Cold and hot smoked salmon at home

Red salmon belongs to the salmon family and is considered one of the most valuable of its kind. Its carcasses often exceed the weight of 4–5 kg, and the body length reaches 1.5 m. Fatty meat is rich in unique vitamins and minerals that cannot be found in such concentrations in other products. And the taste of tender red meat with any processing method is incredible. That's why smokers consider hot or cold smoked salmon the queen of smoky foods.

Composition, calorie content and beneficial properties

Salmon is the fattest fish of the salmon family. Her fat is distributed more evenly throughout her body than other representatives. Its valuable meat contains many useful components:

  • B vitamins, essential helpers of metabolism, nervous system, hematopoiesis and immunity;
  • high concentration of tocopherol, a natural antioxidant that restores the health of skin, hair, heart and all other systems;
  • potassium, phosphorus, iodine (many people suffer from deficiencies of these substances, regular use of the product replenishes the deficiency);
  • fatty acid. Salmon is a real record holder for omega-3 content.

The flesh of the fish contains melatonin, which is necessary to combat insomnia and depression. Salmon also contains a high concentration of valuable protein, 100 g - more than a third of the daily requirement.

Salmon is an amazing product, which, with its high fat content, is necessary for the health of the cardiovascular system. Regular consumption of dishes with this fish reduces cholesterol levels and helps with high blood pressure. It is necessary for both men, women and children to eat it.

BJU and calorie content of smoked salmon
ParameterHot smokingCold smoking
Calories202 kcal222 kcal
Squirrels22.5 g15 g
Fats12.5 g18 g
Carbohydrates0 g0 g

What method do you use to smoke salmon?


When smoked, the dietary benefits of salmon are lost. This product should be consumed in moderation to avoid health consequences.

Important! Salted and smoked fish are contraindicated in case of exacerbation of gastritis and stomach ulcers. Also, it should not be eaten in severe forms of liver and kidney diseases.

If you have hypertension or heart pathologies, you should not marinate the product in large amounts of salt. In this case, it is better to choose a hot cooking method. Since when it is cold, it is very important to salt the fish well, so as not to become infected with parasites and not to be poisoned.

Varieties of red fish

Biological classification provides for the division of all fish into two large classes depending on the color of the meat, and then only representatives of the salmon family should be classified as red fish, and even then not all of them - nelma or whitefish have white meat. But historically, sturgeon, whose flesh color is pinkish-yellow, were considered red fish in Rus'. In order not to cause confusion, in the future we will consider both families, distinguished by their high cost and delicious meat, to be red fish.

Both salmon and sturgeon species are characterized by high nutritional value and a very high concentration of easily digestible protein, as well as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are very beneficial for the body.


These are predominantly marine anadromous species that live in the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, the White and Baltic seas. Even chum salmon with pink salmon, which are among the most affordable representatives of the family, according to most gourmets, are much tastier than elite types of white fish.

The calorie content of red fish of this family varies quite widely: from 90 kcal for lenka to 275 kcal for whitefish. Salmon has 155 kcal, pink salmon has 140.


This family has less than a dozen species, most of which are listed in the Red Book. For this reason, wild representatives of sturgeon are practically never found in stores. Farm products can be purchased for sale, but they are also very expensive.

The most famous representatives of the family, beluga, sturgeon and sterlet, have a high, but far from record, calorie content - in the range of 110-120 kcal, but sturgeon and thorn are much more nutritious. Most salmon do not have that many calories (160-165).

How to select and cut fish

It is better to buy salmon whole for smoking. In this case, savings increase, and absolutely all parts of the fish can be cooked, except for the fins and entrails. Even the leftover tails from cutting fillets can be smoked - it will make a very tasty snack for beer.

Rules for choosing fresh fish

Often, unscrupulous sellers not only disguise spoiled fish, but also try to sell cheaper representatives of salmon species under the guise of salmon. The easiest way to distinguish a whole carcass is:

  • salmon is much larger, so its fillets and steaks will be very large;
  • the fish’s head is sharper than that of a trout, and its fins are long and thin;
  • the scales are large, do not have black dots and do not shine, shimmering with mother-of-pearl;
  • the color of the fillet is lighter than that of other members of the family, and there are more white veins;
  • the scales are slightly damp, but there are no yellow spots or mucus on them;
  • the eyes are smooth, not sunken or cloudy.

When choosing chilled fillets, pay attention to the edges. It should be very smooth, not blurry. Otherwise, there is a risk that the pieces were soaked in solvents. In fresh salmon, when pressed, the meat does not deform and is elastic.

When choosing a frozen product, it is important to pay attention to the amount of ice and snow. Fish that has been frozen only once does not contain snow. And the ice covers it with a thin glaze, under which the carcass is clearly visible.

Classic cutting with and without head

The easiest way to cut for hot smoking, if the size of the smokehouse allows, is the whole carcass. This is a very beautiful dish that perfectly retains all its flavor and juice:

  1. They clean off all the scales, then rip them apart along the belly and remove the entrails.
  2. The head is cut off or left, preserving the gills. Fins are removed as desired.
  3. The finished carcass is thoroughly washed inside and out.

That's it, now the fish can be marinated! We should not forget that the carcass is rubbed with salt not only on the outside, but also on the inside.

On large salmon, it is recommended to make cuts in increments of 2–5 cm, into which the curing mixture is also added.

Cutting into balyk, head and belly (tesha)

This is an interesting, but not the most popular way to prepare salmon. Balyk is a part of the back without bellies, a dangling thin part of meat with fat and skin. Cutting salmon into balyk is easy:

  1. First, an incision is made along the abdomen.
  2. Take out the entrails and cut off the head; you can immediately remove the gills to use them for separate smoking or cooking fish soup.
  3. Next, the fish is thoroughly washed and the tail is cut off.
  4. The bellies are removed along the white line, leaving only the juicy meat for balyk.

The bellies are set aside to be used as a fatty smoked snack or soup.

Cutting into layers and ridges

Layers or fillets are pieces cut along the ridge on both sides of the salmon carcass. This is a great way to cut for hot smoking. The skin is most often left on, but some recipes remove it:

  1. Clean the scales and gut the fish.
  2. Cut off the lower and upper fins with scissors.
  3. They hold it by the tail and use a sharp knife to cut off the layers on the left and right along the ribs. Some of the bones will remain in the meat; they can be removed with tweezers.
  4. The head is also cut off, removing the gills.

The ridges are removed or frozen for further smoking.

Cutting into steaks

The most difficult cutting method, requiring some skill from the cook and very sharp knives:

  1. To begin, a piece of fish, which usually has the shape of a horseshoe, is cut in the center so that part of the ridge remains on one side.
  2. Now, with a sharp knife, cut it off along with the rib bones - 1 mm below them, trying not to leave it in the meat.
  3. Next, remove the fish from the skin, holding it on one side, and moving it away from you at an angle of about 20–25 degrees, pass the knife between the skin and the meat.

You can smoke without removing the skin, since after cooking the fish comes off easily.

The note

Vladimir Kuznetsov

Professional smoker

After cutting, salmon must be salted or marinated. For this tender meat, sugar and salt are enough, as well as lemon juice after the smoking process. Aromatic herbs are also used, but to a lesser extent than for white fish.

The nuances of choosing the right fish

There is no need to remind you that a magnificent smoked delicacy can only be prepared from a high-quality product. And although it is possible to find chilled or live red fish, this requires a lot of luck; mostly only frozen carcasses are sold. You can count on fresh ones for species such as salmon, trout or sturgeon.

In any case, look out for the following signs:

  • if the fish has an unpleasant odor, it is most likely stale;
  • if the fish is frozen, choose only whole carcasses;
  • remember that large specimens are tastier than small ones;
  • examine the appearance of the carcass; there should be no defects or damage on the skin;
  • fresh or chilled red fish has elastic meat that quickly recovers when pressed;
  • cloudy eyes also indicate that the product is stale.

And do not hesitate to ask for a quality certificate; for red fish, there is a rule according to which it must be sold no later than 14 days from the date of receipt.

Smoking the ridges

You should not throw away the backbone with any remaining meat after cutting the fish. You can make a very tasty snack from the ridges.

Ingredients! For 1 kg of ridges you will need 2-3 tbsp. l. salt, you can add 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Both hot and cold methods are suitable for this. In the first case, do the following:

  1. Salt the ridges in a container, putting a little salt on the bottom. Next add a layer of fish, then salt again. You can add a little black pepper. Salting will take 5–6 hours.

  2. The fish is then washed and soaked for 60 minutes. Afterwards, the ridges are tied in 2-3 pieces.

  3. Dry the tied ponytails for 30–60 minutes. In the meantime, prepare the smokehouse by pouring 3-4 handfuls of sawdust into it.

  4. A tray is placed at the bottom to collect grease so that it does not drip onto the tree.
  5. Bring the temperature to 100 degrees and cook by cooling the smokehouse to 80 degrees. 20 minutes is enough.

The finished salmon tails are taken out when the unit has completely cooled down. You can smoke using this method in any device.

In cold cooking, the salting and soaking process is similar to the hot method. However, the ponytails need to be dried longer – at least 10–12 hours. At a temperature of 27–28 degrees, the tails are cooked for 2.5–3 hours. After cooking, the salmon is aired for several more hours.

Healthy salmon fish

This predatory fish, also called lake salmon, reaches 1.5 m in length. The meat is red in color, which is why it is also called red. Salmon is valued not only for the fact that it has few bones and tasty meat.

The large amount of Omega-3 fatty acids makes it an indispensable dish for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, psoriasis, and also for pregnant women. Microelements (fluorine, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, potassium and calcium), vitamins A and D help improve immunity, improve blood circulation, and prevent thrombophlebitis.

The daily protein requirement for an adult is contained in only 200 grams of this healthy fish. It has been proven that regular consumption of salmon reduces the risk of cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and atherosclerosis.

Salmon is very nutritious. The high calorie content increases several times during frying, while many vitamins disappear. Therefore, the best cooking option is salting or cold smoking the salmon.

Salted smoked salmon with liquid smoke

A simple and tasty recipe that will help you prepare an amazing holiday snack in just a day:

  • 1200 g salmon;
  • 4 tsp. Sahara;
  • 5 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2–3 tbsp. l. liquid smoke.

Follow the recipe plan strictly, and the dish will turn out beautiful and fragrant:

  1. Salmon steaks or fillets are marinated in liquid smoke, salt and sugar. You need to thoroughly coat the meat with a brush or your fingers, layer by layer.
  2. Wrap the pieces in several layers of cling film so that there are no gaps.
  3. Leave to dry for 24 hours.
  4. Then the salmon is washed under water and dried with paper towels.
  5. Now the fish is sprinkled with just a little salt and wrapped in clean film.

Salted-smoked salmon is cut into thin pieces and served with canapés, sandwiches or as part of salads.

Storage conditions

Regardless of the cooking method, salmon is stored in a cold place. The hot smoked delicacy has a shelf life of three days. Cold smoked fish can be stored for several weeks. Before placing in the refrigerator, smoked meats are wrapped in paper so that the smell does not permeate other products. If possible, it is better to use vacuum packaging for storage. You can also freeze prepared smoked meats. In this form they can remain fresh for 2-3 months. You should not defrost the delicacy several times, because it will lose its taste and quickly spoil. It is best to defrost the amount of fish that will be consumed at one time.

Smoked salmon is an excellent treat for the holiday table.

Also, ready-made smoked meats can be used as ingredients for preparing other dishes. If the fish is cooked correctly, it will turn out tasty and aromatic. At the same time, it will not contain any harmful additives that may be present in purchased products.

Smoked salmon in the oven

If you want aromatic, tender fish with a smoky taste, then you can use simple options for cooking in the oven. Such a delicacy will differ very little from a truly smoked product.

Option No. 1: flavorful fillet

A step-by-step plan for cooking chopped fillet looks like this:

  1. The halves are thoroughly sprinkled with sugar and coarse salt.

  2. Pour 1-2 handfuls of wood chips into a small mold.

  3. The oven is turned on at 180 degrees.
  4. While the fish is salting, the mold with wood chips is heated on the stove until intense smoke appears.

  5. The fish is washed from salt and wiped dry. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Place in the oven and immediately begin preparing the wood chips.

  6. The wood chips are set on fire with matches and immediately placed in the oven. When the wood chip fire goes out, turn off the oven. This should only be done with the convection mode.

  7. While the fish is baking, prepare the sauce: 2 parts mustard and 0.5 parts honey. Begin to beat the mixture, adding refined vegetable oil - about 1 part. Add a little salt.
  8. After 25–30 minutes, the fish is removed from the oven and immediately tasted.

Serve by separating the meat from the skin with a spatula - it remains on the parchment.

In foil and sleeve with wood chips

Steaks are ideal for this smoked salmon recipe. You will need a set consisting of wood chips and a package of special thick foil. For 1 steak also take 0.25 tsp. seasonings for fish. You can limit yourself to salt and black pepper.

This recipe takes very little time to prepare. First, the fish is left to salt for 20–30 minutes. Then they take the foil, fold it in half, make holes and sides in it. Place a piece of salmon in the middle. A wood chip is placed in the smoking bag.

An improvised plate with fish is also placed in the bag. Close tightly and place in the oven for 40–50 minutes at 200 degrees.

Preparing salmon for smoking, marinating

Salmon is not a cheap fish, and when smoked it costs even more. Therefore, you can prepare the delicacy yourself. Firstly, you can save money, and secondly, you get a healthy, natural product without harmful additives.

To smoke fish, you need to choose fresh, not frozen. The flesh of this fish has a pleasant pale pink color. You can choose a whole salmon carcass, steaks or ridges as desired.

The fish itself has a rich taste. Therefore, when marinating, you can get by with just salt. To do this, you need to generously rub the fish with coarse salt on all sides (clean and wash first), wrap in foil, and keep in the refrigerator for 5-7 hours. Then rinse with water, dry with a paper towel, let rest in the air for 1 hour and start smoking.

If you want to add some spice to the product, add black pepper or your favorite herbs to the salt.

Smoking with tea

At home, you can prepare smoked salmon using tea leaves. There are two salting options:

With soy sauce

Take 2 tbsp. l. sauce, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 2 tbsp. l. sugar and 1 tbsp. l. salt, 2 tbsp. l. brown sugar, 3 tbsp. l. green tea, 2 tbsp. l. dried mint.

With thyme

For the marinade you will need a pinch of white pepper, 1 tbsp. l. salt, sugar, vegetable oil and a little dry thyme. For smoking in this case, take 3 tbsp. l. sugar, 3 tbsp. l. green tea and 3 tbsp. l. steamed rice.

The cooking technology for both recipes is the same. First, the fish is salted with a mixture of dry and wet ingredients and left for 10–15 minutes.

To build a smokehouse, take foil and pour dry ingredients onto it. Wrap the envelope, leaving the edges slightly open.

Place the bag of spices on the bottom of a thick-bottomed pan. An accessory for cooking manti is installed on top. Place a marinated piece of fish on it and cover with a lid. You can sprinkle the salmon with dill.

Over medium heat, bring to the formation of white smoke and reduce. Smoke for 15–20 minutes. Then cool the pan completely without opening the lid. Serve the finished fish slightly chilled.

What to serve with

If you are one of those who believe that cold or hot smoked red fish should be consumed exclusively as an independent dish, no one will judge you. The taste of salmon and sturgeon is truly amazing. But, in the end, any product can be diversified, and for a smoked fish delicacy such dishes could be:

  • soups, the addition of red fish in combination with cream and potatoes can work wonders;
  • delicacy fish is a very tempting cut for all kinds of sandwiches;
  • Vegetable salads with smoked meats (with tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage, eggs and other ingredients) will also be very tasty;
  • even tesha or head can be used as an excellent snack for beer.

In short, it’s much easier to cook something delicious if you have smoked red fish.

Cold smoking

Salmon is ideal for cold smoking. Moreover, it is not necessary to use expensive equipment with an integrated smoke generator. The compressor can be connected to a regular commercial smokehouse.

For the recipe, it is better to use steaks or fillets; do not smoke the whole carcass, it is too large.

For 1 kg of fish take 1 tbsp. l. salt, 0.5 tbsp. l. sugar and a handful of chopped dill for dry salting. You can make a brine by taking 3 parts salt and 1 part sugar. The fish is left in the brine for a day, then washed and dried for another 1–2 days.

Before smoking, carcasses can be hung under a fan, covered with gauze to protect against flies. Then the drying time will be reduced to 3-4 hours. The meat should not be wet on top.

Next, prepare the smokehouse by placing wood chips in the smoke generator. Connect it to the container in which the fish is suspended or laid out on racks. It will take at least 5 hours. Then the carcasses are aired for another 8–12 hours.

Rules for butchering a carcass

If the size of the smokehouse allows, red fish can be smoked whole carcasses, with the head removed, or as is. In this case, special attention should be paid to gutting the fish - in addition to the entrails, the film covering the abdomen must also be removed. The fins are also cut off.

If the fish is too large, it can be cut in several ways:

  • into pieces measuring 3-5 cm in a U-shape;
  • into steaks, with individual large pieces divided in half along the ridge, after which the bones are removed. Removing the skin is not necessary, but many smoke steaks without it;
  • for fun and balyk. The back of the carcass is considered a balyk, and the abdominal part is considered a carcass;
  • the butterfly is obtained from medium-sized individuals by gutting the carcass through the upper cut along the ridge line, after which the fish is turned inside out in the form of an envelope;
  • on fillet. The cutting method is to separate the meat along the ridge on both sides.

In a pressure cooker

All you need to prepare this perfect dish is fish and salt. It is better to use fillet or steaks. You can add pepper and fish seasoning to taste. Then everything is very simple:

  1. The fish is sprinkled with salt, and sawdust is placed in a container for wood chips.
  2. Place the container in the pressure cooker.
  3. Pour 0.5 cups of water into the bottom. Install a grid with pieces of fish.
  4. Turn on the cold smoking mode for 10 minutes. Then switch to hot for a quarter of an hour.

Serve tender salmon with cherry tomatoes, iceberg and lemon wedges for drizzle.

How to smoke salmon at home

Smoked salmon is a delicacy without which it is difficult to imagine a modern holiday. This type of fish is especially highly valued by gourmets. Salmon tastes great and contains a number of vitamins, including Omega-3 acids.

A common cooking method is smoking salmon. Since ancient times it has been used to increase the shelf life of the product. In addition, smoking gives the fish an amazing taste and unique aroma that cannot be obtained by frying.

The ideal raw material is fresh salmon, since frozen salmon loses its natural juiciness. First you need to cut it up: rinse thoroughly under running water, remove the insides. Next, remove the head, fins, and tail - this is an excellent basis for the fish soup. The carcass needs to be cut along the ridge, the large bones separated, the fish dried with a paper towel, the finished layers can be smoked.

How to smoke salmon?

Hot smoked salmon

Hot smoking is the simplest and most affordable method. You will need a permanent or portable smoker. You will also need to stock up on firewood and the fish itself needed for smoking. First, a fire is built. Don't get the flame too intense. Let the fire be constant but moderate. A handful of alder chips or chips from fruit trees are poured into the bottom of the smokehouse. Place the fish on the grill, close the damper and put the smokehouse on the fire.

The optimal smoking temperature is 90 degrees. To measure it, just spray water on the smokehouse. If it doesn’t hiss, but evaporates quickly, then everything is fine.

After 35 minutes of this treatment, the fish can be considered ready. The smokehouse must be removed from the heat, remove the salmon, and let it cool for at least 20 minutes. After this, you can safely serve the fish to the table.

Hot smoked recipe

  • salmon (fillet) -1–2 pieces, weighing 900–1000 g each
  • maple syrup - 2-3 tbsp. l. or to taste
  • brown sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • coarse salt without iodine 2 tbsp. l.
  • ground black pepper - half a teaspoon
  • ground allspice - half a teaspoon
  • ground laurel leaf - 1 tsp.
  • ground cloves - half a teaspoon

Smoke Ingredients:

  • Dried juniper berries 15–20 pieces
  • Strong black tea of ​​any kind 1 level teaspoon
  • Refined sugar 1–2 pieces

This is a hot smoked salmon recipe for true gourmets. But you will have to work a lot if you want to get really tasty fish. Wash salmon fillets with skin under running water and dry with paper towels. Rub the fish with a mixture of the above spices and place on cling film. Wrap the salmon in it so that there are no holes. Thanks to this, the juice formed during the smoking process remains inside and does not leak out.

The salmon wrapped in cling film is placed in any deep container and pressed down with pressure. If you don't have a suitable product, you can simply cover the fish with another glass bowl on top. You shouldn’t press too hard either, otherwise the fish will lose its shape and become dry and crumbly in texture. Place the bowl of fish in the refrigerator for 6 hours. It's okay if you didn't have time to look after the fish and kept it in the cold. But it is still advisable not to leave it in the refrigerator for more than 12 hours. Salmon marinated for 6 to 12 hours turns out even tastier.

Remove the bowl of salmon from the refrigerator, carefully unwrap it and pour the fish juices into the bowl. Wash the fish fillets under tap water and pat dry. Don't pour out the juice. Place the fish in this juice again and leave it like this for 2 hours. Turn the salmon over from time to time on one side or the other. This way the product will marinate better.

Remove the fillets from the fish juice and pat dry with paper towels. Place an iron rack on top of the bowl and place the salmon on it. It's good if you have a chef's brush. Dip maple syrup into it. As soon as the fish is ready, it is transferred to the grill.

As for sawdust, if it is too dry, it is advisable to moisten it a little in water. It is better to spray them with a small amount of liquid. This is necessary because the sawdust should not be completely wet. They should not burn, as happens with dry firewood. Chips that are too wet will not produce smoke at all. The above smoke ingredients will need to be added to the sawdust before smoking. You can wrap the wood chips in a foil envelope along with the juniper berries and other ingredients and make a few holes with a knife so that smoke can come out of them. This option is good for a homemade smokehouse.

Hot smoking takes place under standard conditions, which were described earlier. As additional tips, it might be recommended to hold the event in a well-ventilated area if you are not smoking outside. Sawdust from trees such as alder, apple, aspen, plum, cherry, birch, and walnut have proven themselves well. Sawdust must be without bark, as it contains tar.

The set of spices is never important. Each person chooses the seasonings that he likes. The main condition is that they are suitable for fish dishes. Basically, in the world it is customary to use rosemary, sage, and mint. By the way, wetting the sawdust prevents the finished fish from having a bitter taste.

Cold smoked salmon

What are the secrets of delicious cold smoked fish? First of all, during cold smoking, the processing of the fish product occurs at a temperature of 25 degrees. The quality of the finished product directly depends on knowledge of the stages of the process. The method is good if you want to extend the shelf life of fish and prepare it for future use.

Salmon is ideal for cold smoking. The balyk parts of this fish are often smoked. In no case should the smoking temperature exceed 30 degrees. Violation of these conditions will lead to an increase in the content of carcinogenic substances that are hazardous to health. This will also affect the taste of the salmon, as it will become dry and lose valuable fats.

Cold smoking of salmon involves 2 salting methods: dry and wet. For smoking, you can use a professional home smoker or a unit assembled by yourself. Pre-treatment of the product precedes any smoking. The fish is cleaned and salted. Gently clean the insides, including the caviar and milt. What does it look like? The knife blade is sharpened and an incision is made with its narrow side in the throat area between the pectoral fins. The length of the cut should be no more than 3 cm and end 1 cm before the gill line. The wide side of the blade is then used to pry up the insides and pull them out through the incision.

After this they move on to the gill entrails. They need to be removed not individually, but as a whole. They must retire with the shoulder girdle. This method bleeds the fish, which improves its presentation. At the end of smoking, there are no bloody streaks left on the carcass, which appear if the gills are not removed well enough. You can leave the large scales and remove the small ones. After smoking, the cleaned carcasses acquire a uniform golden color.

The smoking process itself goes like this.

First, you need to stock up on fuel so that it is enough for 8 hours of smoking. Without this, it will not be possible to maintain the smoke for enough time. During this period, a break in smoking is unacceptable. While working with a fire, you need to periodically monitor it so that it does not give off an intense flame. Otherwise, your fish will be smoked not cold, but hot. Medium-sized fish is smoked for 4 days. For small specimens whose weight does not exceed 500 g, 2 days is enough. Large individuals require up to 1 week. At the end of the process, the fish is not removed from the crossbars, but is left to hang and dry for a while. You can keep it for about 2 days. The fish will acquire an even color and rich taste.


  • load sawdust into the fuel compartment;
  • put the fish in the smoking cabinet;
  • connect the power;
  • set the temperature to 28 degrees if it is an automatic smokehouse.

Smoking in an automatic smokehouse lasts 24 hours. You don't have to be around all this time. Sawdust is loaded cyclically at set time intervals.

How to make a smokehouse yourself?

Smoking fish outdoors is very convenient. If you are near a river, look for a steep slope. Dig a hole here. In the upper part, arrange a tunnel for the chimney. Place a container without a bottom near the chimney. This must be done on the surface. Hang the fish inside the indicated container and begin preparing the fire. The smoke from it should pass to the pipe with the fish. To provide smoke, add wet alder branches. Smoking lasts from 7 to 15 hours, depending on the size of the fish.

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