How to preserve salted saffron milk caps for the winter. How to properly store saffron milk caps at home

Is it possible to freeze black and white milk mushrooms and how to do it

Before freezing black milk mushrooms, it would be a good idea to find out whether this can be done.
Many housewives really like frozen milk mushrooms: they have the same taste and aroma, nutritional and vitamin properties as fresh ones. That is why recently, with the advent of new and improved types of refrigerators and freezers, this preparation method has become very common. Having figured out whether it is possible to freeze black milk mushrooms and preparing the mushrooms for quick freezing, they do not need to be sorted and distributed into separate containers. Some types of heat treatment reduce food significantly in volume, so you can boil or fry mushrooms for a short time before freezing. At the same time, they will not lose either taste or vitamin value. To properly freeze fried mushrooms, certain conditions must be met. You can put them in plastic bags and put them in the freezer only when they have cooled down. If a lot of juice has formed during frying, it is better to store the mushrooms in small jars (0.5 l).

This means that containers with mushrooms cannot be overfilled; there must be free space in them. During the frying process, do not add too much vegetable oil.

When understanding the question of whether it is possible to freeze white milk mushrooms, it is also worth remembering that you do not need to salt the mushrooms or add spices or seasonings. This can be done already when preparing the dish, guided by the recipe and your taste preferences. Before frying mushrooms, you should pre-process them: clean them of earthen lumps, grass, remove the stems of some types, rinse several times in cold water, and when finished, dry them by laying them on a towel, preferably in the open air. Mushrooms prepared for freezing are placed in plastic bags or gastronorm containers, divided into portions, each of which will be used entirely. It is not recommended to freeze mushrooms, like vegetables and fruits, twice. They can be stored in the freezer for 6 months or longer. If necessary, it is better to chop the mushrooms without defrosting and place them in a frying pan. To cook, you can lower them whole into the pan.

What is the best way to preserve salted saffron milk caps in jars until spring?

For lovers of mushroom dishes who live in big cities, glass containers are considered the best option for storing salted mushrooms.

How to properly store salted saffron milk caps in jars?

After preliminary cleaning of forest debris and rinsing in plenty of cold water, the mushrooms are boiled in salted brine for 10 minutes, drained in a colander and washed under the tap. Allow to drain completely, spreading onto a kitchen towel, and distribute into jars, sprinkling each layer of mushrooms with salt and spices. Fill with boiling water and cover with nylon lids. Place in a cool, dark and well-ventilated area. Store at a temperature not exceeding +10+12°C until required.

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Methods for freezing plums for the winter

Frozen plum with pit

If you plan to use the berries to make compote, you can freeze them whole, right with the seeds.

Clean, dry plums are placed in plastic bags, sealed tightly and placed in the freezer. The main thing is not to forget to sign that this preparation is frozen with seeds.

How to freeze pitted plums

The core should be removed from a clean berry. This is done using a knife, cutting the berry in half.

You can freeze pitted plums in halves or quarters, or you can also freeze whole berries, if, when removing the pit, the cut is made only on one side.

To prevent the berries from sticking together into one lump when frozen, peeled and chopped fruits should be laid out on a cutting board or tray lined with cling film. In this form, the plum goes into the freezer for at least 4 hours.

After the specified time, the frozen berries can be poured into bags for freezing. This method allows you to get frozen food, which is convenient for baking.

If you plan to freeze berries in portions, and the friability of the finished product does not matter to you, then you will be interested in watching the video from Lubov Kriuk - My method of freezing berries and fruits.

Plum sprinkled with sugar

The berries are prepared for freezing in the same way as in the previous recipe: the seeds are removed and cut in your favorite way.

Then sugar is poured into the container with the fruits and everything is thoroughly mixed. The amount of sugar depends on the sweetness of the original product, but experienced housewives advise using a ratio of 1:5.

The workpiece is laid out in containers and stored in a freezer.

You can sprinkle the plums with sugar immediately in a freezer bag. For more information about this method, watch the video from the “Blooming Garden!” channel. - Plums. Freezing for the winter.

How to freeze plums in syrup

This method is the most time-consuming, but the end result is a very tasty product.

You can pour syrup over plums cut into halves or quarters. You can peel it first, but this is not at all necessary. It is also possible to freeze whole plums in this form, but they must be pierced in several places with a wooden skewer.

To remove the skin, make a cross-shaped cut at the base of the stalk and lower the plum into boiling water for 30 seconds. After this manipulation, the skin can be easily removed. Then the pit should be removed.

To prepare the syrup you will need 500 grams of granulated sugar for every liter of water. Boil water with sugar until it is completely dissolved. Let cool.

Place the plums in containers and fill with syrup. It is recommended to cool the syrup in the refrigerator to a temperature of +6…+10ºС before doing this.

Vacuum drain

Another interesting way to freeze plums for the winter is in a vacuum. True, it is not so widespread, since it involves the use of a special unit - a vacuumizer and a certain type of bag.

Features of storing saffron milk caps after cold salting

If you are salting raw mushrooms, then the first stage of salting the mushrooms should last 1-2 weeks. The saffron milk caps are salted in a bowl, which is covered with gauze. Oppression is installed on top. At this time, containers with mushrooms should be kept in a room with an air temperature of +10 to +15 °C.

After completing the first stage of salting, the saffron milk caps are placed in jars or wooden barrels. The containers are sealed and sent to the cellar or refrigerator. There they are seasoned with salt for another 1.5 months, fully revealing their taste. The storage temperature should not be higher than +5 °C.

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The entire cycle of salting saffron milk caps using the cold method takes approximately 2 months. Mushrooms salted in this way can be stored for quite a long time - for 2 years.

How to properly freeze mushrooms for the winter - freezing mushrooms at home » Suseki

During the “quiet hunting” season, many people wonder how to preserve the entire harvest of mushrooms. A great way to do this is to freeze it. You can freeze both wild mushrooms and those you purchased in a store or market. After all, everyone knows that in the summer the price of mushrooms is much lower.

Ingredients: mushrooms Time for bookmarking: Summer, Autumn

Porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, honey mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, champignons and other types of mushrooms can be frozen at home. The general principle of freezing is the same for all mushrooms.

Sorting mushrooms after harvesting

First of all, mushrooms are sorted according to the structure of the mushroom. In this case, they distinguish:

  • marsupials (truffles, morels);
  • lamellar (for example, russula);
  • tubular (ceps, boletus mushrooms).

It is preferable to freeze only tubular (or, in other words, spongy) mushrooms raw. The internal structure of the cap of such mushrooms is a porous surface, which, when boiled, absorbs a lot of liquid, and, as a result, the mushrooms will be watery when defrosted. If you had to boil sponge mushrooms, you should lightly squeeze them before freezing.

Lamellar types of mushrooms, such as honey mushrooms, must be boiled before freezing.

The few types of marsupial mushrooms must be boiled and thoroughly squeezed before placing them in the freezer.

How to prepare mushrooms for freezing

After sorting the mushrooms, the strongest specimens are selected for subsequent freezing.

Mushrooms are cleaned with a knife or a rough brush: all debris and stuck leaves are removed, the lower, contaminated part of the stem is cut off.

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If the mushrooms selected for further freezing in their raw form are very dirty, then they should be rinsed in water, but under no circumstances soaked. Afterwards, they must be dried thoroughly with a paper towel.

Those mushrooms that you plan to boil can be safely washed under running water without worrying that they will absorb too much moisture.

How to freeze raw mushrooms

As mentioned above, only tubular mushrooms are suitable for this freezing method. The ideal option would be porcini mushrooms and red caps.

Small mushrooms are frozen whole, and large specimens are cut into slices 1-2 centimeters thick.

Next, the mushrooms are laid out on a flat surface and put in the freezer for several hours. After the mushrooms have frozen, they are poured into a freezer bag or placed in containers.

See video from Lubov Kriuk - How to freeze porcini mushrooms

How to freeze boiled mushrooms for the winter

Mushrooms that will be pre-boiled must first be chopped. Next, they are immersed in boiling water and cooked for 5 to 10 minutes. Then place in a colander to allow excess liquid to drain. After the mushrooms have cooled, they are transferred into portioned bags for one use and sent to the freezer.

The broth from boiled honey mushrooms is drained, and from porcini and boletus mushrooms it is used to make soup.

See the video from the channel “Tasty and Nourishing” - How to freeze mushrooms for the winter

Freezing fried mushrooms

Both tubular and lamellar types of mushrooms are suitable for this method. Mushrooms are cut into pieces or plates. Then they are laid out in a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil and fried until golden brown. Salt and spices are not added. Roasting lasts approximately 20 minutes.

This frozen food is completely ready to eat after defrosting. You just have to add these mushrooms, for example, to fried potatoes or to a salad.

Freezing oven-baked mushrooms

Another way is to freeze mushrooms previously baked in the oven. To do this, mushrooms are placed on a baking sheet without adding oil and baked until cooked. Then they are put into bags and sent to the freezer for storage. Such mushrooms have a particularly bright taste and aroma when defrosted.

Freezing temperature and shelf life of frozen mushrooms

The temperature regime for freezing mushrooms is -18°C. If this requirement is met, mushrooms can be stored in the freezer all winter.

Options for storing salted saffron milk caps at home

All lovers of mushroom dishes are well aware that saffron milk caps are very healthy. They are high in protein, beta-carotene, and ascorbic acid, which perfectly support the immune system and the functioning of the digestive system. In addition, saffron milk caps have amazing taste and are used for various preparation methods. Salty mushroom snacks are especially appreciated at festive feasts. However, in order to be able to prepare high-quality mushroom preserves, you should know about storing salted saffron milk caps.

How to preserve salted saffron milk caps until spring so that they delight you and your loved ones with their wonderful taste and aroma? To do this, you need to know that the terms and conditions of storage of fruiting bodies directly depend on the pickling method.

There are two common options - hot and cold. In the first case, heat-treated saffron milk caps are used. This leads to a partial loss of the beneficial properties of mushrooms. In the second option, saffron milk caps are salted raw, and this helps preserve maximum nutrients.

How to freeze saffron milk mushrooms for the winter

The freezing method depends on the recipe, the process of laying is the same, the pre-processing differs. If the freezing technology is followed, mushrooms retain their nutritional value in any form.

How to freeze boiled saffron milk caps for the winter

You can boil whole specimens (young and small ones) for freezing. Before boiling, it is better to cut fruit bodies with a thick stem and a large cap into small pieces so that the entire mass is approximately the same size. More of such raw materials will fit into containers for freezing, and the packaging will take up less space. Technology for freezing boiled stock:

  • after cooking, the mushrooms are washed;
  • lay out on a tray or napkin to evaporate the water;
  • when the raw materials are completely dry and cool, they are packaged in bags or plastic containers, compacted so that more of the semi-finished product is included; boiled saffron milk caps are not brittle;
  • set the freezer thermostat to maximum power;
  • stack or place packages.

Freezing salted saffron milk caps

Frozen saffron milk caps according to this recipe will decorate any table. The technology is fast, labor-intensive, and does not require preliminary boiling. The method of freezing salted saffron milk caps completely eliminates the presence of moisture. After processing, do not wash the mushrooms; wipe them with a damp, clean cloth. If the fruiting bodies are too dirty, dry them thoroughly after washing.

It is better to use young specimens; if large ones are to be salted, they are cut and immediately sprinkled with salt. In saffron milk caps, milky juice appears at the cut site; if the workpiece is left unprocessed for a long time, the cuts will turn green and the finished product will look unattractive after freezing.

Recipe for pickling saffron milk caps for freezing:

  1. Take an enamel container or a plastic bulk container.
  2. Lay the raw materials in layers, sprinkle each with salt (1 kg/1 tbsp), add garlic, bay leaf and pepper.
  3. Place pressure on top, cover with a lid, and place in the refrigerator.

Keep in the refrigerator for 24 hours, then packaged in small portions. Place in the freezer. The weight of one package must correspond to a single serving. Repeated freezing process is not provided.

Freezing raw saffron milk caps

Freezing raw mushrooms is carried out in two stages. The prepared raw materials are laid out on a tray in a thin layer and placed in the freezer for 7-8 hours for pre-freezing. You can do without a tray by covering the bottom of the chamber with plastic wrap and laying the workpiece on it. After time has elapsed, the fruiting bodies should become completely hard. Mushrooms are packaged and placed in the freezer. The preliminary freezing stage will preserve the shape of the brittle, raw camelina.

Freezing fried saffron milk caps

The method of freezing semi-finished fried mushrooms will take longer, but it is the most compact. After hot processing, the moisture from the fruiting bodies will evaporate, the volume of raw materials will decrease by 1/3. When frozen, fried mushrooms will fit tightly into the bag and take up less space.

Product preparation process:

  1. There is no need to dry the washed raw materials; they are cut immediately; large specimens that are not suitable for other types of freezing can be used.
  2. Place in a deep frying pan, cover with a lid.
  3. During the heating process, the fruiting bodies will release juice, which will completely cover the mushrooms.
  4. After the liquid boils, open the lid and stir the mixture.
  5. When the moisture has completely evaporated, add sunflower, olive or butter and finely chopped onion.
  6. Fry until done.

Then the product is allowed to cool, packaged and placed in a freezing chamber.

How can you preserve the color of salted saffron milk caps?

It is important to know that salted saffron milk caps can change their color from red to dark green, which sometimes seems unnatural. It is worth noting that this is a completely common occurrence and there is nothing strange about it. How can you preserve the color of salted saffron milk caps, and what methods should you use?

When hot pickling, if you boil the fruiting bodies in salted water with the addition of citric acid, you can preserve the natural color of the saffron milk caps. In addition, it is better to use a minimum amount of spices and spices, which also affect the change in color of salted mushrooms.

What is the best way to store cold-salted saffron milk caps? To prevent the mushrooms from changing their color, they must be filled with acidified and salted cold water during initial processing. Then, without boiling, sprinkle with salt, cover with an inverted plate and press down with a weight. As soon as the saffron milk caps release their juice and are covered with brine, they need to be placed in jars and filled with the same brine to the very top. We assure you that there will be no color change in the saffron milk caps.

Advantages and disadvantages of freezing

Often, professional chefs use frozen mushrooms because they know all the benefits of preparing them. The positive factors include the following:

  1. Minimum time for preparing the product - as described above, the mushrooms are simply cleaned of contaminants and placed in the freezer. You can first boil or stew the workpiece, then after defrosting it will take less time to prepare the dish.
  2. Freezing is a sure way to preserve all the benefits of a product.
  3. Frozen products can be stored for up to a year - then it is better to get rid of the product, since it will lose its texture after defrosting.
  4. Once defrosted, raw mushrooms can be cooked immediately - there is no need to soak them for faster cooking.
  5. The mushroom taste will be preserved during freezing, both in the raw product and in the finished semi-finished product.
  6. The defrosted product can later be salted or pickled.

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The disadvantage lies in the peculiarities of storing the product frozen

It is important to observe the temperature regime here, since deviations from the norm will lead to loss of appearance and taste.

Freezing saffron milk caps for the winter: secrets and tips

You can find canned or frozen mushrooms in every supermarket, but using your own supplies for cooking is much more profitable and enjoyable. If you freeze mushrooms correctly, they will not lose their taste, shape and color. If all cooking rules are followed, they will remain as nutritious and healthy as fresh. So that you can always please your family and friends with a delicious dish, let's look at how to freeze saffron milk caps for the winter.

Mushroom storage

Not everyone can process mushrooms on the day they are picked - mainly due to fatigue after a long walk

Therefore, it is important to know how long fresh saffron milk caps are stored. Mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

To increase this time by 2-3 times, you need to know how to store fresh saffron milk caps. To do this, immediately after harvesting, the mushrooms must be immersed in salted water and placed in the refrigerator in this form.

Cleaning saffron milk caps

Before you start cleaning the mushroom, you need to determine whether the mushroom is edible or not. Mushrooms that produce orange juice are suitable for consumption. Poisonous saffron milk caps produce white juice. To clearly understand how to clean saffron milk caps, let’s consider a detailed algorithm:

  1. The fruits are washed from the main dirt and placed in a basin with warm and clean water.
  2. Leave them to soak for about 2-3 hours.
  3. Remove all darkened parts.
  4. Run a knife over the caps to remove mucus.

Processing before freezing

Not everyone knows whether it is possible to freeze saffron milk caps for the winter, so they miss the opportunity to enjoy the taste of these mushrooms all year round. Most often, mushroom pickers make the same mistake: they simply wash and put the saffron milk caps in a bag, and then put it in the freezer.

In fact, these mushrooms need careful processing, so it is important to know how to process saffron milk caps if you want to preserve their beneficial properties and attractive appearance:

  • One container or bag should contain fresh mushrooms, collected within 1 day.
  • Wormy or flaccid saffron milk caps are not suitable for freezing; damaged mushrooms should be frozen separately.
  • It is enough to wash, clean and dry strong and young saffron milk caps, laying them out on a towel.
  • Before freezing limp or damaged mushrooms, it is recommended to boil them for 5 minutes. After the water has completely drained, they are placed in the freezer.

You can also freeze fried saffron milk caps. They need to be fried for 20 minutes with a little oil. You can freeze them only after they have cooled and the remaining oil has drained off. This kind of freezing is very convenient to do for later use as a pie filling or any stuffed product.

How to preserve saffron milk caps for the winter?

The easiest way involves packing the required amount of mushrooms into bags or containers after washing and processing. But in this case, the mushrooms will stick together and lose their attractiveness. Such a treat is unlikely to be suitable for guests, but it can be used to add to other dishes.

There is another way to freeze saffron milk caps. It is done in the same way as freshly made dumplings are frozen:

  1. Place the mushrooms on a large baking sheet so that they do not touch.
  2. They are sent to the freezer.
  3. The freezer compartment is set to the lowest temperature. Modern models have a “maximum freezing” option, with which the air temperature drops to –24°C.
  4. Freezing will end in 10-14 hours - this depends on the selected temperature regime.
  5. Check the mushrooms by tapping them on the tray. If a “stony” sound appears, this means that the fruits are completely frozen.
  6. Transfer to a container and return to the freezer.

It is best to write on the container, bag or sticker attached to it the date exactly when the mushrooms were placed in the freezer. Even if frozen, saffron milk caps can only be stored for 6 months. Therefore, based on the date, you can understand whether the mushrooms are suitable for consumption or not.

It is best to defrost saffron milk caps naturally. To do this, just put them in the refrigerator, on the lowest shelf. Defrosting will take no more than 12 hours, but after that you will be able to remember the taste of summer and enjoy mushrooms.

How long do salted saffron milk caps last? What is the shelf life of salted saffron milk caps?

How long do salted saffron milk caps last?

What is the shelf life of salted saffron milk caps?

If you store salted saffron milk caps sterilized in jars in the cellar or refrigerator, their shelf life is one year. If you pickled saffron milk caps and do not put them in jars, then after cold pickling, which lasts about 2 months, they can be stored in the refrigerator for another 1-2 weeks.

The shelf life of salted saffron milk caps depends on the method of salting the saffron milk caps and the conditions of their storage.

The main methods of salting, and not pickling, of saffron milk caps are the “hot pickling method” and the “cold pickling method.” It is very important under what conditions mushrooms pickled in one way or another are salted and then stored - this largely determines the shelf life of salted saffron milk caps.

Cold-salted saffron milk caps should be salted at a temperature of 15 degrees (-, + 5 degrees) for fifteen days. After this, they are placed in the cellar or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, where the temperature is about +5 degrees. In this environment, they are salted for another month and a half. The entire salting cycle lasts two months. After a properly carried out process, salted saffron milk caps can be stored for up to 2 years, at temperatures from 0 to +7 degrees.

Hot salted saffron milk caps take less time to complete the salting process. After heat treatment and packaging in sterile containers, the mushrooms are salted on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for about a month and a half, after which they are put into the cellar where the temperature is no higher than +5 degrees. In this way, salted saffron milk caps are safely stored until the next harvest, that is, 1 year.

And regardless of the method of salting these mushrooms, a good “indicator” of the safety of salted saffron milk caps is the color of the brine in which they are found. If during the period of salting or storage, the brine turns black, then such mushrooms cannot be eaten - they have spoiled!

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When opening the canned food, the brine should be slightly cloudy, and the mushrooms should have a natural color. Be careful!

And regardless of the method of salting these mushrooms, a good “indicator” of the safety of salted saffron milk caps is the color of the brine in which they are found. If during the period of salting or storage, the brine turns black, then such mushrooms cannot be eaten - they have spoiled!

Methods for freezing porcini mushrooms

You can freeze raw porcini mushrooms

Clean mushrooms should be sorted by size. Small porcini mushrooms can be frozen whole, and large ones can be cut into slices or cubes.

From whole small mushrooms you can prepare a dish for the holiday table, and from chopped legs and caps you can cook soup or make goulash.

Prepared mushrooms are placed in containers or bags for freezing. If the mushrooms were previously rinsed with water, then in order to avoid freezing among themselves, the mushrooms can be laid out on a flat surface and frozen. After 12 hours, frozen boletus mushrooms can be transferred to bags.

See video from Lubov Kriuk - White mushroom. Boletus edulis. Great ways to prepare for freezing porcini mushrooms

Boiled porcini mushrooms for the winter

Boiled mushrooms take up much less space in the freezer, which allows people with small freezers to use this method. At the same time, mushrooms with cut wormholes, that is, those that have lost their presentation, can be frozen.

Before freezing, the mushrooms are cut into cubes and then immersed in boiling water for 5 minutes, no more. Then they are transferred to a colander to get rid of excess liquid. Completely cooled boletus mushrooms are packaged in bags or containers.

Boiled frozen mushrooms are used to make soups and gravy.

The water in which porcini mushrooms were boiled can also be used. It is boiled until reduced in volume and slightly thickened, and then frozen in ice cube trays.

See the video from the channel “Tasty and Nourishing” - Freezing mushrooms for the winter

How to fry porcini mushrooms for the winter

Clean mushrooms are cut into slices or cubes and placed on a hot frying pan. After some time, liquid will begin to release from the boletus mushrooms. After the moisture has almost evaporated, which will take about 20 minutes, add vegetable oil to the mushrooms. Fry sliced ​​mushrooms until light golden brown.

Place the finished mushrooms in a colander to allow excess fat to drain. The cooled porcini mushrooms are put into portioned bags, one at a time, and put in the freezer for storage.

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These mushrooms are completely ready to eat. You can simply add them to fried potatoes and heat them through.

See video from Dmitry Yakov - Frying porcini mushrooms correctly

Proven method of storing saffron milk caps in oil

Storing salted saffron milk caps in oil is an old, proven method, used by our great-grandmothers, and adopted by modern cooks.

After the saffron milk caps have been placed in glass jars and filled with brine, they are topped with several tablespoons of calcined vegetable oil. This method will not allow mold to spread over the surface of the workpiece, as a result the saffron milk caps will not spoil.

In addition to oil, to preserve salted saffron milk caps, you can use horseradish leaves and roots, which will add a spicy pungency to the dish and protect against mold. You can also use blackcurrant, cherry, and oak leaves, which will give the snack elasticity and a crunchy texture.

Now that you know how best to preserve salted saffron milk caps, you can safely start preparing them.

Although saffron milk caps love cool places to store, very low temperatures have a bad effect on the consistency of the mushrooms and they spoil. How to preserve salted saffron milk caps for the winter after hot pickling? After complete cooling, the containers are taken to the basement, where the temperature should not be higher than +10°C. If you store salted mushrooms in the refrigerator, then this should be done on the lower shelves. The period for salting fruit bodies using the hot method is 7-10 days. Such preparations are stored for almost 16 months.

Preparation rules

Saffron milk caps are not capricious mushrooms, but experienced mushroom pickers claim that among them there are both edible and poisonous species. This mushroom itself is healthy, nutritious and aromatic, especially when cooked correctly. It is believed that camelina, from which white juice flows, is not suitable for freezing - only suitable with orange juice.

  1. Saffron milk caps remove dried blades of grass, forest debris, and small leaves. It is recommended to do this under running water using a new foam sponge for washing dishes; you should not soak the mushrooms in a large amount of liquid.
  2. They are placed in a container with warm, clean water and left for 3 hours. After the expiration date, all darkened parts are removed from the mushrooms, and the caps are cleaned of mucus using a knife.
  3. The product is sorted and sorted by size: small and strong specimens are set aside separately, large saffron milk caps are cut into equal pieces.
  4. Small and strong forest products do not need to be processed before freezing: it is enough to wash, peel, dry them and you can begin the process.

Larger mushrooms must undergo special processing before harvesting: such large mushrooms are frozen, boiled, fried or salted.

How to store saffron milk caps after hot pickling

The salting process in this case occurs quickly. The saffron milk caps are boiled and, after cooling, placed in storage containers. Most often, sterilized jars are used, which are rolled up and placed in the refrigerator or cellar. In the refrigerator, jars of mushrooms are best stored on the bottom shelf. The temperature should not exceed +5 °C.

Saffron milk caps love cool weather, but you shouldn’t freeze them. Their taste will suffer as a result. The optimal storage temperature for mushrooms at the final stage of pickling is from +0 to +5 °C.

The salting out stage takes 1.5 months. After this time, the mushrooms can be served. Cold-salted saffron milk caps retain their value and taste for 1 year, i.e. just until the new harvest.

How to freeze porcini mushrooms

We love strong boletus mushrooms for their firmness and snow-white flesh. And the aroma of the “king of mushrooms” cannot be compared with anything else!

  1. To freeze porcini mushrooms, place them on a tray and place them in the freezer on the “fast freeze” setting. If such a function is not provided in the refrigerator, then it will take about 10 hours for the workpiece to freeze thoroughly.
  2. Place the finished product in bags, containers, and put it back in the freezer for storage.

How to freeze chanterelle mushrooms for the winter

For a long time I didn’t know whether it was permissible to freeze chanterelle mushrooms. I thought they were too tender to freeze. It turned out that chanterelles tolerate freezing no worse than porcini mushrooms. In addition, chanterelles are amazingly easy to process; they are extremely rarely wormy.

  1. You can prepare chanterelles for freezing using the technology described for porcini and other mushrooms, read and feel free to use.
  2. There are two ways to freeze chanterelles: fresh, without cooking, and by pre-frying. Personally, I like the second option better - then straight into the frying pan without additional hassle, all you have to do is heat it up and serve.
  3. The only condition: to remove slight bitterness from chanterelles, soak them in salt water before processing, adding a large spoonful of salt per liter of water.

How to freeze boiled mushrooms

If you are afraid to freeze fresh mushrooms and want quality assurance, freeze pre-boiled ones - an incredibly convenient way to prepare mushrooms. The advantage is that, having taken the workpiece out of the chamber, you can immediately put it into use, and it will take much less time to prepare dishes.

By the way, broken, but good, strong and young mushrooms are perfect for this option; they will make a semi-finished product for filling and stuffing. And they are perfect for cabbage rolls.

Boil the mushrooms for about five minutes, drain the water, and let it drain completely in a colander. There is no need to salt the water under any circumstances. Then place portions into packages and place in the freezer.

How to freeze fried mushrooms

Mushrooms fried before freezing look especially appetizing. Chanterelles are especially good; fry potatoes with them in winter, add them to a warm salad and make them into cutlets.

  1. To properly freeze mushrooms, fry them in vegetable oil and wait until the liquid has completely evaporated. Don't add salt!
  2. Then, after cooling, pack into bags and containers and place in the freezer. The big advantage of fried mushrooms is that there is no need to defrost them first.

How to freeze mushrooms with broth

Sometimes it’s incredibly sad to pour out the broth left after boiling mushrooms for freezing. It's too fragrant! There is a way out in this case - you can prepare the mushrooms directly with the liquid.

  1. In this case, after boiling the mushrooms until tender and cooling, take a container and put a thick bag inside so that the edges cover the sides of the container.
  2. Then pour in the broth with mushrooms and freeze.
  3. When the workpiece freezes, carefully remove the bag from the container - you will get a smooth briquette that is convenient to store in the chamber - an excellent base for soup is ready. If there are several of them, then stack them one on top of the other.

How to defrost mushrooms correctly

It is necessary to defrost the prepared mushrooms gradually, ideally by moving them from the freezer to the refrigerator on the top shelf. Then they will turn out just like fresh.

The process is not quick, so take care of the mushrooms in advance. Once the mushrooms are ready for cooking, use them immediately; you should not leave thawed mushrooms for a long time without heat treatment.

But it’s better to cook mushrooms straight from the freezer without defrosting, if the recipe allows it. This is how soup is prepared; you can freeze it by placing it in a well-heated frying pan.

Don’t let the quiet hunting season pass by the freezer, friends, make a little fuss and freeze the mushrooms for the winter. And in winter, having taken out the treasured bag, you will begin to enjoy wonderful mushroom soup and fried potatoes! This is what I wish with all my heart. With love... Galina Nekrasova.

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