How to cook croutons with eggs from a loaf and black bread in the microwave, in a frying pan and in the oven? Sweet loaf croutons with egg and milk: recipe

How to cook sweet croutons, with savory filling, in a frying pan, in the oven and in the microwave? You will learn about this in this article.

Croutons are a dish that can be prepared in literally 5 minutes. They can be prepared either sweet or savory.

Croutons are a very simple dish, but they also have cooking secrets . Here they are:

  • Delicious croutons are made from stale bread.
  • White and black bread, loaf, and buns are suitable for making croutons.
  • Before frying croutons, a frying pan with vegetable oil must be well heated.
  • Pour a little oil into the pan, otherwise the croutons will absorb everything and be very greasy.
  • To improve the taste, you need to put a small piece of butter on each toasted hot crouton.

Toasts with egg and milk in a frying pan, recipe

Croutons cooked with eggs and milk in a frying pan
If there are a few slices of stale bread or loaf left from yesterday, then you can fry croutons in a frying pan.

Stale bread in the egg-milk mixture will become soggy, and you will get soft and tender toasted croutons for breakfast or afternoon snack. And if you also add stewed vegetables or sprats, the appetizer will be excellent.

Toasted toast with egg and milk, fried in a frying pan


  1. half of yesterday's wheat loaf into slices.
  2. Beat 1 egg 4-5 tbsp. spoons of milk , salt to taste.
  3. Dip slices of loaf into this mixture and place in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons) .
  4. Fry the croutons on one side and the other until golden brown.

Croutons in a frying pan

Delicious homemade croutons for tea

How to replace milk or kefir in leison for croutons

If you don’t have milk or kefir, you can take fermented baked milk, bifidok, natural yogurt, sour cream (thinner), snowball (then don’t add sugar, and it will be so sweet).

All thick fermented milk products can be slightly diluted with water, otherwise the sweet sauce will not be enough for all the bread - thick sauce will stick to the slices in greater quantities.

If you don’t have anything dairy or fermented milk at home, then you can simply add water to the lezon for croutons, but its taste, of course, will be poorer. Then at least fry it in butter or ghee (if you have such oil, don’t mind).

Sweet croutons are a delicious and easy homemade quick meal. Cook quickly. eat delicious!

Croutons with eggs in the microwave, recipe

Toasts cooked with eggs, milk and mushrooms in the microwave
Toasts with eggs and mushrooms cooked in the microwave


  1. 200 g of loaf into slices.
  2. Beat 1 egg 100 ml of milk and add salt.
  3. Dip the slices into the egg-milk mixture, take them out of it, and put them in the microwave to bake at full power for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Any mushrooms are suitable: fresh, dry or canned. We fry fresh ones immediately, dry ones - first soak them and then fry them, canned ones - wash them and fry them.
  5. Several pieces of fresh mushrooms (champignons, boletus, white), washed and cut, fry in 1 tbsp. spoon of butter , add finely chopped 1 small onion , and when it is slightly fried, sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of flour , season with 2 teaspoons of sour cream, and simmer everything for a few minutes.
  6. We put minced mushroom on the croutons, sprinkle with grated hard cheese (you will need about 100g ), and put it in the microwave at full power for 5-6 minutes.

We recommend: Croutons

Cut the loaf or roll into slices 1 cm thick, place one on a plate and sprinkle with cold milk (3 - 4 teaspoons of milk per slice). When the bread is soaked in milk, moisten it in a lightly beaten egg on a plate and bread it in grated breadcrumbs, fry the croutons in hot fat, browning them on both sides.

Serve croutons with boiled carrots, beans, kohlrabi, spinach, green beans in tomato sauce, a bouquet of vegetables, etc. For tea, you can serve croutons, sprinkled with powder, with vanilla, smeared with jam, or put on them fresh berries and fruits, previously sprinkled with powder - raspberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, slices of apricots, juicy pears or bananas.

Cooking time: about 25 minutes.

Croutons - recipe - 200 g loaf, - milk, - 1 large egg, - 5 tbsp. spoons of grated crackers, - 60 g of pork fat.

Sweet loaf croutons with egg, recipe

Sweet croutons cooked with eggs and milk
Sweet croutons from a loaf with egg and milk, fried in a frying pan


  1. 400 g of stale white loaf into slices.
  2. 1 egg with a spoon, add a little salt , pour in 1 glass of milk , add 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and stir until smooth.
  3. Place the loaf slices into the prepared mixture and dip on all sides.
  4. vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp) in a frying pan and fry the loaf slices on both sides until golden or dark – depending on your preference.
  5. Before serving, croutons can be sprinkled with powdered sugar , spread with jam, jam or sweet chocolate sauce - it will be absolutely delicious.

In the footsteps of French chefs

As already mentioned, sweet croutons are one of the popular dishes that the French serve for breakfast. The taste of this dish will be emphasized by the aroma of brewed coffee. Now we will tell you how to make sweet croutons from a loaf. To ensure that your household is pleasantly surprised and croutons become their favorite treat, add citrus zest and vanilla.


  • loaf or bread;
  • 0.2 l milk;
  • ½ tsp. vanilla;
  • citrus zest to taste;
  • 200 g granulated sugar or powdered sugar;
  • 0.5 l cream;
  • 2 pcs. chicken eggs.


  1. Let's not deviate from tradition and start by preparing the necessary ingredients. The loaf can be used fresh or slightly stale.

  2. Beat eggs into a deep bowl and add granulated sugar.
  3. Beat the egg-sugar mixture thoroughly. It should turn white.

  4. Grate the lemon zest and add it to the egg-sugar mixture.

  5. Now add milk and cream alternately.
  6. Once again, use a mixer or blender to thoroughly beat everything until smooth.

  7. Cut the loaf. If desired, each piece can be cut in half.

  8. Place pieces of loaf into the prepared creamy mixture.

  9. Soak the loaf for 2-3 minutes. If you use fresh bread, then soak it for no more than 1 minute, otherwise it will turn into mush.
  10. As soon as the bread softens, place it in a colander or sieve to drain excess liquid.

  11. Fry the croutons evenly on both sides in refined sunflower oil until golden brown.

Brown bread toasts with egg

Croutons made from black bread with egg
Tips on how to make delicious croutons :

  • Croutons turn out delicious if you beat sour cream, kefir or fermented baked milk with eggs.
  • To get a new taste of croutons every time, you can add various herbs to the milk-egg mixture: parsley, sage, basil, cilantro, marjoram, savory and other spices.
  • Croutons can be fried in different types of vegetable oil.
  • The croutons will be crispy if you fry them over fairly high heat.

Brown bread toasts with eggs, fried in a frying pan


  1. Cut 200 g of stale black bread
  2. Beat 1 egg with 1-2 teaspoons of water , add salt and spices to taste.
  3. Dip pieces of bread into egg mixture and fry over medium heat in a frying pan.
  4. We eat hot croutons immediately, and cold ones can be coated with mayonnaise, sour cream, or any vegetable salad, French fries, rice with spices can be placed on them.

How to deliciously fry sweet white bread with milk and sugar in a frying pan: recipe

There are many recipes for croutons in a frying pan. This option is considered Scandinavian. It was from those regions that the food came to us. You can prepare breakfast simply with milk or with the addition of an egg. This makes the dessert the most delicious and juicy.


  • 210 ml high fat milk
  • Half a stale loaf
  • A little sugar
  • Butter


  • Everything is quite simple. It is necessary to cut yesterday's bread into thin slices
  • The ideal thickness is 1.5 cm. This way, the slice can be well saturated with liquid
  • Next, pour the milk into a bowl and warm it up a little in the microwave.
  • Add granulated sugar and stir until sugar dissolves.
  • After this, melt the oil in a hot frying pan and wait until it sizzles.
  • After this, dip the pieces in milk and place the slices in oil
  • Keep on each side for 3-5 minutes

How to deliciously fry sweet white bread with milk and sugar in a frying pan: recipe

Toasts with egg and sausage

Toasts cooked with eggs and sausage
For breakfast, we always choose dishes that can be prepared quickly. It can be croutons, they are delicious and also nutritious.

Toast with eggs, sausage and cheese


  1. Prepare 2 slices of stale bread .
  2. Beat 1 egg , shake it with salt 2-3 slices of hard cheese grated , mix.
  3. Dip a slice of bread in a beaten egg and top it with cheese and sausage.
  4. Fry the bread along with the “fur coat” in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons) , first one side and then the other.

Toast with onion and egg

Croutons cooked with Lithuanian eggs
Lithuanian croutons with eggs and green onions


  1. Fry 6 slices of bread butter (20 g) , or lard on both sides.
  2. In the same frying pan, we continue to fry the croutons: place 1 raw egg on each slice, add salt and pepper , cover with a lid and fry until the white turns white.
  3. Sprinkle each crouton with finely chopped green onions and serve immediately.

Toasts with egg and milk in the oven

Croutons cooked with eggs and milk in the oven
These croutons cook very quickly. They can be fried in a frying pan, and if you are going to season the croutons with different fillings, then it is better to bake them in the oven.

Croutons are served hot or cold with tea, coffee, beer, and to prevent them from drying out, they are covered with a lid.

Toasts with eggs and milk, sprinkled with grated hard cheese, baked in the oven


  1. Prepare 6 slices of loaf .
  2. Beat 1 egg with 1/3 of a glass of milk, salt and pepper to taste , add 3 cloves of finely chopped garlic.
  3. Dip slices of loaf into this mixture, place them on a greased vegetable sheet (1-2 tablespoons) , sprinkle the slices with hard grated cheese (20-30 g) , and place in a hot oven over low heat, 10 minutes will be enough for our The croutons are ready.

Delicious bread dessert

The first meal should be complete, because it is from breakfast that we draw maximum energy and benefits. If you are already tired of regular croutons, try making simple, but at the same time aromatic and very tasty sandwiches. You can use any jam, jam or confiture as a filling. And curd or processed cheese will give the croutons a creamy taste and softness.


  • 10 pieces of stale loaf;
  • curd or processed cheese to taste;
  • jam, marmalade or confiture - to taste;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. refined sunflower oil;
  • 70 ml milk.


  1. Cut the stale loaf into even pieces.
  2. Lubricate them with cottage cheese or melted cheese.
  3. Place about 1 tsp on each piece. jam, marmalade, marmalade or marmalade. It is recommended to choose a thick filling so that it does not spread during the frying process.

  4. Assembling the sandwich: cover some pieces of the loaf, greased with jam, with others. It is also recommended to grease the top pieces with curd or processed cheese.

  5. Pour milk at room temperature into a separate bowl, add an egg and a little fine-grained table salt.
  6. Using a whisk, thoroughly beat this mixture until smooth.
  7. Dip each crouton in the prepared milk-egg mixture.
  8. In the meantime, we have already heated refined vegetable oil in a frying pan or saucepan.
  9. Place the croutons in a frying pan and fry on both sides.

  10. Let the fried sandwiches cool slightly, and then serve them with a cup of aromatic coffee, cocoa or strong tea.

Toasts with egg and sour cream

Croutons cooked with eggs and sour cream
These croutons can be served with first and second courses or made into sandwiches.

Toasts with eggs and sour cream


  1. 1 wheat loaf into slices.
  2. Break 3 eggs 3 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, salt, ground black pepper.
  3. Dip the loaf slices in the mixture and fry both sides in a frying pan with vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons) .

Toast with egg and garlic

Croutons prepared with egg filling
Croutons with eggs, garlic and cheese


  1. 1 wheat loaf into slices and fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons) , cool on one side.
  2. Rub the fried side with garlic (1-2 cloves) , grease with egg filling, and then sprinkle with grated hard cheese (20-30 g) .
  3. Egg filling . Grate 3 boiled eggs half a bunch of green onions , season with mayonnaise and sour cream (2 tablespoons each), salt, pepper and mix everything.

Toasts with eggs and cheese

Croutons cooked with eggs and cheese
Croutons can be prepared for a holiday or for every day.

Toasts with cheese and eggs in the oven


  1. For these croutons 1 stale loaf , cut it into slices, and dry it in the oven over medium heat for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Rub the dried 1 peeled garlic clove .
  3. Separately, in a bowl, grate 200 g of hard cheese, hard-boiled eggs (5 pcs.), grind with a fork, add to this mass a few tablespoons of mayonnaise, chopped garlic (several cloves), parsley and dill, salt and pepper.
  4. Spread this filling on toasted croutons, decorate with herbs, slices of tomatoes or cucumbers.

Croutons cooked in a frying pan, in the oven or in the microwave are a quick and tasty breakfast, and preparing it is not at all difficult.

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