Cakes and pastries made from corn sticks. Chuck-chuck from corn sticks and toffees Chuck-chuck from corn

Chak-chak is a sweet from the countries of the East, which is made from dough and soaked in honey. In this recipe we will use corn sticks and prepare a simplified version of chak-chak, which will not leave anyone with a sweet tooth indifferent. Instead of honey, we will prepare an impregnation from condensed milk and butter. Chak-chak is served in the form of a slide, and the dessert is ready to eat after hardening.

To prepare chak-chak from corn sticks, take the following ingredients.

For impregnation, we need high-quality butter, which we cut into small pieces and place in a saucepan. Add condensed milk.

Send to a small fire. Stir until the butter dissolves. Cool the prepared impregnation.

Add corn sticks to the soaked container and mix well. It is convenient to use a large deep bowl. Add the sticks to the bowl and pour in the cream. Gently mix all the sticks with condensed milk.

Take a suitable flat bowl. Place the soaked sticks in a pile. Sprinkle chopped walnuts on top. Place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

I even know that many people manage to prepare such pastries from puff pastry in the oven, or from choux pastry, and it turns out to be a dietary option. As always, there are a lot of cooking methods, today we’ll talk about the most common ones, those that absolutely everyone knows about.

These creations, by the way, will help you out on any occasion; I sometimes make them for the New Year, March 8th, or a birthday, and why not.

Well, I think everyone has guessed what I’m talking about?! And the Tatar dish is chak-chak. Who knows how Tatar chak-chak differs from Bashkir, have you ever thought about this? Write your comments and reviews below. And of course, another question arises: whose national dish is this? I think I’ve already answered this question, what do you think?

Interesting! In Tajikistan it sounds like kaleve, in Kazakhstan - sheek-shek

This is a traditional classic and the most proven, one of the best options that I have tried and made. I suggest using these step-by-step instructions with photos.

We will need:

Cooking method:

1. So, how to make chak-chak dough? Do not think that this activity is very difficult, in fact, if you cook at home, and even for your loved ones, then you will certainly succeed, the main thing is to follow the cooking steps given in this article. The very first step is to beat the eggs with a mixer, you should get foam.

2. How to make chak-chak crispy and very light? To do this, you first need to add an alcoholic drink “at a certain degree”, by which I mean any alcohol, usually I take cognac or vodka. You literally need 1-1.5 tbsp for 5 eggs, pour it in a thin stream into the beaten eggs.

3. Now take all the flour and be sure to sift it through a sieve.

Important! If you do not sift the flour through a sieve, it will not be saturated with oxygen, which will affect the taste characteristics of this oriental sweet.

Gradually stir in the beaten eggs.

4. If you see that the dough is liquid, then add more flour. It should have a uniform consistency, without any lumps or inclusions. Roll into a ball and let it rest for a couple of minutes (10-15 minutes). Next, make these funny sausages or flagella. Do this procedure manually.

Of course, it will be difficult to skate, but if you have the desire, the result will not keep you waiting, you will succeed. It is difficult to roll out because the dough in this version is without water.

5. Then cut each strip into small pieces, crumbs. How original does this look?! It’s like seeds, that’s the size they should be. When frying, they will almost triple in size.

6. Next, pour vegetable oil into a saucepan and heat well. How to check if the oil is ready for frying? You need to throw in any piece of dough and if you see that it sizzles, then you can throw in the whole portion.

7. As soon as you see that the lumps have begun to turn yellow, immediately remove them using a slotted spoon. Then add the next portion until everything is overcooked.

Important! First, you need to heat the saucepan with oil well, and then reduce the heat.

8. Well, they are beautiful, delicious, put them on paper towels to remove excess fat.

9. Now make the most delicious and sweet thing, this is a special filling sauce. Add sugar to the honey and put it on the stove, stir and cook until you see that the honey has become thick, that is, it resembles stretchy caramel.

Important! This should definitely be done over low heat.

10. The next, final step is dipping. Each small ball needs to be dipped in caramelized honey, and then formed into such a beautiful mound, reminiscent of “Anthill” only it is edible and tasty.

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