vegetables. After this, add finely chopped tomato to the soup and cook for another 7 minutes. After this, the stove is turned on and the dish is allowed to brew for about half an hour. Decorate the soup with dill.

Meatballs are an excellent treat that goes well with any side dishes. Even children as young as 1 year can eat it.

Meatballs in sour cream sauce in a frying pan

  • minced meat – 0.6 kg;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream – 250 g;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt.

Prepare the minced meat using a meat grinder, then pass the onion through. Beat one egg and add breadcrumbs. Add salt and pepper to your taste. Knead the resulting minced meat thoroughly.

Form meatballs and fry, pouring plenty of vegetable oil into the pan. Place the meatballs in a container and fry the chopped onion and garlic in the same frying pan, season with sour cream.

Bring the sauce to a boil and add the meatballs to it. Simmer the meatballs for 15 minutes and serve with your favorite side dish or as a separate dish.

Incredible tasting meatballs!

Such an ordinary dish as meatballs can be turned into a real culinary masterpiece. Just add cheese to them and prepare a spicy gravy. Let's look at the original recipe for meat balls.


  • minced meat (mixed - beef and pork) - 500 g;
  • onion;
  • eggs - two pieces;
  • garlic cloves – five pieces;
  • salt;
  • seasonings;
  • any hard cheese – 0.1 kg;
  • flour (pre-sifted) - six tablespoons. spoon;
  • refined vegetable oil;
  • ketchup (any) – three tables. spoons;
  • mayonnaise - four tables. spoons;
  • milk – 500 ml;
  • processed cheese - two pieces;
  • rice cereal – 0.1 kg;
  • soft butter - one table. spoon;
  • purified water – 100 ml.


  1. Wash the rice cereal thoroughly and boil it until half cooked. It is better to use round rice.
  2. We defrost the minced meat under natural conditions. Place it in a bowl.

  3. Let's clean the onion. Chop it finely and add to the minced meat.

  4. Now let's add the eggs.

  5. Cool the rice grains and add them to the rest of the ingredients.

  6. Peel the garlic cloves and put them through a press.
  7. Spread the garlic mass into the preparation.

  8. Let's prepare the seasonings. The ideal choice would be Provençal herbs, paprika, a blend of peppers, coriander, and salt.
  9. Add them to the minced meat mixture.

  10. Knead the minced meat into a homogeneous structure.

  11. Cut the hard cheese into slices.

  12. Forming meatballs. Pinch off a piece of minced meat so that it fits in your palm. Let's press it down and level it out. We'll make a flatbread.

  13. Place a piece of cheese on it.

  14. Then pinch off another piece of minced meat. Cover the cheese plate with it and form a round cake.
  15. Place three tablespoons in a deep plate. spoons of sifted flour.
  16. We roll our preparations in it.

  17. In a frying pan, heat the refined vegetable oil. Fry the meatballs on one side until golden.

  18. And then fry the pieces on the other side.

  19. Place the meatballs in a bowl and leave them for now.
  20. Place ketchup in a separate container.
  21. Add mayonnaise to it.

  22. Stir the ingredients until the structure is homogeneous. This is important, otherwise the mayonnaise will “grow” into flakes during the heat treatment process.

  23. Grate processed cheese (lightly frozen).

  24. Melt a spoonful of soft butter in a frying pan.
  25. Let's lay out three tables. spoons of sifted flour. Lightly fry it, stirring all the time.

  26. Without ceasing to stir, add purified water into the frying pan.
  27. Then add milk.
  28. Then add a mixture of mayonnaise and ketchup.
  29. While stirring, simmer the mixture on a low burner level.
  30. Salt the sauce and season with spices.
  31. Now let's put processed cheese in it.

  32. Stir. When the cheese melts, turn off the burner.
  33. Place our meatballs in a deep pan.
  34. Fill them with sauce.

  35. After boiling, simmer the meatballs on the lowest burner level for fifteen to twenty minutes. Ready!

Fish meatballs with gravy in a frying pan

  • fish fillet – 800 g;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • milk – 150 ml;
  • white loaf – 130 g;
  • lemon – ½ part;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • butter – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • wheat flour – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • broth - 1 glass;
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vodka – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh herbs – 5 g;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.

Pour milk over the bread, cutting off the crust. Peel the onions and cut into cubes. Rinse the fish fillet thoroughly, dry and cut into pieces. Pangasius, hake or pollock fillets are perfect for this dish.

Pass the prepared products through a meat grinder. Beat one egg into the prepared minced meat, add the desired seasonings and salt. Stir and make meatballs. Fry the meatballs in sunflower oil until golden brown.

In a separate deep frying pan, heat the butter and lightly brown the wheat flour. Add vodka and pour in the broth. Mix thoroughly. Separately, beat two eggs with a fork and dilute with sour cream, carefully pour into the sauce.

Sprinkle with spices, add chopped herbs and mix well. Place the fried meatballs in the sauce and simmer for about 20 minutes.


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  • how to cook rice for meatballs
  • how to cook meatballs correctly
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  • sour cream sauce for meatballs in a frying pan
  • how to fry meatballs
  • meatballs in sauce with rice
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