Blue whiting in the oven. Recipes with potatoes, vegetables, how to cook in foil, sleeve

Publication in the group: Fish and seafood dishes

Blue whiting is a budget fish of the cod family. Its main advantage is that the product today is not artificially diluted, so it reaches the shelves without antibiotics and toxins. Regular consumption of such fish prevents early aging, helps smooth out wrinkles, improves the functioning of the respiratory system, reduces the risk of heart disease, and saturates the body with amino acids. The best recipes for cooking blue whiting in the oven are collected below in the article.

The simplest recipe

The simplest version of the baked fish in question is its combination with onions and spices. The blue whiting takes about half an hour to prepare in pieces. As a result, it turns out juicy, nutritious, satisfying. All that remains is to choose a suitable side dish for the finished fish and serve it to the table as a full lunch or dinner.

What ingredients will you need?

For the dish you need to take:

  • whiting – 300-350 g;
  • white onion – 2 heads (medium size);
  • salt, spices, oil.

You can choose any spices to suit your taste. Just ground black pepper will be enough. Fish carcasses for this recipe should be purchased larger, then it will be more convenient to cook them.

Step-by-step cooking process

The cooking process includes several stages:

  1. First you need to wash the blue whiting, clean it of everything unnecessary - entrails, fins, and get rid of the head and tail. The remaining part is cut into medium-sized portions.

  2. Next, you need to place the fish in a heat-resistant, oiled form.
  3. The onion should be peeled, washed, and then cut into small half rings.
  4. At the next stage, the fish pieces are sprinkled with salt and pepper on top. All that remains is to cover them with prepared onions.

The treat will be baked at 185-190°. This process will take just under half an hour. If, after the specified period, the fish is not fully cooked inside, it can be increased by another 10-15 minutes. The blue whiting pieces should be juicy and tender. The main thing is not to dry them out.

What can I add?

In addition to onions, you can add other vegetables to this dish when baking. For example, grated carrots or sweet peppers cut into small pieces. If you add a large portion of vegetables to the fish at once, you can do without an additional side dish. All that remains is to serve with the treat some pieces of soft rye bread.

Rules for serving dishes, decoration

The dish is served hot and freshly prepared. Plates can be lined with lettuce leaves and herbs, and fish pieces can be placed on top. You can place a side dish nearby. For example, vegetables that were baked with blue whiting or boiled potatoes, white and brown rice.

With potato

Blue whiting in the oven, recipes for which are published later in the article, can be baked immediately with potatoes. This vegetable goes well with fish and becomes a hearty, nutritious side dish.

To make the dish even tastier, you should choose suitable sauces for it when serving.

What ingredients will you need?

For the dish you need to take:

  • potatoes - half a kilo;
  • classic mayonnaise or full-fat sour cream – 5-6 tbsp. l.;
  • white onion – 1 head;
  • fish – 350-400 g;
  • salt, pepper, oil, spices for fish.

Step-by-step cooking process

The cooking process includes several stages:

  1. At the very first stage you need to tackle the fish. The blue whiting is washed, slightly dried and cleaned. The product should be thoroughly removed from scales. It is convenient to do this with a thin, sharp knife.
  2. Be sure to remove all the insides from the carcasses and remove the black film. If you leave the latter for whiting, the treat may end up being very bitter.
  3. Next, the head, tail, and fins are cut off from the carcass. The prepared, washed fish must be placed in a regular bag of a suitable size.
  4. Salt, pepper, and seasoning are poured directly on top of the blue whiting. It is best to choose a spice mixture made specifically for fish dishes. After adding the dry ingredients, shake the whiting bag thoroughly and tie the ends.
  5. In this form, the fish will marinate at room temperature for about a quarter of an hour. In this case, salt and spices should be distributed over each carcass.
  6. The potatoes will need to be peeled, washed, and then chopped into medium-sized slices.

  7. The baking sheet should be covered with foil and small sides should be formed from it. Afterwards, coat the coating with oil and place potato pieces on it. The top of the vegetable is also peppered and salted to taste.
  8. You need to place lightly marinated fish from the bag on the potatoes.
  9. All that remains is to do the onions. The vegetable is peeled, washed and cut into thin half rings. Afterwards it is laid out on the fish. You need to distribute the onion in an even layer of medium thickness.
  10. For the sauce, you need to combine mayonnaise or sour cream with spices. You can also add ketchup or tomato paste to this ingredient. After thorough mixing, the mass should be distributed over the fish, onions, and potatoes. The amount of sauce can be increased. The more of it, the tastier and juicier the treat will be. It is convenient to distribute the sauce among the products with a spoon greased with vegetable oil.
  11. The treat will be baked at 220-230° in the oven. To prevent food from burning, you can cover it with foil and remove the coating about 10 minutes before the dish is fully cooked. The whole process will take about 35-40 minutes. The exact time will depend on the size of the pieces of all ingredients and the characteristics of the oven.

If you want to neutralize the smell of fish in your treat, you can sprinkle it with freshly squeezed lime/lemon juice before baking.

Rules for serving dishes, decoration

The dish is baked immediately with a side dish, so it can only be supplemented with homemade pickles. The treat is served hot. It must first be cut into portions. On each plate you need to put potatoes, onions, and fish. If any sauce released during baking remains in the pan, you can pour it on top of the dish.

To ensure that as much gravy remains in the dish as possible, cover the dish very tightly with foil.

In mayonnaise sauce

It is difficult to find a more tender and tasty fish dish.

In mayonnaise sauce

Required components:

  • vegetable oil;
  • premium flour - 100 g;
  • egg;
  • high-quality mayonnaise - 500 ml;
  • prepared fish - 1 kg;
  • pepper, salt - according to preference.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Remove the blue whiting from the freezer and leave until completely thawed. Using scissors, cut off the heads, tails and fins. Remove the intestines. Rinse the carcasses under the tap, and at the same time remove the black films, otherwise the fish will taste bitter. Dry on paper towels.
  2. Dilute mayonnaise with drinking water to a creamy consistency, add flour and egg. Pepper and salt the mixture, mix thoroughly until all lumps disappear.
  3. Dip each carcass in mayonnaise sauce and place in a pre-heated frying pan with oil.
  4. Fry the food in batter until a beautiful golden hue.

Serve the delicious fish with boiled rice and mashed potatoes.

With vegetables

Blue whiting in the oven, recipes for which come in various variations, can be baked not only with potatoes, but also with other vegetables. For example, with onions, carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers. Fresh garlic will make the dish more piquant.

Blue whiting in the oven. Recipe for cooking with vegetables.

You can also choose fresh chili peppers, cut into small cubes.

What ingredients will you need?

For the dish you need to take:

  • whiting – 2 carcasses;
  • carrots, onions, garlic cloves, tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon and a bunch of dill - ½ pcs each;
  • bell pepper lecho (in tomato juice) – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper, fish spices, oil.

From the specified amount of products you will get 2-3 servings of treats.

Step-by-step cooking process

The cooking process includes several stages:

  1. If the whiting is frozen, then first you should defrost it right on the table at room temperature. Next, the carcasses must be thoroughly rinsed with running cold water.
  2. Afterwards, you can cut off the heads of the fish, and also remove the entrails and black films. To make this easier, cut the whiting's belly with a sharp knife.
  3. Next, the carcasses should be washed again and cut into fillets. The result will be 4 strips. You need to make cuts on them and stuff them with garlic. The latter is first peeled and cut into medium slices.
  4. All that remains is to sprinkle the fish fillet with freshly squeezed citrus juice and leave it in this form to marinate for approximately 20-25 minutes.
  5. Each onion should be peeled, cut in half, and then cut into half rings.

  6. The vegetable pieces are poured first onto a baking sheet with oiled foil. At this stage, you can add miniature cubes of chopped garlic to the onions.
  7. At the next stage, the first vegetable layer is sprinkled with salt to taste, pepper and spices for fish.
  8. Next, the onion layer needs to be covered with prepared blue whiting fillets. The latter is also sprinkled with salt and spices. And also - chopped dill.
  9. All that remains is to place the rest of the vegetables on top - carrots, grated for Korean snacks, as well as tomatoes, cut into thin slices.
  10. The last thing to be distributed on the fish with vegetables is pepper lecho. If desired, you can add salt to the treat. If you don’t have lecho on hand, you can replace it with fresh bell pepper, cut into strips and mixed with 4-5 tbsp. l. tomato juice.
  11. At the next stage, all the products in the mold are sent to bake in the oven. The treat will take approximately 40-45 minutes to cook at medium temperature. First you need to cover the ingredients with a layer of foil so that they do not burn.

The coating is removed from the almost finished dish. For the last 5-6 minutes, turn on the grill mode in the oven.

Rules for serving dishes, decoration

The dish is served hot immediately after cooking. It needs to be cut into portions like a casserole and placed on plates. On top you should decorate the treat with any chopped herbs (for example, cilantro, parsley, dill), halves of fresh cherry tomatoes, olives or pitted olives.

Omelet with blue whiting and broccoli

If you prefer dishes that do not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and are balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, then an omelette with blue whiting would be an excellent solution. Increases the nutritional value of broccoli.

You can prepare an omelet in the oven or in a frying pan. The latter option is considered faster, but less useful.


· Blue whiting fillet – 200 grams; · Chicken egg – 5 pieces; · Broccoli-6 inflorescences; · Milk or cream – ½ cup; · Salt, pepper to taste; · Chopped greens as desired; · Vegetable or butter.

Omelette with broccoli and blue whiting: step-by-step recipe with photos

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the fillet into small pieces;
  2. Place broccoli in boiling water and cook for 5-7 minutes;
  3. Separate the whites from the yolks;
  4. Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt into a strong foam;
  5. Mix the yolks with milk until smooth, add salt and pepper;
  6. Mix the whites with the yolks, add the fish and chopped broccoli;
  7. Grease a baking dish with oil;
  8. Pour the base into the mold and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes;
  9. The omelet is served hot. The dish will be much more aromatic and tastier if you grate hard cheese on top.

Due to its high nutritional value and easy digestibility, blue whiting dishes should be included in every person’s diet. Recipes using fish are very simple and varied. If desired, fillet can be included in various salads, pates and snacks.

With onion

The most common addition to whiting when frying, stewing and baking is onion. For 1.5-2 kg of fish you can take about 2 medium onions. This vegetable adds juiciness to the treat. The calorie content of such a treat is approximately 86 kcal per 100 g.

And his BJU:

BJUValue in g (per 100 g)

What ingredients will you need?

For the dish you need to take:

  • blue whiting – 2 kg;
  • white onion – 2 heads;
  • carrots, tomatoes, sweet bell peppers - 1 pc.;
  • basil – 3 leaves;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • mayonnaise and olive oil - ½ tbsp each;
  • sour cream – 60-70 g;
  • feta cheese – 180-200 g;
  • salt and spices.

Step-by-step cooking process

The cooking process includes several stages:

  1. You need to start with vegetables. They are all washed and cleaned if necessary. The onion should be cut into thin half rings, the pepper into rings or cubes, and the tomato into small slices.

  2. You need to coat the frying pan with olive oil, then place all the prepared vegetables in pieces on it, add peeled and chopped fresh garlic (to taste). All products are fried together for approximately 12-14 minutes.
  3. Afterwards, the foil should be coated with oil and placed in a heat-resistant form. A layer of fried vegetables is created on top of it. Next, you can distribute the fish. To do this, the blue whiting is first washed, cleaned, filleted, rubbed with salt and spices.
  4. While the fish is marinating on top of the vegetables, you can work on the remaining ingredients. To prepare the sauce, you need to mix classic mayonnaise, full-fat or medium-fat sour cream and a few cloves of crushed fresh garlic. The amount of the latter is determined according to the taste of the cook himself.
  5. The resulting sauce must be poured over the blue whiting with vegetables. The mixture should cover the entire fish.
  6. All that remains is to cover everything with cheese on top. The cheese needs to be cut into small pieces. You can take not only feta cheese, but also other types of cheese. For example, the usual “Dutch” or “Russian”. Hard or semi-hard cheese is pre-processed with a medium or coarse grater.
  7. The container with all the products must be placed in the oven, preheated to 160-165°.

The treat will bake for about half an hour. If necessary, you can cover the dishes with food with a lid or foil.

Rules for serving dishes, decoration

The dish is served hot. First you need to cover it with chopped basil. To make the treat immediately come with a side dish, you can also add pieces of potatoes, zucchini, and eggplant to the fish. To taste the sauce formed in the dish, you can serve soft bread in addition to the fish.

With carrots

Blue whiting is a low-calorie, low-fat fish. Therefore, it is easy to prepare dishes from it that are suitable even for a diet menu. For such a diet, it is worth choosing recipes for cooking fish in the oven.

To ensure that the finished treat does not harm your figure, you should not add mayonnaise or potatoes to it. Fish, vegetables, spices will be enough.

What ingredients will you need?

For the dish you need to take:

  • blue whiting – 1.3-1.5 kg;
  • carrots and onions – 3 pcs.;
  • tomato paste – 1/3 cup;
  • salt, spices.

Step-by-step cooking process

The cooking process includes several stages:

  1. First, the fish needs to be washed, dried, and cut. The tail and head are cut off, the entrails and the black film are removed, which can later cause bitterness in the finished dish.
  2. The prepared blue whiting should be cut into pieces, sprinkled with a mixture of salt and spices, and sprinkled with oil. After about a quarter of an hour of marinating the fish at room temperature, you can transfer it to an oiled baking sheet.
  3. Onions and carrots should be peeled, washed, and chopped. Vegetables are cut randomly. For example, the onion will need to be cut into rings, and the carrots will need to be processed with a grater with medium or large divisions. For vegetables, you can also use a “Korean” grater.
  4. To prepare a low-calorie sauce, tomato paste should be diluted with boiled, cooled water. This mass is salted to taste.
  5. Chopped vegetables must be poured on top of the fish. And pour the resulting sauce on top.
  6. The container with all the ingredients is sent to the oven, preheated to 175-180°. The dish will bake for approximately 35-40 minutes.

If necessary, you can cover the top of the treat with foil or put the dish with all the contents in a baking bag, and only then in the oven.

Rules for serving dishes, decoration

A dish prepared according to this recipe can be served as a main course. The treat already contains vegetables, but it would be useful to supplement it with a fresh light salad, for example, cucumbers and cabbage, seasoned with kefir, garlic and spices.

In foil

Blue whiting in the oven (recipes for it are both dietary and rich in calories) are often baked directly in foil. This coating performs several tasks at once.

First of all, it protects products from burning, and, in addition, allows them to maintain their juiciness. As a result, vegetables and fish simmer in their own juice without additional sauces.

What ingredients will you need?

For the dish you need to take:

  • blue whiting – 900-950 g;
  • salt and spices.

Step-by-step cooking process

The cooking process includes several stages:

  1. The fish must be cut, removing all excess. Especially carefully - the insides and the black film in the abdomen.
  2. Next, you can rub the prepared blue whiting with a mixture of salt and spices. The latter can be chosen according to your taste. For example, a specially composed assortment of spices for fish dishes is suitable.
  3. The blue whiting should be left in salt and spices for about half an hour. It is best to put it in the refrigerator for this time.
  4. Afterwards, wrap the prepared fish in 1-2 layers of foil. This must be done tightly and in such a way that there is not a single hole left for liquid to leak out.
  5. The resulting structure is then laid out on a baking tray or in a mold and sent to the oven, preheated to 100-110°.

The treat will bake for about half an hour. You can then serve it hot right away.

Rules for serving dishes, decoration

The resulting dietary treat goes well with a variety of side dishes. For example, with a mixture of boiled white and brown rice or with assorted grilled vegetables. You can complement the finished fish with a variety of sauces. For example, even regular sweet/spicy ketchup, sour cream with garlic and mustard.

Blue whiting in the oven

Blue whiting is a small fish and quite cheap, which is why many housewives treat it with disdain, purchasing it only for feeding pets or for cutlets. However, this fish has quite tender and healthy white meat and does not contain small bones, so it can become the basis for many delicious dishes. There are many recipes according to which blue whiting can be baked in the oven. These dishes will not cost much, they will take a little time to prepare, but you will almost certainly like the result.

Up your sleeve

Blue whiting in the oven (recipes to choose from in different versions are published in the article) can be prepared in another way that perfectly preserves the juiciness of the fish - in the sleeve. For this version of the dish you only need the main ingredient, lemon juice, onions, tomatoes and spices.

What ingredients will you need?

For the dish you need to take:

  • blue whiting – half a kilo;

  • lemon juice (freshly squeezed) – 15-20 ml;
  • onion – 100-120 g;
  • tomatoes – 180-200 g;
  • spices for fish – ½ tsp;
  • herbs, oil, salt and pepper.

Step-by-step cooking process

The cooking process includes several stages:

  1. First you need to carefully cut the fish - remove its fins, head, tail, clean all the insides, remove the dark film. Be sure to rinse the product with cold running water.
  2. Next, you need to sprinkle the blue whiting with lemon juice, sprinkle with a mixture of fish spices, salt and pepper.
  3. In this form, the carcass/carcasses should spend approximately 10-12 minutes at room temperature. Then they can be moved into a sleeve (oiled from the inside) along with tomato slices and fresh onions (peeled and cut into rings).

The treat will be baked in the oven at medium temperature. The whole process will take about half an hour.

Rules for serving dishes, decoration

The finished dish is served hot. The fish is cut into pieces and placed on plates along with vegetables baked with it.

How to cook whiting deliciously in a frying pan?

The simplest, but not the healthiest way to cook fish is frying in a pan. To ensure that the meat retains its juiciness, we will fry the blue whiting in batter. This dish is unlikely to fall into the dietary category, but it will be tasty and aromatic. Together with fresh herbs, fish is suitable as a nutritious second or light dinner.

It is useful to eat blue whiting to prevent eye and respiratory diseases. It is rich in iodine, which supports the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, phosphorus and calcium, necessary for the skeletal system.


· Blue whiting – 4-5 pieces; · Liquid sour cream or cream – 1 cup; · Flour – 1 cup; · Salt, black pepper to taste; · Chicken egg – 2 pieces · Lemon juice – 3 tablespoons.

Blue whiting: recipe for cooking in a frying pan

Cooking method:

  1. We wash the fish well, remove the fins, head, tail, and blot with a paper towel;
  2. Mix sour cream with eggs, salt, black pepper and lemon juice;
  3. Roll the blue whiting in flour, then in batter and again in flour;
  4. Fry in a hot frying pan in a sufficient amount of vegetable oil until a golden crust forms. You cannot cover the frying pan with a lid, otherwise the blue whiting will fall apart;
  5. Place the fish on a paper towel to absorb excess fat;
  6. Serve the dish hot with fresh or stewed vegetables and herbs.

Blue whiting casserole

The fish under discussion can even be made the basis of a casserole. According to the classic recipe, it includes potatoes, but this vegetable can also be replaced with eggplant or zucchini.

A layer of chopped sweet peppers or tomatoes will fit perfectly into the treat.

What ingredients will you need?

For the dish you need to take:

  • whiting – 550-600 g;
  • potatoes – 270-300 g;
  • onion – 130-150 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • sour cream (medium fat content) – 1 tbsp.;
  • fresh garlic – 2 cloves;
  • grated Dutch cheese – 1 handful;
  • salt, pepper, spices.

Step-by-step cooking process

The cooking process includes several stages:

  1. The fish needs to be washed, cleaned, and bones removed.
  2. From now on, only fillets will be used. It is sprinkled with salt, pepper, spices, and left for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Potatoes need to be peeled and cut into cubes.

  4. Onion – chop into half rings. Peeled garlic - finely chop.
  5. A mold with high sides must be thoroughly coated with oil and covered one by one with the casserole ingredients: potatoes, fish, onions.
  6. For the sauce, mix sour cream, garlic, beaten raw egg. It is poured into all products in the form.

The treat will be baked at 190-200° for about half an hour. Already 5-7 minutes before the dish is ready, it is covered with cheese shavings.

Rules for serving dishes, decoration

Before serving, the casserole should be cut into small portions. It is delicious to try both hot and cold.

Cooking in batter

Despite the fact that there are many different recipes for preparing blue whiting, the most popular and favorite is battered fish. The delicious crispy crust gives it an unusual, interesting taste.

The ingredients are simple:

  • fish – 500 g;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • milk – 40 g;
  • flour – 60 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Profile the fish.
  2. Heat the frying pan.
  3. Dip each individual piece of fish fillet into batter on both sides.
  4. Fry the pieces on each side for 5 minutes.

Instead of flour, you can add breadcrumbs. In this case, you will get an excellent beer snack that will replace any snack in taste.

Useful tips and tricks

The following tips will help you cook blue whiting deliciously in the oven:

  • the head of such a fish does not represent any culinary value, so it can be immediately thrown away;
  • Be sure to clean out all the black film inside the carcass so that the treat does not end up tasting bitter;
  • To get rid of the obvious fishy smell of a baked dish, it is worth leaving it in the marinade for 15-30 minutes with the addition of lemon/lime juice.

Today you can find recipes for whiting baked in the oven in several dozen variants. For example, with onions, carrots, tomatoes, cheese.

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