Scrambled eggs in a slow cooker - 11 simple and original recipes

How to cook scrambled eggs in a slow cooker

To prepare any type of scrambled eggs, you need to use only the freshest eggs.

How to cook scrambled eggs in a slow cooker? Most often, the “frying” or “baking” mode is used to prepare this dish. First, place the oil in the bowl and let it warm up for a few minutes. Then the eggs are poured out.

  • If you are preparing fried eggs, you need to break the egg as carefully as possible so as not to damage the yolk shell. After pouring the eggs, fry them until done with the lid open. If you close the lid, the surface of the yolk will be covered with a white film, since the scrambled eggs will cook like in the oven. Don't forget to salt the scrambled eggs; you can sprinkle the eggs with black pepper or other spices. To give scrambled eggs a beautiful shape, you can use special silicone molds. Using them, you can fry fried eggs in the shape of a heart or flower.
  • If scrambled eggs are being prepared, the eggs are first poured into a bowl and lightly beaten with the addition of spices. There is no need to achieve foam; just mix the yolk and white. Then the mass is poured into a bowl where the oil has already been heated, and fried with the lid open, stirring constantly with a spatula.
  • The omelet is prepared with the multicooker lid closed. In addition, it can be steamed by pouring the omelette mixture into silicone molds. Hot water is poured into the bowl and a special insert for steaming dishes is installed. Place the molds in this insert and cook the omelette for 10-20 minutes, depending on the size of the molds.

Interesting Facts! The first omelettes began to be prepared in Ancient Greece. It was a sweet dish, made from beaten eggs with honey.

Culinary secrets

It would seem that what could be simpler than scrambled eggs in a slow cooker? Even if with different additives. A common dish for all bachelors. But it would seem. After all, everywhere has its own secrets and subtleties.

  1. In order for the eggs to absorb less fat, the oil must be well heated. By the way, a combination of butter and olive oils is considered successful;
  2. Dishes in a multicooker never burn, so if you want to make the eggs as dietary as possible, you can grease the bowl with oil using a brush;
  3. There is no need to remove the scrambled eggs from the multicooker immediately as soon as the signal sounds. It’s better to wait a few minutes without opening the roof and then lay it out;
  4. To prepare the dish, you should use only the freshest and homemade eggs, if possible. You can also replace them with quail ones;
  5. It is important to fry the filling and additives for scrambled eggs first, and only then fill them with eggs - this way the dish will not absorb excess liquid and will then retain its shape;
  6. If you are preparing scrambled eggs, then it is advisable to add salt immediately, whereas in the case of fried eggs it is better to salt the dish after the yolk has slightly set in it;
  7. The finished chatter can be placed not on a plate, but on hot rye toast, then served with a salad of fresh vegetables or simply sprinkled with herbs on top;
  8. It's a good idea to add a small amount of grated cheese to the eggs during the beating stage. This will thicken their consistency and give a delicate taste;
  9. Scrambled eggs can be prepared without first beating the eggs - just knead them vigorously with a wooden spatula in the bowl until fully cooked;
  10. For children, you can prepare “Flowers” ​​in a slow cooker by making cuts on the sausages and rolling the resulting springs into a circle, securing the ends with a toothpick. Fry the resulting “flowers” ​​in a multicooker bowl and then place 1 raw yolk in the middle. On the plate, you can attach stems of different greens to the “flowers”.

Delicious recipe! Nests with minced meat and potatoes in the oven

Scrambled eggs are a classic breakfast dish. Is it possible to cook it in a slow cooker? What ingredients are best to use? Cooking secrets and the most delicious recipe for scrambled eggs in a slow cooker for every day.

For breakfast, we are used to serving two types of scrambled eggs - scrambled and fried eggs. Each of them is easy to diversify using various additives. A dish prepared in a slow cooker is healthy because it does not contain harmful carcinogens.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes in a slow cooker

A great start to the day is scrambled eggs with tomatoes in a slow cooker. When cooked in this device, scrambled eggs never burn and do not turn out dry and hard.

  • 5 eggs;
  • 2 medium tomatoes;
  • 0.5 medium onion;
  • 20 ml vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Cut the tomatoes into circles about 0.5 cm thick. Lightly sprinkle the tomatoes with salt. Chop the onion into thin small slices. Pour oil into the bowl. Place tomato slices in one row and sprinkle onions on top. Cook the vegetables on the “fry” program for about 15 minutes. We do not close the lid so that the moisture evaporates, otherwise our vegetables will be stewed and not fried.

Cooking secrets

It seemed difficult to prepare an omelet according to a recipe with milk and eggs in a slow cooker, especially if smart equipment does almost all the work for you?
Knowing some features will help you achieve the desired result. Quality ingredients. Use only fresh eggs and milk. You can check the freshness of an egg by shaking it. If you feel that something is loose inside, it is better not to use it.

Beat separately. The secret to an airy omelet in a slow cooker is to beat the whites and yolks separately. Mix the yolks with milk (water, cream, sour cream, etc.), then gradually add the whipped whites into them.

Do not add raw vegetables. Before adding vegetables to the egg mixture, always fry them in oil to release their juices. The tomatoes must first be peeled.

Sugar is an exception. Even if you are preparing a baby sweet omelet in a slow cooker, add no more than ¼ teaspoon.

Time to add greens

If you decide to add greens, it is important to consider their condition. So, dried herbs are added to the raw mixture, frozen ones are used during the simmering process, and fresh ones are used to season the finished omelette.

Use the "Multi-cook" mode

With it you can improvise by setting the cooking time yourself. In this mode, an omelet in a Philips multicooker, for example, turns out very light and fluffy.

Do not open the lid immediately. Otherwise, the omelette will lose its fluffiness; wait 5-10 minutes after cooking.

Turn off the heating. Do not forget to disable the automatic heating function, which is used, for example, in all Moulinex multicookers and devices from other manufacturers.

Classic breakfast - scrambled eggs with sausages

Scrambled eggs with sausages is a classic breakfast; you can cook it not only in a frying pan, but also in a slow cooker.

  • 6 eggs;
  • 3 sausages;
  • 3 sprigs of parsley;
  • 20 gr. oils;
  • 1 clove of garlic (optional).

Cut the sausages into circles. Pour into the multicooker bowl, let it warm up a little, then add the sausages and let them brown a little, stirring with a spatula.

Break the eggs, trying to keep the yolks intact. Salt the scrambled eggs, if desired, sprinkle them with finely chopped garlic. Fry without closing the lid for 10-15 minutes. Serve scrambled eggs, garnished with a sprig of parsley.

Scrambled eggs "Flowers" from quail eggs

This version of scrambled eggs with sausages looks very nice. For cooking we will use quail eggs.

  • 2 quail eggs;
  • 1 long milk sausage;
  • A teaspoon of vegetable oil;
  • spices and salt to taste.

Cut the sausage lengthwise. Then we make transverse cuts along the entire length of each half, without cutting through the sausage all the way. Then roll half the sausage into a ring, securing with a toothpick. Place the pieces in a bowl greased with oil. Break a quail egg into the center of each sausage ring. Cook on the “fry” mode for 10-15 minutes. Serve, remembering to remove the toothpicks.

Advice! If you don’t have quail eggs on hand, you can use chicken eggs, but you only need to place the yolk in the center of the sausage ring, since the whole egg will not go in and will spread unsightly.

Scrambled eggs with cheese and bacon in a slow cooker

Let's cook scrambled eggs in a slow cooker with cheese and bacon. It is better to use cheese with a sharp taste when preparing this dish.

  • 3 medium eggs;
  • 70 gr. bacon;
  • 50 gr. hard cheese;
  • salt;
  • 2 sprigs of parsley.

Turn on the “frying” program for 20-25 minutes. First, lay out the bacon, fry it on both sides for 5-6 minutes. Then carefully break the eggs into the bowl, keeping the yolks intact.

Sprinkle the still raw eggs with finely chopped parsley and grated cheese. If the cheese is unsalted, then the scrambled eggs can be salted. Cook until signal without closing the lid.


  • 2 eggs category C0 (about 60 g each)
  • 120ml milk
  • 1 slice of ham
  • 2 slices cheese
  • 5g. butter
  • 2-3 cherry tomatoes
  • salt, parsley and dill to taste
  • hot water (2 multi cups)

In the process of mastering the capabilities of a multicooker, you involuntarily ask yourself the question of how to prepare delicious breakfasts in it? And one of my favorite breakfasts is, of course, an omelet! But we try and try, but it still doesn’t work out? And how to cook an omelette in a slow cooker so that it is sure to be airy and tasty, like in childhood? A few secrets that I am sharing with readers of today will help you prepare an excellent, delicious breakfast! You don’t even have to invite all the sleepy household members to the table - they’ll come running to the aromas themselves!

A tasty and fluffy omelette is the dream of both those who watch their figure and those who eat a hearty breakfast. Those who strive to keep themselves in exemplary shape add additional protein to the omelet or even prepare protein omelettes, but those who are going to dine with feeling can add pieces of cheese, ham, bright herbs and tomatoes to it, creating such a bright picture of yourself at ease!

There are many recipes for omelettes in a slow cooker with different fillings, but there are only two secrets to preparing the right base: the correct proportions and the correct mixing. To get a smooth and full-bodied omelet, the weight of the eggs and the weight of the milk must be equal! The most accurate way to measure the ingredients for an omelette is to use a kitchen scale. I usually place the mixing bowl on the scale, turn it on, crack the required amount of eggs into the bowl, and then add the same amount of milk by weight. If you don’t have scales at hand, then you can estimate the proportions based on the approximate weight of eggs of different categories: “C0” – 60 grams, “C1” – 50-55 grams, “C2” – 40-45 grams. There is another option to use an egg shell, breaking it on one side, making a small hole and carefully pouring the egg. Then you need to pour milk into the shell, and then you get an equal volume.

The second secret to preparing the right omelet in a steamed slow cooker is mixing the dough ingredients, mixed, not whipped. Just use a fork to lightly mix the eggs and milk. This is exactly how, by the way, omelettes were and are being stirred in those same kindergarten and school canteens where we fell in love with omelettes.

Armed with knowledge, let's get started. Today we will cook a steam omelette in a slow cooker, and I like to make this recipe in molds.

Scrambled eggs in bread in a slow cooker

A delicious and original breakfast - scrambled eggs in bread, let's prepare this dish in a slow cooker.

  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 small round buns;
  • 50 gr. hard cheese;
  • greens and mayonnaise to taste;
  • butter for the bowl.

First, prepare the buns: cut off the tops. We take out some of the pulp to form a depression in the bun. Pour a raw egg inside each bun and sprinkle with a little salt. Sprinkle grated cheese on top, lightly brush with mayonnaise mixed with finely chopped herbs.

Advice! When preparing this dish, you can put a little chopped sausage or other ready-made products, for example, pieces of feta cheese, at the bottom of the bun “mold”.

Grease the bowl with butter and place the prepared buns and cook on the “baking” program for about 20 minutes. It turns out to be a very tasty breakfast in bread “plates”.

Advice! If you don’t have any buns on hand, then bread “plates” can be made from a loaf or regular bread. To do this, you need to cut pieces about 2 cm thick, carefully remove part of the pulp so that the “bottom” remains. Next you need to follow the recipe.

A few words about the benefits of eggs and choosing a quality product

Eggs have long been universally recognized as a dietary and healthy product, especially for growing young organisms. Let's figure out why they deserve such fame:

People, and especially children, need proteins, including those of animal origin, for proper nutrition. And egg white is the most easily digestible animal protein. The yolk is considered no less useful, since it contains a whole range of vitamins and microelements. According to the latest data from scientists, eggs can be eaten in almost unlimited quantities. Yes, they contain cholesterol, but it is believed that it does not cause any harm and is completely absorbed. 1-2 eggs in the daily diet will not harm any adult. Eggs must also be present in baby food. Children over 2 years old can be given 1 egg every other day. Eggs are a source of lecithin

This substance is responsible for the development of brain cells, which is very important for children during their active growth phase. Another advantage of this product is that it quickly saturates the body and gives a colossal boost of energy.

Now here are some useful recommendations regarding choosing a quality product and its preparation:

  1. Neither the nutritional value nor the taste of eggs depends at all on the color of their shell. When buying eggs, you should not focus on this factor. The main thing is that the product is fresh.
  2. The quality of the eggs is directly determined by what was given to the chicken as feed. If the bird ate well and nutritiously, with natural products, the yolks of its eggs will be bright yellow, sometimes even orange. Well, chickens kept on low-quality feed with an abundance of chemicals will lay eggs with pale yellow yolks.
  3. If you are unsure how fresh the eggs are, dip them in water. Fresh eggs will sink, rotten ones will float.
  4. To correctly calculate the cooking time for eggs, remove them from the refrigerator a few hours before cooking.
  5. When cooking soft-boiled eggs in a slow cooker, immediately place them in cold water when the time is up. If they remain in the slow cooker, the yolks will be fully cooked.
  6. Eggs are convenient to cook with other vegetables or cereals. First you need to wash them very thoroughly and put them in a bowl with other products. Prepare eggs in a similar way in the “Buckwheat”, “Milk Porridge” or “Soup” programs for half an hour or until everything else is cooked.

Scrambled eggs with vegetables

If you want to prepare the most healthy breakfast possible, make scrambled eggs with vegetables. Let's prepare this dish in a slow cooker.

  • 5 eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 pod of sweet pepper;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 3 cloves of garlic (optional);
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil;
  • several sprigs of parsley;
  • salt and black pepper to taste.

Pour in vegetable oil, turn on the “frying” program and let the oil warm up for 3-4 minutes. Then put finely chopped onion in a bowl and let it fry slightly.

Lush omelet in a slow cooker

Cooking a tender and fluffy omelette in a slow cooker is even easier than in a frying pan, since the food does not burn in this appliance.

  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons milk;
  • a little butter for the bowl;
  • salt and seasonings to taste.

Carefully break the eggs, pouring the whites into one bowl and the yolks into another. Grind the yolks with milk, and beat the whites with a mixer until a fluffy foam is obtained. Carefully combine the yolks with the whites. Salt the mass, if desired, you can add spices. You can limit yourself to a pinch of black pepper, or you can add curry, ground paprika or aromatic dry herbs.

Advice! If you want to add fresh herbs, sprinkle chopped herbs on the already prepared omelette. But dry herbs can be added to the raw omelette mixture along with salt.

Lubricate the bowl with oil, not only the bottom, but also the walls. You can use any oil; both butter and vegetable oil will do. Pour the omelette mixture into the bowl and cook on the “baking” mode for 20 minutes.

When the mode end signal sounds, turn off the heating, but do not open the lid for another 5-10 minutes. Then place the omelette on a plate and divide into portions.


Multicooker, Dishes, Fork

Step 1: Prepare the omelette base. One option is an omelette without filling.

Omelet is a dish of French cuisine that has successfully migrated from France to all other countries, because it is not so difficult to invent an omelette if you have eggs and a frying pan. In each national cuisine, omelette is prepared in its own way. In Russia, a type of omelette is called “drochena”, but this dish has already been practically forgotten due to the dissonant name. We will not consider who, where and how prepares an omelette, but will make our own. The base is prepared simply, mix eggs with salt and sugar in a deep plate, you can add a little milk, mix with a fork until smooth. There is no need to beat the omelet, cooked in a slow cooker, it will rise on its own and will be fluffy and tender.

Actually, that's all. If you are a fan of minimalism, then you can put this preparation in a multicooker, on which you first drop a little oil, and the omelette will be ready in 10-20 minutes (depending on the model of the multicooker).

The finished omelette should look thickened and risen. To slightly improve the taste of the omelet, you can let it simmer for some time in a multicooker that is turned off but not yet cooled down.

Step 2: Choose the filling for the omelette and bake it in a slow cooker.

An omelette with filling will be much tastier. Although, of course, everything is subjective. There are a great many filling options. I'll list a few: onions and mushrooms, bacon, sausage and tomatoes, bell peppers, boiled or smoked chicken, cheese, corn, a mixture of one with the other, and the other with the third. Yes, at least all at once. But the main thing is to observe moderation. Pour the prepared egg mixture over the filling you choose, mix, and place in the slow cooker. 8-10 minutes and the omelet is ready!

Step 3: Prepare and serve the omelet.

Any omelette, whether with or without filling, must be served hot, and, of course, beautifully decorated. The finished omelette can be cut into portions and placed on plates, garnished with fresh herbs and vegetables, and grated cheese can be added. A healthy and delicious breakfast is ready! Bon appetit!

Tips for the recipe:

– – To change the taste of the omelette without putting much effort, I suggest this option: replace the milk with sour cream, the omelette will become more delicate and original in taste.

– – For an omelet filled with mushrooms, it is better to take canned ones. Personally, I like overcooked mushrooms and onions. Wonderful taste!

– Before starting cooking, frozen mushrooms and vegetables should be simmered in a slow cooker in pilaf mode, and then added with the egg-milk mixture.

– A little about greens: we add dried greens to the omelette before baking it in a slow cooker, frozen ones - during the simmering period of the omelette, so the greens will defrost without losing their beneficial properties. Add fresh herbs to the finished omelette before serving. She doesn't need any extra heat treatment.

Omelet with steamed cheese

You can steam an omelette in a slow cooker. It can be made natural or with various additives, such as cheese.

  • 3 eggs;
  • 150 ml milk;
  • 50 gr. cheese;
  • 6 gr. butter;
  • 2 pcs. cherry tomatoes;
  • several sprigs of greenery;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 multi glasses of water.

In addition, you will need molds for cooking. These can be silicone molds or any other that can be placed in a steam basket and closed with a lid. Grease the molds with oil.

In a large container, combine eggs with milk, add salt to taste. We cut the cherry into circles, grate the cheese, finely chop the greens. Place the tomatoes and herbs in the molds.

Almost pizza

A recipe for an omelette with tomatoes and cheese will be quite interesting for many people. In its ingredients, it is very similar to pizza, as well as in appearance, although the taste of the dish will still be unique. This omelette is prepared by steaming in a slow cooker, which allows it to become very fluffy, despite the use of additives that usually reduce the height of the mixture. High-quality multicookers, for example, those made by Redmond, Bosch and Panasonic, will help give it a good taste.

This steamed recipe will require you to prepare the following ingredients in advance:

  • eggs - 5 pieces per serving;
  • tomatoes - 1 small fruit per specified number of eggs;
  • 150 grams of hard or processed cheese;
  • 150 ml milk;
  • butter - about two teaspoons;
  • herbs, salt and spices to taste;
  • a little baking soda and flour if desired.

To make a steam omelet, first grease the bowl in the slow cooker with butter, making sure you don't miss an inch. Then put the tomatoes cut into rings inside and simmer them for about 2-3 minutes in a preheated appliance. If you are using a device made by Redmond or Panasonic, you should set the temperature to 110-120 degrees, or select the “Multi-cook” function. While the tomatoes are stewing, prepare the egg-milk mixture and grate the hard cheese on a fine grater.

To steam the omelette, carefully pour it into the prepared bowl, being careful not to splash. Sprinkle cheese on top of the liquid mixture, trying to place it as carefully as possible so that it does not sink to the bottom. Set the multicooker to the “Baking” mode - in medium-power devices from Redmond and Panasonic you need to select a temperature mode of 110-120 degrees and a cooking duration of 12 minutes.

You cannot immediately remove the steamed omelette from the bowl; it needs to sit for about 10 minutes to maintain its shape.

If you add not hard, but melted grated cheese to a dish with tomatoes, this will give it a piquant taste that goes perfectly with hot spices.

Quick omelet with smoked brisket and vegetables

This is a real man's breakfast, and it is prepared quickly and easily.

  • 6 eggs;
  • 150 ml milk;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 pod of bell pepper;
  • 100 gr. brisket;
  • 100 gr. hard cheese;
  • 4 tablespoons of sour cream;
  • salt, spices, fresh herbs to taste.

Cut the onion and pepper into thin strips, the tomato into thin slices. Pour vegetable oil into the bowl, add vegetables and cook on the “fry” mode for 15 minutes. Cut the brisket into large cubes, add to the vegetables and cook for another 5 minutes. Mix everything carefully and add spices and salt to taste.

Break the eggs into a bowl, add sour cream, a little salt and seasoning, beat everything well. Add finely chopped greens and pour in milk and mix everything well again.

Grate the cheese and add to the egg mixture. Pour the mixture over the vegetables and brisket and cook on the “baking” program for 25 minutes. After the end of the mode, turn off the multicooker, but do not open the lid for another 5 minutes. Transfer the finished omelette to a plate.


Measuring cup (for milk), Tablespoon, Deep plate, Kitchen knife - 2 pieces, Cutting board - 2 pieces, Grater, Deep bowl, Whisk, Multicooker, Kitchen towel or oven mitts, Large flat dish, Kitchen spatula, Plate

Step 1: prepare vegetables and herbs.

To prepare this dish we will use frozen vegetable mixture. All products in it are cleaned, finely chopped and undergone primary heat treatment with steam or hot water, which will greatly facilitate the entire cooking process, and most importantly, the composition can be chosen to taste! Transfer the vegetable mixture to a deep plate and proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Prepare the cheese and green onions.

We rinse the green onions under cold running water, shake them off excess liquid over the sink, place them on a cutting board, cut off the roots and throw them away, and chop the greens. Then take any hard cheese, cut off the paraffin rind from it and grate the dairy product on a fine grater onto a clean cutting board.

Step 3: Prepare the egg mixture.

Next, place the required number of chicken eggs in a deep bowl. We also pour in whole pasteurized milk and mayonnaise. Add chopped cheese, green onions, salt to taste, ground black pepper and basil. Mix these ingredients with a whisk until fluffy and set aside until ready to use.

Step 4: prepare an omelette with vegetables in a slow cooker.

Now pour a little vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, turn on the kitchen appliance in the “Baking” mode, and set the time on the display - 10 minutes. After 40–50 seconds, put the frozen vegetable mixture into the heated oil and fry it until soft, stirring occasionally with a silicone kitchen spatula. When the timer goes off, beat the egg mixture again until fluffy, pour it into the multicooker bowl, close the kitchen appliance with a lid and turn on “Baking” again ", but this time we set the time to 20 minutes. After the signal sounds about the end of cooking, set the “Heating” mode for 5–10 minutes. After the required time has passed, the multicooker will turn off, remove the lid from it and very carefully, using oven mitts or a towel, take out the hot bowl. Place a large flat dish on top of it and immediately turn the resulting structure upside down. Leave the omelette in this form for a couple of minutes so that it lies evenly on the bottom of the dish. Then we remove the bowl, use a sharp knife to cut the appetizing dish into portions, lift each portion with a kitchen spatula, place them on plates and serve them at the table.

Step 5: serve the omelet with vegetables in a slow cooker.

An omelette with vegetables in a slow cooker is served hot for breakfast or dinner. As an addition to this dish, you can offer sliced ​​bread, fresh vegetable salad, pickles, sauces based on sour cream, cream or mayonnaise, as well as some meat: fried chicken, sausage, boiled beef or something to your taste. Enjoy delicious and easy-to-prepare food! Bon appetit!

Tips for the recipe:

– instead of milk, you can use low-fat sour cream or liquid cream;

– you can add chopped dill, parsley, cilantro or basil to the egg mixture along with onions;

– an ideal replacement for vegetable oil – butter or margarine;

– a set of vegetables can be supplemented with fresh tomatoes and lettuce peppers. It is advisable that they be cut into small cubes one centimeter in size;

– together with vegetables, you can fry sausages, as well as boiled or stewed meat, for example, chicken, beef, pork;

– instead of frozen vegetables, you can use fresh ones, but you will have to fry them in a slow cooker longer, about 15–20 minutes in the “Baking” mode.

Scrambled eggs “Cloud” in a slow cooker

This unusual scrambled egg will be a wonderful surprise breakfast for your loved one.

  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 slices of rye or white bread (to your taste);
  • 2 sprigs of dill;
  • salt and seasonings to taste;
  • a piece of butter for the bowl.

Carefully break the eggs, separating the whites from the yolks. Add some salt to the whites and beat until fluffy foam. You can add your favorite spices to taste.

Grease the bowl with oil. Place the whipped egg whites on the pieces of bread in the form of a nest with a depression in the center. Place the yolk in the center. Cook on the “baking” program for 10 minutes. Decorate the finished fried eggs with dill.

Scrambled eggs "Puff"

Another original version of scrambled eggs that can be cooked in a slow cooker.

  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons sour cream;
  • 1 teaspoon butter;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Carefully break the eggs, separating them into whites and yolks. Beat the whites with a pinch of salt and beat until fluffy foam is obtained. Grind the yolks with sour cream and spices to taste.

Melt the butter in a bowl, turning on the “baking” program. When the butter has melted, use a silicone brush to spread it over the bottom and lower part of the walls of the bowl. Pour in the yolk and sour cream mixture and cook for a couple of minutes until the yolk thickens a little. Then lay out the whipped whites, level the layer with a spatula. Cook for 15 minutes with the lid closed. The whites should become dense. When serving, fold the scrambled eggs in half, with the white layer inside.

Simple recipes

Fried egg

Fried eggs are the most common way to prepare eggs. Boil a yolk with a runny center surrounded by delicate white foam - what could be better for breakfast. Frying fried eggs in a slow cooker is easy.

You will need:

  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • olive oil - 6 teaspoons;
  • spices.


  1. Pour the oil into the multicooker bowl. Activate the “Bake” function and wait 3 minutes for the oil to heat up.
  2. Break the eggs into a bowl without damaging the integrity of the yolk, add spices. Close the lid.
  3. Remove the dish after the signal is ready.

If you prefer the yolk to be firmer, do not open the multicooker lid right away. Wait 3-4 minutes to set the yolk.


This type of scrambled egg is also called a scrambled omelet. The dish will appeal to those who do not like runny yolk. Well fried, it retains its delicate taste and fluffy shape.

In a slow cooker, scrambled eggs are cooked using a minimal amount of oil, which is important if you are on a diet.

You will need:

  • chicken eggs - 3 pieces;
  • milk - 1 tablespoon;
  • butter - 1 teaspoon;
  • spices.


  1. Mix eggs with milk and spices using a whisk.
  2. Heat the oil in a multicooker bowl, pour the egg-milk mixture into it. Cook in the “Fry” mode for 5-7 minutes.
  3. Place the finished dish on hot rye toast. Serve with fresh tomatoes and herbs.

Add finely grated cheese to the dish. It will add a light creamy flavor and thicken the consistency a little.

"Sun in the Clouds"

We offer you to cook original scrambled eggs in the Redmond multicooker, which will appeal to adults and children. This dish is a cross between a fried egg and a scrambled egg with baked whites and runny yolks.

You will need:

  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • rye bread - 2 slices;
  • spice mixture;
  • dill greens - 2 sprigs.


  1. Separate the yolks and whites.
  2. Beat the whites with the addition of spices with a mixer until a strong foam forms.
  3. Place the white foam on a slice of bread, making a depression in the middle, pour a yolk into each.
  4. Place the loaves of bread in the bottom of the preheated multicooker bowl.
  5. Cook in the “Bake” mode for 10 minutes. 2 minutes before cooking, sprinkle the eggs with chopped herbs.

You can use hard cheese in the preparation. Cheeses with piquant flavors will be the highlight of the dish.

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