Sea buckthorn syrup: how to prepare a healthy drink from sea buckthorn berries and leaves

AnyutaN — Mar 20th, 2021 Categories: Syrups

Tags: Sea buckthorn syrup

More than one article has already been written on the Internet about the fact that sea buckthorn is very useful. Indeed, this berry is simply unique. It has wound-healing and rejuvenating properties, and also contains substances that can actively resist colds and viruses. Today we will tell you how to make healthy syrup from sea buckthorn - an ally in the fight against any ailments.

Ingredients: water, sea buckthorn leaves, sea buckthorn, sugar Time to add: All year

Collection and processing of sea buckthorn berries

Collecting sea buckthorn yourself is not an easy task! Tree branches prick and tend to hurt your hands, but there are ways to quickly collect berries. An example of such a collection is presented in the video from the “Uncle Robot” channel

You can also pick berries manually, cutting them initially from a tree with branches. Then the branches are freed from the fruits using a sharp knife.

If you don’t have your own bush, then sea buckthorn can be purchased at the local market or in a store, frozen.

Fresh berries must be washed. This must be done as quickly as possible after collection, otherwise the sea buckthorn will quickly become limp and begin to produce juice.

After water procedures, the berries are transferred to a colander and allowed to dry slightly.

Not only the fruits, but also the green mass of sea buckthorn are used for culinary and medicinal purposes. The foliage is collected in early summer, before the plant begins to flower.

To prepare syrup, you can use both fresh and dried herbs. You can prepare dry leaves yourself or purchase them at a pharmacy.

For beauty

Not only in the medical field have the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn been appreciated, but also in cosmetology. Today, a lot of cosmetic products contain its extracts. There are no known contraindications to using the plant for beauty.

First of all, the berry is known as a means of combating baldness. Regular rinsing of washed hair with a decoction of leaves and branches, in combination with oil masks, is an excellent medicine for healthy hair. This therapy is very useful, as it allows you to quickly stop the escape of hair from the scalp, strengthens the hair follicles, accelerates the growth of curls, making them smooth, shiny and silky.

The beneficial properties of the plant are widely used to prevent skin aging and fight the first wrinkles. The oil has a tonic effect, evens out the complexion, and eliminates flaking in problem areas. At the same time, sea buckthorn in various forms is used both for dry, dull skin and for excessively oily skin.

Manicurists are well aware of the benefits of sea buckthorn. They often recommend sea buckthorn oil to soften the cuticle and strengthen the nails, for which it is necessary to regularly lubricate the nail plate and periungual cuticle, gently rubbing in with massage movements. By the way, you don’t have to stop at your nails – sea buckthorn oil will provide reliable protection for your hand skin from adverse weather conditions.

Scientists around the world continue to study the beneficial properties and contraindications of sea buckthorn. Even in distant Asian countries, tea made from leaves and berries, pureed with cane sugar, are recognized as means of preserving youth and longevity.

It is surprising that the contraindications in the use of this herbal medicine are rather advisory in nature, that is, they are not a strict restriction on use. In general, the contraindications are as follows:

  • should not be used by people suffering from acute diseases of the liver and pancreas;
  • syrup, tea with sugar and sea buckthorn jam in large quantities are not recommended for people with diabetes and metabolic disorders;
  • contraindications may also be associated with individual intolerance to individual components contained in the berries or leaves of the plant.

So, sea buckthorn is a universal cure for many ailments. The basic rule of treatment comes down to the following: if it hurts inside, then you need to use the beneficial properties of the fruits and their derivatives internally. If the problem is external, therapy is also external in nature.

How to make syrup from sea buckthorn fruits

From freshly picked berries

The washed and dried fruits are loaded in small portions into a food processor and punched for 30 seconds. It is important that the berries lose their original structure and turn into mush.

This mass is transferred to a sieve covered with gauze on top, and while the juice is draining, the next part of the berries is punched in a blender. This is done with all available sea buckthorn. During this procedure, berry skins with seeds are squeezed through a cloth.

A video from the Ksu Sun channel will tell you how to make sea buckthorn juice using a blender.

The amount of resulting juice is measured using a measuring cup or jar with an exact volume. This is done in order to determine the amount of granulated sugar for preparation. For every liter of juice, take 1.2 kilograms of sugar.

The concentrate is mixed with sugar and given time to dissolve on its own. To speed up this process, the mass is slightly heated over a fire, without bringing it to a boil. Heating of 60 - 70 degrees will be quite sufficient.

From frozen berries

Frozen sea buckthorn berries perfectly retain all their beneficial properties. They are not afraid of frost, so in order to postpone the time of preparing the syrup, for example, for the winter period, when there is much more free time, they are frozen.

To prepare the syrup, take 2 kilograms of frozen berries, 900 grams of granulated sugar and 1 glass of boiled water.

Before cooking, the berries are defrosted. This is done gradually: during the first 10 - 12 hours in the refrigerator, then at room temperature.

Thawed berries are passed through a juicer press. You can prepare the juice in the same way as described in the recipe above.

Sea buckthorn juice is mixed with water and sugar. The mixture is heated until the sugar grains dissolve. There is no need to boil the syrup.

Recipes for making sea buckthorn juice at home

There are many cooking methods. The berry can be combined with other fruits and adjusted to taste, based on the hostess’s own preferences.

A simple way for the winter

To prepare the easiest and most common recipe:

  1. Sort and rinse 1 kilogram of sea buckthorn.
  2. Mix 2 glasses of water with berries.
  3. Heat the fruit in a saucepan over low heat until the fruit softens.
  4. Strain the broth with berries using a sieve.
  5. Pour the mixture back into the bowl and add 200 grams of sugar.
  6. Boil.
  7. Pour into sterilized jars and close with screw caps.
  8. The workpiece is infused until completely cooled, then placed in a dark, cool place for storage.

Through a juicer with sugar

The volume of the product is selected depending on the desired consistency.

  1. Pass the prepared berries through a juicer.
  2. Mix 1 liter of water with 500 grams of sugar to make syrup.
  3. Pour the liquid into the syrup.
  4. Pour into jars.
  5. Pasteurize and seal with lids.

No boiling or cooking

Sea buckthorn berries can be prepared without heat treatment - the juice is perfectly preserved.

  1. Blend 1 kilogram of berries using a blender.
  2. Add 400 grams of sugar and 2 pinches of citric acid.
  3. Blend again with an immersion blender.
  4. Add more sugar if desired.
  5. Grind the mixture through a sieve.
  6. Pour the juice into sterilized bottles.
  7. Store in a cool place.


To prepare juice for the winter without sugar, you need:

  1. Squeeze 1 kilogram of sea buckthorn in any convenient way.
  2. Pour the cake with 400 milliliters of water. Press again.
  3. Mix.
  4. Boil.
  5. Filter.
  6. Pour into sterilized jars and pasteurize.
  7. Store in a dark place.

In a juicer

Housewives who have a juicer in the kitchen prefer to make preparations with its help.

  1. Place the washed berries in the upper part of the juicer.
  2. Add sugar to taste.
  3. Place on the stove for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Pour the finished drink into a sterilized container.

In a slow cooker

Another modern cooking assistant is a multicooker.

  1. Sort and rinse 1 kilogram of berries.
  2. Pour into the multicooker container.
  3. Pour in 300 milliliters of water.
  4. Turn on the “Frying” program for 10 minutes.
  5. Grind the softened berries.
  6. Place the drink with added sugar to taste back into the bowl.
  7. Turn on the “Stew for 10-15 minutes” program.
  8. Pour the juice into prepared jars.
  9. Store in a dark place.

Concentrated sea buckthorn juice

To prepare a drink with pulp you need:

  1. Wash and dry 1 kilogram of berries.
  2. Bring 4 cups of water to a boil.
  3. Place the fruits in boiling water for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Place in a colander to allow the liquid to drain into a bowl.
  5. Boil the water again, add 2-2.5 cups of granulated sugar.
  6. Grind the berries.
  7. Mix the ingredients.
  8. Pour into glass containers for storage.

With honey

Cooking method:

  1. Mix 3 cups of sea buckthorn juice with 2 tablespoons of honey.
  2. Prepare a decoction of 0.5 cups of mint leaves and 1 cup of water.
  3. Mix the ingredients.
  4. Keep refrigerated.

Helps relieve pain in kidney and urolithiasis, eliminates waste and toxins if you drink 1 glass of the drink every day.

With apple

Cooking method:

  1. Cut out the core from washed 2 kilograms of apples.
  2. Mix with 500 grams of sea buckthorn.
  3. Squeeze out the juice using a juicer.
  4. Mix with 1 liter of boiled water and 4 tablespoons of sugar.
  5. Store in a glass container in a cool, dark place.

With pumpkin


  1. Wash the pumpkin, scald with boiling water, peel, remove the seeds.
  2. Squeeze the pumpkin in any convenient way.
  3. Grind the sea buckthorn.
  4. Mix 2.5 liters of pumpkin juice with 0.5 liters of sea buckthorn juice.
  5. Bring to a boil, keep on low heat for 5 minutes.
  6. Pour and roll in jars.

In syrup

To prepare sea buckthorn syrup based:

  1. Grind the berries with a blender.
  2. Grind using a sieve.
  3. Leave on low heat.
  4. Add in proportion 1:1.
  5. Heat until granulated sugar is completely dissolved.
  6. Pour the syrup into sterilized jars and seal tightly.

From frozen sea buckthorn

  1. Defrost the berries.
  2. Grind.
  3. Pour water over the cake and place on the fire until it warms up.
  4. Strain the juice and broth, mix.
  5. Pour into glass container.

Sea buckthorn leaf syrup

From fresh

For 1 glass completely filled with fresh sea buckthorn leaves, take half a liter of water and 500 grams of sugar. The foliage is poured with boiling water and kept under the lid for 4 - 5 hours. After this, the mass is filtered. Sugar is added to the infusion. To thicken the mixture, boil it over medium heat for 10 minutes.

From dried raw materials

Dried leaves (4 tablespoons) are poured with a liter of boiling water. Place the bowl of food on the fire and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. In another option, the greens are poured with boiling water in a thermos. No additional cooking is needed here.

The herb is infused for 6 - 8 hours and then passed through a sieve. Add 600 grams of sugar to the resulting broth and bring it to a boil.

Recipes for making sea buckthorn juice at home

There are many options for making the drink at home. Everyone chooses the one that, under specific conditions, turns out to be easier or faster.

A simple way for the winter

A simple way to obtain sea buckthorn nectar is one that does not use special equipment. The berry is crushed with a wooden spatula in an enamel bowl. Then it is laid out in gauze and the nectar is squeezed out. It must be boiled for 10 minutes, without boiling, and packaged in jars without adding sugar.

Through a juicer with sugar

To make a sea buckthorn drink in a juicer with sugar, any number of berries are placed in a squeeze bowl and a concentrated composition is obtained. Separately, you need to make a syrup based on the use of a liter of water per 1 kilogram of sugar. Mix the hot liquid and the concentrated composition in the proportion of 1 liter of syrup per 2.5 kilograms of berry extract. After this, immediately pour into jars and close the lids.

No boiling or cooking

To prepare sea buckthorn juice without boiling or cooking, while retaining maximum vitamins and beneficial properties, you need to follow simple rules.

The berries are loaded into a blender bowl and thoroughly crushed. Sugar is added in a proportion of 400 grams per kilogram of the resulting mass and 2 pinches of citric acid. Stir and squeeze the nectar through a sieve. The drink is ready and can be poured into cans.


Squeeze the juice from the prepared berries by hand. Use only wooden or earthenware dishes. Pour the cake with warm water at the rate of 0.4 liters per 1 kilogram of whole berries, and after 30 minutes squeeze it out again. Mix the juice with the resulting water and heat without boiling. Pour the juice into jars and pasteurize them for 15-20 minutes.

In a juicer

A juicer is a special device that allows you to make a lot of tasty drinks without much difficulty. To obtain juice from sea buckthorn using a juicer, you will need to prepare 200 grams of sugar for 1 kilogram of berries. Load the components into the bowl of the device, pour the nectar directly from the device into jars and close.

In a slow cooker

Sea buckthorn nectar is cooked in a multicooker in the “Soup” mode. After 10 minutes of cooking, it can be rolled into jars. Sugar is added at will, at the rate of 100 grams per 1 liter of the finished drink, immediately before the start of cooking, into the bowl of the device.

Concentrated sea buckthorn juice

Many people believe that sea buckthorn juice without added sugar and water is healthier. To prepare it, you only need the berry itself. The liquid is squeezed out using a blender or manually. After this, it must be poured into hot sterile jars and closed. This product is usually called a concentrated sea buckthorn drink.

You can diversify the usual composition by adding various components to it. They will give sea buckthorn a soft taste and smooth out the sourness of the berry. The following can be used as an additional element:

  • carrot;
  • apples;
  • pumpkin;
  • mint leaves;

With honey

Sea buckthorn juice with honey is prepared by mixing sea buckthorn extract (3 cups), honey (2 tablespoons), decoction of mint leaves (0.5 cup), water (1 cup). The thoroughly mixed cocktail is stored in the refrigerator. If you bring it to a boil and cook for 8 minutes without letting it boil, then it will be perfectly stored in jars all winter.

With apple

Taking 1 apple per 100 grams of sea buckthorn berries, you can squeeze out the juice

from sea buckthorn with apple. Mix it with water in equal parts, add 10 grams of sugar. Boil the resulting mass and seal it in sterilized jars.

With pumpkin

You can cook sea buckthorn juice with pumpkin as follows. For 0.5 liters of berry extract you will need 2.5 liters of squeezed pumpkin nectar. To prepare it from vegetables, it is better to use a juicer. Mix the resulting masses, add sugar to taste. Cook for 5 minutes and immediately pour into jars.

In syrup

By preparing sea buckthorn syrup, you can get an excellent product for the winter. It has a set of all vitamins and minerals. It can be used simply by diluting it with water, like a fruit drink. Syrup is often an ingredient in sweet dishes, such as mince pies or scones.

For 0.5 kilograms of sea buckthorn extract you will need an equal amount of sugar. Heat the drink in a ladle, add sugar. Keep on fire until the sugar is completely dissolved, but do not boil the mixture. Pour into sterilized jars. Keep refrigerated.

From frozen sea buckthorn

It’s easy to prepare frozen berries during the season. To do this, the peeled berries are placed in the cold. It is best to do this in small portions to obtain an even and neat product. The main thing in making juice is to let the berries defrost. First - on the top shelf of the refrigerator, then - in the room. After this, the juice is prepared from it in any way.

How to preserve sea buckthorn syrup for the winter

Syrups from sea buckthorn fruits and greens, prepared using the methods described above, can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time. To extend the shelf life to six months, it is poured hot into sterilized jars or bottles. The containers are screwed on top with lids, which are also sterilized with boiling water or steam.

If the syrup from the fruit is planned to be used to make cocktails, then it is frozen. To do this, the mass is poured into containers for making ice and sent to the cold, deep into the freezer. After a day, the cubes are removed from the molds and transferred to plastic containers.


Vitaminized composition of the berry

1. Provitamins of group A, which are important for the normal course of endocrine processes and counteracting diseases of fungal and bacterial origin. Provitamin A also has a positive effect on vision.

2. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B9. Sea buckthorn contains them in sufficient quantities to maintain the health of all internal organs, strengthen the immune system and speed up metabolism.

3. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant; it is indispensable in the formation of bone tissue.

4. Vitamin K – takes care of normal kidney function and proper metabolism.

5. Vitamin P – reduces the fragility of capillary vessels, reduces blood clotting.

6. The berry contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and phosphorus. All these microelements have a beneficial effect on the overall health of a person.

Vitamin drink made from pulp

After preparing the juice, quite a lot of pulp remains. Add sugar to it (half the norm from the cake), boil it and close it in small jars. In winter, it is enough to pour boiling water over a few spoons of this preparation and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Those who like it can supplement this infusion with a sprig of mint and add a spoonful of honey. It turns out to be a very tasty, healthy and aromatic drink.

Undoubtedly, many housewives have their own proven recipes. In general, making juice is exciting, useful and opens up a huge field for imagination. For example, you can freeze sea buckthorn juice. This way you can store a drink prepared without boiling or sterilization. It can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time.

Or combine sea buckthorn with some fruits and berries. In this case, the proportion of juice, sugar or honey is selected individually, based on your own preferences. Such directly pressed juices retain everything; no chemicals or preservatives are used in their preparation; they are much healthier and tastier than store-bought ones.

Plant for diseases

Sea buckthorn oil is of particular importance in medicine, both folk and official. Its medicinal properties are the same as those in fruits and leaves, however, the content of medicinal substances is much higher. Thus, sea buckthorn oil is a kind of “benefit concentrate”.

Respiratory infections and influenza

Sea buckthorn berries are perfectly stored frozen, and leaves are stored dried. However, many people prefer sea buckthorn juice, tea, syrup or jam, which is nothing more than berries boiled with sugar, as a preventative and medicinal remedy.

If it was not possible to prevent the disease, the beneficial properties of the plant should be used for treatment: a decoction of leaves and fruits, due to its antiseptic properties, can be used for gargling. Tea, sea buckthorn syrup, inhalations with the addition of sea buckthorn oil, as well as raw fruits ground with sugar or honey are effective in treating coughs, especially dry ones. Sea buckthorn oil, due to its wound-healing power, is recommended to lubricate the tonsils and instill into the sinuses for sore throat, pharyngitis, ARVI, rhinitis, influenza and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Medicine in dermatology

Due to its disinfecting properties and ability to regenerate cells, the benefits of sea buckthorn have long been recognized as one of the leading medicines for burns, frostbite, and wounds, including purulent ones. The plant extract is included in many modern ointments for thermal burns, abrasions, calluses, cracks and wounds. Sea buckthorn - used for healing cuts, postoperative stitches, smoothing scars.

The berry is also quite effective in treating fungal skin infections, eczema, psoriasis, and in solving the problem of age spots. For dermatitis of various etiologies, baths with the addition of a decoction of leaves and branches are recommended. The tannins they contain have a beneficial effect on the skin.

For gastroenterological pathologies

The ability of sea buckthorn oil to quickly restore tissue has found application in the treatment of various ulcers and erosions, including erosive gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcers. For these purposes, the oil is taken on an empty stomach, one tablespoon at a time, and is also added to food. Sea buckthorn juice and tea are useful for people with low acidity. In addition, it stimulates intestinal function in cases of atonic constipation. However, people with normal or high acidity should be careful and drink sea buckthorn juice with sugar or honey, or even prepare syrup, so as not to cause heartburn.

Oil in gynecology

Sea buckthorn has also proven useful in gynecology. Due to its anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties, the leaves of the plant in the form of an infusion are used for douching for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, and the oil is used to treat cervical erosions, endocervitis, and parasitic infections. At the same time, sea buckthorn acts without disturbing the own microflora of the mucous membranes, thereby avoiding unpleasant side effects such as thrush. Sea buckthorn oil is also used by women when cracked nipples occur during breastfeeding.

Cancerous tumors

The presence of large amounts of vitamins A, C and E in the chemical composition of the plant made the berries of this plant a good preventative against cancer. These vitamins are recognized as one of the best antioxidants and cancer protectors. By protecting cells from free radicals, vitamins prevent the processes of tissue mutations and the formation of cancerous tumors. For these purposes, they use the same tea with or without sugar, syrup, juice.

The properties of the plant do not end there. Due to the high content of serotonin, magnesium and vitamin B6, berries have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Representatives of the older generation add leaves to tea to treat and prevent gout, rheumatism and atherosclerosis. Even in the treatment of ophthalmological pathologies - conjunctivitis, burns of the cornea of ​​the eye, it is extremely useful.


In addition to vitamin C, sea buckthorn is an excellent reservoir of vitamin A, and organic acids have a significant biostimulating effect, which supports the immune system. Thus, the use of berries is advisable for colds and various viral infections.

Some traditional healers even recommend taking this natural medicine for these diseases without any other “synthetic” drugs.

Tea for colds Collect the fruits (preferably at the first frost), dry and store in a glass jar. Use as needed. 2 tsp pour into 1 tbsp. boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Can be sweetened with honey.

Cooking process

Sea buckthorn is for the winter cold. This unusually sunny berry has magical healing powers. Our grandmothers prepared sea buckthorn in different ways. I suggest squeezing the juice from freshly picked berries and making sea buckthorn syrup from it. A teaspoon of homemade sea buckthorn syrup daily and you will not be afraid of colds and flu.

This year, a giant sea buckthorn appeared on my dacha plot. It is impossible to pass by the tree without trying its sweet and sour berries.

The process of collecting sea buckthorn does not give me much pleasure, but for the sake of my health I agree to anything. The branches of the sea buckthorn tree have thorns, and you need to be careful with them. Armed with pruning shears and gloves, I go for the harvest: I cut off the sea buckthorn along with small branches, and then use scissors to cut off the berries themselves.

To prepare sea buckthorn syrup for the winter, in addition to ripe sea buckthorn berries, you will need granulated sugar.

I wash the sea buckthorn with water in a colander. I let the water drain, and after that I start preparing our “medicine”.

I pass the berries through a juicer.

I put the cake into a sieve. There is quite a lot of sea buckthorn juice left in it. I don’t intend to lose it, so I separate the remaining juice this way.

You need to add granulated sugar to sea buckthorn juice in the following proportion: for 1 liter of juice - 800 grams of sugar.

Mix sea buckthorn juice and sugar thoroughly. Leave for several hours until completely dissolved. Remove the top foam.

Bring the syrup to a boil while stirring. Let's remove the second and third foam. Boil the syrup for 3 minutes.

We will get a sweet, transparent, aromatic “medicine” from sea buckthorn, and there should be no foam in it. If you find it difficult to collect the foam, use a sieve to strain the hot syrup before pouring into jars.

I store sea buckthorn syrup in tall narrow jars from Fruto-Nanny baby puree.

It is very comfortable. You can use any other small glass container. Jars and lids must first be sterilized.

Pour the hot syrup into the cooled container.

Close with lids, but without turning over. Wrap it in a blanket until it cools completely, and then transfer the sea buckthorn syrup to the refrigerator (or other cool place) for storage for the winter.

After a day or two, the transparent sea buckthorn syrup will change consistency. The top layer will become thicker than the middle and bottom. A storehouse of vitamins is contained in the top layer of syrup.

Sea buckthorn syrup is ready for the winter! Now you won't be afraid of colds.

Digestion and circulation

Sea buckthorn improves digestion and the harmonious functioning of the liver and stomach. At the same time, it stimulates blood circulation and promotes normal blood clotting. It has a beneficial effect on all mucous membranes in the body.

Restorative liqueur You need:

  • 1 tbsp. chopped sea buckthorn berries;
  • 1 tbsp. rose hips (without grains and hairs);
  • 1 tsp chopped rowan;
  • 1 tbsp. pitted plums;
  • 1/2 liter of pure alcohol (for example, vodka).

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Pour alcohol over the fruits and leave for 14 days in a warm place, shaking daily (to release the active ingredients). Then strain and drink 20 ml per day.

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